The Massacre of the Ants

Elizabeth was currently looking at the ant hill through the bushes, She could see that there are a lot of ants patrolling the area. She looked around and thought that there must be a way to kill them all easily without moving that much.

'How do I do it?' Elizabeth thought about many plans that would force the ants to possibly stay in one location so that she could kill them all in one fell swoop. The first plan was about 100 but details were added.

'Efficient 45 plans are left, A close area so that they would not spread too apart 25 plans are left, A good plan that has the detail to destroy them all before daybreak 5 plans are left, And possibly make them run away from me so that I will have fun chasing them 1 plan is left.' Elizabeth thought of many plans but the 100 plan ended into 1 plan, This plan was in line with the thing that she wanted.

'Cut the trees around the hill, Force them to retreat, And then Slaughter all of them in their own tunnels. This is a good plan.' Elizabeth thought and the plan was now in motion, She stared at the anthill and her ability was slowly affecting the surrounding trees.

The Anthill was in a semi-circle and the area around the anthill didn't have any trees, Although there is a borderland of dense forest which was very perfect for Elizabeth's plan. The Ability of Plant manipulation slowly affected the trees around the hill, Although the skill was very weak it is still enough for taking down trees.

The trees around the area slowly move, The ants were still in a straight line delivering food for their queen. They didn't notice a change in their surroundings and a lot of soldier ants were all around the anthill until one tree fell.

The noise of the tree was very loud that it was noticed by all of the ants around the anthill, They turn their heads and saw many trees slowly falling down. It was very noisy and an alarm was triggered, The workers began getting inside the anthill in a fast speed while the Soldier ants were guarding them.

The Surrounding trees form a wall of wood that blocks any ants from going outside the area around their anthill, The wood was very thick that it needs probably an hour for getting one out. After the worker ant escape and was currently inside the anthill.

The Soldier ants that were outside the anthill were now entering it while destroying any holes that were around the anthill, After destroying the holes the Soldier ants entered the hill via the big hole in the center.

After entering the hill the soldier ants slowly blocked off the main entrance of the anthill, Their strategies were very good and efficient. Elizabeth was met with a quiet sound outside of the anthill, She was still waiting if there was something more about the ant's strategy but after a lot of waiting it seems that the planned ends here.

'I overestimated their intelligence but their current intelligence is not bad, They move like a group and was probably very efficient and better at teamwork than other animals or beast here.' Elizabeth thought while looking at the silent anthill, It was currently afternoon and Elizabeth was supposed to attack now.

'Their size is 1/4 a meter while the biggest is 1 meter which is the soldier ants, I am curious about the size of their queen.' Elizabeth thought while looking as she stares at the anthill, She was slowly heading towards it while activating the sense in her surroundings.

'The deepest part of the Anthill which is the Queen's chamber is 1 kilometer below which means that this will take a lot of time. I mean my goal is to kill all of them including the queen, Take their genes and biomass while I am at it.' Elizabeth thought.

'Okay, Let's get in there.' Elizabeth thought, Her slime body slowly rolls towards the anthill. She then began climbing the hill and after a while later she was finally at the top of the hill. While she was at the top of the hill she could see many things.

'The view here is very good.' Elizabeth thought as she stares at the distance, It was a good view. The dense trees and mountains in the background, while the sun was slowly setting, which added more to its touch.

'Let the game begin.' Elizabeth did an Imaginary grin while looking at the covered hole, She then activated her plant manipulating abilities. The plant manipulating ability was very useful since roots and branches are included which raises the usefulness of the Ability.

She uses the branch around the hole to force it open, The process was slow but the hole was going to open for sure. The hole slowly open and it was revealing a big tunnel going down deep into the earth.

'Wow, This is deep.' Elizabeth thought while staring down at the hole, She was supposed to jump in a 1 kilometer deep hole. This hole is literally very deep for her, How the hell did the ants make a hole this deep. They are literally paranoid about protecting their queen and ant kingdom.

'What could happen right?' Elizabeth thought, She just decided to forget about it and just jump. Elizabeth jump towards the deep hole like she was made for it, She didn't fear anything and the Blob Black slime jumped down the deep hole.


(Ants doesn't have a name so I will call this ant Anthony. -Author)

Anthony didn't know what was happening but it seems that they were under attack, According to the pheromones that were all around the tunnel it seems that the trees around the anthill seem to have fallen down for some reason.

The soldier ants thought that it must be an enemy which was why an Alarm was made, So because of the alarms, all my comrade ants are now inside the anthill. The soldier ants were guarding every entrance and exit of the tunnels.

'We ants are very intelligent and more intelligent than the current than the normal beast or monster in this world. It also has been a year since our queen was born and our current population is now 500,000.' This was the motto of each ant and all of them were very loyal to their queen that they would do anything to make the queen alive.

The Ants was connected to each other in many unnatural ways which is why they don't fight each other but only monster or ants outside their own colony. Different species of ant queen also factor in wars between ants which is like the current different cultures of humans.

Anyway, Anthony was currently walking with his comrade ant workers in the tunnel, They could feel something different about the Pheromones that were emitted by her comrades. It seems that the top is having many problems and it seems that the Enemy has entered the anthill.

She was following her comrades and met a soldier ant, Her comrade stopped while Anthony decided to ask the soldier ants that were guarding the tunnel about the situation.

'Eh, Are we okay?' Anthony asked, The Soldier ant noticing her stared at Anthony. The soldier finally notices that Anthony was asking a question about the situation so the soldier answered Anthony's question.

'Comrade, Well a lot of our soldiers are focus on going towards the upper rim of our kingdom so the situation would be taken care of.' The Soldier ant said towards Anthony, Anthony nodded and understood that the soldier ants were heading towards the upper rim to fight the invader.

'How many solder ants were sent to the upper rim.' Anthony decided to ask about the numbers of the soldier ants which was 5 to 10 percent of the total colony's population. She wanted to ask about the numbers so that she would know about the army that was sent there.

'Hmm.. Probably only 5000 of our soldier ants was sent to the outer rim to take care of the invader most of the soldiers are protecting every inch of the queen's chamber.' The Soldier ant answered, Hearing the information Anthony nodded and spoke to the soldier ant.

'Thank you for the info.' Anthony said towards the soldier ant while slowly leaving, The Soldier ant also spoke to Anthony with a friendly tone.

'It is okay to ask, Comrade. I hope we meet again.' The soldier ant said towards Anthony who was leaving the area, Anthony was looking around and slowly walked towards the direction of the chamber that was among the 5 biggest chambers in the Ant colony.

Anthony was looking around the chamber and found that her ant comrades were still doing their own things. She slowly walked towards her own area until something weird happened.

'What the?' Anthony looked around the area and found that she must be hearing wrong, She thought that there was a shacking coming from the top of the chamber. She thought that it was the enemy but it was impossible since there were 5 thousand ant soldiers in the upper rim.

'I must be getting paranoid, This is the first time I experience something like this which makes me paranoid when something not good happens.' Anthony thought as she did an imaginary sighed, She looked around the area and saw that her Comrade ants were still minding their own business.

'I'm just over paranoid over something trivial.' Anthony thought, The ants around her minding their own business further cemented that she was probably paranoid until she felt the shaking again. She looked at her comrade ants and thought to herself.

'Another one?' Anthony thought while looking at the roofs of the Chambers, It was very weird that she felt it for a second time. She was very sure that it was just not her paranoia reacting for no reason again.

'There must be something going on.' Anthony thought, She was really getting nervous as time goes on. Seconds later she then felt another shake which made her sure that there is something going on. She was panicking and decided to ask her comrade ant next to her.

'Comrade, do you feel the shaking?' Anthony asked her comrade ant, The Comrade ant that was next to her got what she said and answered her with a confused tone.

'Shaking?' The Comrade ant was very confused about what Anthony was asking her, Anthony hearing her felt that there must be something playing her or is it just her paranoia getting weirder as time goes on.

'It must be wrong, My Para-' Before Anthony could finish her sentence the roof of the chamber collapses, A lot of soldier ants were entering the chamber through the roof which is very weird. Anthony and Comrade ant was looking at the broken roof in shocked.

'Wha-' The Comrade ant didn't speak because she was killed by the soldier ant, Anthony seeing the slaughter in front of her was very shocked. Anthony looked around and knew that these ants were their soldier ants, what the hell is happening?

After looking at the soldier ants that was killing the ants in the chamber mercilessly, Anthony concluded that all of these soldier ants were already dead by a pierce in their heart. But why would the soldier ants move for no reason?

'Unless something is controlling them.' Anthony thought of the possibility, Although it was not possible to control dead bodies. This was the only possibility or explanation she had about the current situation. While thinking about the dead bodies of the soldier ants, A big dead soldier ants dropped down from the whole.

'Run!' Anthony thought, It must be the one that controlled the dead soldier ants into attacking her comrades. She was very shocked about this and all she could do was send the message that one of the big chambers in the Ant kingdom is now overrun.