The Massacre of the Ants, The Last Stand Finale

(First Person POV)

We were attacked by the ants from the roof, Our organization was quickly disordered and the Dead soldier ants manage to kill a lot of our comrades. They have a good strategy and also good teamwork that could rival even us ants.

I couldn't help but be curious about who was the one that controls the whole army, All of these ants are dead, and controlling them would be very hard. Each movement is calculated and would always bring a kill.

I am currently watching my fellow comrades getting slaughtered, I stared at the battle and saw how a mess it was. Thousands of ants fighting each other forming a hill of bodies, There was even a time when something weird would happen.

The numbers of the enemies seem endless, I am also shocked at how the dead bodies were easily controlled by the enemy which was why they could replenish their numbers. As I was staring at the battle or the Last stand, I saw a huge Soldier ant and found a blob on the top of its head.

'Is that the one that controls the whole army?' I asked myself while watching the Blob on the top of the Soldier's ant head. It was not moving that some might even mistake it as a Helmet or an armor of some kind but it was definitely a creature or a monster.

I stared at it for a second and decided to ask the queen that was next to me, It seems that she was commanding the whole army with the 5 queens with her. All of them were sharing signals via telepathy and guide the army where to attack.

'My queen!' I thought towards the Ant Queen, The Ant Queen who was commanding the armies slowly turns her giant head to look at me. After a while of staring the Ant queen finally spoke.

'What is it, My child?' The Ant Queen asked, It was very surprising for her to listen to the opinion or words of her children but she found this one child of hers as Intelligent and loyal to her which is why The Ant Queen always believed what this Child in front of her spoke about.

'The Attacking ants are dead ants.' I told the truth about the ants since it was no time to hide such crucial information, When the ant queen heard me. She then began staring at the battle and spoke to me afterward.

'That is right, They are dead ants and they are also my children.' The Ant Queen said with a sad tone, I couldn't help but be also sad since it was basically your children killing each other. Seeing such a scene must hurt very much, I then stared at her and spoke about the information I got.

'I manage to find the one who did this.' I thought with a serious tone, The Ant Queen who was staring at me raised an Eyebrow although she didn't have an Eyebrow it was just an expression. The Ant Queen then asked to me with a cold voice that even I was shocked.

'Who is it, my child?' The Queen asked with a cold and serious tone, I couldn't help but gulped when I heard it and slowly answered the Ant Queen's question.

'The Biggest soldier ant, You could see something that looks like a helmet but I am sure that this thing that looks like a helmet is our enemy.' I thought towards the Ant Queen, Hearing my thought. The Ant Queen then looked around to find the biggest Enemy Soldier Ant and after a while of looking around.

The Queen finally saw the biggest soldier ant, She also notices that thing that looks like a helmet. She stared at it intensely that after a while she could guess that her child was right.

'Thank you, my child.' The Ant Queen said with a gentle voice, It was her time to fight. She won't let her children's death be in vain, The Last Battle would start between the Enemy and The Queen.

The Ant soldiers and workers began fighting vigorously towards the Enemy ant, The siege will now be a battle between the two leaders of both size. The Ants in the colony and the Dead ants stopped fighting each other a began to open the way.

The Ants knew that their Queen was very important so they are preparing for an Evacuation in case the Ant Queen loses. They would force their Ant Queen to evacuate and use their bodies as the barrier so that the Enemies wouldn't be able to kill the Ant Queen.

I couldn't help but be shocked when I saw that the Ant Queen was getting ready for battle, I wanted to stop her but I just can't. I was standing beside her ready to help her in this last battle between the enemy.


Meanwhile, Elizabeth who was on top of the Soldier ant notice something different. She could see that the Enemy ants stop fighting her own ants which means there must be something going on.

She used her ability to make her slaves stop fighting and open up a way for her, While she was doing this the ants also open a way for their champion. When Elizabeth saw the Ant Queen she was surprised at the size and the aura the Queen was emitting.

'Hmm... They want me to duel with their Queen, Interesting.' Elizabeth thought while looking at the big Ant Queen that was heading towards her. She was surprised that the ants have managed to reach this intelligence but she would have to wait and see more.

'Why not agree, It has been a long time since I got into a duel.' Elizabeth did an Imaginary grin, She remembered the way she butchered her foes during the Duel. She wanted to feel that feeling again, The Feeling of beheading someone.

The Soldier ant that Elizabeth was riding on slowly bowed, Elizabeth rolled down to the ground. While she was staring at the Ant Queen that was very big in front of her. The whole ants were shocked when they saw the enemy that their Queen would fight.

They thought that it would be a massive beast but it seems that It was just a jelly blob black slime, Anthony heard the massive statements of every ant that thought their Queen would easily win this.

Even Anthony who was the one that expected the worst thought that it was easy to beat a little slime. They were underestimating Elizabeth for her small stature but this underestimation would lead to their own downfall.

'You are very interesting.' Elizabeth thought while staring at the Ant Queen. The two of them were starting up their own abilities in order to fight each other. The Ant Queen knew that this little slime in front of her couldn't be underestimated.

The Ant Queen was one of the smallest monsters in the primordial world, She survives in this world despite being an Ant and she also had her fair share of killing large monsters.

'It is an honor.' The Queen sent a message towards Elizabeth via telepathy, Elizabeth was surprised when she heard the Queen's message. It was a sign of intelligence.

This was the first time Elizabeth heard a monster talk other than herself, And she ironically met the monster as an Enemy. She stares at the Ant Queen and spoke to her with an Arrogant voice.

'A good place you have here.' Elizabeth said with an Arrogant voice, She was testing the grounds between the Savagery of a monster and the peaceful mind of an intelligent monster. She was curious about how the Ant Queen would react to her arrogant tone and words.

'That is right, This is a good place where I live with my children.' The Ant Queen said with a calm and gentle voice void with the savagery that Elizabeth expected, Elizabeth had many surprises today but this was one of it, She was shocked at how calm this Ant Queen.

'Wow!' This thought came at Elizabeth's mind at a fast speed, She couldn't help but remember something from this Ant Queen in front of her. Both of their abilities were preparing and a while late, It started.

'Are you ready!' Elizabeth thought towards the Ant Queen, Her Skills was in full motion. It was time for her to fight in melee. How will she do that? They are many things she could do other than catapulting her body towards her enemy.

'I am!' The Ant Queen's sharp weapons or body parts were now in full of action, It was silence and the two of them began their fight. The Ants from all the groups avoided the two and created a more wide circle for the two to fight.

Elizabeth began to roll towards the Ant Queen at a fast speed, At her body was something sharp that was made by her. It was the stretching of her body with the combination of the Hardened skill.

She began to attack the Ant Queen at full speed, And with her small stature, she manages to dodge every Attack the Queen would throw at her. The Ant Queen also dodges what Elizabeth threw at her with skills.

It was the first time the Ant Queen fought something small, She was very used at fighting bigger size enemy so she kinda finds it weird to fight something small.

As time passes by the two made hundreds of exchanges neither damaging each other. Elizabeth would quickly dodge anything the Ant Queen throws at her while the Ant Queen would dodge any of Elizabeth's attack with her long legs.

The sound of impacts could be heard in the fight between the two, The Air would make their attacks known while the ground would print every attack they made towards each other.

After a while later, Something was different between the two. The Ant Queen was slowly getting exhausted due to the high speed fights the both of them would make. Elizabeth still looked like she was still ready for a fight and she knew that the Ant Queen had more attributes than her.

'You are exhausted.' Elizabeth did an Imaginary smirked, The Ant Queen was at the opposite of her direction. The two of them had been fighting for a while and at high speed, This will take a lot of stamina to finish but that wasn't Elizabeth's problem.

Her Photosynthesis gave her the ability to take energy from the sun and store it with her. You could say that her Stamina was a small pool of water, If she moves without stopping the stamina or the pool of water would lose water.

If there isn't water left in this pool of water, That would be called Exhaustion but thankfully. Elizabeth had a tank of water that could fill the pool of water very easily, This tank of water was easily made if Sunlight was there.

The only light the Ant colony has was a crystal light, Although it was weird at first. Elizabeth just forgot about it and continued on her business, The Energy was stored in her body and will not be used unless there is an Emergency or it was deeply needed.

The Queen Ant began attacking at her but Elizabeth knew that there was no reason to fight with melee so all she could do was do this. The Queen Ant felt something stabbing at her heart, She stopped attacking and looks down. She notices a branch stabbing her heart without mercy, It manages to pierce through her defenses and she was very shocked.

The Ants all around the Queen's chamber was very shocked at what happens, Even Anthony felt her body shaking in fear when she notices that the Telepathic connection between the Queen and her was slowly disappearing.

Anthony also notice that the other 5 Queens began broken down into lifeless husk, She knew what this meant and this meant that the Queen ant was dying. She began rushing towards the Queen ant without any care about the enemies.

'My Queen, Please NO!!' Anthony said towards the Queen Ant, Despite the Queen Ant being pierced on the heart she was still very calmed and didn't speak of any pain she was experiencing.

'Anthony, I hope you would carry my Legacy.' The Queen ant said, She uses one of her legs to throw Anthony away. Elizabeth was just watching the two with interest and the Queen Ant sent her message to Anthony for the Last time.

'Anthony, Survive in this unforgiving world. Please Survive!' Anthony when hearing the words of the Ant Queen couldn't help but be sad, She then began running out of the Queen's chamber via her Own made tunnel which was supposed to be the escape route of the Queen.

'Devourer, I know what you are. I would let you eat me if you let that girl go, Or else I would destroy my own body into ashes.' The Queen Ant pled to Elizabeth who was staring at her with interested eyes.

'A good relationship you have there, I promised you that I would not touch the girl unless she tries to attack me.' Elizabeth said with a playful voice, She couldn't help but agree because she remembered a beautiful and sad memory when she saw what Anthony and the Queen ant did.

'You are honest.' The Queen ant said her last words as she dies, She will be eaten by a predator just like the laws of nature. There was nothing she could do but wish for the best for Anthony.

'Kill all of the ants here, Don't touch the ant that manages escape first.' Elizabeth ordered her minions and the massacre began.