First Evolution Part 2

(Before the Roar.)

In the night, The Momma was walking through the forest with her big body, She was now going back home and was now finished at her business in the Northern Regions. It took days but the Yetis and her manage to find a middle ground, So the Alliance would start next month which is good for her.

'Those bastards are really very conservative.' The Momma thought, The Yetis in the northern region as very conservative. She almost went home with no results but thankfully the Shaman of the Tribe let Momma enter the Northern regions. Of course, she was very big. So the yeti and her decided to put the meeting in a flat area.

'It is time for me to go home.' The Momma thought, She was walking calmly in the forest and was thinking about the meeting she and the Yeti Shaman talk about. It seems that the Shaman was willing to let her in for the negotiation, The Momma also wondered why but before that she wanted to go home first.

'A beautiful night.' The Momma stared at the moon, While staring at the moon she saw a lot of dark clouds slowly covering it. She was curious about what was happening and just took her time and walked in the direction of her nest. She wanted to meet her children and look at their cute faces.

'I wonder if they missed me.' The Momma thought to herself, She was just walking and a while later she was finally near the area where her nest was located but something was wrong. It was a weird feeling for her and she was having shivers on her spine, This made her a little bit worried.

'I wonder what is wrong?' The Momma asked herself, This was the first time she felt a lot of shivers, and the feeling of worrying was also hunting her. She was finding the problem that was hidden deep in her heart, She was still moving towards the direction of her nest until she felt the shivers again.

'What is happening?' The Momma was very confused, She was getting hit by a lot of shivers but still, she continued to walk towards the nest. But something hit her, This was the realization of something that she didn't want to happen. A dark future was in front of her.

'My Children!' The Momma was panicking and instead of walking calmly towards her nest, She began charging towards it without any remorse of the trees that trembled in her wake. She didn't care about anything and just destroyed many things in her path since she wanted to meet her children.

A while later, The Momma then arrives at the quiet nest where she put her children. She was looking around and notice that there wasn't a force intrusion, She also cannot smell any blood. The Momma sighed in relief after looking around but this was a wrong one for her, She forgot the one thing she was finding for.

'Where are my children?' The Momma thought to herself after looking around the area, She didn't find her children and there was no blood in the nest. But then she notices something different that was inside the nest, She stared at it and the thing she was staring at looked like a flower that was in crimson color.

'What is this?' The Momma stares at the Flower, It was a beautiful crimson flower and she felt very good when near it and it seems that there was something wrong with this flower. It was like something special that was always around her, She would always smell this scent but then the Momma realizes.

'Why does this flower smells like my children?' This thought passed through her mind at a great speed and the answer arrives at her. This was the answer of horror that the Momma was waiting for, Where are her children? Her children were just in front of her waiting for their Mother.

'My children!' The Momma thought as she slowly put her mouth near the flower, This was the truth of her future. The Crimson Beautiful Flower began turning into liquid and slowly turn into a pool of blood, This was the blood of her own children. Her Future was in the ground and already disappeared from this world.

'What did I do to deserve this.' The Momma thought to herself while being engulfed by sadness, She was surrounded by the pool of blood that came from her children. Death took them away from her and put her into this dark future, What did she do to deserve this?

This was a huge hit towards the Momma, The dreams she had was taken away from her. Her own children were killed because of her own fault, Her children were the one that paid for her own pathetic peaceful life.

A Deep, Agonizing, and Sad Roar came from her mouth, She didn't want to do this anymore. Why would all of them die, What she wanted was a peaceful life with her children. Is she just someone who is pathetic to think of a peaceful life, Is she an Idiot for thinking like that? Does she need to eat and eat until she will become powerful than any other being in this Primordial World?

No one knew that answer but each of them deserves their own answer...


Elizabeth when hearing the roar knew that the Momma Behemoth found out about the dead children, There was nothing she could do about it and she also knew that in the future she would need to fight the enemies she would make while getting stronger. This was her choice and she would do anything for her choice to be the correct one.

While she was in the borderlands of the desert, Elizabeth saw the moon showing its moonlight towards the primordial world. This was the only thought that passed through her mind, Because this was her choice. The Creatures that are suffering for it would pay the price of her goal.

'I am sorry...'