The World of Primus, Injury

'I'm losing a lot of blood.' Elizabeth thought, She was hit by a bullet for the first time. She just didn't feel any pain but she totally felt her whole body weakening. She needed something to stop the blood from flowing out of her body, She looked around her position to find the thing that she needed.

She was currently hiding for some cover and she was currently holding the knife that was taken from the Arrogant Slave Guard, The Slave Guard who just woke up didn't know about what was happening and saw someone fighting his partner. He fired his gun towards the enemy but it seems that his partner was the one that got killed.

It was clearly a misunderstanding, The Slave Guard thought that he was the one that killed his Partner but it was Elizabeth who killed his partner with a knife. The Slave Guard knew that the enemy was still alive and was currently hiding, He holds his gun or pistol tightly.

'I need to find a cloth.' Elizabeth thought to herself, She was looking around her position and found a cloth that was near her. She then uses it as a cover for her wounds, It was also best for her to not move so that the blood that was flowing out of her body would lessen.

After covering her stomach with a cloth that she found, Elizabeth quickly made a plan on how to kill the Slave Guard that had a gun. She knew that she would die if she gets hit by the gun, Elizabeth was very careful and wanted to be sure before attacking. She firmly holds her knife and was preparing to attack the Slave Guard.

"Where are you!!" The Slave Guard shouted, He was trying to find Elizabeth who was hiding. He wanted to kill the bastard, He didn't even know that it was Elizabeth who killed his partner since he was barely awake at that time. Elizabeth who heard the Slave Guard knew that she was slowly heading towards her position.


Another Gunshot was heard, It seems that the Slave Guard is trying to scare Elizabeth. But this won't work for her, While the Slave Guard was looking around the area. Elizabeth started her plan, She then picks up a pebble that was near her and throws it towards the opposite side of her direction.


It was a silent noise, But the Slave Guard clearly notice the sound and slowly head towards that area. The Slave Guard thought that he was going to find Elizabeth at the place where he heard the sound. Elizabeth then picks up another pebble, She won't throw it towards another position. She would throw it towards the Slave Guard. With this in mind, Elizabeth quickly throws the pebble towards the Guard.

When the Pebble hit the Slave Guard, The Slave Guard was surprised when he felt something hitting him from behind. He thought that it was the enemy trying to sneak attack him from behind so he quickly pointed his gun and turn around at a fast speed. He began shooting without mercy and many gunshots were heard after that.

BAng... BaNg!!!. Bang... BAng!...

Four gunshots were heard and the gun finally stops firing, Elizabeth who was closing her eyes and was hiding in deep cover slowly opens it. She smirks when her plan work, The weakness of each gun is when the gun needed to reload. She has enough time to kill the Enemy many times before he could reload his gun.

"Wha-" The Slave Guard was shocked when his pistol didn't fire, He knew that he didn't have any ammo. He needed to reload so he took out the clip that was in his belt, But before he could even take the clip off his belt. Elizabeth was charging at him at full speed and quickly arrive in front of him.

"You lose." Elizabeth said with a calm voice towards the Slave Guard, After her words was a knife that was heading towards the Slave Guard at a fast speed. It was going towards his left eye, Elizabeth was making sure that she would feel the brain matter of the one that manages to hit her with a gun.


The Knife violently penetrated the eye of the Slave Guard, Elizabeth's knife literally hit the eye and began digging through the Guard's head. It even made a squishy sound which was the sound that Elizabeth needed, After putting a knife in the Slave Guard left eye. She then slowly took it out and brain matter began going with it.

"Dirty." Elizabeth quickly moves the knife and the brain matter that was all around it was thrown all around the area except Elizabeth, After cleaning her knife she then began looking around for the Exit but before she escapes the warehouse she wanted to check something.

"My loot." Elizabeth muttered, She was in front of the Slave Guard's body, and Elizabeth crouches. She then began ravaging the Man's body, She wanted to find anything useful and she was also interested in the gun so why not take it as well. A Clip was also important and after Ravaging the man's body, All Elizabeth manage to found was 5 clips, A lot of Money, an ID, And The Pistol.

"It's time for me to leave." Elizabeth said to herself, She was done ravaging the body of the man. She found the perfect loot for her situation so it was time for her to escape. Elizabeth looked around and began running towards the Exit.

'Wow, She is strong.' The Skinny Old Man thought, He was still in the cage and he didn't want to escape. He knew that he would get captured and he was incredibly weak, The Slaves around him was shaking and some of them even peed. This was the first time seeing a gruesome death, They even felt sorry at the Slave Guard.

'Hope you'll have a good adventure, Little Miss.' The Skinny Old Man thought to himself, He knew that the Little Miss would have a one hell of an adventure. There is just one thing he could do and it was to be alive, He wanted to see the Little Miss doing some incredible things.


Elizabeth was currently running on some Alley, Her wound was slowly getting worse but she wanted to escape this place first. She knew that she was in a village since there was a lot of people walking around the place, She didn't want to be seen since her location might get pinpointed and she also didn't have any cover.

"This is hard." Elizabeth silently muttered, She was leaning on some wall and was panting. Her Stamina with her injury made her tired very fast, She was sweating everywhere and her eyes wanted to close themselves. She didn't want to stop so she continued on heading towards the direction she was going.

Elizabeth found a corner, She then heads towards the corner at a fast speed. When she turned around she saw a huge cloak person, She was surprised at this person and this person was really suspicious. Elizabeth continued running since she would just pass by but Elizabeth felt something dangerous.

"Bloodlust!" Elizabeth muttered and her instincts kick in, She quickly turns her body and kicks the Cloak man. And Something surprising happens, The Cloak man didn't dodge and took her kick. When the Kick connected to the Cloak man's body, Elizabeth felt that she kicked a concrete wall.

The Cloak Man didn't even flinch at her kick, This kick was more powerful due to her momentum but the Cloak Man took it. Like it was nothing, Elizabeth then went back to her position and Hook Punch the Cloak Man. When the Punch was about to connect, The Cloak Man manage to catch her hand.

Elizabeth felt a big hand holding her fist, She didn't have the strength to escape. She was losing stamina very fast and her wound had a lot of blood gushing out. Elizabeth's fist was freed and Elizabeth was about to fall down to the ground, Elizabeth then uses the momentum and kick the man while she was falling to the ground.

'I'm losing strength.' Elizabeth thought, The Cloak man still manage to defend her kick. Elizabeth then falls to the ground, her Blood was slowly spilling to the ground. The Cloak Man who saw it was surprised and he had a thought that passed through his mind.

"Little Girl, Be my Student." The Cloak Man slowly reveals his face, It was a face of a middle age man. The Cloak Man was too powerful for her, She can't do anything to him, and before Elizabeth could talk. She was now unconscious, The Cloak Man seeing this just sighed.

"I have found my second powerful and talented Student." The Cloak Man muttered, He then carried Elizabeth carefully. He stares at a normal wall but something weird was happening, A White Vortex was opening from the wall, and the Cloak Man seeing it entered the White Vortex.

The Two of them disappeared, And Elizabeth's adventure was now officially starting.