Hand to Hand Combat

In the Hand to Hand combat training room was a figure of a girl fighting the Wooden dummies that were not even made of wood. The Dummies seems to rotate on their own and can learn moves that are very predictable, Some attacks are like surprised attacks while some are downright too powerful due to momentum.

This girl was currently surrounded by 5 Wooden Dummies that are rotating in an unpredictable manner. She has been blocking the 5 Wooden Dummies for hours and sometimes she would get hit by their unpredictable manner which made it very hard.

The Girl was Elizabeth, She was practicing her Hand To Hand Combat. This was the training she wanted, A Training that was painful and would teach her what not to do instead of waiting for the painful attack to come with a situation that could lead to her death. This was what she wanted and this even made her anticipate her other weapon training.

Each Wooden dummies have 5 branches that would rotate on its own, Some of the branches are connected while some are on their own. All of them can move in their own direction which made the whole thing more hard, Elizabeth had to prepare many strikes while defending the current strikes from the Wooden Dummy.



The sound of Elizabeth's arms hitting with the wooden branches was heard, She is still trying to continue her training. A wooden branch came from her right side at a great speed, She then uses her right arm to defend her body. The Wooden Branch hits her arm but another one came for her leg.

This made Elizabeth stare down and another branch was now trying to hit her at the back. Her instincts kick in and Elizabeth then dodges sideways, The Branch just went through and continue the attack with another Wooden branch. Elizabeth seeing the branch quickly use her arms to block it until another branch appeared on her side.

The Wooden Dummies manage to trick her but this isn't enough, She uses her legs to block the incoming Branch but another branch was now heading towards her. It was currently heading towards her one leg, Seeing the branch that would possibly make her trip. Elizabeth did something unexpected, She hops her legs for once and manages to defeat the two incoming strikes towards her body.

She also avoided the strike towards her One leg by hopping, She manages to dodge most of the attacks that came from the Wooden Dummies. Then something happened, All of them rotated at the same time and were currently attack her in every direction. Some of them are advance than the others while some were also late which made the attack confusing.

'Tsk..' Elizabeth seeing many wooden branches heading towards her knew that she didn't have a choice but to take it all. She then began protecting her vital parts since this was the only one that would stop her from getting defeated. The Wooden branches then came from all directions and hits her body from left and right.

Pang! Pang! Pang! Pang! Pang! Pang! Pang! Pang! Pang! Pang!

Pang! Pang! Pang! Pang! Pang! Pang! Pang! Pang! Pang! Pang!

Pang! Pang! Pang! Pang! Pang!

"Urgh..." Elizabeth felt pain all over her body and this would really make her scream but she swallowed it back, After the Attack of the Wooden Branch. They would need a second to attack again and this would be the perfect time for her to counter-attack the Wooden Dummies.

Elizabeth began using her arms to counter the first Wooden Dummy while using her legs to counter some of the other branches that came from the second Wooden Dummy. This was her plan to make the current situation fall for her favor, Each of the Branches that came from the 5 dummies was getting countered left and right by Elizabeth.

She would effectively block them with her limbs while giving her a reaction time so that she could counter-attack the other Dummies. She didn't even bother dodging anymore, She has learned to use the force of the Dummies into her own power. This was something she realizes when she was almost overpowered by some Wooden Dummies.

As the fight between Elizabeth and the Wooden Dummies goes on, Elizabeth was slowly cultivating two things. Her own Footworks and her Reaction Time, This was the best thing that she could get from this battle. Her Response time was even below the millisecond and was still continuing to go down due to the pace of the battle getting more faster.

She was also developing her own Hand to Hand Combat, She wasn't even learning about a certain technique she was making her own by using pain to eliminate each weakness. Elizabeth's footwork was also extraordinary, She can move in any direction from Left or Right, Front or Back, And Up or down. Elizabeth looks like she was dancing very naturally and can counter any attack from any direction.

The fight between the Wooden Dummies and Elizabeth continues to boil, The Wooden Dummies were getting more information and was adapting to Elizabeth while Elizabeth was also evolving her own Fighting style. The Two has been in this kind of situation, Elizabeth uses many things while the Wooden Dummy adapts to it.

Elizabeth was blocking everything the Wooden Dummies would try, Even if the Wooden Dummies didn't attack her or surprised attack her. Her Limbs were already there to protect her, How the hell would this end? Elizabeth had many bruises on her arms but she just uses it like she didn't care about her bruise getting hit again.

She would surely be injured after this, Elizabeth was gathering the pain of her body while her Magic Core kept pumping a small amount of her mana towards her heart which then spreads all around her body. This was the only thing that was keeping her moving and was acting like her artificial adrenaline.

'I need to continue.' This thought kept continuing on Elizabeth's mind, She didn't want to give up and lose by some Wooden Dummies. Elizabeth and the Wooden Dummies continued to fight, The 5 Wooden Dummies were just tools so they won't care what their current enemy's status and would proceed to do what was ordered.


One of the Wooden Dummies manages to hit one of Elizabeth's most bruise part. Elizabeth felt the pain and focus on her current fight, She ignored the pain while her mana adrenaline kept pumping. She wanted to go above her limit and she didn't want to lose since why would she want to go beyond her limit if she was just going to lose.

Elizabeth still ignored the pain that was raging inside her body, Elizabeth kept blocking and counter-attacking the Wooden Dummies. The Wooden Dummies hit her the hardest they can and they even hit some of her Bruise spots. *Again, Again, Again, Again*

She blocks the wooden branch many times, Elizabeth was still fighting against the Wooden Dummy while her Chaos side inside the Magic Core was raging. The Pain was getting absorbed by the Chaos Inside her and was currently having a turbulence. It was like a brewing storm slowly getting bigger as time passes by.

Elizabeth's eyes were slowly changing to something that wanted to dominate, It was not just about the Training. Something was feeling alive inside her, She didn't know what this was but she also didn't have time to check the feeling since she was defending any attack the Wooden Dummies throws at her.

She uses her Reaction time and the natural dance of her Footwork to counter the current situation, She was also counter-attacking so that her reaction time would have a little bit of help. Her body was not hit by any wooden branch but her arms and legs were different, They look like something that got hit by something hard which is the wooden branch.

As time passes by, Elizabeth was still training herself. Hours have passed and she still didn't stop fighting the Wooden Dummies, Elizabeth's eyes were glowing a Golden Crimson Color. Her Slit pupil was slowly getting thinner, She was like turning into a monster as time passes by.

The Aura that came from her slime form was slowly going back from her, The Aura of Domination that she somehow lost is still there. It was slowly rising from Elizabeth's mind and was reclaiming its place, Elizabeth didn't even notice the feeling since she was focusing on the Wooden Dummies.

While she was focusing her fight between the Wooden Dummies and her, A lot of notifications was heard and seen. All of this wasn't notice by Elizabeth but something inside her mindscape was happening, Why won't she just stop fighting and take a break for a while?

[Code Red!]

[Code Red!]

[Code Red!]

The Notification kept repeating itself but it still wasn't noticed by Elizabeth, The Cold and Wicked Aura was spreading to the Room. The Chaos was escaping from its own Dimension, It felt that Elizabeth was unconsciously calling for it. But before the Chaos manages to escape from its Dimension something unexpected happened.

The Wooden Branches from all the Wooden Dummies that Elizabeth was fighting slowly bends itself, After it bends. The Wooden Branches broke itself apart, How the hell did something that was comparable to Solid Iron break itself apart.

*Breaking Noise*

Elizabeth who was fighting the Wooden Dummies was forced to stop, The Wooden Branches broke themselves apart so Elizabeth had nothing to fight. The Two forces stop fighting since one of them broke apart, Elizabeth who notices the broken branches falls towards the ground.

She was laying on the ground, Elizabeth felt nothing. Why is she feeling this, The fight was broken off since her enemy lost but why didn't she feel anything? Didn't she survive the training until it ended with the branch getting broken? Is she supposed to be happy after succeeding in this fight?

Elizabeth was full of bruises, A lot of them were worse while some of them were clearly bleeding. Elizabeth tried to move her body but she still cannot move, Her limbs gave up trying to move and just laid there. Elizabeth, who felt this was confused at what was happening.

'I can't feel anything.' Elizabeth thought to herself, She cannot feel the ground, She cannot move, She cannot even move a finger, and she cannot feel anything inside her. Elizabeth thought that she was close to finding something important to her. But in the end, she failed. Her body paid for her boldness and it was not a good thing for Elizabeth who was confident at self-control.

'Let me sleep.' Elizabeth thought, She was very tired. She wanted to stop thinking about this and just wanted to sleep. Elizabeth, who was on the ground slowly closes her eyes. She was calm although she was currently paralyzed, she didn't feel afraid about getting paralyze but she was disappointed that she failed on something she didn't know.

Elizabeth then closes her eyes, The Whole training room was in silence. Merlin already left the training room the moment she got in. Elizabeth was currently in the Training room alone, Her Magic Core was still pumping mana towards her heart which then affected the blood flow of her body. With this mana, Her body would get stronger and stronger.

While Elizabeth was sleeping on the floor, She was currently having a good sleep. A notification was heard again, This was different from the notification during the fight. It was as if something happened inside her which causes the notification. But what happened inside her? A question that will or will never be answered.

[The Locked Emotions are slowly Unlocking Themselves.]

[Some Unknown Force is helping the Emotion getting unlocked.]

[Contacting Mr. Devil for further orders....]

[Thi-s i$ M-r. D-evil, Eliz-abeth's 3-moti-ons we-re no-t de-stro-yed. I ju-sT l-ied an-d di-dn't kee-p m-y promis-e. (Her Emotions is currently Locked Up with my powers....) H-er Em-ot-ions ar-e us3ful fo-r t-he fu-ture, D-estr-oyin-g it t0 st-op he-r suf-fering is so-methi-ng that a we-ak one or a Pa-the-tic Girl w-oul-d s-ay]

[Deleting the Last 10 Notifications....]