Sword Fight

Elizabeth and Arthur were standing on the opposite side of each other, The Two of them were preparing their Stance while also maintaining distance towards each other. Arthur was the one that was carrying a Sword that was comparable to a Broadsword. The difference was the fact that he was holding this giant sword with only one hand. Elizabeth, on the other hand, was carrying a sword that was smaller than a normal sword. She didn't need any big sword to have a powerful attack.

The two of them were on a platform that looks like a ring from a martial arts, It was made in solid stone and was supposed to be where Masters and Students have a spar. It was now time for the spar between Elizabeth and Arthur but before they begin their sparring, A bet is needed since it would put a lot of things in the spar.

"Arthur, How about we make a bet." Elizabeth said towards Arthur who was in front of her, There was a need to bet during a spar so that the consequences would be realized. This would mean that each of the spar contestants would take the whole thing seriously and fight with all their strength.

"That is a good idea, How about the one that wins can order the loser for once." Arthur said with a grin, As much as he was a librarian type of guy. His name was obvious that he really loves sword fighting, Merlin just forced him to study which made him interested in the Magic Krieger Books and many more weird things.

"A good bet, I hope you won't hold back Arthur." Elizabeth said while smirking towards Arthur, She didn't want Arthur to hold back. This would be the first time she would fight Arthur so she wanted to make it more interesting than normal. She wanted the fight to be something memorable or something that isn't easy to win.

"Right back at you." Arthur said with a playful smile towards Elizabeth, He then proceeds to spin his Giant sword as if the weight was nothing to him. Just as expected, He is a prodigy of this Giant Empire. It is impossible for him to be someone normal or weak, The real Arthur is slowly revealing himself.

The Two of them were silent for a while, The Winds passed through the Platform. The silence was the only thing on this platform, The both of them went quiet and was just waiting for the other one to attack. Maintaining each of their distance and preparing their footwork so that they won't lose to their own enemy.

*Sword Fight Start*

The Fight between the two began, Elizabeth then charges towards Arthur at a fast speed. She then thrust her sword towards Arthur, Her sword contains her own strength and Arthur quickly uses his footwork to effectively parry it. Elizabeth's Sword didn't hit Arthur and Arthur pounded towards Elizabeth at a fast speed.

Elizabeth's attack failed and Arthur was about to attack her, She uses her own footwork that could change between locations. Arthur broadsword passes through her side while she slashes her sword towards Arthur, Arthur didn't expect Elizabeth to not dodge and charge towards him instead.

He then uses his body to go forwards towards Elizabeth, Elizabeth quickly avoids Arthur's body since she knew that she would be at a disadvantage. Elizabeth's charge failed and it was now time for Arthur to counter attack, Arthur then thrust his broadsword towards Elizabeth which is something unexpected since it was a big sword.

The two of their swords didn't even hit anything and the two of them didn't even bother to parry each other, They just dodge and dodge until they could see the weak spots of each other. Elizabeth then slashes her sword towards Arthur, She wasn't even trying to hold back. Arthur seeing the incoming sword had no choice but to parry it.


Arthur parried Elizabeth's slash but Elizabeth didn't stop there, She then redirected her sword when Arthur parried it. Arthur seeing this didn't try to parry the incoming sword and just uses his broadsword thrusting it towards Elizabeth which force her to stop the attack she made towards Arthur.

Arthur then uses his Broadsword and Slash Elizabeth at a great speed. Elizabeth didn't expect this due to the fact that it leaves Arthur to have a lot of opening but the incoming slash was too fast that she had no choice but to parry it using her own small sword. She uses a technique that would use her sword as something that would change the trajectory of the slash.

Pang!! BOom!!!!

The sound of the parry was heard and the ground that was hit by the Broadsword produce a loud noise that sounds like an explosion. The Power of the Broadsword was very powerful, This made Elizabeth lucky that she used the technique instead of parrying it head-on. Elizabeth then uses her footwork to put some distance between her and Arthur.

Arthur was shocked at what Elizabeth did but he didn't let this get to him, He then picks up the sword and began charging at Elizabeth. Elizabeth who thought that she maintained the distance between her and Arthur was surprised. She had no choice but to attack and charge towards Arthur.

Elizabeth and Arthur began their pounding towards each other for the second time during the battle, They didn't speak towards each other and didn't think about the attacks they tried. They just attack, parry, or dodge, Elizabeth who was in front of Arthur began using her footwork and change her location at a great speed.

Arthur was surprised when he saw what Elizabeth did, She was like a snake that slithered around his body. Elizabeth who was behind Arthur knew that this was the best time to attack but before she could strike Arthur down. Arthur didn't turn around and pounce towards her with his own back, Elizabeth not expecting Arthur's counter-attack hops out of her position and the two were on the opposite side of each other again.

The two of them were back at their position but the only thing that was different is that the starting location of the two change. Elizabeth was in Arthur's starting position while Arthur was in Elizabeth's starting position. Arthur who was on the opposite side stares at Elizabeth and spoke with a smile.

"Elizabeth, You are good at sword-fighting." Arthur spoke towards Elizabeth, He was honest about this fact. Elizabeth was good at sword-fighting, With enough training. Elizabeth could possibly be a better Swordman or Swordswoman than him. Elizabeth who was in front of him just smirked and spoke towards him with a calm voice.

"Arthur, You are also good at fighting." Elizabeth was surprised at Arthur's skills at fighting, He knew how to adapt to situations and would counter attack in unexpected ways. She was older than Arthur if she includes the years as a hero but a prodigy in this Empire is very powerful. But considering the fact that the Empire has a territory that could fit hundreds of her old world, It was expected for them to be powerful.

"Let's continue." Arthur said with a serious voice, He wanted the fight to continue and stop wasting time talking to each other. This was the second fight he became serious, the first fight was between him and Merlin which obviously ended in his loss. Elizabeth who heard him prepared her Stance.

"Understood." Elizabeth said with a calm voice, She was now getting serious. The two of them would get serious in this sword fight, The next second exchange would be the last exchange in this fight. While Elizabeth was preparing her stance a notification was heard, This made Elizabeth smile and stare at it for a second.

[An'cient Sword Art is 75% complete...]

The Two were in silence for the second time and began charging towards each other, Arthur was now the first one to attack in this second Attack. Elizabeth uses the technique again and changed the trajectory of the broadsword, After parrying Arthur's attack. Elizabeth then counter-attacks by slashing sideways.

The Small Sword was heading for Arthur's head but he didn't panic, He then uses his footwork to use his momentum to lift the Broadsword at a fast speed. He then proceeds to slash his broadsword not towards Elizabeth but her sword instead, Elizabeth seeing this knew that it was very dangerous to continue so she then changes the trajectory towards Arthur's broadsword.


After the two swords struck each other, Elizabeth quickly slithered her way through Arthur. Elizabeth who was in front of Arthur then uses her sword and thrust it towards Arthur, Elizabeth was leading the fight with her slithering moves but something unexpected happen.

Arthur's broadsword didn't stop and Arthur put more power into it, The Broadsword and the Ground touch each other and a loud sound was heard. This was louder than the first one and it made the platform shake itself.


A smoke and a cloud of dust engulf the whole Platform, Elizabeth knew that she would lose when the cloud of dust touches her so she charges towards Arthur while there was still time for her. Elizabeth ran towards Arthur at a fast speed and was about to thrust her sword towards him.

The two of them were engulfed by the Cloud of dust, The Whole platform itself was not seen due to the dust. Elizabeth and Arthur were not seen and the result of the fight was unknown, Known would know anything and some would even say that Elizabeth won the fight but expectations are different from reality.

The Cloud of Dust in the Platform slowly disappeared, The whole platform was now slowly seen and it had cracks all over it. The Whole fight was over and the winner was now slowly showing. In the Platform that was slowly getting revealed were two figures, One was standing while one was on the ground.

"I lost the fight." Elizabeth sighed, She was the figure on the ground. She was surprised-attack by Arthur and the whole thing was just a faint. She lost the moment she charges towards him and while Elizabeth was thinking about her loss, Arthur was pointing his sword towards her neck which signifies his win.

"I win." Arthur said with a smile, this was one of the most satisfying wins that he ever had. Some of his fights weren't challenging but the sword fight made him excited. His fighting spirit was reignited and while staring at Elizabeth, He then brought his hand towards her. Elizabeth seeing it holds his hand and Arthur then pulled Elizabeth from the ground.

"That was a satisfying fight." Elizabeth said with a gentle smile, This was one of the first fights where she didn't get injured. In the Primordial World where she massacred a lot of races for her own gain, This was the first time where she fought and had fun in it. Arthur was shocked when he saw the first smile of Elizabeth.

"It was a satisfying fight." Arthur muttered. The Whole platform had cracks in it and Arthur who saw it knew that Merlin would ask a lot of things about it. While Arthur was thinking about Merlin and the result of this fight, Elizabeth who was looking around the area heard a notification.

[An'cient Sword Art is now complete, User has gained another Ability. Sword Fighting ability has been perfected and the whole Sword Art is now free of any defect in it. Please continue your journey, Dear User.] Elizabeth just thought that this might be the best fight she had when she saw the new ability.

Arthur, who was thinking about Elizabeth, The Swordfight, And Merlin. Finally remembered something important, This was so important that even Merlin herself would forgive him for the fact that he destroyed the Platform. This something has a connection towards his Junior Elizabeth.

"Elizabeth, Don't forget to pay your bet." Elizabeth felt a chill from her spine, She felt a hand from her shoulder. She turns around and saw Arthur grinning, She then remembers about the bet she made with him.
