Elite Camp, Introduction

"Hmmm..." A man that had golden hair and golden eyes was seen walking around the area, Around him was the 50 students that were brought to the elite camp by their masters. All of them were standing nervously and were in neat order. It was Gilgamesh who was walking all around the 50 students.

They were currently in the Southern Regions, The area that was under Gilgamesh's supervision. He wanted to be the one that trains them and all of the Legendary Kriegers agreed on his proposition. All of them knew that the best trainer in the Empire was Gilgamesh, He was known to have the Imperial Guard under him.

He was currently walking around the 50 students calmly while staring at them right in the eyes. On the inside, Most of the students fear him but due to the fact that they needed to enter the Elite camp. They just took it and put their fear at the bottom of their hearts, Lock it up, and burn it with fire.

All of the known students were seen, Even the prodigies were seen which shock most of the students. Arthur, Jones, Bond, Morgana, And Jeanne, The Five Prodigies of the Empire was seen. This made the Students with them very shocked and knew that this is an important event.

Arthur, Jones, Bond had a serious face while Jeanne and Morgana had that calm face. A lot of students knew all of the 5 Prodigies but there was one student that made them surprised. They were more shocked about this student than the 5 prodigies, This student was the mysterious student.

Elizabeth An'cient, A White silver short hair girl with Golden Eyes. She was very beautiful and her presence was emitting the same dominance as Gilgamesh. Although she was emitting this kind of presence she just had a calm face which means that this was her ordinary and normal aura. She was also wearing eyeglasses that literally upgraded her beauty to another level.

'It seems that they are better than I expected.' Gilgamesh thought to himself, It was expected for the 50 students to be calm. They were taught in their childhood, they had the same discipline as a veteran soldier. It was a disappointment that Gilgamesh had no reason to shout at their face.

While Gilgamesh was thinking of a way to shout at them. Arthur who was line up with the other Prodigies kept getting distracted by Elizabeth. It has been a year since the two of them saw each other, It was awkward since Arthur was now embarrassed at forcing Elizabeth to do things like being a maid or calling him senior.

Although the students were lined up, All of their eyes were fixated on the 6 students. They just cannot turn and look at others especially when they were seeing the 5 prodigies and 1 mysterious genius. Of course, This was noticed by Gilgamesh and this made him grin.

"Who are you?" The Unlucky guy who was chosen by Gilgamesh flinched, He knew that the Southern king had his eyes fixated on him. He then slowly turns his head and stared at Gilgamesh and salute, He then spoke all of his information towards Gilgamesh.

"Krej Norom from the Southern Regions, Starter Magic Krieger." Krej said with a salute towards Gilgamesh, He was very nervous when he saw the Southern king looking at him. The other students were also interested in what would happen so they slightly turn their heads and look at the show.

"Krej Norom, That is your name? Who the hell did name you, Jerk Moron?" Gilgamesh said towards Krej, Hearing him most of the students were surprised and couldn't help but have a chuckle but most of them manage to stop the chuckle from going out of their mouth.

"This is the Elite Camp, If you cannot show discipline you can leave.. Understood!" Gilgamesh shouted towards Krej, This must be the most traumatizing time for Krej. Krej who heard it just saluted and shouted with heart.

"Understood!" Krej said while saluting, Hearing him. Gilgamesh just nodded and left, He was still finding some boy who doesn't know what discipline is. A while later, Gilgamesh's wait was finally given its meaning. A Chuckle was heard from the back of the group, It seems that this guy cannot take it anymore.

"It seems that someone is trying to enter the Elite Camp without Discipline." Gilgamesh said with a serious voice, The Students around him knew that shit is about to go down. They then began looking at where the chuckle came from and saw a quite arrogant looking guy.

Gilgamesh then heads towards the Arrogant looking and stands in front of him, The Arrogant looking guy knew he was the next one. He wanted to slap his mouth for not stopping the chuckle from escaping his mouth. Gilgamesh, who was standing in front of him asked with a serious voice.

"Who the Fuck are you?" Gilgamesh said towards the Arrogant Looking guy and release a little bit of his menacing aura. This Aura spreads around the area and all of the students felt it, They couldn't help but sweat. Even the 5 prodigies felt pressure in their hearts, The Arrogant looking guy then speaks with bravery.

"Arse Douche from the Western Regions, Apprentice Magic Krieger." Arse said worriedly, He was nervous at the fact that Gilgamesh was standing in front of him while releasing an unknown aura that clearly was felt by his classmates all around him. Gilgamesh hearing him spoke with a scary smirk.

"Call yourself Dumbass starting from today...' Gilgamesh said with a serious smirk, Arse hearing him knew that he had to call himself Dumbass so that he can enter the Elite Camp so he had no choice but to call himself a dumbass. He then saluted and spoke his name.

"Understood, My name is Dumbass!" Arse said with a worried tone, Gilgamesh hearing him couldn't help but nod. It seems that the students here really experience discipline, It was now time for the whole thing to start so he then heads towards a stage that was in front of the students.

Gilgamesh was heading towards the stage until he notices someone that he always wanted to meet. This was a white-silver hair girl, It was Elizabeth herself. Gilgamesh who was about to pass Elizabeth stop on his tracks and turn his head towards Elizabeth who was standing calmly,

All of the students were nervous and somehow interested in the current situation. They saw the Southern King standing in front of the Mysterious student. Anyone who knows the history of the two people would be interested in the current situation. While the students were expecting a development between the two, There was only one thought in Elizabeth's mind.

'This man is big?' Elizabeth thought to herself, It has been a while since she got out but it seems that the Empire is making an Elite team. She knew that this man is powerful but there was no reason to fear someone who has no connection to her, But Elizabeth didn't know that Gilgamesh knew more about her than anyone in this world.

"Who are you?" Gilgamesh said the iconic question, The event was now happening. The Students around the two were expecting a lot of things that would happen while the 5 prodigies were curious. It seems that Gilgamesh is clearly asking a question towards Elizabeth.

"Elizabeth An'cient from the Merlin's Mansion, Master Magic Krieger." Elizabeth said calmly as she slowly salutes, When the Students around her heard what she said all of them shocked for how many times. The Mysterious Genius has the same ranking as the 5 prodigies, This thought passes through all of the student's mind.

The most shocked students were the 5 prodigies, All of them were expecting the mysterious genius to be a rank below them but to think that the late genius manage to have the same rank with them for a whole year is pretty shocking for the 5 prodigies.

'She is catching up to me.' Arthur thought, It seems that his junior has experienced large growth. His junior was already powerful with her body but now that her Magic Core is stronger, Elizabeth was pretty much a monster and Arthur knew this.

"Elizabeth An'cient, Why are you wearing eyeglasses?" Gilgamesh asked, He knew that Elizabeth's eyes were okay but why the hell is she wearing eyeglasses. Elizabeth who heard him didn't say anything and just tilted her head, She didn't understand what Gilgamesh meant.

"Eyeglasses?" Gilgamesh repeated the word when he saw that Elizabeth was confused, Elizabeth who saw him repeating the word finally knew what it meant. She then holds her eyeglasses, She then spoke with her calm and soft voice towards Gilgamesh who was standing in front of her.

"It is to make the Enemy think that I would be blind if they take my glasses." Elizabeth said with a straight and calm voice. Hearing what she said, Gilgamesh was very confused. To be honest, why would anyone even believe that reason but he then saw the eyes of Elizabeth.

'Her eyes are releasing something that could cause fear to anyone who stares at it, This would mean that the glasses are meant to not let the ability cause chaos in the training.' Gilgamesh quickly got the reason why Elizabeth was wearing an Eyeglass. The students around the two were still having a weird time believing the reason.

"Okay, you can keep it but I have one question." Gilgamesh knew that Elizabeth needed the glasses but there was one thing that kept bothering him. He was a trainer so this kind of thing being in front of him would cause him to be angry but considering it was Elizabeth he was calmer than usual.

"What is it?" Elizabeth asked about Gilgamesh's question with a calm and soft voice, She was curious about what Gilgamesh wanted to ask. She also knew that Gigalmesh understands the reason why she was wearing glasses, She just got this fact yesterday when she was staring at other people.

"Why are you hiding your real rank and strength?" Gilgamesh said with a direct and serious voice, The students who heard him was surprised and couldn't help but gulp. All of them knew this would mean that Elizabeth was hiding her real strength and pretended to be weak.

"What do you mean?" Elizabeth said with a cold voice, It was clearly heard by the students, and was surprised at the transformation. Her Voice could strike fear in anyone especially with the aura she was emitting. Elizabeth was currently staring at Gilgamesh with her golden eyes, Gilgamesh seeing this was grinning.

"Elizabeth An'cient, The youngest Grandmaster..." Gilgamesh said with a low voice while grinning, But his words were clearly heard by the Students. Elizabeth was above the 5 prodigies in strength and rank, She clearly stepped on them by pretending to be weak.

Hearing this, All of the 5 prodigies were gripping their first and gritting their teeth. Gilgamesh then stops grinning and head towards the stage where he was supposed to go. It took a while for Gilgamesh to arrive at the top of the stage, The students then turn their heads towards him.

"You are currently in the Elite Training Camp, There are only 100 of you. Some of you would be dropped out if you cannot take the test that was given to you. The First test would be this.." Gilgamesh said while pointing towards a weird building, This was supposed to be the place where the first test would start.

"Elizabeth, Are you sure you want to enter this building. You have already passed the test a thousand times." Gilgamesh said, Elizabeth stops and was currently staring at Gilgamesh with a cold stare. She then continues walking towards the Weird building while the students followed her.

Students knew that Elizabeth was very powerful, She was the only student who had the guts to glare at Gilgamesh and they were also curious about the test. It seems that Elizabeth already passed this test a thousand times but is this an easy test? This was the question they kept asking themselves.

"The First test of killing the First Person in their life." Gilgamesh muttered quietly while having a smirk on his face, He wondered how the students would react to this test.