Elite Camp, Classroom

*Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!*

The sound of the Alarm clock ringing was heard, it echoed as it was heard by many people near it. The second day of the Elite Camp and the First Day of the Class has now started. The Dormitory Building of the Elite Camp had two sides of each different buildings which contain girls and boys in different sides.

Inside this big Dormitory building that contains the students of the Elite class was a room that contains 3 of the beauties in the whole Elite Camp. This room had 3 beds and a beautiful luxurious look in it, This was the ordinary room of the Elite camp but judging on how important it is. It is possible that a lot of money was spent on making the whole thing.

The Sunlight came through the curtains that covered the windows, There was a girl with short silver hair sleeping peacefully even though the sound of the Alarm clock ringing was heard everywhere. This girl had sleeping clothes or Pajamas and was sleeping peacefully until a girl with crimson hair called for her.

"Master, wake up!" The Girl said, This girl had a beautiful body and also had Crimson colored hair. She also had orange eyes that look like the color of Flames, This girl had two elements which are Dark and Fire. The name of this girl is Morgana, A student of Elizabeth. She has been calling Elizabeth as Master ever since she became a student of Elizabeth.

She was currently covering her beautiful body in a bath towel since she recently just finished having a bath. Her body was dripping droplets of water and her hair was still not dry enough, Morgana has already taken a bath and it was now Elizabeth's turn. This was why she was trying to wake Elizabeth up in the morning.

Morgana was surprised that the weird and unpleasant sounds of the Alarm clock were not affecting her master and was still have a good night's sleep. This made her respect master more than before since she also wanted to know the art of not waking up to the unpleasant ringing of the alarm clock.

"Hmmm..." The sign of Elizabeth waking up was now seen, Elizabeth who was sleeping in her own bed was slowly opening her eyes. The Golden Eyes that was hidden from the world slowly revealed themselves and Morgana, who manage to stare at it felt a chill coming from her spine. Elizabeth realizing what happened quickly closes her eyes.

"Morgana, Can you get my Glasses?" Elizabeth asked Morgana for her glasses, The ability to give people fear is useful and troublesome at the same time. Morgana quickly looks around the bed and found Elizabeth's glasses, She then gave them to her master. Morgana was surprised at what happened when she stared at Elizabeth's eyes without the glasses covering them.

"Thank you and I'm sorry for the accident." Elizabeth said while putting on her Glasses, She didn't want Morgana to be affected by the ability. But can't she just put on a contact lens so that she won't affect anyone? She can but she won't, There are a lot of problems with having a contact lens especially with the ability of her eyes.

"No, It's okay. It was my fault for making my guard down." Morgana didn't accept the apology of her master, She didn't want her master to apologize to her. Morgana knew that the Golden eyes of Elizabeth could produce something that could make anyone that stares at it feel fear. It wasn't magic but she wanted to be the one that could look at her master's eyes without getting affected by the fear.

"Don't say that, Although you are my student. You should think for yourself." Elizabeth said with a calm and soft voice, She also had a gentle smile on her face. When Morgana saw the Gentle smile of Elizabeth, She blushes for a little bit and quickly made a smile towards Elizabeth. Seeing the weird Morgana smile, Elizabeth chuckled and just shook her head. She then slowly went out of her bed stretching her body.

"We're getting late." A voice could be heard, This voice came from a beautiful girl that was on the opposite side of them. The Beautiful girl had golden hair and blue azure eyes. This was Jeanne, The 3 of them were roommates in a room that had 3 beds. It was easy for them to sleep peacefully since all of them weren't noisy while sleeping. Jeanne was currently putting on her Elite Uniform, She was literally still in her underwear but the other two weren't bothered by this.

"Okay, I'll take a bath first." Elizabeth said while stretching her body, This was what she does every time she woke up early in the morning. Her Wrinkled Pajamas were white in color, Elizabeth who was stretching herself was also stretching her Wrinkled Pajamas which revealed some of her skin.

She then walked towards the Bathroom with her own bath towel, She does this every day since she always wanted her body clean. Elizabeth then got in the bathroom and began her own bath, Morgana who was finished drying every part of her body then began putting on her uniform.

A while later, The bathroom door slowly opens. Elizabeth then revealed herself covered by her own bath towel, The steam of the hot shower she got was slowly exiting the bathroom. It covered the whole room and the girls who had their clothes on manage to smell a good scent for the steam that exited the Bathroom.

"What is this?" Jeanne muttered when she manages to smell the good scent coming from the steam. She was confused about what was happening and why did steam from the bathroom smell this good. She just shook her head and began putting her own things in her bag. Morgana, who was right beside her was thinking about other things.

'The scent of Master, This may give me power so I need to gather as much as possible.' Morgana thought to herself, Her mind was thinking in a weird way about the scent. When did a smell give power to someone, Is this the new trend nowadays? Morgana then quickly realize that she can't do it so she just prepared her own things.

Elizabeth after taking a bath then went towards her own wardrobe to put on her Elite Uniform. But before that, she got to dry her own body first which took a while. After drying her body, She then began putting on her underwear then her white collared shirt, After putting the two things on. She then wears her black uniform and black skirt with white stripes, She began wearing the belt that covered her waist and she also put on her boots.

Elizabeth was finally finished putting on her own uniform, It was time for her to put her things to her bad. It has been a while but this will be the first time she went to school, She was trained ever since she was young so school was a foreign thing for her. She heard that it was comparable to a military training school so she was interested in the so-called schools.

"Let's go." Elizabeth said, It was now time for the trio to head towards the only classroom in the building. This classroom contained a hundred students and it was far from their dormitory, All of them then went out of their room and head towards the classroom at an average speed.

Before they got to the classroom, They were passing many interesting buildings but was closed off. Gilgamesh already said that in the next semester, They could travel around the Elite training camp without getting stopped by him. Elizabeth was interested in that time to come.

They also pass in a beautiful garden that was also closed, She was curious about this beautiful garden but she had to wait for the second semester to enter the garden. The Trio was walking in the Elite Training camp, It took a while but they are not finally in front of the Classroom. In front of them was the Classroom door stopping their way.

The trio stops at the front of the Classroom door, This was the only thing stopping Elizabeth from entering the classroom. It was the start of the first day in class, This will be an interesting part of Elizabeth's life. The most normal part of her life would be her school life, Elizabeth then opens the door of the classroom. The sound of the door opening echoed throughout the room and all the students inside it clearly heard it opening.

All of the students were staring right at the trio, All the students could see the beauties in the Elite Uniforms just like them. But there was something different about these three, It was putting clothes on a monkey while also putting the same clothes on a goddess. The difference was clear and obvious for everyone to see.

Elizabeth, Morgana, and Jeanne then entered the classroom and walked towards their own seats. The trio was together due to the fact that the whole classroom was full of students, They stayed right beside each other and found the perfect table for them. The trio then sat on their seats and began taking out their own things.

Elizabeth, who was taking her things out of her bag notices that there was something wrong. Her Ballpen was very old and Gilgamesh valued the old school teaching, In this world. The students would just put it in many storage devices but Gilgamesh wanted the students to write it on their notebooks.

"Morgana, can I borrow your pen. It seems that this pen of mine is now old." Elizabeth said towards Morgana while revealing her old pen. Morgana was surprised when she saw the pen, It looks like a decade old. Maybe Elizabeth has been using it since she was young? She had a lot of nonsense questions but she took out a new pen and spoke towards Elizabeth.

"Here is a pen Master." Morgana said with a calm voice, This was the most price pen she had. It took a lot of her savings to buy this but Elizabeth using the pen was worth it. Morgana was happy seeing her pen used by Elizabeth, Elizabeth seeing the pain smiles and thank Morgana.

"Thank you for the pen." Elizabeth was grateful for the pen that was given by Morgana, Her old pen was used during the training time she got. This was why the pen looks very old and was probably going to break down sooner or later. She was currently arranging her things in a neat order so that it won't disturb and wouldn't be confusing when the class starts.

Most of the students were talking to each other about many things such as their life before being in the Elite Camp. Some were talking about their goals in life while some were just having fun like Krej, Arthur, Douche, Jones, and Bond. These five guys were the noisiest but it seems that Arthur finally has 2 more friends.

The Door of the Classroom slowly opens signifying that someone was entering the classroom, The sound was heard and the students who were talking to each other stop and stares at the door. A while later, A man finally exited in his teacher uniform and this was Gilgamesh himself.

This guy was clearly flaunting his handsomeness but most of the students were serious so they didn't try to bother Gilgamesh even though he was handsome.

"""Good Morning, Teacher Gilgamesh.""" The Students stands up and said at the same time, Gilgamesh nodded at them and the students went back to their seats. This was the First Day of the Elite Class, The First thing he needed to do was introduce the Elite Class to his students.

"This is the first day of the Elite Class, I hope we can have a great year together." Gilgamesh said with a grin plastered on his face.