Elite Class, Morgana's and Jeanne's Lesson

In the Huge Gymnasium of the Elite Camp, This Building was a very big building that almost had the diameter of a 20 kilometer in radius. This was the testing grounds of the Magic Kriegers and since they were very powerful, They needed an area that could take their spells. This was why the huge building was built, It existed for the Magic Kriegers to train and will be used until its final ground.

It has been a week since the First day of Class, All of them were thought of a lot of things by Gilgamesh. Some are interesting while some philosophical questions which didn't have any definite answer. Elizabeth had a great time hearing the answers and the questions, The students gave towards Gilgamesh. Although, Elizabeth didn't have a good opinion of them. It seems that they deserve the title genius.

During the week was the time where she got along with Morgana and Jeanne, Jeanne sometimes avoided them but Elizabeth and Morgana would always pull her out and study a lot of things in the Library. During this time, Elizabeth was mostly interested in the stories while Jeanne and Morgana were more focused on the knowledge in the Library.

Due to the fact that Elizabeth already manages to read a lot of things during her 1-decade training, She knew a lot of things especially a lot of information that was strictly recorded to her Brain via Eidetic Memory. This was why she didn't bother trying to learn knowledge in the library.

Of course, there would be a time that a piece of new information was presented to her in the library. This would give her a reason to read a book and gain a piece of new information about it, But this only happens rarely in the Library. So she mostly uses her time on the stories in the library, The stories were interesting and had a lot of imagination with special creativity in them.

The trio was currently in the Gymnasium, They already ask permission of Gilgamesh to enter and use the Gymnasium. It was obvious that Gilgamesh would be curious on why they would enter the Gym but they quickly answered him with the word Training. It was time for Elizabeth to fulfill her promise as the Master of Morgana.

"You need to get your body stronger, Morgana." Elizabeth said towards Morgana who was working out in front of her, Morgana was very powerful but with Elizabeth's training. She was helpless and was currently struggling, This Training was Elizabeth's Force Training which is used with her Void Magic.

She would stimulate Morgana's body and this would increase the training speed but there is one downside, The stamina would also run out faster than normal which would cause a lot of things like getting tired. With the will of Morgana, She continues her training even though her body was sweating like she just went out of her bath.

"Understood! Master, I will try my best." Morgana said as she continues at her training, This was very hard training for her but she didn't plan on giving up. She had a painful face but her will was stronger like always, She has been doing this for a while but her training was carrying heavy equipment while also running on a treadmill.

This would be normally easy for her but with the current training and Elizabeth's void magic, This normal training made it a thousand times harder for Morgana. She didn't plan on giving up and continues her training, Elizabeth seeing it revealed a smile and spoke towards Morgana.

"I hope you do your best Morgana. This is just the start of your training." Elizabeth said towards Morgana, Morgana had an unpleasant feeling but she nodded in understanding. She was the one that wanted to be a student of Elizabeth, she didn't plan on giving up just because it was hard.

'I have many training plans for her, Weapons training, Physical training, Magic Training, and Mental Training. The good feeling of teaching a student while also making the student suffer is good but I need to take good care of my student.' Elizabeth thought to herself, She had a gentle smile on her. It motivated Morgana, who somehow saw it but there was one girl that felt a chill from her spine when she saw the gentle smile.

"Why do I feel like Elizabeth has some unknown things going through her head." The Girl muttered, This was Jeanne. She was in the Gym for quite a while, When she said quite a while. This would mean that she has been here ever since Elizabeth and Morgana entered the gym. She was currently watching Morgana train herself while Elizabeth was teaching a thing or two beside her.

"Morgana, Stop the training." Elizabeth said towards Morgana, She was overtraining herself when Elizabeth notice the time. Morgana, who was training herself didn't stop and continues at it. She wanted to be powerful and the only way she could do that is to go even further beyond. Elizabeth seeing her just revealed a smile and put a stop at everything with a snap from her fingers.

Morgana was forced to stop but she didn't manage to control her body and falls to the ground, It seems that her body paralyzes itself for a second. This was not good for her since she was slowly falling to the ground, Morgana had no choice but to close her eyes but a while later. She felt a hand catching her and stopping her body from falling.

"You should stop overworking your body, It is not safe." Elizabeth said towards Morgana who she was currently holding, Morgana was leaning towards Elizabeth. Morgana felt the warmth of Elizabeth, Her eyes slowly closed themselves with a relaxed face. Morgana fell asleep due to the overwork of her body.

"This student is too hardworking." Elizabeth shook her head, She then brought Morgana towards a makeshift bed that was instantly made by her. It wasn't a good bed but it was perfect for the current situation, Elizabeth sighed after putting Morgana on the bed and she then notices the stare of someone.

"Jeanne, Where are you going?" Elizabeth asked Jeanne who was about to leave the Gymnasium. Jeanne, who heard her name stops in her position. She then slowly turns around and looks at Elizabeth with a smile, She spoke with her calm voice as she wanted to leave the Gymnasium.

"Eh? I was about to leave the Gymnasium since there is nothing for me to do." Jeanne said towards Elizabeth. Elizabeth hearing the reason, released a smile that would cause everyone to be afraid. Jeanne felt sweat coming from her forehead, Elizabeth then spoke towards Jeanne with a calm and soft voice.

"Jeanne, Since Morgana is asleep. Why not train with me, This is a good opportunity you know. I could teach you a thing or two." Elizabeth said with the voice of temptation, She knew that Jeanne wanted to train but seeing the pain of Morgana made her think otherwise. Jeanne hearing Elizabeth thought about it and arrive at the perfect conclusion.

"Okay." Jeanne nodded, As much as she was afraid to Elizabeth. She wanted to become powerful so if a little bit of suffering is needed for her to reach it. She wouldn't disagree and would try to train with Elizabeth, Hearing what Jeanne said made Elizabeth chuckle.

The two then began finding the perfect area for them, They were supposed to fight with weapons. A while later the two finally found the perfect land that didn't have anything in it. The two distance themselves from each other, Elizabeth who was in the distance spoke towards Jeanne.

"So what weapons do we use?" Elizabeth asked, She was curious about what weapons they had to choose. She was already mastered all of the Weapon arts, The only thing she needed to do was perfect it. Her current An'cient Weapon Arts are near perfect but it is still not perfect. Jeanne, who was in the distance thought about the weapon. She then answered Elizabeth's question with a calm voice.

"How about we use daggers." Jeanne said, She then slowly took out her daggers which were made by the combination of Light and Water. This was one of her spells, The Ability to conjure a weapon. This was an easy spell and Morgana also had this kind of spell. A Light and Water Daggers appeared on Jeanne's hand.

"Dagger? Okay." Elizabeth nodded, She then began conjuring a dagger using the void manipulation. She was good at controlling her void due to the fact that she began training this magic for a decade, She only made one dagger but this was enough for her to be dangerous. Elizabeth began releasing the aura of pressure around her as she prepared her dagger stance.

Jeanne, who was in the distance felt the pressure coming from Elizabeth. She began gripping her two daggers harder than before, The Pressure was making her nervous and somehow afraid. Elizabeth had her sharp eyes staring right at Jeanne, Jeanne felt like her soul was getting stared at by some powerful creature.

She was hesitating, Jeanne was a little bit afraid by this pressure. Her instincts were trying to warn her to not take a step or her life would end. Although she was overreacting, Jeanne was still afraid of this. Elizabeth noticing the fear in Jeanne's eyes spoke towards her with a calm voice.

"Jeanne, you need to face the horror in front of you. You will not be able to get stronger if you take the easy way, You need to face it with bravery, or else you would die helplessly if this was a true battle." Elizabeth said towards Jeanne, Jeanne knew that she had to face Elizabeth or she would take this kind of mentality in the future which is dangerous for her.

"Okay, I'll try." Jeanne said, Her body was shaking. Her mind was shouting at her trying to stop her from taking another step towards Elizabeth. Jeanne slowly moves her body and was currently heading towards Elizabeth who was releasing an ominous aura towards her. The strange thing about this aura is that it was affecting Jeanne in a physical way.

Her body was shaking intensely, The confident Jeanne disappeared and the one that replaces it was someone trying to conquer her fear. Her steps slowly move forward, The pressure was getting stronger. Jeanne's body felt unpleasant by the aura that Elizabeth was currently releasing but she still continues walking towards Elizabeth.

A while later, She was finally in front of Elizabeth. Sweat was covering her body, she didn't train like Morgana but her body kept releasing a lot of things that would help her calm herself, or she would get a heart attack from this. Jeanne, who was in front of Elizabeth slowly reachers her hands. The two daggers were already on the floor, She then touches Elizabeth on her shoulder then spoke.

"I win!" Jeanne said with a smile, Seeing the hand on her shoulder. Elizabeth smiles and stops the pressure from escaping her body, Jeanne felt her body free from the pressure and was about to fall until Elizabeth catches her like how Elizabeth manage to catch Morgana. After catching Jeanne with her hands, Elizabeth then puts her in the seats of the Gymnasium to take a rest.

"I feel like a sage or old." Elizabeth muttered to herself, This was her first time being a master but it seems that she has been too hard on her students. Does she need to lower the intensesity? Elizabeth was thinking about a lot of things until the door of the Gymnasium open. The students began entering the Gymnasium, Elizabeth was curious about what happened until she heard the voice of someone familiar.

"Elizabeth, Have a spar with me." This voice came from the one teacher called Gilgamesh, The Spar between the two will now start. The show the students have been waiting for will finally be seen.