City of Babylon, Maid Enkidu

"Maid Enkidu?" Elizabeth was surprised when she saw the Maid, Maid Enkidu was just one level lower than Gilgamesh. The ArchExalted Magic Krieger, She rarely saw people like this since she only met the 5 Legendary Magic Kriegers. There were supposed to be dozens of them in the Empire but most are serious about overcoming the Boundary of The Legendary.

The Butler was surprised when he saw the Maid Enkidu, She was the known Maid of the Southern Hero. A powerful Maid, It was rumored that she was the Rival of Gilgamesh until he managed to pass to a new level. She was left alone but was hired and pledge her loyalty to her former Rival Gilgamesh. The Chief Guard seeing the Maid Enkidu was shocked and knew that this was the best time to save himself before getting killed.

"Maid Enkidu, This bitches just murdered a Noble. You must seek justice on the behalf of the Nobles." The Chief Guard said while kneeling towards Maid Enkidu, It was his plan to take the 3 girls with him. Avenge his master and play with them, Some would wonder where the Young Master got that attitude but it seems that the truth was now seen.

"Chief Guard, You shouldn't lie." The Butler didn't know why he was speaking like this, He was confused on why he abandoned his master until he manages to take a look at one of the girls. The Silver White Short-haired girl was smiling towards him, It was the sign that he didn't care about his Young Master. The Girl then nodded towards him with a smile.

"You fucked up Butler, Why didn't you avenge young master!" The Chief Guard shouted towards the Butler, What the fuck is this old guy talking. Wasn't he a butler? Why the hell is he defending violent girls that killed his young master? It manages to gather a huge commotion, Some people would be shocked at seeing the blood of a noble in the streets.

"You are Maid Enkidu?" Jeanne asked towards the Maid that was standing in front of them, She was curious about the Maid. She heard many rumors about the Maid especially with Gilgamesh, Maid Enkidu hearing Jeanne's question had a smile on her face and answered elegantly.

"Yes, I am Maid Enkidu. It is nice to meet you, Jeanne." Maid Enkidu said with a smile, Her beauty was so elegant that for some unknown reason. Elizabeth had the instinct to dominate but luckily she was just a girl and not a guy. If she was a guy she would have forced herself to the Maid, She also knew that Maid Enkidu was a powerful Maid.

"Maid Enkidu? Isn't she the Maid, Teacher Gilgamesh kept talking about" Morgana said while throwing the towel that was full of blood. She finished cleaning her fist and manage to hear Jeanne and Enkidu talking, The two were talking to each other while Elizabeth was staring at the pool of blood.

"So Master is still talking about me, even though it has been days since we met." Maid Enkidu has a small blush appearing on her face, She was always calm and cold in front of her master but on the inside. She was Bold and Hot, She would hide this side of her since she didn't want her master to see this. Morgana seeing the face was shocked and knew what this face meant.

"Eh? Don't tell me..." Morgana notices the small blush on Enkidu's face, She knew what this blush meant. She wasn't sure about it but the possibility was big considering how Maid Enkidu talk about Gilgamesh. Maid Enkidu hearing Morgana quickly change her face into a calm one, The Blush didn't exist and will never exist.

"What are you talking about?" Maid Enkidu asked with a straight face, Morgana wanted to respect the Magic Kriegers one level below legendary but the current situation activated her Girlish mode. Morgana just went quiet and thought about a lot of things, Gilgamesh and Enkidu had a weird relationship. It seems that only Maid Enkidu thought of it while Gilgamesh is still oblivious or dense.

"Let's not talk about it." Morgana shook her head while Jeanne on the other side was confused at what the two were talking about. With the current evidence, Jeanne was also oblivious about things like feelings of love, It was a weird thing for her and Morgana already knew about this fact a long time ago.

"What are you two talking about?" Jeanne asked, It seems that the two girls in front of her was talking about Gilgamesh but why though? She was curious but before she could continue to ask about it, The Girls in front of her already answered, They spoke together as if they were meant to be in sync.

"Nothing!" The two girls said together, Jeanne wondered if it was a secret for the two girls. It was not her problem to bother them in their secret so she decided to stop asking about it. They were really ignoring the puddle of blood until Elizabeth finally spoke about it in a calm voice.

"So who will clean this filth?" Elizabeth asked, She can clean this kind of thing easily but the people around them must not see this kind of thing. The Ones that run the Empire were the Magic Krieger, The nobles are just the Human Representative. Even the Republic is run under the Magic Krieger.

"I'll just call someone." Maid Enkidu said with a smile, The people around them were shocked at the current situation. It seems that something is going on and the Maid Enkidu sided with a girl. With this fact, all of them knew that the girls weren't normal girls. The Butler already knew about this and shut up while the Chief Guard cannot accept it.

"No, You cannot do this. You are siding with mere peasants, Do you know what will happen?" The Chief Guard didn't accept the current situation, Why is the Maid Enkidu siding with some peasants girls. The Crowd seeing him avoided and turn their heads in disappointment, The Guard was too dumb to realize that something was going on.

"Take this man into the prison and clean the mess." Maid Enkidu ordered her own personal Elite Guards that was meant to protect the city, The Chief Guard was shocked when he heard that the Maid Enkidu was bringing him into prison. He cannot accept this fact since he thought that he was a powerful successful man by being the Chief Guard of a noble family so he spoke about something taboo.

"You are just a second hand of the southern hero without him you are nothing, You are a bitch that uses her body to seduce the Southern Hero." The Chief Guard shouted towards Maid Enkidu, The Crowd hearing him wanted to punch him in the face. The Known Queen of Babylon was called a bitch, Who had the audacity to call a Queen like that.

"Hmmm....." It was a huge mistake to call Maid Enkidu like that, She was the former Rival of Gilgamesh, A powerful General, And She had the support of the Common people in the City. Trying to badmouth her in public is like asking people to beat you up, She was hailed as the goddess that save many people in the city.

She was a powerful woman who controlled everything in the city, No one would defy her wishes. Of course, Gilgamesh already knew about it and the two of them even went into a spar. Although she lost to Gilgamesh, It was still a good fight and the price of losing was to govern the city in his place.

In the World of the Magic Krieger, Power is everything that matters. Gilgamesh, who was one of the 5 most powerful Magic Krieger could careless about a city. This was the power of the Legendary Magic Krieger, This was why most ArchExalted Magic Krieger focuses themselves on passing the border. They wanted to be free, They knew that the Empire would shackle them but as long as there is only one person above them like the emperor. They wouldn't care about it since most of them are fanatics of the Emperor.

"You are pretty brave but that will not let you save yourself." Maid Enkidu muttered with a smile, This was something very dangerous. The Sadist part of Maid Enkidu was showing itself, Even Elizabeth who was still staring at the puddle of blood notice the Sadistic Energy coming from Maid Enkidu.

"We are wasting time, let's go." Elizabeth said towards the girls, Maid Enkidu finally cut off from her sadistic personality and went back to the original. This was a weird thing that would happen every time someone tried to mock her, especially if that someone is nothing in front of her. She was already used to something like this, She then turns her head and spoke towards one of her Elite Guards.

"Please clean the mess, And Bring him to the Special Prison." Maid Enkidu ordered the Elite Guard, The Special Prison was the reincarnation of hell. A personal Prison that was created by Maid Enkidu, Experiments of Weapons happen here, Experiments of Drugs happen here, And Torture happens here. This prison was a mysterious hell that would make anyone suffer.

"Understood." The Elite Guard nodded at her orders, He then began talking to the Radio. Trucks appeared everywhere and a lot of elite soldiers arrive. The Butler was already far away watching the scene in front of him with a shocked expression. The Elite Soldiers began driving the crowd away, They were good crowd control personnel.

They began cleaning the whole place, Sanitizing it so that nothing would be left. After this Cleaning, The whole area would probably look brand new. The Chief Guard was still screaming but he was brought into the truck, Nobody cared about him. He didn't matter in their life and he also pissed a lot of people which makes him very unlucky, The Worst fate he could ever imagine. This will even make him think that his Young Master was lucky to not have the same fate as him.

"Wow! They are fast." Morgana was surprised at the work of the Elite Guard, Although they were not comparable to her. They are still surprisingly quicky and had good cooperation, They truly deserve the name called Elite Guard. Jeanne, who was right beside Morgana also nodded in agreement and spoke.

"I guess they are really good, I have met the same guards like them with the name Terran Guards." Jeanne spoke about the fact that she manage to meet a group of guards that had the same job. The Terran Guards were the Elite Guards of the Western Region, They were supposed to serve Terra and Jeanne saw them a lot of times in her stay in the Western Region.

"Each of the Legendary Magic Krieger probably had a group of soldiers that are under them." Elizabeth spoke while staring at the Elite guards doing their job at a fast speed, She manages to arrive at this conclusion since it was obvious that the Legendary Magic Krieger wouldn't want to do everything so each Magic Krieger would need their own personal army. It was more flexible for the Legendary Magic Krieger to train their own army instead of leading an army that came from the Empire.

Maid Enkidu then turns her head, She then walks towards the girls that were staring at the guards. It seems that she has shown a side of her personality that she didn't want other people to see, There was nothing she could do about this and just accept.

"I am sorry for the trouble, Why don't we continue and talk about why you're here." Maid Enkidu had a smile on her face, The Girls just ignored the Sadist Maid Enkidu. Seeing the girls ignoring that part of her personality made Enkidu happy since most people would avoid her after seeing that monstrous part of her personality.