
While you're waiting for the next chappy how about joining my discord? I wasn't able to post all of them today but I gotcha tomorrow


Also, support me on P@treon and help me write multiple chaps a day.



Okay, so with that last chapter posted, I suddenly have a whole bunch of new readers, about 100 more or so, so it's time to lay out some things for ya.

So, I thought this would be a neat idea and something that's never been done before in terms of fanfics. While the Avatar world has been done before, it was always as reincarnation, Self insert, generic Isekai, taking over existing characters and so on.

I wanna do things differently...which either means its gonna be f*ckin great or itll flop completely. Let's hope it's the former.

So, the premise here is that a mysterious youth wakes up and finds that he has no knowledge of where he is nor of his own past. The only thing he DOES remember is his own name and the breathing forms from the anime known as Demon Slayer. He also possesses unmatched sword skills that most could only dream of as well as enhanced physical capabilities, heightened senses, and many other attributes that more then evens the playing field between hima and other benders.

He doesn't get any bending nor does he get any cheats. He's just a guy trying to find out about who he really is and why he was there. It's sort of an existential crisis for him as he lacks any sort of purpose. This whole novel is mainly him trying to figure himself out as a person and who he is and who he is meant to become in the future.

This story takes place years after Aang gets stuck into the iceberg, about 35 AG or so, meaning nearly every character I create will be non canon and made by yours truly.

Will this be a harem?

Define harem for me. If you're going by the definition then it means 3 or more girls who fall for the MC and chase after him and such. This case is....different? It's hard to describe but I'm not aiming for a harem though it'll definitely be misconstrued as such when you read it. Women are naturally attracted to strong men, especially in this world but the ones that end up follow Jak arent really there for show, similar to how Katara and Toph arent. They carry their own weight and can take care of themselves. Their just as much of main characters within this novel as Jak so while it can be taken as a harem, it's more like a guy and girls travelling together with the girls eventually harboring some feelings.

In other words, it's a soft harem...if thay makes sense

What's the schedule like?

3 a day. Period

I'm a newbie writer but I hope you can tag along with me on this journey as I tend to write 3 chaps a day. In the future I do plan on putting chaps on P@treon.

You can say all you want about the paywall but I promise itll be worth it. Plus chappys will still get posted and its merely a decision you can freely avoid.

I want to spin a story using a preexisting world, one that's concept it unique and hasn't been thought of yet. Hence why I decided upon this idea, in hope of intriguing others to read and hopefully want to buy some chaps. In the future there'll be many over 60+ chaps on p@treon that you can look through as well as some future stories.

All that being said, I'll see you all on the next chappy

Love you,

From MS