Killing Spree

Join discord or I'll put a spider in your bed.


"Oi, who the hell are you and what are y- HRAAAGH!!"

The light showering down from the bright morning sun reflected off of Jak's crimson blade as the boys sword sliced through yet another Fire Soldier, dropping their body to the floor along with detached limbs. Blood sprayed everywhere as shouts rang out around him, the red and black figures that Jak had labeled as enemies now crowding around him in hopes of driving him off. Having just killed four of their men on that particular ship with little to no trouble, what with his surprise appearance, they had stopped taking him lightly and now completely disregarded the questioning.

Five soldiers hurried into position, encircling him and leaving the youth with no places to run even if the boy wanted to.

"END HIM," one of the troops yelled.

Jak eyes narrowed, his body tensing up as he took a deep breath. "Wind Breathing, Third Form."

Taking a step forward, each attacker thrust their fist forward, shooting out powerful and controlled blasts of flames from their fists, real fire that radiated heat. The dark haired teen had already felt it before and concluded that what they were summoning was, in fact, the genuine article, meaning that he could quite easily be burned should he be hit. However, that was only if the flames managed to make contact with him.

"Clean Storm Wind Tree"

Jak's blade flashed as he sliced it all around him in quick, concentrated movements, creating a circular defense which encompassed his entire surroundings. The wind seemed to bend to the katanas will as razor sharp flurries whipped around, shredding the fire while simultaneously dispersing it. The gusts didnt just stop there though as the slices continued forth, ripping into the benders like paper, accurately hitting vital points on their bodies such as the neck and chest areas. In one fell swoop, the defensive move had simultaneously negated the fire as well as slaying those that had encircled him.

Switching his breathing back to normal, Jak glanced towards the bodies now writhing in agony upon the floor of the ship, either dead or dying. Black, emotionless eyes analyzed them carefully before flickering away, clearly uninterested as the young man decisively moved onwards, towards the back of the ship.

It hadn't been very long since Jak had dealt with Zhang, leaving the man alive and squirming in agony only because he wanted to pull some info from him later, and in that time, he had gone on a killing spree. In total, the boy had slain 23 soldiers without the slightest hesitation and dark red blood now decorated his grey hoodie. He had only recently moved onto the second ship, having completely cleared out the first one in a quick and efficient manner, and in this one he planned to leave most if not all of the ones he found inside alive.

He had plans to use them should it become necessary. The only reason he had even killed the ones on top of the ship were due to them operating the catapults, which were still causing destruction and chaos, something he found rather detrimental. Reasoning that they wouldn't stop even if asked plus there being far too many in one place to take alive, Jak simply ended their existence. He hadn't the time to think of a way to keep them alive and figured there would be more then enough soldiers remaining for what he wanted.

"Putting that aside for now," Jak muttered as he glanced up at the large mechanism that launched the flaming projectiles. "This is a pretty unique contraption. It would be a waste to destroy it. Perhaps it could be useful for something."

A blast of purple fire erupted near his face the moment he finished his sentence, almost catching him by surprise as he niftly dodged, managing to avoid the slew of martial arts that followed shortly after the initial attack. For the first time, Jak found himself in the defensive as he backed up, bobbing and weaving through the series of strikes as the offender continued to press him. Each time he moved to make a quick slice, purple flames seemed to appear before him, throwing him off before he could recollect himself.

"Retreat is your best option," A feminine voice uttered from behind the white mask. It was a voice free of all emotion, similar to Jak's but possessing undertones of hostility that indicated the females intent to harm. "I bare no harm but I WILL kill you if the situation persists."

Jak retreated a bit, standing his ground with his sword at the ready, prepared to defend more. However, the stranger was true to her word as she didnt chase after him, remaining back with her unseen eyes focused upon him, also in a combative stance, prepped for attack.

After a standoff of sorts that lasted around half a minute, Jak relaxed his stance. "Will you fire the catapult?

"Negative," the figure responded almost immediately. "My job is to simply guard. I feel no need to get involved in this battle."

"Arent you one of them though?"


"Very well," Jak responded as he sheathed his blade, turning around to head back to the front of the ship. "I have other things to do. Dont kill anyone or whatever."

Jak had no time to spare on the likes of the purple flamed female as he had more important matters to finish. As long as she didnt cause toi much trouble and didnt go around wreaking havoc, he didnt really care if she killed some Water Tribesmen or even her own allies. He had his own motives to follow and fooling around with her would merely distract him and cause him to lose sight of the the path he had chosen. Wiping out the remnants of the Fire Nation soldiers was the only real task that needed to be completed and it was one that he would see to personally.

"What's your name? It has no relevance but Id rather know to whom I'm talking to." The female shouted behind him, causing him to halt and look back.

"My name is Jak."

Without stopping to ask why she suddenly wanted to know his name, the young man opened the door that lead below deck and ran down.

He didnt go very far before he ran into another soldier, of whom he knocked out swiftly before he could shout, giving a sharp jab to the side of the figures jaw. The victim crumpled to ground, leaving Jak to step over the man's body as he kept on moving, his footsteps barely making a sound as he made his way down a long, surprisingly spacious hallway. The dim lights provided by flickering torches cast various shadows to spread through the enclosed space as the youth move with lightning quick efficiency.

Having already moved through the innards of the first ship, a mirror image of the one he was currently traversing, Jak was aware of the directions in which he needed to move and where he would find the most soldiers. He was also aware of other valuable information he had obtained from the visual details that popped into his head while roaming. Each cruiser seemed to be fueled by the combustion of coal, the exhaust of which came out of the two smokestack located on top, hence the soot that clung to the snow. The power provided by the coal in turn rotated the propellers under the stern of the ship, allowing for propulsion not dependent on wind or currents, making this a steam powered vessel designed for combat. With its thick armor plating, Jak had a hard time imagining it would be used for a simple joyride.

Below deck, the cruisers had considerable cargo carrying capacity, possessing numerous hallways and enormous rooms. This allowed the ships to function as transports, shuttling soldiers, equipment, even people and whatever else, wherever they needed to go. Cruisers could also deploy smaller oceangoing crafts from a bay that Jak had found in the back of the ship, allowing them to make quick escapes or rapidly adapt to situations that arose out of the blue. Above deck was the ever so impressive conning tower that contained the high-ranking officers' quarters and the bridge.

It took a lot longer to clear out that particular vessel, although it was mainly due to his refusal to actually kill any of its residents. He mainly relied on his feet, fists, and the occasional hilt of his weapon to render the opposition unconscious, beating them to a pulp.

Once everyone within the ship had been taken care of, Jak took a deep breath and let himself go back to his normal breathing. Fighting fire in a covered are hadn't been easy, forcing him to employ his Total Concentration Breathing (TCB) in order to match the others in hand to hand combat.

(("Now that that's done, all thats left is to find the ones they managed to capture. They should be around here somewhere. Probably near the bottom of the ship.")) Jak rummaged through the pockets on the guard he had just beat unconscious, something he had taken the habit of doing each time an area was clear. After much patting and digging, he managed to locate what he had been searching for, a ring of metallic keys that were most likely for the cell on the lower levels. (("Saving the captured waterbenders will complete the deal."))

Stowing the keys within his pocket, Jak stood up and once again began running, heading for the stairs that would lead him. He had checked the other ships lower cells and hadn't found any prisoners so he assumed they were all clustered into this one, packed in like sardines in a can.

His guess was proven correct the moment he stepped into the area as he stepped into an enormous room filled to the brim with captives. Five fire soldiers stood guard, watching over the chambers and occasionally smacking the bars should the prisoners ever become too rowdy for their liking.

Jak killed them without hesitation. He had no need for the small extras as it was clear their only job was to watch over the captured and, as he himself had no need for kidnappees, he dubbed the five useless as he sliced through each of them with a Thunderclap. Though he didnt want to kill as it expended too much unnecessary energy, it wasted far more energy to smack their lights out, making it far more simpler to just end em.
