
//You gotta remember that I'm still a relatively new author so, just like Jak, I'm still in the process of my growth. Everything may seem clunky and out of place at first, but stick around and you'll see me morph into a real writer.

Much Love to All Of you,

From Shadow


Jak rubbed his throat, the same spot where the young woman named Kushina had gripped him, her small, slender, and deceptively strong fingers hot to point of outright burning him. Had she been hostile and out for his own head, he most definitely would've died, as dead as the rest of the men he had personally cut down. The female was formidable and he now recognized that, the pain in his head still present as he attempted to rise up.

Violet eyes watched his every move as he slowly stood up from his position on the ground, the youth ever so careful not to make any moves that could be misconstrued as threatening. For the time being, he was completely at her mercy, unable to fully fight off someone as strong as her without his primary weapon, the katana having skidded across the floor when he had been slammed and pinned. He couldn't rely on help from the Water Tribesmen as they had clearly stated their opinion on the matter by retreating backwards, choosing to watch instead of coming forward to help.

(("Of course, that is indeed the logical option when faced with an unknown scenario.")) Jak mused as he stood up straight, his body tensed should he need to quickly defend himself. (("Rush into a confrontation and you'll die, or at least endanger your own wellbeing."))

Taking a deep breath, Jak entered the state of Total Concentration Breathing, enhancing his abilities to the fullest as his heartbeat accelerated significantly. While he could only maintain the state for a maximum of a minute and a half on top of missing his weapon, he reasoned it was better then nothing as he took a defensive stance.

Kushina seemed to notice this and responded accordingly, summoning a brilliant purple flame to her right hand. "I dont think we should do this. You lost your weapon and I have the advantage of superior agility and flexibility which, as you probably are already aware of, is greatly advantageous in this type of scenario. It won't end well for you. I'll give you the chance to back down and rethink your decision."

"You sure talk a lot," Jak noted. "Is there a need to run all the analytics by me?"

"Not really," Kushina admitted. "However, as I consider you worthy of respect, I'm willing to give you the option to back down. You managed to cut down the soldiers in just twenty minutes while also freeing those that had been captured. While I'm not opting to work FOR you, I wish to accompany you on the endeavor to wipe out the rest of the Fire Nation soldiers within the village."

"Then let's cut to the chase," Jak responded almost immediately. "What's in it for you?"

"I simply find that hanging with someone whose as strong as me, if not stronger, could be beneficial in the long run. Logically, one should partner up with the stronger side so as to ensure ones own survival." Kushina waved her hand, dispersing the purple flames entirely. "On your own, you would find it difficult to survive should you face an entire fleet of soldiers, or at least find it irritating. Together though, our survival is all but guaranteed. Additionally, you need not fear betrayal as I was never allied with the Fire Nation to begin with. It seems like a win win from where I'm standing."

Jak had already been highly confused as well as suspicious, but now he was just lost as he attempted to pinpoint any lies the girl might have spewed. "You said the same thing earlier. That you arent one of them. Elaborate."

"Gladly," Kushina said. "However, we should let the waterbenders go and reinforce their comrades. They should be able to stop them on their own."

The redheaded female stepped to the side and gestured to the door, eyes flicking from Jak towards the villagers hugging the back. After a moment, the young man gave a small nod towards them, his own way of letting them know it was okay to pass. Without even needing to be told twice, everyone walked forward, exiting the area without a single word. It was actually amazing to Jak just how cool they all were with just walking away, disregarding the current situation like it was nothing. While Jak assumed it was them minding their own business after witnessing his and her ability to easily f*ck them over, he still would've preferred at least one gesture of a helping hand.

Which he recieved when a passing Water Tribesmen slipped Jaks katana into its sheathe before nonchalantly joining the rest of the group. The emotionless redhead appeared to have noticed but said nothing as she let the last remnants of the prisoners leave.

"In truth, you dont really have a choice BUT to accept my offer given the current situation. Even with that katana," Kushina said as she glanced at the hilt jutting out from Jaks side. "You'd be hard pressed to beat me. As you already may have seen, I'm far more skilled then those common soldiers you sliced up. Even if you managed to beat me, you wouldn't be leaving without some major, life threatening burns. That I guarantee."

While Kushina was busy chatting up a storm, something she seemed to have a habit of doing without realizing it herself, Jak was busy running his own diagnostics. Though everything had been thrown into disarray, he reasoned he could spin this in a way that could work for him.

Truth be told, he had every reason to trust what the young woman was saying.

If she really had wanted to, she could've easily fried his throat and his head to a burnt husk not a moment ago then proceeded to either lock up or eliminate the escapees. Making a deal wouldn't be the correct play if she had really aligned herself with the enemy as she would have just done her job without question. Killing the intruders and siezing the victory only made sense if she had been truly loyal to the fire soldiers and the nation they served under. There were just so many things that backed up her words that Jak had to internally wonder if he was being played or if he was merely overthinking everything.

From the way she talked and acted, Jak felt that she was similar to him in regards to how he looked at everything objectively, with no personal feelings involved. She clearly held no emotion on the matter, that or she was just really good at hiding it.

To put it simply, Jak had no way to refute anything Kushina had said despite how suspicious and forced it all seemed.

(("So, do I stand down then and agree? Or do I set down some prerequisites for joining up? I know her verbal reasoning for wanting to join but is that the only reason?")) Jak mulled over the possibilities as quickly as he could manage, his eyes focused on the redhead, of whom was now standing perfectly still and silent. (("Let's try and make a deal and see what happens. If anything goes amiss, I'll kill her, even if I have to get burned in the process."))

"Very well, I agree to the partnership despite how sudden it is." Jak responded, rising up from his defensive posture. "However, I have three main rules that we both must follow."

"Since we'll be working together, I guess that's fair," Kushina replied. "Let's hear them."

"Rule number one, we work together. Neither of us will make a move until the other confirms. Unless absolutely necessary, we will confide in each other when a major decision needs to made or when a battle takes place. Rule number two, no lies whatsoever. We cant establish trust if were lying to the others face." Jak held up a third finger before finishing the last one. "Third, no feelings."

"No feelings?" For the first time since Jak had seen the girls face, she displayed an actual emotion, a look of confusion on her visage. "Why is that a rule?"

"Emotions for one another, be they comradery or something deeper, hinders the ability to get things done. So, until things settle down, feel nothing and we'll be fine."

//Sorry for the short chapter. I'll make it up next chappy.

Also, if you wanna show me some support, hop up onto my Pátreon and maybe slide me a donation. Your author has to eat.

Make sure to comment and vote for another chapter today and I'll drop another. Maybe 2 if I'm feeling it