“I have to get in there?” Elric grumbled as they stood next to the glacial river that ran from the Bluffs.
“At least you have scales,” Saffron retorted as she shivered violently next to the small fire she had built. She was constructing a small fan of leaves to smudge Elric after he was in the icy water.
“True but if this works, I won’t for long,” he retorted and sniffed at the water.
“Well that is why I brought furs,” Saffron replied impatiently. Her nerves were threatening to get the best of her. What if it didn’t work? She couldn’t think like that. It had to work. It had to.
“Well get in! I need to get the smoke going and I don’t want it to all be swept away in the wind,” Saffron commanded. Elric growled as he tentatively placed his foreleg into the icy deluge. He hissed as it licked at his scales.
“How far in?” he asked.
“All of the way,” Saffron replied after consulting her journal. She heard him cursing as he strode further in.