Chapter 50: The New King

“Mira,” Elric nodded. She stared down her long pale nose at them before inclining her own head.

“We have been expecting you,” she replied and swept away, her long black cloaking trailing a path through the snow. Saffron and Elric exchanged a smirk before following the princess up to the castle. The castle was as cold and distant as it had been during their first visit. They were led to the drawing-room where a familiar couple sat on the settee.

August jumped up and pulled his brother into a hug, pounding his back with his fist. “It’s good to see you back to yourself. Not that your scales weren’t formidable,” he said, a giant smile on his face. Elric snorted.

“It’s good to be back. Now, let us not waste time. Do we have an army?” Elric asked, his green eyes glittering.
