Chapter 60: Change of Heart

Violet opened her mouth in shock, just like many others did.

No one was expecting that statement coming from her.

The troublemakers seemed excited about it, and gradually many others started to clap and cheer her. But there was still a few people that were still in shock.

Like Violet, for example.

A turmoil rose from the crowd, while Violet couldn’t take her eyes out of Gwen.

She didn’t recognize the woman standing on the stage anymore.

The way her voice sounded confident and decided when she declared that the man should die, felt different from anything Violet had ever seen her do.

And her eyes…

Gwen’s eyes had a different glow as well.

Violet couldn’t believe that was her sister, the woman that had grown and was raised by her side.

“Oh, my God…” she murmured for herself.

But Jack listened.

Looking at her with very concerned eyes, Jack lowered his head and whispered in her ear:

“Are you alright? Do you want to leave?”