“Don’t you see,” Duponte said to Silvana with outraised, welcoming arms, “That I’m not your enemy.”
Duponte pointed to the goopy mess that was the remains of Kurt.
“He, now he, was your enemy. He wanted nothing more but your blood and your father’s blood.”
Getting even closer, Duponte pounded a palm to her chest and continued, “I, your family, want you to thrive.”
Silvana breathed deeply at the sight of the horrible fate that had befallen Kurt. Her heart was heavy with guilt, and for all the troubles that Kurt’s mischief and sin had caused her, she still felt a sense of regret that she was not able to save him when he was in a state of delusion and pain. She stepped away from a small collection of bright orange sludge oozing towards her. Kurt hadn’t been a good or decent man, but he didn’t exactly deserve this.