Bruce reverted from his massive werewolf form and back into his regular human body. His waist was covered by only the fragments of torn jeans that remained from his transformation, and he and Silvana both smirked to one another, both privy to what needed to be done now that Duponte had revealed her true form, and as the demonic energy continued to corrupt her.
“You’ll never be strong enough to fight me like that,” Duponte angrily hissed at Bruce. Her arms grew thin and long and skeletal. Lightning whipped all around her.
“I don’t plan on fighting you,” Bruce replied calmly and in complete control. He took Silvana’s hand.
“Are you ready?” he asked her.
“Always,” Silvana said with a smile that confused and angered Duponte.
How were these two so calm in the face of her? It infuriated Duponte, and she unleashed a fierce, howling wheeze.