
1-4 Unexpected Voice

Date: August 26-27

Place: Unregistered Island


    Holding the front door with my right hand and a smoke grenade in my left as Vincent, Noel, and Allen are starting to climb the vents.

    When I heard them started crawling, Chylle took a glance at me and smiled.

"This is exciting, " he said.

"Not when your life is in the line, " I replied opening the door and pulling the pin as I threw the grenade outside.

    Smoke started to fill the room,  unOrdinary fading with my sight as Chylle took the lead and ran carelessly. I followed behind him, gripping my gun in my right and another in my left. I lost sight of Chylle and bumped into some unOrdinary. I came to a halt when an unOrdinary stood right in front of me and when I look at it closely, it doesn't have half of its head, without its eyes and brain, it tries to sniff me. Then another one came. They looked like they were communicating so I took my chance and moved forward.

"Abort missionーthere is aー" then they began to scream that I heard in my transmitter. I don't have a clue who it was and I soon noticed that everything seems wrong.

    I hear the loud banging in the vents as all the unOrdinary on this floor follow it while bumping into me and I see Chylle's silhouette arriving closer.

"What's going on?" he whispered.

    I just shook my head and took cover on some table as I heard gunshots in the vents. Soon after, an unOrdinary fell from it, followed by Allen who shoots nonstop in this clouded surrounding, trying to hit his target but kept missing. Proceeding to shoot, he shot the fire sprinkler that led the smoke to fade.

    Chylle grabbed my arm and heaved me to an open classroom and closed it right beside us just before they could notice us.

"Noel reporting, what you heard earlier was a warning from the unit three people that were in the cafeteria's kitchen who we passed by earlier. It seems like it was too late before they warned us that an unOrdinary crawled its way up to the vents and followed our scents. Proceeding to plan B, " I hear him say struggling to climb as fast as they could.

I'm sure Chylle heard the whole thing too, considering his expression.

"Don't worry about me and just get going! I'll catch up later, " shouts Allen breathless, running while shooting and trying to lure as many of them away from this floor as possible.

"Plan B?" I whispered.

    He nodded and readied his weapons. If I remember correctly, Plan B is all about the bait so Vincent and Noel can escape safely. Allen already made himself a bait and lured some unOrdinary away from here as possible.

"As much as I don't want to be a bait, we have no other options. Besides, I might have a few tricks of my sleeve" as he took a peek outside and wickedly smiled back at me.


    A buffed unOrdinary are difficult to deal with. They excel in one specific and unique ability that can be complicated.

    And I'm not even sure if a buffed unOrdinary can even die. Sure, I did hear a rumor about a speaking type. But I know that it didn't die. Instead, it just ran to the darkness back to the forest. And I know that for sure because...I was the one she begged to help her.

    Noel is behind me, trying to catch up as I reached the end of this vent. Looking outside, I see several unOrdinary swarming on the third floor. One, two, three, four, five, and a lot more that I'm sure I just can't get a glance of.

"What now?" he asked, whispering as he checks his pistols and magazines, getting ready to fight.

    I didn't even know if he held a gun before and if he knows how it works. Nobody dared to give or teach him how to use a gun.

    Was it because of that day? No. I'm sure he didn't even dare to look at a gun back then. But what ifー

"If possible, we better not proceed to battle just yet. But if we have no choiceーI'll try to be useful, " he whispered.

    I just nodded and was going to go out when the fire alarm was activated. They seem to follow the sound and climbed down the stairs.

"Come and get me" I heard a faint shout and gunshots along with it.

    I'm sure it was Shawn's and Chylle's doing. I'm sure that's going to be trouble.

    I took a look around for a bit and decided to go out as Noel followed me and we creeped our way out to the third floor's emergency exit just past the last classroom to our right. Bracing myself to shoot as I point my gun at every turn of my head.

"Do you think they're fine?" asks Noel following my lead.

    And we finally got to the emergency stairs and climbed down as fast and as quiet as we can. The third floor's fire exit is the safest of all. No one can see us inside the school because we don't have to pass by any windows and we will be perfectly hidden when we go down, thanks to a few old buildings and setting sun.

"They trained us to be soldiers, to be someone who can protect ourselves while helping others, Noel. Don't look down on us," I say batting a serious look at him to make him less worried about us. But maybe that was too harsh.

    As soon as we got down safely, we hid in a small room that was within our reach.

"Vincent reporting, we'll be hiding in a room for a while until it's safe to go outside again. How are your situations?" I said at the transmitter as I try to find a comfortable spot to sit.

"Patrick here, some unOrdinary that were surrounding the plane left to the school's direction. Whatever you did, nice job getting their attention. So, what's your plan next?" I hear Patrick's voice tainted with anger.

"It's Chylle's proposal, " I hear Shawn say trying to lighten the mood.

"What theー" Chylle side comments.

"Sorry about that. It's the only thing to get their attention, " Shawn says again.

"Are you alright? Your not hurt are you?" says Noel so worried.

"Don't worry about us. We're perfectly fine. Just a few scratches here and there, " Chylle reassures us.

"Good. Reinforcements will come as soon as we can. Here's an order: Move at dawn and go to Japan as soon as possible. If anything happens before thenー" the General's speech was cut off by another voice in our transmitter.

"Urghー!Ahー!" yelled someone.

After that, we heard someone tapping a microphone. The only place where there is a microphone is in the broadcasting room in this school.

"Hello. Mic test, " a deep and stuttering voice echoed everywhere.  A lot of speakers are spread throughout the campus so I'm sure we heard it all. Loud and clear.

    Another buffed unOrdinary.

    A speaking type.


    A buffed speaking type unOrdinary.

After it tested the microphone, it was saying things that I don't quite understand. Although, I can't get the feeling off of me that this will be big trouble.

We waited for quite some time and now it's just a little more until dawn.

"It couldn't beー," Vincent says trying to shut his mouth from the loud voice he just let out.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Do you think they're communicating?" Vincent says shivering.

Now that I think about it, when I looked at the broken window, I saw some of them walking and looked like they were discussing something.

"We'll move in a couple of minutes. Vincent might be right and if that's the case we have to move quickly so they don't catch up on what we're planning, " I hear Shawn say.

"Roger. Is everything in place?" Vincent asked loading his gun and sharpening his knives.

"Yes, " General replied.

Vincent took another check of his weapons and I heard the others loading their guns too, so I did the same.

"Let's get going then, " Vincent shouted kicking the door and stepping outside.

I'm unsettled when I saw what was waiting for us outside.