
1-5 Boarding the Plane

Date: August 27-28

Place: Unregistered Island


"As you already know, this is an island which nobody knows. An island for people just like you, " Vincent told me.

    It took me by surprise when he unexpectedly started to give me private information that even Patrick couldn't have shared with me.

    Well, it is just the two of us here anyway.

"People like me?" I murmured.

"And it's not just an island. It's an organization built to secure our future. But it's a shame that even I don't know the details, " he said.

"Could you tell me what's been happening when I was in the infirmary for last few days?" I asked.

He was confused and hesitated at first but decided to discuss it after he realized what I was talking about.

"We were busy sending reinforcements to Japan. But for some reason all the planes that departed never made it. We don't know what happened, whether they are alive or dead right now. And we don't have the time to investigate either. But I'm sure the higher-ups are trying to hide something from us, " he said looking serious.

"There are other planes?" I asked as I tried to squish a little more information for me to work up with.

"Yes. But this is the last one and I will make this successful, " he said gritting his teeth.

    Who knows? Maybe he had some friends on those planes.

    I just smiled and silence spread to this little room we have. But he decided to break it first.

"Above all, I just want to say I'm sorry, " he looked at me with those sad eyes. A look of pity? Or more like a look of guilt.

"For what?" I tried to looked as confused as he expects me to be.

"Just remember I'm on your side. I'm your friend, " he reassured me.

I glared at him, holding a handgun as I pointed it at his head and aimed. I couldn't take it anymore and snapped.

"Stop beating around the bush and get to the point. I'm sick of you trying to make me figure out something with just those few words," I threatened him.

    He rashly spoke after he sees me wrap my finger on the trigger.

"The memory serum can manipulate one's mind and I'm sorry if we couldn't do anything about it when they injected it to you multiple times, " he raised his two hands and trembled, looking at the tip of my gun which is between his eyebrows.

I lowered my gun and looked away from him. I was trying to hide my face as I smirk and thought to myself.

It's just as I anticipated. So that's why I was losing some of my memories and feeling deja vu all the time.

I've become suspicious since last month when I woke up lying in a bed of the infirmary for seven days in a row. And they were always there to explain the situation which I don't recall the events they're telling me. Ever since then, I've been keeping it all to myself.

    Trusting no one.

"But I think you can remember something if you go to Japan and meet her, " he replied between the silence I made.

I didn't know what he was talking about and I wanted to know more but someone suddenly spoke in the transmitter before I could ask.


I saw a glimpse of Noel who was just as confused as me.


    We saw nothing when we went outside the old building.

"I was sure several unOrdinary were patrolling around here, " Noel said scratching the back of his head.

"Just hurry up and get a grip, " shouts Patrick.

"Alright. Calm down, " I said running while looking around for safety measures.

"It's strange. Nothings happening, " says Noel who was doing the same thing as me.

"Be grateful that nothing has happened yet, " I hear Chylle say.

"I can see you guys now, " says Shawn in the transmitter, running with Chylle.

"Great, just keep running, " General ordered as we did our best to run as quietly as we can.

    This is too suspicious, no signs of them yet.

    The plan is to go to the port by driving something. Because if we don't we'll be in

grave danger if we fight while running, that'll cost us too much energy. Especially when our destination is a few kilometers from here.

    The General checked the cameras and saw a mini truck in front of the school by the gate, and we have to drive it to the port.

    Shawn and Chylle were faster than we were and they already started the engine.

"Hurry up, " they shouted with Shawn in the driving seat and Chylle holding his small sniper at the back, trying to find a nice spot to fire as he took a peek at the scope.

    The next thing we know is that the mini-truck was already moving.

I ran faster when I hear a lot of growling and footsteps behind me.

"Pick up the pace, " shouts Chylle pulling the trigger of the gun, as I hear bodies falling behind us.

    I looked back to see what's happening, there weren't that many of them but I see Noel already struggling to run. I can tell that he isn't built for running.

    I already grabbed a part of the mini truck and reached my hand to Noel. I clasped hold of his hand and yanked him to me.

    Chylle stopped shooting for a minute and helped me and Noel climb up at the back of the mini truck.

"Everything alright back there?" shouts Shawn.

"Shut up and drive, " I answered back, pulling my gun out of my pockets, and joined Chylle while Noel was resting, catching his breath.

    Just a few more and we're at the port but more and more unOrdinary starts to appear.

"This isn't good, " mumbled Chylle loading his sniper.

"General, where's the backup?" I shouted holding the transmitter and counting the bombs hanging from my belt.

"I'm sorry, we'll be there in a minute, " I hear her replied, shooting nonstop and giving orders to her surrounding people.

    I kept shooting just like Chylle and soon Noel joined too. I'm just amazed at him. His aim is much greater than mine.

    He keeps getting headshots.

    Chylle and I glanced at each other, surprised at how Noel can shoot like that.

"What are you looking at?" he asked, changing magazines and continued to shoot.

    The herd stopped from running after us, opening a path and some are dispersing to the forest that surrounds the road.

"What's happening?" I hear General spoke as all the sound of a gunshot stops in their place.

"Guys, I think we have a problem," says Chylle looking at his scope to ensure what he was seeing.

"What?!" I accidentally shouted.

    I didn't need his reply to know what's going on. I can see from afar that an unOrdinary running like a dog with a leash on it and the second unOrdinary was holding it with another unOrdinary riding on its shoulders while both were riding a skateboard letting the dog-like unOrdinary heave them.

"That's something you don't see every day, " says Noel smiling as he stole the mini sniper from Chylle.

"Whaー" whine Chylle as Noel took his spot and looked at the scope.

"What's happening back there?" asked Shawn.

"Just keep driving, " I shouted back.

    Noel pulled the trigger and shot the dog-like unOrdinary on one of its legs. It limped for a second but kept running. Another bullet hit its other leg. While Chylle and I tried to shoot the other unOrdinary that's running behind them.

    Noel kept firing, hitting them in every direction he wants the bullet to go. But it's no use, they just keep closing in.

"We're going to retreat, " I shouted as I see the unOrdinary was not stopping and was about to hit us at full speed.

    Jumping to the side of the truck, I opened the door of Shawn's seat and dragged him out of there. Shawn was surprised but he couldn't do anything about it. Noel and Chylle did the same thing and jumped out of the moving truck like us.

    I saw the three crazy unOrdinary hit the truck which caused it to explode.

    We all rolled and got a few scratches but we soon stood up and began to run.

"I can see the port, just a little more, " Chylle shouted as he helped Noel run with him.


    I removed the sniper out of Noel's hands and threw it away.

"Here use this, " as I gave him my last handgun with a full magazine.

    He didn't take the gun but just run forward me.

"I'll be on my way to the front gate to assist you guys until reinforcements come, " I hear Patrick say as he runs with other people who looks like they're following his orders.

"Thanks, " Vincent replied.

    I looked behind me and saw that we took quite a distance from the explosion.

"Watch out, " Shawn shouted as I saw a bomb rolled in front of me which probably Shawn forgot to aim.

    I kicked it to the back where I saw a crowd of unOrdinary running in our direction and threw another two bombs which came from my pockets.

    I saw flying bodies of the unOrdinary after the explosion. But from the smoke emerged an unOrdinary with fast feet. As it got closer it swings its hand, just right where my neck is. A bullet pierced its right arm which changed the trajectory of its hit and I was just luckily scratched in my right cheek.

"That was a close call, " I hear Aisen's voice sighed in relief.

"Run idiot. We'll cover you guys," I hear Patrick's voice shouting in my ear.

    I took a glance in front of me and saw Patrick standing in the front gate peeking to a scope with other soldiers by his side who was going the same as him.

"Thanks, Aisen, " I shouted going for my knives as I blinded the fast feet buffed unOrdinary in front of me and kept running until I entered the gate with the others.

"I'm sorry, " I whispered to the unOrdinary I stabbed when I saw who it was.


    We can't hold out for long.

    We were shooting while walking backward back to the plane.

"It's no use, they just keep coming, " Juan Miguel shouted beside me.

    It didn't last long until we were low on bullets and were surrounded by unOrdinary. Vincent and Shawn didn't help us instead, they went straight inside the plane and preparing it for take-off.

    I saw Noel pulled out his knife in his pocket and run towards the unOrdinary's herd when someone from above dropped down in front of him that caused him to halt.

"Sorry, we got ambushed, " says General signaling to charge without looking at us as countless soldiers dropped from the helicopter from above us and threw in smoke bombs.

    The smoke spread fast as the soldiers ran recklessly inside it.

    I heard growling that comes from some dying unOrdinary and cries from soldiers as their blood was sprayed into the thin air.

No one in my group hesitated to run back to the plane.


    Just as I thought, one of the Generals is our own teacher, Mrs. Lorenz. I saw the people with me fight alongside the General.

    The soldiers that were with Patrick tried to get past those things and get to the plane as fast as they can, pushing their way through the huge crowd of bodies.

"Stay safe General, we'll make it back here ssfely and complete the task, I promise," I hear Patrick say in the transmitter, running towards the plane.

"What are you doing? Go inside. This is an order!" she shouts shooting at the unOrdinary that surrounds us while shoving me at the back.

"Butーyou need help too, " I tried to help her shooting some of it with the gun I picked up from a dead soldier nearby.

"What are you doing?" Patrick grabbed me and tried to pull me back to the plane.

    I can't get out of his grip as he pulls me inside the plane.

"A cargo plane?" I mumbled.

"It's a C-5 Galaxy, " smiles Patrick.

I took a glance behind us when I stepped inside the plane, the smoke has faded away leaving all the dead bodies I can see laying on the ground.



Blood all over the place, with some unOrdinary on the top of their bodies.

What a horrifying sight.

    Patrick put on a seatbelt around me first before he does the same to him.

"My friends, we are about to take off, " I hear Vincent in the transmitter who seems to be in a good mood as I felt the plane move.

    I took a glance around me, a lot of familiar faces surrounds me as they cheered with joy and tears in their eyes. They must have badly wanted to get out of this place.

    I took a peek outside when I heard a shout.

    It came from the General.

    I took my seatbelts off and grabbed a nearby sniper as I sat at the opening of the plane which luckily the door was just half-open.

"Thanks, Vincent, " I said at the transmitter when I hear him chuckle a little. I knew that he did open the door on purpose.

"Be careful, " he replied.

    I took a peek at the scope and pulled the trigger whenever I see an unOrdinary approaching General. She doesn't seem to mind.

    What a brave woman. Her head was already bleeding and one of her arms is already useless. It just hangs from her side as she tried her best to shoot as many unOrdinary as she can.

    I heard someone loaded a gun near me as I saw Patrick and Chylle joined me to back-up the team on the land and a few more soldiers joined us.

    Patrick is standing while Chylle was lying on the floor.

    But when we felt the plane took off of land we hurriedly stood up and grabbed at something that can maintain our balance.


"Let's go back to our seats, " I ordered.

    But when I was about to sit I saw an unOrdinary at Noel's back ready to strike him at any moment.

    Chylle shot it before I could.


    I turned around to seeーAllen.

    I wasn't mistaken by the dark that it was Allen.

"Noel run, " shouts Chylle as he runs towards me.

"No that'sー" I tried to explain but when a moonlight shines on Allen, I see it clearly, he has already turned into an unOrdinary.

    He was about to stab me with his hands when I stabbed him first as soon as I regained my balance.

    But it was about to strike again when Chylle took a hold of it.

"Thanks for everything, " Chylle smiled at me and heaved Allen out of the plane along with him.


    I took a hold of Noel when he was about to reach for Chylle as he shouts.

"Let go of me, we can stillー," he said.

    But I punched him before he can speak.

"We can't do anything about him right now. General will take care of him, " I said with confidence as I tried to convince him.

    The plane flies higher, but thankfully, someone grabbed my hand and helped us not fall off.


    I tried to stand up but I can't. Just laying at the ground while I took a glance at Allen who's  just standing still, staring above the flying plane in the sky. They're not that high up yet but I'm sure he can't do anything to jump that high.

    He was one of the buffed unOrdinary: The speed type.

    I looked behind me to see the battle is still occurring.

    My body hurts, I think I broke a bone. I can't move. It's hard to breathe.

"Chylle are you alright?" I see Allen walking up to me offering a hand in front of my face.

    Do you think I can accept your hand with my current situation? Stupid.

    Memories kept flashing in my mind.

    The day I was born, skipped to the day when I met Allen and the rest of our class. We were laughing and doing our best to do what the Generals told us to.

    Blend in. Kill. Protect.

    But I woke up from my imagination when I felt a stabbing pain in my body. I tried to open my eyes with little strength I have left for the last time. I saw Allenーthe Allen who turned into an unOrdinary holding two ripped-off pieces of my arm from my body and takes a bite.

    Oh. I already lost both my arm. It hurts. But I couldn't scream neither cry.

    Allen Rayala, my friend.

    Blood. Pain. Darkness.

[Lhea Lorenz]

    I looked over to the end of the port and saw the plane high in the sky.

    Just one bullet left. But instead of shooting it to the unOrdinary surrounding us, I shot it to Allen who was devouring human flesh.

    I missed and he dived to the ocean.

"General, we should go back for now, " says my soldier.

    I nodded and was about to grab a hold of the ladder on the flying helicopter where we jumped off earlier when it exploded into pieces.

    There are just a few more soldiers with me. About seventeen people.

"Long time no see, " I hear a voice in my transmitter. I got goosebumps when I realized who's voice it belonged to.

"What do you want?" I replied as I threw my gun and instantly get my knives as I tried to defend myself.

"Fireworks, " he replied.

    I hear a loud blast, followed by screams and howls.

    Until everything went black.


    I'm sure all of us heard a loud blasting sound. But we don't know what happened because the door was already closed shut.

"Goodluck, " I hear Mrs. Lorenz's voice before the line got cut.

    It thought of it as a last order and a last farewell.

    Someone burst into tears and his voice echoed through the room. Some tried to prevent themselves to be emotional, some cried along, and some are just quiet.

    I didn't bother to look around to see what's happening and just closed my eyes to sleep.

    I'm tired.


    I'm sitting with Noel beside me near the door. I can tell the sun is already rising by the sunlight that was passing through the pilot's room that hits my eyes, waking me up.

"Rise and shine, " I say to Noel.

    Looking around me, I see some of them asleep, some already awake and spacing out.

     "Good morning everyone, we are now nearing our destination" Vincent's voice echoed to this small room.

    I saw everyone waking each other up while still sniffing and drying their eyes that was once filled with tears.

"Good morning, " says everyone whisper to the one that's beside them.

    But we all stopped smiling and greeting each other when we felt something wrong.

    It's really horrifying what a minute can do to turn your life upside down. Due to the fact that, my soul almost left my body at the next second. I heard soldiers screaming their lungs out as we've all felt the same thing.

"It seems like someone just blew up the right and left wing of our plane, " says Vincent with shaking voice.

"Brace yourselves" says Shawn.

    Until everything went pitch black.