


The other pairs starts to battle, different attacks were scattered in the arenas, some fought directly with one another, while some experienced the same as the first 2 triads. All of their attacks matched or unmatched, advantageous or not, but one things for sure is that a team will always loose. As students disappear left and right, it is obvious when Logan, Harry, and Ava will fight, and the people that they are up against seems to be intimidating.

"My stomach is killing me right now!" Harry said as he stomped his legs because of his ever growing nervousness. "We know" Ava said.

"It is terrifying, especially I have no idea what is happening over there, all we've been hearing are those explosions or som- ohhh"

As Harry breaks down in nervousness there are 3 people covered in the same exact clothes, 1 tall, 1 big, and 1 short. They have the same haircut, accessories everything even down to the color of their pinky nails, red. The 3 of them are looking at them with a strange glare through their mask. Ava feels scared, Harry starts to be more anxious and Logan stares back at them.

"What's wrong with them?" Logan asked, "Who?" Ava replied. The 3 people are wearing masks but Logan can surely tell that they are staring at them. They seem to be confrontational.

"Those 3, they have been staring at us for a while now"

Logan points to them and Ava pulled his hands down, "Don't do that" she said. Logan might give their team some unwanted attention.

Themis descends down and announces the results. The 3 people looked up to Themis almost at the same exact time, as if they share 1 consciousness. Even down to the movement of their fingers. Themis announced the teams that will face and they are called along one by one against a team just known as 'Invoker'.

"Its our turn, already?" Harry freezes in shock upon hearing his name. "Yeah" Ava replied as she holds Harry's hand to make him calm.



"Stop staring at them, that's rude"


As soon as Harry stood up they are transported to the arena. Like the others they are put into a different place, and for them they are in the middle of the ocean.

"Oh No"

Harry stares down into the ocean and all they can see is nothing but the abyss; staring back at him. Since none of them can use water, meaning they cannot control the phases so they are just there to swim until somehow they can find land. Harry dived deeper into the water and sees something circling them, he swam up and warned them.

"There's a dark thing circling us"

"wh- what, this water is salty"


Harry gets pulled down but it lets go quickly, the shroud disappears and comes up a massive horse and headbutts them. Harry panics and raises the earth from the ocean floor and saves him and no one else, the other 2 gets dragged by something. "Oh no" Harry sad as he was about to jump in the water when he notices the black shroud just circling him. He reaches his hand into the water trying to catch the creature but its shapeless body makes it easier to slip past his fingers.

"Pesky thing"

Ava and Logan are being dragged by the water horse away from Harry. There seems to be a saddle on its back and Logan quickly hopped on to it and pulled Ava on.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, where's Harry?"

"I don't know"

The Ceffyl Dŵr, a water-horse from Welsh Myth that is the counterpart of the Scottish Kelpie. As the 2 ride the horse's back its starts to run on the surface of the water, its starts to run faster and faster; and much angrier. Logan tries to halt the steed but it won't, the horse seems to be evil in nature. It starts to gallop trying to get rid of them, even going as to using its head to buck them off. Water starts to protrude from its back and slowly forms into wings, as soon as the wings fully manifest it flaps and they slowly but surely make their ascend into the air.

"Oh no no, calm down calm, horsie, calm"


The steed's water wings fully manifest and it flies high into the air. For Harry, Ava and Logan has disappeared into the horizon and he is finding a way to go after them but his attention is to the black shroud the encircles him. As he reaches for it it does not go into his palm but encircles it.

"What are you? Just let me grab you!"

The water starts to bubble up on his face then suddenly a tall aquatic being rose in front of him, its one of their opponents. He carries a trident and pins his hand in between the prong. Harry tries to blow wind on his face but he keeps "regenerating" Harry has no choice but to swim to find a way to walk on water.


Rufus, the tall man, attacks him and he manages launched himself into the air, he swirled his wand around and manages to decrease the temperature under him, ice starts to materialize but he fell right through it, as expected. Rufus comes down and swiftly swims towards him, he pointed his wand behind him and he is speeding up. He waves his wand in a circular motion and then points down, the water that is trapped in his air starts to swirl and he manages to catch Rufus.

"Hi" Harry said.

"Bye" Rufus replied in a lower tone.

Rufus freezes the water and Harry falls down down on a bed of snow, applying what he learned literally earlier, he increases the temperature of the air that he makes and starts to melt the ice. Rufus notices what he is trying to and encapsulates his whole head and a small hole for breathing, the cold makes it hard for him to control his breathing but he tries his best to counter it. Inhaling and Exhaling vigorously, the noises that he makes annoyed Rufus who asks him to stop.

"Let me go then" Harry demanded.

"Can't do"

"Come on please"


"What's your name?"



"You're Harry, we know who you are, your group just won't shut up earlier"

"Sorry, it was just me. Now can you let me go?"



With every word Harry speaks, he breathes heavy in the ice. He asks Rufus how he keeps the ice from melting and how they are floating, his reply is just a hard cold "I control it". He keeps breathing down on the ice, even shifting his lips to the left just to melt it. He makes a hole on it and sea-water gets in and it stings his eye. "RIGHT!" Harry screamed and took a big and deep-breath, and blows hard on the water and tips the whole thing and the water almost drowns him. The black shroud comes up once more and breaks the ice for him.

Harry's grimoire opens up and its empty, the black shroud covers the whole grimoire and is absorb into the book. Rufus looks down on the water and he cannot see him.

"Where are you Harry?"

Harry climbs back on the floating ice and Rufus lifts him up and freezes him on his place. He struggles to break the ice but it freezes quicker. The ice starts to cause him damage.

"Hey, nice mask by the way"

"Thank you, th-"

"Mind if I have it?"

A massive tentacle came from behind him and grabbed the mask by its suction cup revealing a skull. Harry panicked and it also startled the creature behind him, the ice breaks and he kicks Rufus away from him. Rufus freezes the whole area and the creature dragged Harry down along with it and his mask. Rufus chases after them and attacks them with heavy waves through the water.

"This is a bad spot" Harry thought, the shroud was going to kill him. Rufus looks around in the water trying to look for Harry, but the abyss covered his sight. The break in the ice is the only dim light-source.

"Where are you Logan"

Suddenly a massive creature swims out of nowhere, a massive polar bear. The loud screams are heard up to the spectators as a powerful echo.

"An Invoker" One of the Archangels said.

"Mother's favorites"

The bear rises up and grabs Rufus by its mouth. It thrashed around the water and threw Rufus far away. The Bear shapeshifts into a massive eagle starting from its leg up and flew away quickly as it appeared. Harry screams as the bird fly away in full speed, "SLOW DOWN!" he begged as they fly off.

"Rufus?" Another appeared from the ice.

"Ryker, A wand?"

"Yeah his"

"An Invoker, Yes?"

"A rare one, thank goodness we have something interesting to go up against it. Your mask?"

"Its fine"

Harry looks back to Ryker and Rufus talking to one another, as they chatted a dark figure looms under them. "What is that" Harry said, the 2 slowly ascends into the ice and starts to become part of the shadow. Harry focuses his attention on finding his teammates.

"Okay, that was good, your a good bird, right"

"Can you look for him"

Harry manages to grab Logan's stick when they were in the water earlier, the eagle smelled it and heads towards the right and increases its ascension.

"SLOWLY!" Harry barely hangs on the bird by its strong feather. He flies high and as he nears the clouds he sees them they met up but on a different way than expected. The Ceffyl Dŵr dispersed into the air when it reached a certain height and the 2 are falling. The Eagle manages to catch by its talons safely.


"YOUR ALIVE!" Suddenly a massive mouth appears from under them, with sharp hooked teeth around and even on the tongue. The smell of rotting corpses flew right to the air, nauseating them. The insides of its mouth moved around and the teeth looked like fishes. A lower growl is being emitted by the mouth, amplified by its size.

Ava and Logan screamed begging for them to be saved from the massive, dark, and stinky mouth. The creature fell down into the ocean; causing a huge wave. They can see the creature's shape in the water slowly shifting, and 3 people appear standing on its back. Rufus, Ryker, and a girl named Remi.

"Why did you glare at them Logan?"

"Its not my fault"

"Hey, hold it together, we're winning this!" Ava and Logan looks doubtful towards Harry. He was the most nervous out of all 3 of them earlier, but it motivated them.

She pointed up to them and their beast attacks them, Rufus rides in the mouth of the beast with a rifle aimed at them and Ryker rides on top of its' head with a 2 handed flail. He spins the end of his flail and fire sparks it up.

"Logan I think you ne-"

The bird moves and Harry drops the handle but Logan catches it. Rufus shoots at Logan but he manages to parry some of the bullets. He turns the handle into a lasso and drags Rufus off the mouth and into the water, Logan holds him down but he does not have the strength to maintain; so Rufus breaks free.

"Hans?" Rufus lands a punch onto Logan's face as they fall down, Logan's descend was faster. Ryker goes up against Ava fire versus fire, both gigantic animals aren't damaged by the attacks of the 2. But a bigger problem arise as Harry has no idea how to control his new ally.

"Uhm, gust of wind go!" The beast looks behind him, the expression of confusion is visible. The beast ascends and tries to go after Remi but the even bigger beast blocks them, she whispers something to the beast and it starts to have scales and turn. It grew fangs on its mouth, the head gets slimmer and it starts to grow wings, her beast turns into a Amphiptere, a winged serpent.


Harry's beast also turns into the same exact creature, both beast challenges each other. Remi's beast breathes fire and Harry's flaps its wings as powerful as it can and creates small wind vortexes that stops or weaken the fire.

Ava and Logan who are still ignorant to creatures, like the ones that they are witnessing right now, are more amazed and stopped fighting for a second.

"On me Logan"

"Sorry" Logan and Rufus threw attacks at each other, but Rufus overpowered him by his aggressive and quick attacks. It put Logan on defensive and he looses his footing with every hard and unexpected attacks.

"You now I can break this ice"

"Try it" Rufus' skull is revealed to Logan and all he can say is "Oh". The 2 continued to battle but it was the exact same thing as earlier. Logan on defensive and cowering, while Rufus is on the offensive and aggressive.

"Come on buddy, we can do this!"

Harry's beast flaps its wings as hard as it can as it deflects every fiery attack from Remi's. As they are being distracted Rufus and Ryker attacks their respective opponents, Logan's sword just barely manages to go up against Rufus, a skilled Magician and Warrior. Logan either moves too much and makes himself open for Rufus to attack making defense harder for himself. Ava has also trouble fighting Ryker who has control on wind and fire, with the control of both elements, Ryker's firepower is almost triple the firepower that Ava has.

"That hurts"

The 2 Invokers flew right into the air trying to stop the other, both teams has ignored trying to find the other's orb, knocking the other team out or incapacitating them became top priority. Ryker starts to increase the temperature of the whole atmosphere, slowly evaporating the large body of water creating dark clouds and resulting in rain, as the rain starts to pour Ryker immediately decreases the temperature, Rufus added his ability and doubles the upcoming storm.

"What is happening"

"Your loss" Rufus said. Logan attacks him but the rain stops him, it freezes immediately as it make contact on him.

The 2 Invokers in the air sees the forming storm clouds from a distance, they are seeing the eye of the storm slowly forming.

"Oh wow"

"Amazed?" Remi asked as she looked up the eye slowly shifting above them.

"You guys are awesome, and so is your orb"

Harry sees the orb in the middle of the eye and a bit risky for them. He launches himself towards it and grabs it but its the orb that they owned. The shroud earlier or the shifter, was carrying the orb. It was attracted to Harry's imperium which is why it chose him as his 'Invoker'.

"I must have dropped it earlier" Harry gets mad as he realized that they are mocking them. He stomps on the best and it hits his head using its tail.

"I'm sorry"

Lightning strikes under them as they hear the roaring thunder. Logan and Ava barely holds on their place as Rufus and Ryker's power get even more stronger by the second. Ava falls down but Logan manages to save her. A waterspout starts to form in the middle of them and it has a powerful pull, Ava holds on to Logan's hands and Harry and his beast tries their best to escape the sprout and grab the other 2.

"I THINK WE LOST!!" Logan said as they are being sucked in.


A lightning starts to go down directly towards them, the beast quickly shifts into something else and protects them. More lightning strikes down on the back of the beats new form, they can feel the vibrations and the weight in the air. Remi and her teammates floats together on the Amphiptere.

"Is it unconscious?" Ryker asked.

"I hope so" Remi replied with a doubtful tone.

The Amphiptere circles around them trying to see inside, it pokes the beast with its' tail but no respond.

"Move it"

It raises its tails and as soon as it moves the wing they are struck by lightning. Harry and Logan held hands as they fired a powerful bolt of lightning towards the other team. Harry threw Logan towards them and manages to grab the orb on Ryker's hand.

"Your loss" Logan said as he stared directly into Rufus' eyes.

Suddenly both team are experiencing the same thing as all the other teams did. A voice tells them the origin of everything and the world. Everything shined before them, their 'Other-Halves' meeting them, they are transported in a new area where the others are waiting and they saw their fight. Everything went by so fast and they cannot remember everything when they held the orb, but they did not worry about it a lot. Hans approached them and gave Harry and Ava hugs and so did the twins, the triplets also came and greeted them.

"Awesome fight" Hans completed them.

"Thank yo-" They hear what sounds to be pieces of wood falling down. They looked at Rufus, Ryker, and Remi who are just puppets, the 3 puppets are controlled by one little girl behind them. Everyone is in confusion but they are still cheering for them.

"Nice to meet you" Logan said.

"...." She stepped back.

"A bit shy?"

"I'm Remi"

"Well I'm Harry, this is Ava, and this is Logan..... Logan? Where is he?"

They just noticed that he is gone and not with them, they looked through the window but it is in a different place. They start to worry even more as the whole room blared red, Themis talks to them telepathically and told them of the situation.

*Loud, too Loud*

"Wake up"



A cold whisper from behind him greeted him, something terrifying is directly breathing down his neck. He cannot turn around as the fear froze him shut, his 'Other-Half' stands in front of him chained up and sitting down. A huge man walked from behind him and steps on his 'Other-Half' down on the ground.

"Hello, Logan" The man sat down on the back of the 'Other-Half'.


"Are you scared?"


"Are you hungry?"


"I'm sorry for this, I meant to meet you on that day but I cannot"


"Yes, but unlike my siblings who chose to revolt against my mother. My father created me himself in order to watch over them, and they are the true evil. I stand here before you not as the enemy, an ally even if it means that I am a source of your power"


"Yes, allow me to give you my power to defeat darkness, or at the least balance it"

"You killed my family"

"We all did, the Angels did, they did not protect your family. But I did not"

"What are you talking about?"

"it was by the Herald of Lucifer, you know him as Dracula, Vlad the Impaler, he was filled with bloodlust and he wanted more power and knowledge"


"To conquer lands he carried with him the will of the 4 horsemen. War, Famine, Plague, and Conquest, he is filled with greed and Greed, came and sent one of his own as a contract, he sold his soul to the Sin Of Greed and in exchange he took his Wife and Daughter"


"And he becoming the epitome of greed just kill people, for the same thing"

"Didn't he had a son, the opposite of his, name, Alucard?"

"Yes, a child born from a Human, and like his father he is a vampire, and his knowledge and skill is passed down to him, and he has half of his mother, human"

"Why would a human love a vampire?"

"Because she saw him as damaged, and believing he can change, he accepted her, he did not allow his disciple to lay a finger on her"

"Why are you telling... or talking to me now?"

"Because I-"

"Need a new body, worthy of my power and you can handle him, not allowing him to creep into your mind" A cold chilling, and bone rattling voice entered their conversation. It was the dark menacing feeling the was behind Logan.

"Mammon" The demon in front said.

"We meet again"

Mammon raised his hand left hand and controls Logan's left arm, "A deal" Mephistopheles cannot take a hold of Logan because of Mammon's condescending control which easily took over Logan.

Merlin and the 14 Archangels felt it and so did Death, that sinister feeling even he feared most.

"I feel him" Death raised his head.


"Lachlan, where is Logan?"

"He is taking the trials"

"Probably the 5th one, why sir?"

"The Sin of Greed has him within his grasp, and if he grabs his soul, we will have a monster among us and within the earth" Death calmly said.

"We need to go and get him"

"But can you enter it, Death?"

A smooth voice speaks above them, they look up and see a floating man. With long hair, red eyes, pale white skin as if he is dead, his outfit black as the dark night and a evil that is disgusting and sinister.

"How long has it been. Albert or should I say Abraham, I'm guessing you do not remember me, but you old man knows exactly who I am"

"The Herald of Greed, I shall condemn you to the lowest of the circle of hell"


The herald and its Master starts to attack from 2 places. A sudden surge of darkness starts to cover the whole area. People within 2KM starts to feel heavy and passes out.

"You cannot pull back"

Logan and Mammon touches hands, the 14 Archangels jumps and aims their weapon at Logan who has been taken over by Mammon. Black veins sprout out from the back of his left ear. Logan's controlled body moves around and starts to degrade it by dealing damage to himself.

"Pain, PAIN, PAIN PAIN PAIN!" Mammon said, he raised his left arm and cut it deeply. Blood drips down and he savored it.

"Brothers, Sisters, How long has it been?" He greeted the Archangels.

"Go back to the Hell from whence you came"

"No, I like it here, I'm sorry, why couldn't all of you, just.... accept it!"

A massive dark hand with sharp nails is dropped down on the Archangels, it takes 5 of them to stop the attack.



Aarav fired a jet of flame and it is powerful enough to damage the demon.

"We must kill him"

"NO YOUR GRACE! DO NOT KILL IT, THERE IS A BOY WITHIN THERE" Finn screamed from the top of the bleachers to Aarav.

"Finn, It is the o-"


Mammon sent barrages of attack to the 14 Archangels. His own power was enough to go up against all of the Archangels and the surrounding mentors. he started to go on a spree.

Within Logan's Psyche he and Mephistopheles battles the Sin of Greed within him.

"Your fighting on 2 sides"

"Do not worry, I can take all of you"