


Outside, the 14 Archangels and the 20 mentors struggle to exorcise the demon from within Logan. They try to not hurt his body as the demon is wrapped around him, and trying to attack him safely also benefits the demon. Those gigantic arms and tendrils destroys everything around them. Albert, Lachlan, and Death also fights Dracula the Herald of Greed.

"Look at you, so weak"

Death can attack Dracula but he is not enough to destroy the being, Albert is forbidden to attack him and Lachlan is too weak to even land an attack on the vampire. Lachlan's presence was too small for Dracula, who ignored him completely and did not acknowledge him as a threat. Within Logan the ever so growing Mammon has fully taken over his "Other-Half" the core of his Imperium.

"tsk tsk tsk, you are naturally powerful Logan, why can't you just, join me"

"Why should I?"

"Because, who killed your family, tortured them into being their feast"

"You did"


Trying everything in his power to even slow down such massive being that is slowly destroying him. He tries to pulled his "Other-Half's" hand from Mammon's chest, but it was not moving at all. Mammon grows in size and Mephistopheles even struggles to stop him.

"Oh Oh, Oooh Mephistopheles, nobody wants you, do not even bother"

As Mammon grows even bigger within Logan the stronger he gets outside and his "ascension" into the Worlds come closer. The Archangels needs to kill the host by destroying its heart completely, but Finn does not allow it. Logan's scream within the demons starts to feel dead, as if his will to live disappears.

"oh, what... what happened?"

"Mila, Sofia, anyone?" Hans wakes up and he seems to be only one who has awaken, he can feel the whole ground shaking. He looked over the the direction of the darkening sky and feels a "disgusting" presence. Wanting to help, he starts to find a way to free himself from this box.

"That is, dark, what is that"

He focuses all his Imperium to see what is going on amongst them, and he sees so many cores flying around and expending massive amounts of Imperium towards an even bigger, darker, menacing Imperium in the middle of it all. He can feel Logan's faint call for help within the dark imperium, shrouded in "self-hatred". He can hear and feel Logan trying to climb out, but he cannot.


"That's Logan?"

Hans gets down and tries to wake anyone up, but no response they even look and sound as quiet as the dead. He starts to tear up and thinking that they are dead, 'WAKE UP!' he screams louder and louder as he fills up with rage, he goes up to Harry and starts to shake him up but nothing. Even slapping him a few times did not wake him up.


He hears a little rattle in front of him and out of the Grimoire a snake starts crawling up to Harry's abdomen. The snake seems to have responded from his call of help. "Will you help me?" He asked the snake as he handed his hand out and waits for it to do something bite him or something. The snake is friendly towards him, the snake suddenly erupts and burst wrapping around him in a white skin.


"Who is that?"

"Where Am I?"

"Where Am I?"



"Who are you?"

Logan hears a voice calling onto him, but he does not recognize such a familiar voice. Logan then trips on nothing and he cannot bring himself to get up, something heavy is pushing down on his back, and he cannot look up because it might break his neck completely. He just allowed the weight to crush and crash down on him. He screams, louder and louder with every fiber in his body he screamed thinking that it will do anything, but there was no voice at all. He just opened it his mouth and exhausted himself until his own throat feels like it will explode. Logan starts to give up, he is now hopeless, he cannot escape whatever fate lingers for him.

*I guess, Death, will be good?*

"Its not over yet"

"How, and why?"

"'How' because I am still here, and 'Why' because I am your ally"


"I do not ask for your soul, but your trust, we will escape from this and you shall take my power and make it as your own"

"What is your purpose?"

"I was banished along with my brothers into the depths of hell, but I refuse not to, I go over making deals with Humans in order to use my knowledge and power to defeat my own kind"


"Because.... It does not matter now young one, you have choice, but it has to be on a contract"

"What? You take over my body in exchange for power?"

"In exchange for power you shall take mine, and do not use it for evil for I will destroy you myself, if you dare to betray it"

"But you will die along with my soul, you feed off me"

"Yes, but I will return back to my own hell, where I serve the Morning Star, it is fate worse than my Father's"


"What is your choice?"

As he stays down there pinned he starts to think, he does not trust the demon as they can be deceiving, but he also needs power that can go up against the Sin of Greed and so he makes his decision, he offered his hand to Mephistopheles.

"I have always been fond of your kind ever since, their refusal has taught me that some humans are worthy of power in exchange they are responsible when they use it"


"Will you bind this contract?"

"I bind it, both of our souls under your terms"

They shook hands and as soon as it makes contact Mephistopheles disappears, and all Logan has is a palm with blood on it. He examines his now bleeding arm and realized that he can move once more, he still slowly gets up thinking that he will be pushed back but he was not.

"huh, I'm alive, I can speak"

He stood straight and tall and the only light source is from his blood alone, a small crimson red light in this dark abyss. He clenches his fist and his wounds starts to sear shut hurting him a bit in the process, he opens his palm once more and the wound is sealed and the contract is now taking place.


Logan's body stopped moving outside and Mammon has full control of it, he can now only moves his eyes; as if it is a sleep paralysis. it is just like the first time Logan got a taste of the Whole Essence of Imperium. Logan slowly takes his own body back and the only part that Mammon can move is his right eye.

"You have no control over this body Sin of Greed"

"The unwanted, how dare you show yourself"

"And how dare you disobey our mother's will"

The Archangels look in bewilderment as Logan's body spoked in 2 different distinct and familiar voices. Mephistopheles who is now in control of Logan's body grabs his left ear and tears it off and carrying the dark shroud along with it. Mammon starts to take shape into a human with his horns and wings like a vultures.

"Now, what will you-"

A spear of light came flying right at him and struck his abdomen missing his chest. Mephistopheles attacks a dismayed form of Mammon as he tries to fly away. Mephistopheles raises one of his hands and using the element of the wind he sucks in Mammon who tries to run away. Mammon takes back Logan's imperium that he tried to steal away.

"Brothers, sisters, send this monster back to him" A voice echoed within their minds that commanded the other 14. The Archangels struck all their weapons to different parts of his body, one to the brain, another to the heart, 6 on both his upper limbs and 4 on his lower limbs, 2 on both of his lungs. The Archangels pull it away and the body is separated into several pieces.


Mammon quickly regenerates into 1 whole being once more and unaffected and much bigger, the same flaming skeleton from when he spawn into the world, the feeling of dread is felt up to Death and the 2 Reapers fighting Dracula. Death and Lachlan deal damages to him and Albert tries his best to capture all the souls that Dracula has corrupted.

"Let's play a bit more, Grim Reaper!"

He attacks Albert and they flew high into the air, "This won't hurt you" Dracula lets go of Albert who starts to rotate in every direction as he plummets down. He falls on the ground face first but his body is still okay, no blood nor pain. Lachlan with his claymore swings at Dracula but it passes through him easily, he makes a mockery of them. He continues to enjoy their little battle without even a single worry.

Mammon transforms into something else, a massive demon, using the Imperium that he can feel around him he siphons all of it up. He finishes gathering the Imperium that he needs and he stands there. As if he is a perfect and beautiful being, so much for being Greedy; he acts pridefully.





"How are you my siblings?"

"Do not... call as your... siblings"

"Aren't we siblings, all of us are born of the same light, and I am older than most of you"

He steps on Fadil's face, his complete antithesis, greed and selflessness. He steps on her face even harder.

"How about you what can you do, even in this lifetime you still depend on our mother's power just to attack? Let go of her, you have your own powers why not use it, do you need her permission?"

He grabs Fadil by her face and lifts her up. Mammon keeps mocking his siblings about how they cannot fight the way he fights. Even though they are in the world surrounded and created out of Imperium they cannot use it fully as their mother is afraid of them being corrupted by it. He pins Fadil down on the ground and a sharp bone erected from his palm.



A taller girl struck the same spear of light earlier directly into his heart. Seraph, the only one who can match the power of the demons.

"Unlike them, our mother allowed me to use her gifts"

This woman is is the pure definition of beauty, her golden hair shines as the sun hits it and the clouds above her head cleared when she appears under it. She looks back at Logan and Mephistopheles who falls down on the ground tired. She pulls her spear from Mammon's chest up to his head destroying him completely. Seraph the Supreme Angel 'The Honorable', she heals every one the battlefield with just the light that moves open for her.

"Hello brother"

'S-se' The words the Mephistopheles put out as Logan's body shut down. Feeling where Dracula is fighting she aims as their direction towards the sky. She whispered to her spear 'To the darkness' and throws it with all her might and in a matter of seconds the spear lands directly on Death's hands.

"What is that?"


"The Solar Flare, we shall fight once more Death and his puppets"

The light being emitted from the weapon was as bright and powerful as the sun. The night appeared as bright as day. Dracula was afraid to go up against such weapon that he chooses to withdraw back into his castle. The battle is not completely over as soon as Logan passes out the 2 demons battle in order to gain control.



Both demons are in their pure form, a horned and winged creature taking control of Logan's almost dead "Other-Half".

"I will not allow you take it"


"You cannot defeat me!"


Logan joins in the effort with the Imperium and the element of fire, he fires roaring flames at Mammon who grows weaker inside his head, losing his control. His handle appears out of nowhere and he uses it. It turns into a flaming lasso and he punishes Mammon with every hit.

"Its over"

Mammon tries to become bigger but grows thinner and smaller instead, he crawls down back to the "Other-Half". The chains that binds it wraps around him, Logan steps on his leg and looks through his eyes. He can now see where Mammon's real body is, an old castle.

"Wait for me there, weakling"

"HA! I shall"

Mammon's skull was weak enough to be broken by just the bare hands and so did Logan. The chains as well disappeared and the 'Other-Half' is absorbed by Logan, he is now whole.

"You will not remember this moment Logan"

"Its fine, I can and will rediscover your power, I will do anything I can to defeat who is behind the Imbalance of our worlds"

"Sure, but you... are in nowhere near the power even Mammon's, I beat him for you"

"I will train, to harness your power"

"Oh, and I have a gift for you"

Mephistopheles asked Logan to open his hands, he then mentioned that his weapon was broken during the test earlier and completely destroyed during the battle. "I offer you the Fang" a one whole sword that can be separated for dual wielding, the handle is a bit thicker than the blade itself. One of the side is the cutting edge and is extremely sharp, the other half is not sharp unlike the blade he imagines, the pommel has a circular at the bottom that is bigger than the handle where Imperium will be imbued. Logan gives it a swing and he starts to get comfortable.

"There is also 2 swords that you will need to find, the 'Eternal devourer' a long sword and the 'Divine Reaper', the weapon of Life and Death. The only weapon that can scar and wound beings made of pure imperium"

"What does those 2 swords do?"

"The 'Eternal Devourer' is a longsword that allows you steal and summon souls of the dead, it was the weapon owned by my Father, he created it for the first Grim Reaper. Second is the 'Divine Reaper' a weapon created from imperium as well, it is like the one that Seraph has but the form of the weapon depends on its user, but the power it has I have no clear remembrance,"


"Yes, the weapons Reaps through darkness, it resembles Seraph's Solar Flare"

"So, how do I obtain it?"

"I do not remember, the weapons were used in order to drive us away, Including the 'Solar Flare', it is one of the great weapons that were used the others were destroyed or forced back into its original form, imperium. But there was a weapon created to Banish Lucifer, the 'Radiance'"


"A weapon that even our creators feared, it is made with Life and Death, worthy of destroying the Universe"

"Oh, so How many were created?"

"28, for all of us"

"I'm guessing the others still have theirs?"



"The weapons will test you if you are worthy of it, a Golden Heart, Peaceful mind, and Good intention is what they need, but if you even have the intent or the the tiniest urge to kill, the weapons will grow heavy and destroy you"

"How about the ones that, the demons have"

"They corrupted it of course, and those who hold it will fall in the temptation"


"Now, I will stay within you as your second soul, in case if you die"

"Thank you"

"You are welcome, now" Mephistopheles' darken into pitch black and leaned down onto Logan's ear and whispered *AWAKEN*.

Logan's left ear slowly heals back up and he starts to gain consciousness he slowly gets up and everything is distorted. He turns around and sees Seraph walking towards him.

"You must be Logan, Mephistopheles' ve- Friend?"

"I... I... Who, I... am I alive?"

"Welcome once more to the land of the living"

Everyone starts to wake up from their sleep and regains their strength one by one. The 14 Archangels surrounded Logan but he cannot see their faces because of the blinding light. He moves his hand and the 'Fangs' are on his hands, the sword dissipates into his arm and turns into a mark and then faded away.

"Where is my brother?"

"Who... who's your.... brother"

*I'm fine sister, thank you for worrying*

"Of course you do not"

Finn came running down towards Logan and gave him a hug, the man starts to cry and bawl as he tightly hugs Logan. 'I'M SORRY, I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE FOR YOU!' He repeated simultaneously, he keeps swiping Logan's hair as he kept asking for forgiveness.

"I'm fine sir"

"Are you sure?"

"My Brother's and sisters, we must go back to our posts and look for Mammon"

"I know where he is Your Grace" Logan joins in the conversation.

"Do you?"

"Romania, Wallachia where Dracula is, his Harbinger he called him... Harbinger"

"Can you fight him?" Seraph asked Logan and everyone gasp in shock.

"Elder Sister" Seraph stopped one of her siblings.

"Me? No, I'm guessing not, when I felt his presence in that castle he was more than terrifying, no words can describe how terrified I was"

"Sister, I shall train this boy"

"No Fadil"

The other 12 has left and do as their told by their Eldest and most powerful sister, while Fadil stays and tries to talk to her.

"Why do you want to train him?" Aarav asked.

"I know I can make him stronger in a matter of months, and now days"

"How can you do that?"

"You have a new source of power, do you not?" Fadil asked Logan who is afraid.

"I guess, I do not know"

"Then he shall train with me Elder Sister, he-"

"LOGAN!!" Ava and Logan screamed on top of their lungs as they see him. Themis follows behind them.



Ava, Harry, Mila, Sofia and the triplets came running at him, they immediately stop as soon as they felt the presence of 2 powerful beings. Seraph smiled as she looked at them and one face strikes her as familiar. "You there" She pointed with her palm to Ava.

"What is your name beautiful one?"

"I think she means you Ava" Enola nudged her.


"You are all beautiful, but you Ava, do you know the meaning of that name?"

"I do"


"Hush now, Fadil. The school will train this children and you shall fight with the others above and watch over the enemy, I will be watching over them as it is my role"

"Yes sister" Fadil quickly agrees. "How about him" She pointed to Aarav.

"He will protect them with me, you do not have to worry"

"Sister, I am available to train this children, all of them"

"IF desperation comes, I shall call upon you to train this children"

"When they come?"


"Then I hope the moment does not come"

Fadil flies up and heads back to the overworld, and Seraph starts to disappear. Her 3 pairs of wings starts to retract into her back and she stands softly on the ground, her long hair starts to shorten, and her body as well. Her body turned into a cocoon of sorts and out came Hans and Harry's shifter.


Beowulf catches Hans in his arms and the shifter turns into a snake and slips into Harry's grimoire.

"What did we miss?" Harry asked.

"Nothing, our responsibilities" Beowulf replied.

"Now you are admitted, celebrate children"

Having no idea of the small but large battle that erupted earlier the students cheered loudly filled with glee. The next day ceremony starts and they are awarded of uniforms with a lilies crest on the buttons and back. They are given metallic cards, they examined it. Those who have taken the exam more than once puts the card on their foreheads.

"What are they doing?" Harry asked, "Just look" Remi replied.

The card starts to light up by the imperium of its holder. It breaks into several pieces and forms into their wanted weapon. From guns, to swords, to chain whips. They all did the same thing and it starts to morph, after that it lays flat on the back of their palm and it is absorbed.

"What was that?" Mammon wakes up from his slumber.

"You failed again Mammon"

"Vlad, we now know that my siblings are on watch, and I just raised it"

"Yes, you did, what do we do now, with their interference gathering souls for the other 12 will be difficult"

"Go and send more of your army men and take the women and children of this country, control them if you must"

"Yes, Mammon"

"We only gathered enough for me to be revived, those Reapers will not be easily controlled like in the Garden"

"Why is that?"

"Because of my mother, with their agreement that 'Oath' we need to find a way to break it and take all of them in one sweep"

"I do have one test, Abraham now goes by Albert, after his son's name"

"Your hunter?"

"Indeed, and Lachlan there was a woman with them in the bar when I visited"

"What woman?"

"A clear rebirthed woman, probably one of the Reapers' lovers"

"Then you shall go after her as well, hopefully we can break it"

"Do not worry my army are already heading there"

"How about him?"


"Shouldn't you be worried about your child?"

"Alucard, he is no where near my prime, he cannot beat me even if his life depended on it"

"Good luck, my Harbinger"

Dracula turns into a bat and flies into the dead of night. *Sin of Greed, how do I obtain your power for my own* He thought of it as he flies high into the sky and cackling in such a devilish voice. He looks behind him, his castle.

"I shall take your soul for mine"