


A whole month has passed by and every single students has increased in power while some remained the same, including the 'New-Ones'. Everyone is ready to show off their new found ability. On the day before the 'Grand Prix' ,as the students would call it, they have been given new uniforms. They got rid of the old design outfits and exchange into a much more comfortable and easier to move in. It has a slimmer design, and the class markers were discarded. The 7th graders wore different outfits, than theirs. Their pants are a bit baggy and the buttons of their jacket overlap. Their aura is intimidating as well.

"Who are those guys over?" Hans asked, "The 7th graders" Kiosk replied to him, the 7th graders have been busy helping fighting against Altereds on the Overworld.

"Woah, cool" He said. "One day we'll be like them" Eric added.

"I wonder what they have saw"

The first years were complaining as they only wore the uniforms for less than a month, but as soon as they saw the updated versions they stopped. But before they got their new uniforms they were wearing their old ones and is a assembly for their trials is being held.

"By grade right?"

"Yeah, there's no difference between Grade and Groups, its the same"

"Oh yeah" Harry said. They all stand in line by grade and height. Logan sees 7 students move in on the bleachers. The 6th and 5th year students stopped their chattering upon the presence of the 7, 4th and 3rd simultaneously stopped and the 2nd and 1st years followed suit. The 7 students seems to belong to the 7th grade as they wear the same uniform.

'Do you think they w-' Harry tries to speak to Logan who stands behind him but he feels a presence looking towards him, and so he stood straight up. Themis goes up the stage and she starts to explain the trials for the 'Grand Prix', the only things that the students know about this even is that it will the whole school their newly polished abilities, but not for the real reason which Themis explains.

"The winning team, will be going with the 7th year students on their missions on the 'Over World' 7 of the Elite students, stands above us and will be witnessing your prowess, and we are not just choosing the winning team. The top 5"

The top 5 of the 7 Elite students stood up and stepped forward, they wear the same cloak with one difference. The one in the middle, the clasp cloak is made out of pure platinum and shines brighter, their mask also has the same platinum accents, the 2 behind them dawns a gold one but with smaller designs, the 2 behind them has a silver one and it is easily distinguished from the platinum due to its duller and gray appearance compared to the platinum.

"Woah, I can feel how strong they are" Kios said.

While the rest has a darker toned clasp cloak and accents around their clothing. They cannot see it because of the lighting, but their cloaks has beautiful floral designs reminding of the school's insignia, and on their back is the school's insignis, the lilies which is also indented on the clasp cloak.

Their leader was asked to come down to the stage and so they did, they caught a glimpse of the new uniform, and unbeknownst to them it will be their new uniforms as well. The 7th years old uniforms are being passed down to them.

They landed down and greeted Themis and Merlin, they shook hands and have a little chat, the other 4 sat back down. They stood on the edge of the stage and takes off their mask and reveals a beautiful girl, her hair is tied to a bun with strands hanging on her left temple and she pulls it back to her air.

There's a scar on her left neck and seems to go down. She has a cold resting face which made everyone intimidated. Her cloak opens open and they can see her small but definitely strong figure and the outfit much clearer, she wears a long sleeved shirt and the jacket is unbuttoned, she wears a white belt and with the signature platinum accents, black slacks and boots, and the collar is buttoned up to her neck, there is also a glove inside one of the pockets.


She waved to the students and her cold natural face turned bright, the boys smiled, the girls have something to say.



The girls murmur to themselves of how shallow the men are, but some just kept a straight face, Themis stomps twice and everyone payed attention. She looks at the girls as if they know that they are no different than the men, they are also attracted to her, she slides her mask on her left shoulder.

"So all of you will be wearing the same outfit as mine, just kidding"

They stand quietly and awkwardly, she tried to make a joke to lighten things up but it obviously did not work. The students did their own thing to ignore her joke.

"Sorry about that, but you guys will be wearing this, only with a different design, something that will be able to help you guys, it looks big, but when you wear it, it will be slimmer, almost fitting actually"

2 uniforms appeared behind her and it obviously different for both sexes. The uniform's design has a square cut, sleeveless, collar-black coat with white accents on the edges. There is a chain pinned on the left shoulder to the middle button for the girls, and on the right shoulder for the boys.

"Will we wear the masks?!"

"No, why would you want to wear it?"

"It looks cool"

"Well, there is more to it than being accessories, this, we use it to hide our aura"


"When you fully develop your sixth sense, and it becomes second nature to you and it is really the 'sixth' sense, you do not have to 'focus' in order to see, for now you can just feel my aura, 5th and 6th graders can see it right?"

She looks over to the 2 grades and they nodded, they focus on her and she can see the aura shrouding around her, a massive one already surpassing Themis and Merlin's, as for the other 3rd and 4th it took them a while and it comes up for the 2nd and 1st years they have to squint their eyes to see it.

"There are some who can do that naturally"

"So is that regardless of class, sorcerers or warriors?"

"Yes, but warriors tend to use much more, and a developed 'sixth' sense is a much keener version of the other 5 senses. Unlike before the Reaper's auras were the ones 'calling' us- that was just the beginning, you see there are some who are naturals and can just see the aura"

Themis approached and whispered to her as she starts getting talkative with them. Her jolly expression that attracted everyone, suddenly turned back to the cold one earlier and they closed up their mouth and refrained from asking further. They all stood up straight.

"Right, since Lady Themis has already told you what will happen to the winners, 10 will be chosen from all of you, if possible maybe even more but that is negotiable. The 5 team that will win and 5 others that we, will personally choose, please impress us"

'The first trial' Themis whispered to her.

"A scavenger hunt"

They all looked at her in confusion.

"That will be your first task, but we will not give you a list of what those things are"

Among all of the crowd Logan and Nefeli are the only ones who managed to get the mechanics of the game, as quickly as it was told. The 2 had a boisterous reaction upon realization. Everyone around them looked at them directly and they looked down, the leader on the stage smiled knowing they are thinking of the same thing.

"Alright Harriet you can go back up now, thank you"

"Lady Themis" She bowed and heads back up effortlessly and then Themis dismissed them and they all left except for the students, who just looked at each other and teamed up with their group members.

"So, you seemed pretty enlightened, Logan"

"Yeah, anything we can use?"

"I have a theory, but let's look at our 6th year seniors, for more help" Logan said.

"Their gone" Hans pointed out as he got out with his team.

"Oh, then it is right, let's head to the highest part that we know"

"Wait, we're starting?"

"No, it will start tomorrow, today is just prepping, they announced it sort of"

"hmm, well let's go to our training area I guess"

All teams went and did their own preparations, some looks confused and others are already planning on something. Everyone went back to their door rooms first and . put on their new uniform, quickly.

"Harry, I think you need to wear a shirt"

"Oh, sh- sorry"

"Good luck you 2"

"Yeah, good luck"

Logan grabs all the map he knows of the area and puts it down on the ground of the training grounds. The other 4 just stares at him as he puts down the map one by one, they are all in the uniform and are moving it, they though the new uniform will be uncomfortable but they move easily in it, they even made a split in order to ensure that it does not get teared open in the groin area.

"Uh, yeah. come on"

"Alright, so what 'theory' do you have?"

"Well, Harriet did mention something about out sixth sense, I'm guessing something's up about it"

"So we're looking for animals?"

"Hmmm... well not really, but I'm guessing the items that they will ask us to find has a hint of imperium"

"What if it was our orbs from the first trials?"


"Well, that's a possibility"

Logan start to mark down on the maps several areas where they can hide the things like in the beach, the village, a stone pillar mountains, places where it will be hard or difficult to navigate or has powerful imperium activity.

"What will that do?" Remi asked.

"All of those with the exes are where they could hide some of the things, that we will find"

"So, the small forests, fuck" Axar pointed out the 3 forests. Logan then explained that the other circles, areas with strong imperium activity. Areas that can cloud up the vision.

"This is a test of senses, and we can use that to find whatever item this is" Logan excitedly explained.

"Like the Orbs?" Audrey asked.

"Like the orbs, exactly like it"

"So, some items will have imperium within them? Just, seeping out"

"Kind of"

Logan created more copies of his marked map and handed out to his teammates. Remi's river, whom she successfully managed to summon warns them. River seems to pull her head towards the tree.

"What is it buddy?" Remi asked, Logan's face is riddled with confusion and Axar explains for him "He can sense imperium, all shifters can"

Karma, wearing their new uniform watches amongst the clouds with his shifter, he has red hair and he has heterochromia, his left eye is red and the other is blue, he has a pale white skin as if he is dead.

"hmm, where are you guys going?"

He sees Logan and his team get up and huddled down and seems to be discussing even longer, they put on hoods. They slowly got up revealing one of them to have vanished. Karma looks away from the group to see where one of them is running away too. He feels small bumps on his shin but he ignored, the bumping starts to get annoying and he looks down to see Audrey.

"They spotted me"

"WANNA JOIN US!" Audrey screamed to Karma who almost fell down, he grabbed on to a strong branch and pulled himself upwards.

"Audrey?! Hey, how are you, I almost fell"

"Sorry" Karma shook the tree violently and the leaves starts to fall.

"Oh he just jumped off"


Karma got back to his team waiting at their common room, he told them everything he knows about their plan.

"NOTHING?!" Enola exclaimed her disappointment.



"What happened, did they spot you?" Faula asked him.

"Uh, yeah they did, and all they did was just put circles and exes on a map, and then distributed it"

"Did you at least see what parts of the map they drew on?" Enola asked, "Please, anything?" Nefeli continued to pressure him for anwers.

"Sadly no, but they did mention the scavenger hunt involving our sixth sense, like what Ms. Harriet said earlier"

"hmmm... This will be hard"

"When will this start, Enola?"

"Tomorrow, but we have Faula on our side, if you can by any chance grab a hold of Yggdrasil, I think we have an advantage"

"The tree, why, why?" Karma said in a panic.

"I think all trees are connected to it, it can also help me look for whatever it is"

"We could at least try"

"No, not necessarily, it seems my idea about the hunt is right, we just need to train our sixth sense, that is what she meant earlier" Nefeli said, their team stopped and got an idea of what to do.

"Sure, we can do that"

"Karma's clairvoyance is the best out of all of us" Enola said.

"So, I will be the most mobile out of us?"

"Yep, you need to find Logan and follow him tomorrow, or any of them"

"Logan should be our target" Ava said, "He knows what to do" She continued and her team are quick to agree.

"but we will have to go and check the tree though, maybe they are already going to the area"

Faula, along with Nefeli and Ava went outside and stood in front of the tree in the middle of the front yard of the 1st and 2nd years dormitory. They looked around looking if there is anyone spying on them and they seem to be in the clear, Ava gave the 2 the heads up and Faula did her 'connection' with the tree.

"Just put my your hands on it?" Ava asked.

She place both of her hands on the trunk of the tree and the bark starts to grow onto her arm. It went up to her wrist and then stops growing further, she can see everything that is on the hill plateau that their whole school stands in, she can feel everything from the heartbeat of the students to the wind rustling the trees' leaves, she looked for Logan but instead bumps with her sister, Fauna.

The 2 sisters startled each other and fell backwards.

"Are you okay, Faula what happened?"

"Sorry, my sister.. I... we startled each other, sorry"

"Logan?" Ruth asked.

"No, sorry, I did not see him, he's not on the ground"

"They must be riding on her shifter"

"So what do we do now?"


As everyone is preparing the first test has already started, a massive firework is launched into the night sky and exploded, it illuminated the whole skies and it casted shadows down on the ground.

For the 6th years and some of the 5th year teams they found the items that needs to be obtained immediately, and so they chased after it, for the other 4 grades, others felt or saw it while the others complained. Everyone starts to look for that 'feeling' in order to find the 'it'. The students starts to run around through the school and heads to different directions.

"Its starting"

"Indeed, Harriet who are you rooting for?"

"All of them of course, look at all of them, flying, running, and dashing around... sadly only 2 from all grades can be chosen"

"So Harriet, how will be the elimination for the team fights?"

"12 team, single elimination.. who ever gets to win the first 4 places will have to wait for those who will win 5th to 8th"



The top 7 sits in their own rooms and watches over the other students through a series of monitors around them. They can see everyone and everything that is and will be happening, the 7 are excited for the new students that will train under them.

"This is what the 14 Archangels were seeing before huh?"

"Well, well whom do we choose"

"We have to teach only 1"

They sat down and relax as they will witness the efforts of the students.


On the Overworld, Beowulf and Finn gets into the empty bar in Scotland, a sign is put up to be close because of the lose of its tender. They entered it and the pub seems to have already been collecting dust from the absence of both guests and hosts, the 2 walked around and looking at the design.

"So this is what a tavern looks likes huh?"

"Aye, where are the sleeping quarters"

"Probably up that stares"

"This looks old"

As they stood around their the lights in the pub started to turn on by itself, but in the outside that building is empty and literally dead. Death appeared on the bar and the 2 sat down on the stools, Death creates a concoction for 2 to enjoy and it satisfied them.

"What have you called us for, Death"

"I am in dire need of help"

Death asked the men for their aid in something that even makes him, the personification of death, worried. The 2 got ready and is willing to listen to the old man's story and request. Both of them are in gratitude for him as because of him they were revived, and so they will serve the man in whatever way they can or in whatever way he requires.