


With the new threat of the demons to everything that has been created, Death, Logan and the 5 Kings entered through the Golden Gate and met up with the 14 Archangels, 9 of the Commandments, the 4 archangels and the Supreme Angel Seraph. They sat in a round table and 6 more tables for Death and the Kings, Logan stood aside with Azrael who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

"Be quiet as they speak, you must talk when they talk to you"

Logan stands in nervousness as he is in the present of powerful beings. They talk among themselves about what has happened.

"Silence, I am sure all of you are aware of what has happened, the beginning of the End. Lucifer intends to release the 4 horsemen and in their wake chaos and destruction will befall the Overworld"

"Is the Overworld the only one they are yet to take over?"

"Yes, and they will take their time, they will go after the 'Gate of Janus'"

"They already have an Idea of that gate?"

"Yes, and they will also go after the Soul Gate, but they have no idea where it is, the World Tree's roots are not connected to it, but the gate remains open. If they are able to gain control or dominion over the gate then their followers will be immortal"

"Your son will be able to stop them, won't he?"

"No. They can and will enter this world with their powers intact and all we can do is wait for them to come to us"

"Such a cowardous tactic"

"It is the only choice that we have, we cannot go after them and risk one of us being Isolated and ultimately killed, especially Diara"

"I have a question?"

The Angels looked on to him and Azrael stepped in front of him.

"Speak child"

"How did they know the rekindling was happening?"

The Angels looked among themselves and waiting for one of them to speak.

"That is why you are here"


"We are able to communicate with one another in anyway, and you being the vessel of Mephistopheles is a bit odd. Since your appearance the school has went through several attacks involving you, well not really"

"How is that?"

"During the trials, you loss control and released Mammon when you are the vessel of another demon, during the Grand selection, young Harriet said your presence was that of a demon, and you 'Logan' your aura was nowhere to be felt, and in those times when you are fully unconscious an attack happens"

"And this time it cost us"

"So there is no one much more suspicious than you will ever be.. do you have a say?"


"If you will not speak, then Alicio shall use his authority unto you"

Logan stood there with no answer as Alicio the Commandment of Honesty walks up to him. As he approaches Logan gets even more terrified at what they will do to him, Azrael continued to protect him especially when he took out the 'Scales of Justice'.

"I will speak for him"


"You have been to close to him"

"We do understand if he has Me-"

"I will speak for him!"

"If Mephistopheles would have communicated with them-"

"Then why does he hate me?"

"Do not speak Logan"

Logan explained how every encounter he has had with the demons there was always the ill feeling of loathing. From Mammon, Beelzebub and Sonneilon. They hated him, resented him, it was not his feelings but Mephistopheles'. He grabs onto his chest with this realization and thought to himself, 'Are we one?', and he gets his reply with a sudden sting in his neck.

"I can kill him?"

"What is he saying?"

"What are you talking about boy?"

"No.. just... Mephistopheles said I can kill him"

"Let me say this to you children, he is not dead, nor alive, he unified his soul with Logan's to save him. So now you are looking at Logan with the presence of Mephistopheles, his power is wedge into his"

"That explains why he is still alive even with that power he released"


"When we fought Mammon. Logan experienced his Awakening as well, and 7 more students 3 of which has already undergone awakening and 1 of them had my influence. It was supposed to tear him apart even with 1 awakened, but he managed to take it all in and contain it within his body, he lifted the Eternal Devourer the only weapon Azrael is powerful enough to carry"

The Angels seems to be in disbelief especially Seraph. She smiled as she looked over Logan who seems to be confused as everyone else, she laughs maniacally as she approached Logan and shook his hand. Out of all his siblings Seraph was the only 1 who saw Mephistopheles as her equal, they were the only 2 who were really close even before the Fall of Eden. Logan feels warmth over her as she shook his hand and he smiles at her.

"Well, I trust him... And so should all of you. I understand you never looked at Mephistopheles right in the eye but he is trustable. We need to train Logan to handle that power, and send the students back to the Overworld"

"It will be different for them, they will be hunted"

"They will be stronger, including the first years as well. There will be no more Calls from you Father. It ends with Logan's batch, because there will be no more use of calling them when our Brothers are sent back to Hell"

"All we have to do is kill them, all 8 of them Right Father?"


"Then we shall also go up the Overworld!"

Her declaration sent the siblings down and started to argue loudly, they are divided with what she has said. The meeting ended with all of them going back to the Overworld with the other students, and within the shadows they will destroy those who serve under Lucifer. Death announced this to all of the guardians in every school that every misfit shall be returned back to the Overworld, some of them are saddened but relieved. There are some students who were born in that world and they chose to retire and properly lived out the rest of their lives in this world; Logan and Raijin were the only ones from the Overworld to stay.

"Are you sure you will be okay here?"

"Well, I have nothin else in the surface"

"You have us"

"I have you guys"

"Thank you"

The trio hugged each other, Harry asked Logan to keep his grimoire with him and so he did; Whisper came out and played with Harry for the last time until their reunion. As everyone is saying their goodbyes to some of their classmates who lives there, 2 people also decided to have a bit of closure at least.

"Well, I guess we have to say goodbye?"

"Why stay here?"

"I... like it here, and plus that Idiot needs someone to look after"


"Look at that idiot, I cannot believe both of our worlds depend on his survival"

"He must get stronger"

"Yeah, and all of you have to lay low up there, and still continue to go hunting altered-ones right?"

"Yeah, we can do it quietly, and also investigate"

"That statue... I wonder how long that will last there"


"Hopefully not. Its creepy to be honest"

Harriet puts her head on Raijin's back and taps her head on it. Her drained out face lets out a lively warm smile to him.

"I'm gonna miss you"

"Me too. Number 1 Elite" He said so in a sweet tone as he grabbed her head and rubbed it. Finn and Beowulf also said goodbyes to their students in a tearful manner; most of them will eventually die away within 5 years as per Death's request.

"I'm gonna miss you 3, Sofia.. Hans... Mila... I will miss you guys"

"What are you crying about, you will go with them!"

"Not for long though"

"Yeah so am I.. I have no idea why you kids are saying goodbye for, its not the time yet!"

The 5 laughed at each other and apologized for being too dramatic; and as for 1 of them his smile turned into a worrying 1 as he turned around tearing. Finn approached him and gave him a pat in the back.

"Your gonna do well kid"

"I have too, I have no choice"

"Well don't you worry about us... We'll see you when we get back! You be strong when you get out of this place okay, and please stay the same"

"I will"

Everyone gave their final goodbyes and gave their good luck to everyone who is staying behind. They are more in danger than they think because the Gate of Janus will be one of the demon's priority. As for Logan and Raijin, both of them has been proven to be effective against a demon so Azrael will be training them until they can lay a wound on him; Azrael is second strongest after Seraph, and 3rd after the horseman of Conquest and Lucifer but he chooses not to show his real strength. The students rode on enormous backs of gigantic shifters and flew right into the mountain and they popped out through the Mariana trench and the Overworld once more. Their bodies caught up with their age, all of them now has increased 3 years worth of aging on their bodies as they flew around the world going back to their homes.

Logan and Raijin now wears a dark colored outfits with gloves an boots, most of the outfits were sewn from the cloaks that the 7 elites have; Harriet's cloak was special, it was turned into a much shorter cloak for the 2 of them.



Logan and Raijin carried their bags and followed Azrael to explore the whole Underworld and gain strength; their main mission, find the gate that Lucifer has created and block it off.

"I wish all of you good luck!"

As they walk into the forest they feel a presence lurking behind them.

"Come out Remi... If you want to join us you can"

"I understand your anger child, I will apologize for your loss-"

"Where will we be heading?"

She still wore the uniform and carried Ava's staff, she follows along with them to their journey. They arrived at the crater of their battle; Logan held Remi's hand for fear that she might be traumatized but she let go of his hand and jumps off first. A man stands in the middle of the crater with a silver sword.


"Oh... Hi children, well I was just checking out the area, and I found this"

"Bars of Iron?"

"No, if you look closely, its part of the Excalibur, if we find the right tinker, this can be remade and you get to name it"



"We can find legendary weapons in this place actually"


"They were weapons that my Demonic siblings once held. There's only 3 that I can think of, fitting as there 3 of you here"

"The Celestial weapons?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"I read all of it... Lucifer had obviously the morning star, tehre 3 others and I think I know what you are saying. The Solar Flare, Lunar Bow, and the Shard"

"Right, the shard... are we going to face a dragon?"

The 5 quickly started to bond over everything as they climbed over the edge of the crater. They got so far already that they cannot see the school anymore.

Death stayed and commanded his most strongest Angels to guard the Gate of Janus. All of them are powerful enough to kill a demon in human form. They stand there as guardians of the gate, waiting until the demon tries to enter them. Death stayed in his purgatory and judged souls quickly deciding if they are going to heaven or to be reincarnated; he will not allow any of them to fall down to hell. Its a race against time on all worlds.

"Well, I guess this is where our adventure begins?"

Azrael floats above them and uses his clairvoyance and he can see so far ahead of them, and there they can see their destination. A vortex with red skies forming and the clouds forming down to the ground, a gateway to hell. On it he can feel pure evil, no lower-demons are coming out from it so far but that does not mean the world is being threatened.

"Well, I can see the end of our destination, and it will be hell"

1 Kilometer from the gateway is already being ravaged by a plague, the humans there seems to be praising the gateway. They have already been corrupted, but so far it is only being contained in that perimeter.

"Is that what you see Azrael?"

"Yes, Raijin"


"On our way to the gate way, you will train this 2 until their very bones break apart"

"Train them harder than they have ever been trained?"



"Come on"

The Eternal Devourer turns into dust and wraps onto Azrael's arm as a tattoo mark; it takes it time to settle as they marched ahead. They feel a weak wave of imperium go pass them, and when the time comes this dark wave will become strong enough to take over the whole Underworld and corrupt it.