


"Where will you be heading?"

"To another school, the Oracle spoke off the beginning of the end"

"I have 1 final question"

"Go on"

"What if the both of them were to die, Finn?"

"What do you mean, like they die at the same time?"

"Who ever decays first loses"

Finn asks Logan months before when he found out the beginning of the convergence. He then explained that it all falls down on who dies first or who were the strongest when they died. If Mammon were to die first before Fadil, the authority of the commandment of Selflessness rules over greed and nullifies its influence over those but will not affect those who have been fully taken over, but if its the other way around, the temptation of greed easily takes over, it being a temptation and all humans are attracted to it.

"but it takes 2 angels to stop the temptation of greed, or any sin"


The commandment of Repose will help all the other commandments. If Repose were to killed first the authority of the other commandments will be weaken by a massive landslide. The demons chose to hunt down Fadil because Greed is one of the most common sin that everyone has, third after lust and pride. Repose is seen as the weakest by the demons because temptation is constant, and with enough push anyone call fall for it.

"You did well Brother"

A taller slimmer man appeared with a half-mask around his mouth, he has 7 horns that go around the top of his skull and acted a crown, and with him he carried a jagged trident made of bones. The girl with her had horns protruding from her temple and branches out like a trees branch, she also carried a trident but one of the teeth appears to be broken, the same presence the 3 emits were that of Lucifer's as how Logan felt it. He is still alive even with the speak stuck through his own heart, it still beats. His eyes are blood shut and he is tearing up blood from the usage of omnituens.

"Almost, looky here"


"hello there little fella"

"Little girl, I know you can see us... come out, do not force us to take you"

"D...Don't..... Remi.... Run... RUN!"

"Oh... Mammon, I think you went too far with this one"

Raijin starts foaming at the mouth as his jaw locked up, the whites of his eye appeared with redness spread through, his skin has turned white from the fear and his lips starts to scar apart. The slimmer demon walks up to him.

"Beelzebub.. tch... your name is a mouthful as always, knock him out!"

"You dare command me?"


"Soo... go to sleep"

He puts his hand out and spiked chains launched from his palm and wrapped around Raijin.



"Ohh, Fadil, hey there Baby sister how are you?"

"She's on the brink of death?"

"Right... look at you our widdle siswer"

Fadil trembles in pain as she tries to pull the tendril off her, but her strength will not allow it, she is too weak.

"J....just... ki... me"

"Did you say something?"


As the 3 demons mock their sister Logan speaks loudly, he asked them to stop hurting her further more. Beelzebub turns around and walks up to Logan and sees his pitch black eyes like them, he exclaimed in surprise seeing Logan look a bit like them. He move closely to his face examining it.

'This spear is supposed to hurt us' He said so as he moved wiggled the spear around.

"Stop it!"

"hmm, you dare raise your voice on me?"

"You still think you're the strongest?"

"Right.. boys stop it, what do we have to do now?"

"Well, Kill her for first but... our other s-"

Logan looks in confusion as Mammon stopped speaking, the other 2 demons also disappeared for fear of what comes next. Logan grabs the spear and starts to pull it off his chest, he releases dark imperium and with no control over it, Mammon automatically absorbs it.


In a blink of an eye a long sword has pierced Mammon in between is eyes, the eternal devourer has been struck right behind his head. The sword swings down to his chest and it was turned horizontally and it slices it sideward.


Azrael stands before Mammon who soul is slowly being sucked into the sword. Logan runs with the spear and drives it through his heart, Azrael looks in shock and pulls the spear off Mammon but it was too late.


Mammon starts to get stronger with Fadil's death. Axar starts to feel tremendous pain around him, he falls down and the effect of the World Tree disappears around the whole Underworld and the demons continued their onslaught, the defense falls down and everyone goes back, the effect also affected Death who watches over on the purgatory. He grabs his chest as starts to feel like it will burst open, he grabs his head as it feels like it is about to tear itself in half. He looks up to the ceiling of the purgatory, the ceiling has turned into the sky and the an eclipse is happening. Everyone on the Overworld looks up to the sudden appearance of an eclipse and the lower-demons and Altered ones starts to get stronger, and along with them a loud horn played out.

Mammon grows in size and Logan grabs the eternal devourer along with the Excalibur, his eyes has turned red as he struck both swords into Mammon's heart.


He laughs as he looked up and the wall returns.

"Axar... are you sure about this?"

"We need.... to focu.. focus it on one place..."


He points to the spot where Logan and the others are.

"What can we do?"

"Hands... on the table"

The of them put all their hands on the table and it starts to gather their imperium. Axar by himself focuses on where Logan is and puts all the imperium from the 5 of them into him, blood comes out from his mouth and ears. He screams his agony as he himself goes through the awakening and puts forth all of the imperium that goes through him, his skin starts to burn and break apart as it transports down to Logan.



With every swing of the Eternal Devourer and Excalibur, everything behind Mammon or the direction of the swing goes completely gets leveled out of existence. Logan allows his fury and rage to take over him with the addition of his desperation just to stop the attack.



Everything around them gets leveled. As with every hit Logan gets faster, and closer to Mammon. The Excalibur cannot handle the massive influx of imperium and it starts to crack in under pressure, with more swings Logan dishes out the sword finally breaks apart and explodes on him.

"You almost killed me!"

"Don't worry.... I will"

Logan was not finish yet, he easily wields the Devourer and effortlessly use it. Azrael grabs Raijin, Fadil, and Remi, out of the area. She looks down and sees her sister's body and her shifter move. Logan controls Ruth and her shifter's deceased body and controls it as his own as he learned from Remi. As he learns to understand the sword he unconsciously releases waves of souls that attacks Mammon as well.

"No... BE GONE!"


The shifter turned into a wyrm and passes through Mammon grabbing his heart, the twin fangs flew in and destroys the heart. Mammon can only look in shock as he gets destroyed easily.




He charges up all the imperium on his person and imbues it to the eternal devourer. Markings from the sword became visible in white, and the violet aura from Logan turns into lightning. He screams and drives the sword directly to Mammon. The demon screams and Writhes in pain as the sword breaks him apart down to the molecule of his existence, and Logan screams in anger as his hand starts to be destroyed, and Axar screams as his body is drained and falls down on the ground.


*Not yet, I'm almost there!*

2 More people jumps into the table and fuses their imperium down to Logan. The imperium regains strength and Logan destroys every fiber of the demons being. The burst if imperium leveled everything around them and the burts of power can be felt around the whole Underworld even down onto Hell, where no one is staying. In Mammon's last sight he sees the most terrifying thing he can see, his mother's own disappointed eyes, and Logan's merciless' ones.

*I lost*

Death arrives at where Logan was, and on his wake a massive crater takes the place of the village. Dust flew around them and he can see a silhouette emerging from the wall of dust, but there is 2. Logan walks with a companion who carried him with his arm on his shoulder.

"I did not expect to see you here old friend"

"Alucard, was it a long flight?"

"I had to ride on the back of one of your sons... I had enough time to save your daughter, but Az- speaking of which there he is"






"What did he say?"

"We lost"


Azrael can only nod in agreement with what he heard form Alucard that came from Logan.

"Well, the world has gotten a lot scarier now"


"Altered ones, and demons can now walk on both worlds freely"


"Because they made a bridge already"

"Sorry, what does he mean, Azrael?"

"Worshippers of the devil, those are the bridges, and they already made one"

Lucifer now in his human form with his horns hidden walks freely among the humans. His aura cannot be felt and so is his siblings. He walks in a hall where his worshippers pray and over them sacrifices. The worshippers pray in glee a they see their supreme leader alive and well. Those who worshipped him had sores and bruises around them, and with the pain they found pleasure as they see it as a 'blessing' coming from their leader.

"Now, with the sacrifice of my brother, Mammon"

"Praise him!"

"Oh how the glorious have fallen!"

"may he rest in peace!"

"We have returned... to take what is rightfully ours!"

The worshippers cheered loudly.

"My brothers, and sisters, join me... as I reawaken the 4 horsemen. Elda the one who who shall conquer the world with his might, Erysichthon who shall bring about chaos and division among the people, Corentine who shall bring about hunger to them and last Tarhuna, who shall carry with him Hell who shall swallow the souls of who have died from the 3 that came before."

Those praised there king applauded in glee.

"We shall for them down here"

"Yes, this seal that binds us"

"He must break it"

The 4 stayed in slumber with their steed as they await there release from hell. Lucifer and his siblings now walks among the humans undetected in the Overworld and as a surprise to the Underworld, he gives them one.

Logan and the others fly back to the school with a new Ally, Raijin has quickly reawakened and Death calls on his children to speak with them about Logan. Logan follows along with Death as he can only look down on the ground with blood smeared all over it, he looks up as if something will fall down.

"Where are we goi-"

A massive beam of light fell upon the school and other places. It happened for a minute but it resulted in catastrophic results, the students were safe because some of them managed to sense it and reacted quick, the uniforms protected them.


"Are you okay?"

"What was that just now"

Chatter and murmur spread around the school, Logan and other students quickly ran towards the edge of the school in order to see of the villagers were okay, and they are. They all sighed in relief as they all bring each other back up, Harriet and Ava emerged with the other 5 down in the chamber with the golden table, they put Axar and Audrey down as the 2 of them put out a lot of imperium towards Logan.


*No, I still needed their help in order to defeat Mammon, I'm in no place to talk to them*



Death asked loudly as his voice echoed throughout the area, the students wonder why he is screaming to the air. They all realize soon enough why, they all feel unnerved by what is happening and everyone held onto one another. As the cloud clear up along with the dust from the ray, they start to see a man floating above them.



"How have you been?"

Lucifer comes down to the level of his father in his human form, the form.

"How did you get here?"

"Actually, this is just from the corpses... My consciousness is in another body in the overworld.. but I cannot do anything, I think you know why?"

"Of course I do"

The Aether, the barrier between the Overworld and the Underworld. Only Angels and Death himself are able to bypass it because of the Tree Of Worlds; while demons cannot. The power that the tree has only allows people will a purified imperium to enter through the barrier and to the Overworld.

"I know you are hiding from us, the real entrance"

Death's gates are doors that would allow anyone who walks through it to move around from the Overworld to the Underworld; and at the same time every doors is also connected, meaning he can quickly travel from place to place as long as his body can move through it. But Lucifer is looking for the real gate that would allow them to pass through the aether without getting their powers sucked away from them.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking father?"


"The Tallest Mountain in this world, the mountain that pierces through the sky and the aether... but the problem is that... you exist and so does my sister.. Now to revive my 4 greatest allies I have to kill you, but you cannot die... and as much as I want to slay my siblings I cannot enter the Golden Gate"


"Why are you smirking for?"

"You plan to create an army in the Overworld, so that their influence will weaken... you killed Fadil first, and now so many people who have fallen to the temptation of greed has already fallen"

"Right... I can enter this world with my whole power... But I might awaken the other siblings and it will be HELL to go pass through them"

"You plan to have the convergence when everyone is dead?"

"Of course, by releasing the 4 horsemen we could maximize the amount of souls we can feed off of, and we can be stronger that way, even imperium at its most powerful will not be able to even wound nor worry me, but for now I have to calm down.. I plan to create an army of my people"

"And you promised them what?"

"Immortality, for so long you and you children have with held all worlds... well 1 world now"


"Actually you barely have any grasp"


"Have you forgotten the other worlds?"

"Most of them have already fallen under our influence , the giants, dwarves, elves... they have chosen to fight for us now, they were easy to persuade"

"You massacred them?"

"Of course, and all of them who killed their own kind first were rewarded with power"


"But its useless, they cannot enter the other worlds, you have to wait until the convergence in order to take over the worlds"

"Your right kid, and by the time the convergence happen, you and your little friends would have been dead already"

Lucifer celebrates by himself and looks up to the tree.

"Ohhh... as much as I want to corrupt this tree, I cannot"

"You will kill it"

"Exactly... You must be Mephistopheles' vessel, I'm glad he's dead"


"Because a mere human like you trying to use our power, you will be destroyed"

He flies up to a branch and overlooks the ruined school; He sees Harriet and Ava looking up to him with anger. Both of them gave him a feeling of Familiarity. From Harriet it was obviously their first encounter, but for Ava, he has no idea as to why he sees her as someone important.


He exclaimed with excitement as some students starts to bow down onto him; one by one they lowered their head to the ground instead of kneeling, some kneeled but not all. He jumps off the tree and sees Death and Logan's face in shock from what they are witnessing, he waves his hand around them and smiles with delight. He looks over the students and applauds them, those who bowed down raised their hands and loses it in a blink of an eye.

"tch... do they have no pride?"

He points at those who kneel and pointed at the decapitated heads, they all got in front of a body and kicked it, fully disrespecting it. They stomped it and they started to laugh; and as they continued to kick it Logan sees the aura and it felt sad.

"He forced them to bow down"


"Them, who are beating the corpses, they hated those people... and he killed them fo-"

"So you've noticed? Quicker than I expected"

Logan clenches his fist and he wants to kill this demon even better; his bloodlust reeked off and Lucifer loves every ounce of it, he steps in front of him and provokes him by grabbing his head.

"Come on"


"Kill me?"


"Can you not?"


"Are you sad that you did not save my Little sister; I am sad as well too little man, but they do not understand, but you can and you will understand will you?"

Logan stabs his arm but he is not affected at all; Lucifer pulls his head down and lands his knee right on his jaw giving him a concussion and quickly knocking him out.

"wow... Well Father, I want to make a deal"


"Why? It will be much better than the ones you make"


"Or do you want me to send more souls to the purgatory that we already have? how will Mother feel that you did not anything to stop me?"


"Good, Do not interfere with what I am doing... actually you cannot do anything, your Reapers will continue to go after us now that the first eclipse has happened, but they will not be of our biggest worries... The schools are now destroyed, do not rebuild and do not call more of the children, they die needlessly instead of living a whole life for a futile cause, you force them to do this and to what?"


"Their death is in vain Father, we are stronger... and all of this was because of you"

"I know"

"Now let me repeat, you are to stop calling children, and dissolve all o the schools or any organizations that will try to stop us"


"Okay th-"

"There will be no deals, agreements or a compromise, we will kill all of you"

"Wow... scary"

"Well just to make sure, because I am a bit paranoid after that girl beat the crap outta me"

The ground rumbles and shakes up and a massive statue appears; not just in that school but in all places in the Underworld. The statues are just that, statues but it has a more sinister purpose.

"These Overseers will kill anyone who attempts to rebuild the schools, and it will make sure that none of you will try to go against us, I mean.. you can but it will be useless"

"You will lose"

"Sure... All of you who have kneeled before me, follow"

The statue's abdomen opens up and leads to the Overworld and everyone who kneeled walk through it 1 by 1, some of them are even friends of those who fought against the legions of demons. Lucifer entered with a sinister smile and scoffs at them.

"All of you now will serve a bigger purpose, so be strong"

The students' eyes starts to change color and they grew in height and in power. They entered back to the place where Lucifer met with his followers and they all cheered for their new allies.