


"Let's go?"

Logan awakens with Remi and Ruth. Their sight starts to spin and they came back to their senses when everything seems to have came back to normal. Logan got off the bed and stumbles on himself, he puts his hand on the wall in order to walk and check out what is happening. All he can remember before passing out was a bright light up to his face, he holds his head as it starts to ache, he took stops in order to get his bearings back.

"When did... walking become so hard?"



"Oh, got you"


Ava puts Logan's arm around as he asks what is going on. She answered that the same invasion happened but this time it was a lot harder, more minions or lower-demons appear and they were much stronger, possible because of the influence of Mammon. People also got corrupted because of the influence nd temptation of greed, she carried him outside and he can see a pulsating hemisphere around them and he can tell who it is from, and outside he can feel massive portions of imperium being blown away.

"Bring me inside please"

"Of course"


"Remi and Ruth just woke up, do you want to talk to them?"

"Yeah... but they seem to be arguing"

Ava with Logan rushed into the room and they seem to be apologizing instead of arguing, but still the sisters does not want to go outside, afraid that they might someone again.

"Well... I have no idea what to do"

"You do not have to do anything"

"Saving us was already enough, thank you Logan"

"No, pretty sure I did not save you guys, I also woke up here, I do not seem to remember for some reason"

His head starts to hurt and he clenches his teeth in pain, his head suddenly got cold and he can feel painful stinging around his head, but it seems to only come out when he thinks of what happened. The 2 sisters talk more but they seem to stop into a awkward pause or they ignore one another. Logan's mind drifts away and the moment he thinks of the even before, his head just to hurt but it goes away quickly once he thought of something else, like how the weather is.

"We need to do something"


"We need to Help Lady Harriet, somehow"

"You see the lower-demons appearing outside the barrier, we might die"

"How can we help her Logan?"

"I don't know yet, just we need to find a way to get out of here and head west"

"How do you know they're there?"

"I... I just do, I can feel them"

"Well... as much as I want to help, I don't want too, or rather I can't not after what happened"

"Harry and Hans tried to persuade us, but I think nothing more can and will help us get through it"

*They seem to be traumatized*

"Through what?"

"N... I have no idea, just.. I want to go home, I'm too scared to use my own power, I don't even know if I am worthy of it"

"You are Ruth!"

"No, imperium does not appear because 'worth', its an innate thing and we just learn how to control it, simple as that"

"Well, I still think its about worth"


"Well... you know... uhm..."


"Fillers aren't explanation, let me think"

"Good.. 10 seconds"


"Uhm Oh, like you know how we control it with our feelings"



"Go on"

"Yeah that's all I have"

"You think we are worthy because of feelings?"

"No like, we have to be good people to control it"



Despite being born a year apart from each other they responded like twins instead.

"Well, we have to repay her somehow, and the only way we can is by saving the world... or help them save the world at least"

Ruth looks at Logan, thinking how he is bad at persuading people, but in his eyes she can see sincerity, still, it is not enough to persuade her.

"I really think we are chosen for a reason though"

"Yeah, so that we can be part of the never-ending cycle of death caused by this world, imperium is more of a curse than blessing really"

"If you look at it that way"


"You parents might be like us"

"Do not bring them up as if you knew them"

"Well, they must be incredible people, able to talk to animals, you guys have it"

"How do you know that?"

"We never, none us told you that Logan"

*One of our ability, is knowledge of the hidden things*



"Well, you guys seem to be great people, with even greater personalities"

Logan cannot even fake his sincerity, he just put his face back to normal and just laid down. The room suddenly shifted but they are already used to it, meaning there is someone being transported. They just sat there until they see the person who is being carried, the bed is soaked with blood and their eyes widened upon what they have just witnessed. Ruth held her chest as it starts to hurt and Remi covers her mouth shocked of what she just say, she turned her gaze upon Logan and his face tells that he was expecting it, and he just nods at her. Eir enters the room but continues walking ahead to heal Harriet.



"He is waiting for you"


"Logan, Remi and Ruth"

"That's us"

"Follow me please"

A bald men in a cloak demands the presence of the 3, Remi and Ruth are in shock upon what they are seeing, the school ruined and their schoolmates being healed on the spot but they did not suffer any casualties.

"What are we doing here on a cliff?"

"Here, Lady Themis asked us to give it to you"

The man showed them an armor, with hexagonal metallic plates on the shoulders, torso, forearm, shin and thighs. The armor broke into pieces and wraps around the 3 of them, the suit does not add any weight and they can move easily.

"Well, its now or never?"



"Logan... here... this is Harry's.. and gun, it has no bullets... Death gave it to me and.... he says its from an old fri-"

Ava falls down on the ground and the bald man helped her up, she carried Harry's grimoire and Lachlan's old gun. He examined both and he puts it on his hips, it seems to stick beside on.

"And this... Lady Aaron says to give it to you guys"


They put it on and it automatically adjusted to their size.

"Let's go?"

The sisters jumped off and their respective shifters appeared, they followed due west as the village can be easily seen. Logan smiles confidently and jumps off but since he has no expertise in being an Invoker he fell down directly until he called out 'Whisper' summoning him and grabbing him by the ankle.


"Not one for conversations huh?"

"Me too"

Whisper threw Logan high in the air and puts him on his back, they flew fast and they passed by different areas with the same affect as they are. The lower-demons behind them are killed by Merlin and Themis for their smooth flying. They passed by different cities and villages with the same hemisphere and surrounded with lower-demons.

"We will save you"

Logan holds on firmly onto Whisper as the shifter increases in speed and he passes by the sisters.

"We're here"


"Yeah, this suit worked their magic look down over there"

Logan's chest starts to hurt with every beat of his heart, he grabs his chest thinking it will save him but nothing. He falls off Whisper and onto the thick grove.

"Remi go after him"


"GO! I'll help Raijin and the Angel"

She nodded in agreement as she headed down and helped Logan up, but he is unresponsive. She thrashes him around trying to get him to wake up but with all her efforts all she gets is a mumble from him. He is conscious but he does not seem to wake up.

"I guess he is here?"


"Yeah, and he will kill you"

"Let's see about that"

Mammon screams on top of his lungs and his power suddenly went up 10 fold. He just clenched his fist and teeth and made a huge stomp and releases a powerful wave, Ruth jumps in front of the 2 and repels it with her shifter's scream, it shrieks louder than Mammon and it impairs his hearing.

"Damn bird"

He puts up his hand pulls the shifter towards his arm, squeezing it until its dead, it let out small squeaks as its final voice and Mammon just played with it like with everything. He threw the body around and even spins it up in the air until its neck starts to break away from the torso.

"hmp... shifters was it? One of mother's favorite creature, aww.. its so ugly as well... only weaklings use animals instead of their own power"


"You fucking.... Demon"

"hmpp. what do you t-"

The dead shifter came back to life as an undead and bit Mammon's face and arm. As it bites deeper onto the demon it also sucks some of the souls he consumed, and one made him drop the Excalibur. The shifter smashes the demons head on the sword's pummel only digging it down into the ground.




Ruth charges in anger and Mammon deals with her with a simple kick. Grabs the shifter by its neck and puts its body around the sword and starts to rub it on the blade with descending and ascending motion, slowly cutting into it.



Her feet burrowed into the ground and as she powers herself up, she squats and then dashes. She swung with all her heart to the demon's right torso and it was enough to break through his skin making him feel pain. She pushes harder on the demon and quickly moves to the other side, she focuses the imperium on her left arm and made grabbed his leg and thrashed him around.

"Your greedy?"

"NO... you are just weak?!"

She punches Mammon's abdomen and his back bursts open that his spin was split into 2. Raijin kicks in and delivers another blow as well, the 2 screamed with their strength as Mammon stands his ground.



The 2 screamed and sends the demon flying to a mountain side, he looks up and sees Ruth's figure overshadowing him and lifting her right arm to her back. She landed blows after blows on the demon causing him to bleed.






"I won"

"Did you?"

Mammon rises up from the rubbles.

"I already died 2 times, this is nothing... now, to return the favor"

Mammon drew back his arm preparing for a punch and it starts to get tighter as he clenches his arm. Ruth stands there in fear not able to move.

*Is this.... Retribution?*

Mammon lands a heavy punch directly on top of her head, seeing that he is taller than her. She falls down and her body hit the ground so hard that the force bounces her up, it was enough time for him to kick her and so he quickly did.


"I can't feel her"



Mammon steps out the dust and definitely much stronger.

"She provoked me... I was going to use this when Fadil is dead... but I guess I have to use this now"


Mammon carries Ruth's pummeled body and drags it to the dirt, completely disrespectful. She lifts her up and her eyes are red as the blood coming out from her nose and ears. Her torso bent so hard because of his kick and her heart is gone from where it is supposed to be. He threw her body in front of them and Raijin can only look at his failure. Her deformed body makes him tear up, he looks up see he is right up with the demon.

"hmmmm..bye bye"


"Sister, shall we get started?"

"Raijin... no no no... wake up... wake up.. bot- ruth?"

*Why is she there? She's su- no... that demon... why is he so strong*

"Now sister, the fate of the worlds depends on our battle, 8 more eclipses to complete, and 1 begins now.. you cannot retreat and prolong the destruction of the world... so now.. you must kill me"

"Logan please wake up... Logan?"

"he...br...thro... the armor.... n"


"You're answer?"


"You're angry? w-"

Her eyes filled with anger and she swung her spear right through his mouth, his jaw breaks open and his mouth teared up to his eyes. She releases strong and hard swings towards him and his healing has been nullified by the spear.

*That spear... I don't want to use this, I need to kill her in this state*

Mammon continues to fight even with his destroyed face, dodging and sending attacks that will be fatal to the other, now wanting to give Fadil an opening he moves behind her and mimics her every move but she easily blocks his incoming attacks. The 2 went on for long and no one dared to interfere their fight, no mere human can stand in between or even near it. Whisper protects them the debris that flies their way.



"Oh.. Ru-- Remi"


"Can you wake this idiot up.. the Angel will die without his help"

"How about you?"

"I'll be find, I'm already healed anyway"

A massive explosion happened right before and Remi persevered through realizing her sister's death, she tears up as she tries to wake up Logan. Raijin entered the fight between the 2 siblings and he cannot go up against the power that the 2 is releasing, he either gets pushed back or he cannot go after them.

"All right, let's try to hit you"



"Make it rain!"

"Make it... yeah... make it"

Trembling, Remi does as she is told. Taking long and deep breathes, she already had her awakening and rain became an easy thing to do. People who are near the battlefield can see nimbus clouds forming above them and wind travelling towards it. Suddenly a massive bolt of lightning flew directly up to the cloud and it disperses to all direction, and the lightning strikes all the demon down. Raijin starts to generate massive amounts of electricity by running around the 2 beings, he dodges all debris and attack thrown out by either. He starts to feel confident that his plan might work. He takes longer strides that turned into jumps as he lands firmly to the ground he rotates both of his arms and pointed it towards the direction that the 2 will be heading.

He discharges a massive violet bolt of lightning and it strikes both Angel and Demon, but it affected Mammon more. Burning his skin as it pokes hole on it, he screams in pain as the 2 pushes in on him.


*No... you're not getting any of this*

Logan jumps behind Raijin and it was enough to make Mammon pull his attack back. He laughed maniacally.

"I guess I have to do this, the world will be ours"


"But of course, we have to kill you in order to have the upper hand"

"Too bad"

"You'll die first"




Whisper appears from the tree and grabs him up.


"Realized something?"


2 swords flew directly towards Mammon but he parries it back, Raijin kicks his feet down and Fadil jumps attempting to slay the demon, he reaches for the spear but the swords returned and pins his right arm to the ground. Raijin holds down his left arm and pulls it so that he won't stand up, the spear went through his chest and to the ground"



"I got you"

Logan looks up and his eyes has turned blood red, he walks up the demon and laughs.

"Which side will I be on today? Oh wait I am not like you, brother"

Logan grabs Mammon's head and ripped it off his body, his spine came along with it.

"You're a nimble one aren't ya?"


His flesh reconnected his head back off Logan's hand and he threw everything off, his flesh moves around his body as he starts to get stronger.

"Does this guy even die?"

"5th strongest"

"oh that explains it"

Logan approaches the Excalibur thinking he is not worthy, he grabs the handle and moves it and he is not.

*This demon, damn*

He starts to pull on the sword but he is not worthy of pulling it off the ground, his body is impure because of the dark imperium that rests within him. Mammon finishes powering up and he has reached the strongest he will probably get, his hair grew long up to his waist and skin has turned red, his eyes pitch black and his horns now have thorns on it.

"Your annoying lightning boy, tremble"

Raijin's vision starts to vibrate and his body down to his bone shakes up in fear. He read so much of their abilities confident he will be able to counter it, but it is stronger than what he has read. He stands still as everything around him starts to shake, cold sweats and his nose starts to go runny, his lips dried up as the presence of the demon grew larger.

Mammon walks up to his sister and a massive sharp tendril grew from his back.

"You will always be the weakest among us"

He grabs Fadil right on the neck and starts to squeeze it, the more she releases imperium the stronger he gets. He absorbs all of it, he skin starts to grow grey and Logan attacks him with the twin fangs, his sword destroys his flesh but his is almost instant. Logan feels that he is cutting through the very bone of his being, but maybe his own body is fooling him.

"Futile, child"

He grabs Logan by the head and raises him.

"Aww... you might have his power, but that's about it, you can never awaken it"

He throws Logan down on the ground and Fadil calls her spear but Mammon catches instead. He breaks slices of her legs and puts her down on the ground making her suffer instead of a swift end, 2 figures appeared from behind him from his own blood as he steps around Logan.

"I wonder how painfully this would be... to die again"

He puts the spear directly to Logan's heart.