

All-Speaking and All-seeing

Logan uttered those words and everything went back to before Mephistopheles took over Logan, even those in area, or those who witnessed it felt the sudden change. Logan stood there seeing everything is going down, the 2 sisters still fighting, and the same evil slowly building up.

"Was that, the future?"

"What is it Logan" Kiosk asked as Logan fell down onto 1 knee and hurting. He starts to sweat.

"Nothing, I... nothing sorry, just.... this is terrifying.. this..."

"What is it?" Fauna asked, and this time with that worried look.

"We need to help him separate the 2, please believe me"

Harriet and the other 6 got right up from their sits and went to stop Ruth and Remi from fighting one another. They did so subtly and they were nothing but like the wind. The 7 dashes forth as they see dark clouds looming over them, and the aura around the battle starts to become dark. Something is happening and they cannot know until they get to it. Harriet worries that she might be too late as the formation starts to speed up.

"We need to hurry up!"

"The 6 of you, create an Isolation barrier, we need to contain it, I'll try to suppress it, the 6 of you watch and make sure the spectators does not panic"

"YES MA'AM!" The 6 separated from them and their auras start to light up.

"Why are you showing up here, you're not supposed to be here!" Harriet's worries has caught up to her. Her naturally calm and composed self starts to self-destruct. This feeling is all too familiar.

The 6 spread around the area and quickly created a hexagonal barrier, isolating the whole area. It rises up 1 by 1 and starts to push all of the imperium inwards. The people inside the barrier did not notice it being erected as they focus on trying to stop the other 2. Ruth's very own shifter has taken over her mind and wishes to kill the second strongest person there is, it goes all out with its attack but the barrier and Remi hold on firmly. Harriet enters the barrier and is at an awe on what she sees.


Harriet goes directly in between the 2 and kept her promise, she puts 2 shifters at bay with her strength alone, but instead of fully stopping, Ruth still continued pushing on and attacking. Each attack were heavier and could crush a normal person.

Harriet sends out stronger and bigger gusts of winds trying to stop the shifter without dealing much damage. She can kill it easily, but looking at it's connection with Ruth she might kill both of them. Remi stays standing and she allowed her emotion blind her even more. River kicks Harriet but it has no effect. It annoyed her and she grabbed the dragon by its wings and pulls it down.

"All right girly you have-"

"STOP IT!" A voice called around them. "NO GO ON!" Another replied, it was the same voice but they seem to be 2 different person.

The 2 sisters seems to be out of control, and being manipulated an unseen force. No one seems to notice it and just assumed it was the sisters going berserk. Harriet flies around and nullifying all disastrous attack coming from each sister, she is willing to throw her body around just to stop it. Her focus and attention is to the numerous number of destructive attacks from them, when suddenly both sisters attack her, it sent her flying. Someone came and also risk their lives to save Harriet.


"Hello, I'm here to help... you are strong, but that does not mean you won't get hurt"

"Thank you, Logan... please, keep me safe"

"As you wish"

Harriet jumps pass Logan and he deflects all of the attack back to the sisters forcing them to go on a defense and therefore weakening their attacks. Logan closes his eyes and listen closely to the sounds outside the barrier, and no one seems to be panicking. Harriet gave her answer to him telepathically as it was obvious that he was confused regarding the calmness.

"The Barriers... for them what they are seeing are the 2 sisters fighting and you 4 supporting them"

"Is it?"

"Yes. Now help me stop them, we've got the get the both of them off their shifters"

"Right, it might kill them, so we have to be careful"

"All right, I-" Harriet was about to say something, but Logan cut her off, "I'll go with Ruth Ma'am" he said in a stern voice, unbothered of what is happening.

"You sure?" She doubts his resolve as Ruth is the most destructive out of the 2 sisters. Everything around them is slowly getting leveled down, but they have no time to argue.

"Yes, I can take her"

"Good luck" She said.

Harriet flew towards Remi who seems to not only be losing control of River but is also being taken over by him. "I need to kill it" She declared, as no other option presents itself. She flies down on the shifter's head where Remi is standing and his scales are starting to crawl and wrap her. She tries to pull her off but it only hurts the both of them, Remi seems to be asleep instead of unconscious.


"What was that?!"

"Sorry Logan, you're right we cannot risk severing the connection, we might severe something else"

River starts to thrash much more, it dashes forward hitting Logan and Ruth's shifter, and as for Ruth she seems to be in a much more worse place than her sister. Like Remi the skin of the shifter starts to wrap around her and is slowly fusing into her skin, but Ruth is unresponsive meaning she is unconscious. Logan stabs the skin connecting the 2 and it also hurts them, the shifter looks up to Logan and it seems to have a mind of its own.

"A-.... LET GO!"

"Logan!" Harriet reaches for him.

"Don't mind me, I CAN HANDLE THIS MUCH"

Logan is pulled down to its mouth and it screams loudly, he ducks down trying his best to take in the loud and painful noise. Logan generates imperium only to be absorb by the shifter, quickly noticing this he instead absorbs its imperium and it seems to work. Its tendril starts to weaken and it let goes of Logan, he starts to run up the arms and generates lightning around him, Logan disappears and lands a massive blow to the shifter's head but it was not enough to knock it out, but it was enough to hurt Ruth implied by her maniacal scream. Logan sharpened his focus and used clairvoyance and sees that their auras are starting to merge and turn into 1. Logan expresses his worry and jumps onto Ruth, he starts to pull her off the shifter and tries everything in desperation.




As Logan sees their aura turning into one, Harriet also sensed and picked up what he saw. But Harriet saw the other half of what Logan did not see, a dark vortex starts to appear in between them and it starts pulling imperium in. The pull of the vortex suddenly gets stronger, and gravity has gotten a lot stronger as well, they are easily being pulled into it. Logan falls down on the ground and holds on to Harriet's vest as she holds onto Remi who is knocked out, They held on firmly to each other as the pull starts getting stronger, the guardians outside felt the pull but goes back to normal.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine"

"I'll go after Ruth, hold ont-"

"Sis.....sis...te-" Remi's nose, ears, and eyes start to bleed as she reaches for her sister.

"We'll get here, we promise"

"Logan, get out of here, and take her with you"

"I can help, please"

Harriet insisted Logan to retreat outside of the barrier but it did not persuade him to go. As they argue with each other they felt a terrifying presence where Ruth was. They start to tremble in fear as the presence starts to approach them, the other 6 holding on the barrier also starts to feel it but they persisted. They also start to fear as to what will happen.


"I can't.... as much.. as I want too... but I just... cannot move" Logan is terrified and frozen in his stead. Harriet cannot do anything but risk her own life protecting the 2.

"Where are the others?"

"I...I think I managed to get them out of the barrier"

"You think?"

"So many things happened ma'am"

The dust settles in front of them and they see Ruth walk towards them. Half of her person has been taken over by the scales, but it was not perfected. Her bottom half is exposed and her skin seems to be 'fresh' as if a big scab was just teared off. She walks with a limp, Harriet draws her blade and goes after her, she opens her mouth and just whispered.

"Tremble before me"

Those 3 words were enough to make her feel the most terrified she has ever been, much more afraid than death has ever shown to her. But this 'fear' is different, she is well aware of the threat and she is not afraid, but her body shows otherwise. She falls down on her knees and the fear is pent up on her head, she starts to tear up and she wants to scream, or rather she has too; but she is not 'allowed'. Ruth walks up to her and holds her head. Logan on the other hand is feeling the same thing even Mephistopheles has his tail in between his legs.

*This is presence is something else, this is Him, Logan... be ready*


*Indeed, and this is worse*

Ruth pushes down Harriet down on the ground and goes up to her face, 'Beautiful' she said but in multiple voices.

"Ugly, how are you, you rat" Ruth's gentle voice were accompanied by several other, it was disembodied but whole at the same.

"Brother" Mephistopheles' and Logan's voice resonated into 1.

"I see this world still has no idea a demon walks freely among them, I wonder how long will the façade hold up, you better be ready when it does"

Ruth clenches her right hand into a fist and a hook sprouted from the dorsal of his palm, he stabs it through Logan but it hurts more to Mephistopheles, he starts to feel pain just because of this thing alone. Ruth moves it around more and the both of them starts to feel pain, she drags Logan by the shoulder and threw him into the dried up lake. Everything starts to look darker from where he is.

"This hurts"


He screamed in his own head, but his mouth does not allow it. Ruth appears on top of him and sits down on his abdomen.

"I wonder if you have control over the rat's powers, kid... do you?"

"What do you think?"

"No, I think you don't"

"You're right... this barrier is quite impressive for six humans I wonder what time is it outs-"

Logan sliced off her mouth and her tongue came along with it. The tongue is seems to have a gap in the front as it burns away in the sun.

"That is not going to work on me, I regenerate quickly"

Ruth starts to beat Logan up, one punch landed directly on his forehead and the pain came washing down to his lower half. More punches fell upon him and the pain from the next one is piercing, the adrenaline in him is not doing anything to help. More punches came crashing down and each one is damaging him even more, and weakening him.

*This hurts, this HURTS!*

"You have a tough skull for a human!"

Logan wants to scream as he is being pummeled down, he wants to scream but his body does not allow it, he feels angry with every hit. He remembers his parents, who died for no reason in the hands of his kind, then he starts to think of Mephistopheles, a demon is siding with him . The same kind who brought their deaths. He should be angry at him, and he should be dead within him, and all he has is just name.

*Give me your power* Logan begged in agony.

*Will you be able to handle it?*

*I have no choice but TO!*

Ruth still continued to beat Logan up whose face is all bloodied and beaten up, Harriet can only lie on the ground and hear the punches echo from the empty lake. She starts to rise up but her body feels the same fear, Ruth feels her getting back up and walks towards her.

"Hello pretty lady"


"Still breathing" A sharp blade grew from his palm and he raises it up to her face.

Logan suddenly jumps from where he is lying down and gets a good opening on the demon, but it was quicker. It grabs his head and pushes him down on the ground once more.

"So many power to choose from and you chose that, speed!?" Ruth laughed as crazy as Logan's attempt.

"No, this"

His left eye starts to turn pitch black, and his iris is a little lighter, and his pupils have a hint of red. He rises up and pulls down the demon's head and directly looking into their eyes. Logan entered Ruth's mind and in it he sees Lucifer, his horns go back in a swirling manner like a screw, and his eyes are the same as his, pitch black.


"Its one of the cool things he offered"

"He wishes you to take my soul, in this plain?"

"NO fucking idea mate"

Logan, despite being terrified threw a punch at the demon, he clenched his fist as hard as he can and drives into the demon's lower left torso. He pushes forward and the demon took it, he never even moved an inch. Lucifer kept a tight hold onto Ruth's soul.

"That will not work human"

"No... way"


Lucifer punched him on the face and it send him flying to another part of Ruth's mind, he passes through a wooden building. He coughs up blood as he can feel his body in pieces. He looks up and sees 2 figures falling down on and one of it was Lucifer, he gets up but he manipulated the world itself and Logan appears to be stuck. Lucifer lands on him and he pins him down. He holds Ruth by a chain as she floats up in the air, he wraps the chain around Logan and it starts to burn him.

"It hurts right?"


"This is not your mind!" Lucifer screams but it did not terrify the boy.

"Yeah.... and its not yours either"

Harriet appears and shoots Lucifer with 3 arrows, 2 lands on both of his eyes and the other on his left hand holding the chains. Logan slices his left arm and kicks him away, he grabs the chain before it floats up into the sky, but it is hard to hold onto.

"Logan, go get away... I'll hold onto this demon"

"You children think you can defeat me?"

"YEAH! We're confident" Logan screamed.

"What's confidence if you are weak!"

They start fighting one another as Logan tries to pull the chain off of Ruth. He dodges all attack as Harriet tries to clear Lucifer away from him.


All Logan has to do is free Ruth from the chains and together they can throw Lucifer off her mind. Harriet proves herself to be a problem as Lucifer cannot go near Ruth and Logan, she appears in front of him and scares him away. The demon also has 1 thing to do and devour her soul, if he can do that he can enter the 'Underworld' without breaking through the aether, the barrier that stops him being whole in both worlds. As Logan tries to pull the chains away it starts to wound his palms, the chain is also trying to hold on to him. He wraps the chain around him as his very flesh starts to be pulled off, but he stayed strong.



"Ruth wake up"

*ah.. I'm dying*

"Wake up!"

*But its so peaceful, I don't want to wake up*

*This void of my mind, this is-*



"I'm stronger than you now"


"Yeah... are you proud of me?"


"We walked down our own paths when our parents died, you went and used your own strength and take everything for yourself, but it was not your strength"

"And you?"

"I molded my own strength, and with the help of others I became stronger, but I guess that is why I'm weak"

"You're weak?"

"I'm weak, because I am yet to beat you... so come back... I want to prove and show something to you"

"Say it right now"

"But for me to show it you have to wake up... this is your battle as well"

"My battle?"

"We will have ours, without any help from others, just you and me and our skill doing all the fighting"

*That sounds good, but I can't*

"I failed you, Remi"

Ruth allows herself to be taken over by darkness as she falls down into a abyss. The chain starts to wrap around her much tighter, and burns Logan even more and Lucifer gets stronger. Logan starts to cry as everything is falling apart, his desperation is nothing but noise now. His speed increased and he punches Harriet down, he grabs the chain and pulls it down onto him.

"Thank you for holding onto it Logan" He punches Logan and his whole arm feels like it has been broken into pieces.

"How do we defeat him?"

"The awakening"

"I thought I have that?"

"That was Emergence, its different, awakening is when you go down to your lowest, emotionally, physically, and mentally, your body becomes weak enough that imperium just starts to accumulate within your soul, and suddenly a burst of power... the power that you will be capable of controlling in time"

"How do I do it?"

"You're beaten down physically, and your body wants to scream, and your mind is the only thing that is working"


"Struggle, and you will figure it out... you should because you will not remember this conversation"


"Because I said so"

Logan looks down on Lucifer and he whispers the same 3 words he spoke before, and to his shock it affects him, but not as much.

"How about you, what will happen to you?"

"Nothing, I will ensure that you're already extremely beaten up body is alive, that is our contract"

"You'll die?"

"Uh huh, but I will pass down 2 abilities that me and my siblings have, Fadil shall explain it to you"

"What is it?"

Lucifer falls down and before they know it, they've already changed places he grabs the chain and effortlessly pulls it off Ruth. He screamed as he causes the chains to loosen off her. She falls down and Harriet grabs her, she puts her hand on her forehead and whispers 'awaken' the both of them gets back to their own bodies.

Harriet appears with Ruth on her arms.

"You're alive, good... thank goodness... Logan.., Logan"

Everything for them that happened in Ruth's mind was only seconds, Harriet sees Remi holding onto her sister's arm and her hair remains the same. Logan stands in front of them, as the wounds that he had in the plain manifested but it slowly heals.


"Are they okay?"

"Yeah, they are"

"My soul, feels light"

"I think we won"

"For now"

Logan wraps the chain around Lucifer and lifts it up high and pulls down hard on the ground.

"Go back to hell"

"You traitorous rat"

Lucifer's face falls down and it starts to break apart, as he falls down his body burns to dust and his consciousness goes back to his body

"I will come after you Logan, you will be one of us, a demon, you hypocrite"

His Legion of demons cheered as they hear of a death that will be of benefit to them. The legions of demon started to celebrate, and the screams of hell felt stronger than ever. Everyone celebrates their win.

"THE TRAITOR IS DEAD!" Lucifer declared as he stands above everyone, but himself.

"That was risky Elder Brother"

"It was, that girl that I fought was something else, she'll be worthy of being my Herald"

"Hmmm, how about the girl you possessed"

"She was powerful, but she had no control. GO ON CHILDREN CELEBRATE!.. now we must wait for Mammon"

Lucifer sits down on his throne as everyone cheered for him and for the great news that he brought. The demons feasted on their gluttony as the other Archdemons watch over their vast and powerful army.

Logan looks up to the raining sky as his tongue and eyes go from black to normal. His head starts to ring and he slowly sits down on the ground, and stacked rocks only to push it down.

"We..." He falls down on his back and passes out. He wakes up over a week later, he wakes up and he is wrapped around in bandages and everything starts to hurt.

"Oww... gosh"


"Hey buddy"

"Harry, Ava did we win?"

"No, apparently it got too crazy that Lady Harriet had to step in, both of your teams are disqualified, sadly"

"hmm, OH! REMI WHER-" Audrey screams as she Sofia, and Axar came in.

"How are you Logan?"

"Good, we got disqualified"

"Yeah, well keep healing"

"Sshh, over there, she's being healed, oh yeah she almost died"


"she went into an awakening, the first among us first years, but she was not able to handle it... she's emotional after all, but now its just a matter of controlling that new power in order to be strong"


"Mr. Merlin said it was just, pure power sort of, just coming into is"

"Do, elaborate"

"Let me explain it Harry, it is when our bodies go down to its weakest, our body starts to repair itself using Imperium, and its just a sudden burst of energy, Its almost as if it panics and your body calls for power, and on that moment until our body finishes healing, the amount of imperium generated will stay and to be awakened with control, we will be on our strongest by the time we have mastered it"

"And how come she almost died?"

"Because she passed out"

"Oh, that's it?"

"Yes, you are supposed to be conscious"

"What if it was like, asleep?"

"Hmmm... nothing, actually, because you'll wake up, so.. yeah"

"Well heal up buddy, you have a lot of scolding to take"


"No, don't listen to him Logan, rest well"

A whole day passed by and Logan was the only one discharged off the infirmary. Remi and Ruth are put into different healing chambers as their body needed other specificities in order to heal. The other members who were also wounded stayed but they are healing quickly, Logan was the only one walking out that day because he started to heal on their way back to the infirmary after the incident; it was a matter of waking up and making sure there are no more damages sustained. Harriet waits for them outside.


"Lady Harriet"

"Drop the Lady, how are you?"

"Good now, so far"

"Thank you for having my back last week"

"Uhhh... Me.. Oh yeah me. ye ye ye of course, the both of them were on each other's throat I needed to help"

"Well, we've chosen 6 students this time, the last position is still being debated on, sad to say that any of you here were not chosen"


"Probably next year you guys will be chosen, but for 1st years you guys are on the lead, many of your grade mates look up to you guys keep it up"

"Oh yeah, where's Finn.. Harry?"

"On a mission on the Overworld, hopefully they are doing fine, so many things are happening for the past months, and in 6 months you guys will be on your second years" Harriet answered.

"Oh yeah"


"Cannot wait"

"Time here is warped, no one can understand it, that's why we count days instead... well that's all for catching up, I have to brief the 6 on our mission tomorrow, see you"

The 3 waved Harriet a goodbye as she fly away, as they do so they feel someone walking up to them and clapping. The man has bluish-silver hair and a charming vibe as he approached them, he speaks in a soft tone to Logan.


"That's me"

"Can you join me on the open field"

"Which one?"

"Right by the ocean... I need to make sure that you are really doing fine, as a senior"

"Wait, why there, not here?"

"I don't trust him Logan"

"Right, well gotta go guys, no problem here"

Logan left with the seemingly nice guy and so Harry and Ava went their own way. They got back to their dorms and their seniors seems to be on a bit of a dismay, they start to argue about 'him' and what will happen to their juniors. Kiosk and Fauna sees them and asks them if they saw someone fitting the description of the boy they see earlier.

"Yeah, him... Oh he picked up Logan earlier, we just me-"


"To the 3rd open field by the massi- why?"

"We gotta go"

"What is it, who is he?"

Logan is conscious of this man as he asked him to stop on the spot and he continued to walk, about 15 metes ahead of him. He takes of his cloak and also reveals the same outfit as he is, he then also took off his vest. His nice eyes earlier turned into a cold and threatening one with an intent to kill, he curled his fingers and blue lightning starts to form on both palms.

"You look pathetic than I expected" That gentle voice turned into a lower and threating one. He sound annoyed.


"Let's see how you do without that demon"

"Wh.. wai-"

He engages Logan to kill him and the 2 starts to fight. Logan noticed that no one is coming to help them, something definitely is off.