


Shuten-doji has been revived by Mammon who now has gone back down to tell his siblings of his achievement. He gave himself a round of applause as no one did, they seem to be irritated with his appearance.

"Brothers and sisters, I have released that demon"

"Really, are you still our brother?" Everyone started to laugh as the way he acted is different.

"Why is that?"

"You did not take the power for yourself" One of the Archdemon spoke.

"Of course, because the power will be ours, when it dies of course, and all we have to do is kill at least one of them, but it would be boring if we kill one those commandments, we play with them"

"Mephistopheles is a good candidate Mammon!"

"Right, so Elder brother, you heard us"

"Good, now I feel a massive rift from above, and it seems to be calling onto me"

"What is it?"

"Someone wants to be the strongest, for themselves, I figured I should you Mammon, but no"

Shuten-doji stands in front of them and they have no idea how he will attack, both sides are checking one another out to see who will move. They are on a stand still, and the stare off broke because of a thunder clap, Shuten attacks Finn first, he figured out that his attack will not be useful to Yu, who is an Angel of Death. His speed cannot be seen by the naked eye but Finn catches up because of the effects of the sword, he blocks and parries all attack that comes his way. Yu jumps in and the 2 is match on speed and power.

"Come on Emperor, you're home is being threatened" The demon spoke in Japanese.

Beowulf struggles as a bridge and he needs to keep his focus on one thing, since he has never experienced handling this massive wave of imperium. The blade starts to shine brighter as it absorbs the imperium. Beowulf holds on as he can also feel Shuten-doji behind them, he remained focus as to not break the connection. He starts to pour more into the emperor, and he starts to hurt himself, "calm down!" Hana asked him, but he did not. He starts to pour more imperium to the emperor.


Shuten-doji proves himself to be a hard foe to stop, they have already entered the mausoleum and they can clearly tell that the demon is toying with them. It sprints towards them only to stop and throw pebbles at them, it laughs as it plays with Yu and Finn. The 2 tries their best to keep calm and not charge ahead, especially Finn because he might die immediately.

Shuten moves confidently in front of the mausoleum, he looks behind the 2 and something seems to have caught his eye, he puts his arms up and braces for something. Yu and Finn can feel a breeze flowing behind them and followed by a straight and strong gust of wind. They looked in front of them and sees a man in an outfit that is definitely not in this time. He holds a sword, the Kusanagi no Tsurugi, a powerful legendary weapon. It pierced directly to the demons heart but it was not enough to kill it.


"How dare you threaten my home"

Emperor Jimmu slashes towards the right side of the demon and his arm falls off and burns. The demon tries to run away and beat him by speed but the Emperor was quicker and catches up in a terrifying speed. He grabs him by the arm and holds him by stepping on his leg and on point blank range he draws his bow and fires one arrow directly to the demons forehead and jumps off him.

"Foreigner, who are you?"

"I'm sorry, I don't understand"

The Emperor speaks to Yu who easily picked up the language, Reapers are omni linguistic and they can learn a language immediately upon hearing it. They seem to speak in a language the pre-dates Japanese, but Yu cannot speak to him. Just as Hana got out Shuten attacks them, Finn jumps in front and protects them with the katana, the Emperor joins in and the 2 tags team the demon. As Jimmu goes faster Finn keeps up with him, both of them are humans who depend on their own strength and they manage to keep up with the demon.

"Yu, help them"

Hana hands the remade Dojigiri to Yu, he nods and grabs it. Hana went back in with Inari who is healing Beowulf, due to expending massive amounts of imperium immediately in one go and having no imperium present prior to his "forced-awakening", it resulted in his life-force being dragged away as well. His chest starts to rot but Inari stops his death and he is slowly healing because of her. Using a stop watch Hana puts all of them inside of the aether, before more damages are made and the public finds out about them.

The 3 teaming up on the demon felt the little nudge because of the activation, Yu and Finn starts to go faster as Jimmu steps back. He once more drew his longbow and kept his sights on the 3 flying around, he gets a clear opening for a split of a second and fires the arrow.

The arrow flies through the air and pass the other 2, Finn forces down Shuten-Doji's sword and the arrow went through his left forearm and into his torso. Having the opening Yu slices the demon's head off as they fall down on the ground. The 2 runs away as a reddish black shroud starts to form on the small crater, Hana's body starts to feel heavy as the shroud continues to form.

The massive head from earlier appears, with a much longer hair and tongue. He roars and everything around them starts to be teared off the ground, the trees and the whole mausoleum and its surrounding area has been cleared off. The emperor starts to be much more warry, he takes a step forward and grabs the Dojigiri from Yu.

"Is this sword capable of killing of that demon?"

"Yes My Lord, our weapons can hurt it, but that sword will ensure its destruction" Yu used Finn as his medium of communication.

"And so it does, you must stand back and do not do anything"

"My Lord, allow me and this foreigner to aid you, we are willing to die for this Kingdom"

"Is he?"


"He asks if you are willing to die for this place, are you?" Yu talked with Finn's body and he replied with his own body.

"To save the world, of course"

"He is"

"Good, let's go!"


Yu uses his sword and releases a a barrage of slashes to the gigantic demon, the demon summons 4 massive arms and tries to stop them down but they are steadfast and light on their feet.

Finn summons spears of light behind him and he commands it by using his arm as the guide on which the spears will travel. He looks forward as he starts to feel afraid, one of the hands pushes him off the arm but he manages to hang on one of the spears. The spear fades away and he lands under the head of the demon, but it is not distracted and keeps its eye on the Emperor, who by this time has already arrived near its face.


He manages to slice off a massive portion of the demon's head, and it starts to be sucked up into the sword. He land and tries to deal more blows but 3 of the arms pushes him away, Yu grabs the Emperor and the 2 lands safely on the ground.

"That managed to hurt the demon, then I have to go under him, tell the fore-"

Suddenly a massive light breaks through the demons head, a thousand spears fall down from the sky and pins the demon down on the ground. Seeing this opportunity the 2 made haste and goes for the kill, but a wave of flames comes out from the demon's mouth and the 2 braces for it.

"GO ON!"

Beowulf appears and splits the wave of flames into 2 until it died down, he feels relieved as he manages to lend a hand in the battle and staggers down.

"Go help your emperor, Hana"

Inari comes out and helps him out, Hana grabs Yu's arm and throws him to the demon, he spins around and a shroud of dark imperium revolves around him, all of the dark imperium that broke off the demon when the spear hailed down on him, he reabsorbs. The demon screams as the 4 arms retract back to its giant head, as its vision gets back Emperor Jimmu has already struck the katana down its head. He hears Finn groaning from the back with the demon's heart and throws it down on the ground.

"You're still alive"

Suddenly massive spear falls down on the ground and directly to the demon's head. He bows down to Emperor Jimmu who asks him to stand up. The heart has a purple color and a mouth, it beats and it seems to laugh. The heart spoke to Emperor Jimmu in old Japanese as well.

"This is your win, I shall comeback an-"

"My Kingdom shall continue to prosper despite the darkness that you're kind brings upon, do not dare come after my Kingdom once more"

He stabs the heart and the katana absorbs it, he turns to Yu and asks him to return the sword to their resting places, he also starts to worry on to fix the area around him but it starts reverting back. Finn falls down on the ground as the fatigue took over his body, he gives the katana back to Yu.

"Give it back to the girl"

He passes out sitting on the ground as everyone regroups. Azrael appears before them with Death, they walked up to them and bowed down to each other, he also spoke in old Japanese. He gave their greetings.

"Did my friends serve you well?"

"They did, thank you"

"You are welcome, this beautiful Kingdom will continue to live on, how about you Your Highness, what will you do?"

"I believe my home is in good hands, I will go back to my slumber and return this power to him"

Beowulf floats down beside Finn, the 2 is passed out. The emperor passes the imperium from Beowulf back this body and he slowly regains his color and weight.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, though I want to see what my home has become, but I know it is incredible"

"Here Your Highness, your friend"

The 3 legged crow flies up from Azrael and flies above the emperor. He smiled in delight of seeing his old friend, but not in flesh but in soul.

"I must go back, thank you"

"Thank you Your Highness"

Everyone bowed down to him as he follows his crow back to his grave, his outfit starts to fall piece by piece as he gets close to it. He lays down peacefully on his grave as his body reverts back to its original state, the crow flies high into the sky and goes out in a beautiful way. The sun rises and the 4 just stands there, Death summons the other 2 Reapers. The 4 reapers with eternal punishments.

"All 4 of you have successfully completed your task, and now you shall enter a new life"

"What if we do not want to My Lord?"

"You cannot, this is your redemption for your past lives of being lairs and thieves, I commend you for existing for so long, against your will. My command, be reincarnated in new bodies, with no presence of imperium so that you will live an easy life. Live on your new bodies and die the death that your old bodies never achieved"

Their mask burns off and the marks on the 3's faces starts to crack away along with their skin, they cheered as they can hear, see, and speak to one another once more. They hugged one another and starts to tear up, and for the last one his mind comes back to him and he remembers their old friends.


"Yes father"

"Could you guide these 4 souls together"


"I would like to see this friendship bloom"

"Of course"

Azrael pointed at the wooden door as it opens in light, Inari waves good bye to them. As they walk near it they shed their age until they are children once more, they looked back and they cannot see everyone except Inari who continues to wave for them, they waved back and ran into the door and into their new life.

"Go along"

"Yes Father"

Azrael went in and continues to ensure that the 4 stays together. Holding onto them like a giant guiding 4 little dogs.

"Where will you go now?"

"Back to the forest, I must find the children who ran because of the Yamainu"

"You do not have to anymore, I brought them back safely, do not worry"

"Thank you"

She runs into the crowd as the police appears. The police officers run pass Death and they start to feel sick, as passing through him will make their body weak. Death's aura allows him to hide Finn and Beowulf, he carries them and put him back to the school.

"We awaited your return, how are the children Merlin?"

"They are fine"

Some of Eir's nurses came and picked up the 2 as they float to the infirmary. Death sees Kiosk and Fauna walking out of the infirmary and so he approaches them.

"Good morning Death"

"Good morning, so what happened to the arena?"

"Remi and Ruth went in an all about battle, then I forgot what happened"

"Apparently it was so disastrous that Lady Harriet and the other Elites stepped in and stopped them"

"It seems the selection is over"

"Yes, they've been preparing, Sir. Oh Logan is inside in the Extreme Care Facility if you are looking for him that is"

"Thank you, You may go"

Kiosk and Fauna went back to their dorms in order to rest, Merlin and Themis approaches Death and tells him something.

"Mephistopheles, My Lord"

"What about the boy?"

"He is dead"

"False, he's still alive, his soul and Logan's soul combine, half of Logan is dead and so is his"


"Because I had to. Logan's 2 lives will be important to us, and so is that Shifter and Harry, and Hans"

"Harry and Hans, why is that?"

"I cannot explain. I must go"

"What is it, can you spare us some detail?"

"I have to attend to the 5 Kings of this Domain"

"Is it that close?"

"Yes, Mammon appeared in Japan as well... He summoned one of his Herald but with the efforts of the 2 they managed to stop him. I must go and tell them of what I know"

"Take care Death"

Death walks out to the courtyard and uses the Purgatory to transport himself, but before he can he has a little chat with someone.

"So that demon is dead, Liar?"


"I asked you, now answer!"

"Do you have no respect to your elders?"

"Sorry, is he really dead, who died?" The boy said in a ridiculous and mocking tone of what a "young kid" is.

"Whoever wakes up.... and do me a favor Raijin, since that is the name you go by now, can you test him out a bit, provoke him"

"Why should I do that, I have no business with him but with you?"

"See if he is best fit for training once more"

"The selection is already over"

"Of course, but this is different"

"What it is in it for me?"

"Your life, oh and I think I saw you in the library a few days back"

"mhm, busy reading on the likes you, divinity"

"Tell him about the things since you are so interested with demons, you will be his mentor despite being a year ahead"

"Yeah, they are the reason why majority of the students here have no parents or families, the same beings that you fucking created"

"Well, just do me my favor will you... make sure he uses his own, oh here take this domain"


"You do not want to be suspended out again right, you can use that like a normal stopwatch you'll get the hang of it.. also last thing, be careful of 2 cousins, they can easily incapacitate you even if you are powerful"

Death enters the purgatory and it goes back down to the ground, the kid looks around and just does what he was doing earlier. He looks up in the sky as rain starts to sprinkle, everyone starts to quickly run into the buildings while he just stood there.

"Sweet, I can torture children again"

He pointed his index finger and examined it a bit, it created a little spark, he points up the sky and lightning struck down on him and he disappeared, leaving only a scorch mark.

"Are you sure this was the best day to bring him back?"

"Yes, he has someone he can trust in, just like him"

"All he has to do now is wake up, yes?"

Themis and Merlin looks down to a student worried. They are afraid of what that student might do.