

A Senior's Respect

Kiosk and Fauna starts to rush towards the open field, their emotions seems to be mixed and it is hard to point out what they are feeling. Harry and Ava joins them. Distress is the most obvious reactions they seem to be having, for Logan.

None of them can use their imperium in order to quickly get to the area as it is healing them internally. They are supposed to be in their dorms resting or doing nothing that will make their condition worse, but instead this problem rises and it seems to be a big deal. Harry brings up questions about the problem with their seniors but they either dodge the question or ignore him completely. Harry respected their silence and just followed along.

"They really must dislike him huh?" Harry asked Ava.

"Maybe, well maybe something more, he might have done something done bad to them, yet he looked so sweet"

Kiosk and Fauna's distraught faces slowly turned unreadable, empty. Their emotions earlier just disappeared, as if they accepted it. The 2 remained quietly when suddenly Fauna spoke.

"Raijin, the name that he goes by, is a bit arrogant, but not like a 'jerk' arrogant"


"Just incredibly proud of himself, back in the Overworld, he was a genius, an overachiever if you will, he was overqualified for his position, he was persuaded to become the Elite's Captain but he declined"

"Well, that is not so bad right?"

"Yes, apparently one of his friends, one of our classmates knew him before they entered here, he was great.. Him being at the top made him understand the people below him, because he knows how it feels to be down there"

"Think of it like Ruth and his sister" Kiosk joins in on the conversation "she is strong, and the way she brings it up is just wrong, she tends to provoke her"

"And Raijin, provokes people?"

"Tests them he says, he was the strongest 1st year, his presence along motivated everyone including the 7 Elites, he was sort off the model"


"Yeah, lady Harriet and Raijin had a little flame, if you will"

"Raijin, is he Japanese?"

"No, he is just extremely skilled in Lightning, and the name is the God of Lightning, he was called Zeus or Thor but it was too weird for him, so that is what everyone calls him"

"What's his real name?"

"No idea, but it starts with a P or something"

Kiosk noticed how the conversation is going off track and so he fed more to it, he does not want to reveal what happened to Raijin that caused him to be suspended. Ava noticed this and shakes Harry a bit to shut him up, and so he did. This was at the least to make them talk, even if the information about him is just a little. Kiosk continued to talk more about Raijin until he realized the 2 has caught onto him.

"Well, you guys seem to be quiet" He turned around with a guilty look.

"Just say it Kiosk, everything" Fauna said.


And so Kiosk started to tell them everything that he knows. It was the Grand selection such as this year's, Raijin was a charismatic person able to rally his team and beat the other teams, being ahead of them even in their own strategies. But it was only 5 of them was chosen, unlike this year where more students was negotiable.

The 5 who were chosen, Harriet and Raijin were obviously there and 3 others. Raijin only joined in to gain information about the creatures by fighting, he has no intention to take the position of the Elite during his time.

They went above to the Overworld and hunted for minions around the world, until a massive eruption of energy scattered around the world. It was when supernatural and paranormal activities started to spike around Europe and Asia, but mostly Asia. They were sent to South Korea in order to find a powerful Goblin, it was mischievous as it was cunning. It was able to even fool the Reapers there, but not Raijin.

"So the goblin will look like anyone" The Reaper that guides them said. "Hmmm..." Raijin replied as he draws what he expects the goblin to look like.

"Be careful to not be locked in there with one of those creatures, they are annoying to deal with"

"Right, got that"

"That is why were going to use his own technique against him, use this cube and put it in the corner of the elevator"


"Press the button and you will go in a loop, it locks you in a small either until you pressed the button again"

"What button, this one or the elevators"

"Elevators, put it in the corner and press the elevator buttons, human's will not be affected by it, and it will give away the goblin"


"Cool right, me and Saber will wait here for you"

"All right, wish me luck"

"Good luck"

Raijin entered the building and gets on the elevator up to the 3rd floor where the goblin was last spotted, or sensed. He has with him a 'Concealing item' from the Reaper, he was asked to put it on. For people like him the 'Concealing item' will only hide their auras, but for a Reaper the item will hide them completely to the naked eye. Raijin just stands there pretending to be waiting for the next elevator and continued to finish his drawing.


"You're talking to me?"

"Oh, sorry... herlo... I am, Seungi Lee"

"Oh, and I'm... Collin, yes Collin"


The man has a thick accent but they can still hold up a conversation, the man also waits for the elevator and just stood there. The elevator on the right dings open and a man walks out, they both greeted one another except for Raijin who just ignored him. The elevator opens in front of them and they both quickly entered, he drops the cube and it sticks to the corner of the elevator and it mimics the corners in order to conceal itself. He kicks the button and just as it closes he sees the man from before holding his head.

*I'm in here*

"So, Mr.. Lee"


"Will you be a jerk or a helping hand?"


"Why aren't you in your traditional hanbok?"

He grabs a club behind him and tries to cast a spell on Raijin, but it does not work. Raijin is pinned on the side of the elevator and goblin starts to go wild, showing its real skin, like a short imp and it starts to attack him. It tries to knock him out with the club but it does not work, it hurts though. Raijin keeps getting berated but he puts his hand up firmly, when the goblin lifts the club he strongly kicks him and he went through the elevator and pass through the building outside.

"Oh, there it is"

The Reaper lifts his arm up and pulls the goblin closer to him. Raijin pins down the goblin and everything is back to normal. The goblin struggles to get his feet off him but it was really useless.

"We make a good team" Raijin said to the Reaper.

"Good, you must be training him?"

"Yes, and we really make a good team" Saber replied.

They entered back to the facility and they headed out to continue their hunt. The 'Organization' the Death always mentions for the Reapers to work in varies on what business he owns, he needs to make the Reapers do something at least when they are not out 'Soul-Hunting'. The business can be a pub, restaurant, a private army, even a barbershop. This one in South Korea is a coffee shop, they also hire people with no imperium in order to work there to hide their true identity.

"Good morning Sir"

"Good morning, great work as always"

"Thank you, sir"

"Hmmm, I'm guessing you complemented her?"

"Naturally, right in we go"

Saber opens the door and they are transported to a massive base of sorts, Angels of Death flying around and tackling certain issues in different areas and 7 Higher Angels talking in the middle of it all. The Reaper stopped the both of them as they descend down into the deepest parts of the base.

"Wait so, this is what it looks like when you guys walk through those doors?"

"No, only the facades have this door, and only Angels of Death can enter this with every door, for us we need to enter one of the businesses"


"So, Sir... you guys enter this on a regular basis?"

"Yes, I've been her countless of times, even during last year, but I am still amazed, if I know what that feels"

They stopped at the lowest floor and there are several creatures of legend and myths that are there. They seem to capture and test them in order to find out their origins, but none of them has a clear answer. Their cells are organized by power and strength alone, the ones that are on top are kept alive in order to trace the origin and seal it. Raijin kept doing the same work until they headed to Scotland, they were sent to find a banshee and a giantess but apparently it was already dealt with.


"Raijin, what is this?"

"A demon ate this family, a parent and a little girl, and there's a 4th one, the boy's name is Logan and he seems to have been called on as well, and we suspect he might be a bad, the same as his 2 friends Ava and Harry, they were last seen at this pub, so they might be on our ranks

"Hmmm... Why did you say he was bad"


"Logan, why is he bad"

"Most of the kids', like us, their parents were massacred, but something tells me that this Logan was not affected as much by their deaths, and the other 2 might be like him, they might turn bad"

"I do not believe, no one wants to side with a demon, you and I both know"

Seeing the corpses of someone else made him question what the he was doing when all of this went down. He steps towards Logan's parents and he sees the grisly sight, and his little sister holding their photograph.

"Where was he, this Logan?!"

"He was being chased"

"And he left his family alone?"

"We don't know"

"And he was chosen, a coward is chosen"

"I understand that bu-"

"He could have at least waken them up, and tried to... he could have saved them"

And so on it begins, it was also his first time seeing that as well, but it affected him deeply, both of them are common in that they lost their parents, but the way they lost it was how Raijin judged Logan. He fought the Altereds with his life at stake instead of running away, but it was their fate that their parents are to die, for some reason.

When Logan and his batches were training, Raijin started to become a 'drill instructor', he was already praised for being powerful and when he has time during trainings at the school he would punish everyone who he deemed was weak. He pushed all of them to the brink of suicide, and he was stopped. Raijin also believes in one's own strength, that is why he commended Ruth when she went head on with her sister, a shifter's strength is also the invoker's, but he resented Logan who needed help in order to fight back.

Something was off about him, and during his suspension he was lifted from the missions and was restrained. He would read books about everything on both worlds until his arms were weak enough to lift a page, and his nose was sensitive to the smell of books. He learned so much including with demons, and those who made 'Contracts' with them, he saw as the weakest.

He was given a month to see if he changed so that he can return with the 'New-Ones' walking in the front door, but he blew. He remained strict with them, his own class, he moved up a grade because Merlin defended him and even Death spoke for him, but he was ungrateful to them. Raijin dislikes weakness, and he will do everything to make someone strong and when he is faced with Logan, and with Death's favor he goes in with an intent to kill.

"He knew us?"

"Yes, he also dislikes Harry"


"Being an Invoker"

"Wait, and so is Remi, he's biased, he hates everyone actually"


"Oh, I get what he means, I should apologize"

"No need"

"We have been walking towards them, but I don't feel anything"

"Yeah, and we're already here"

"Where are they?"

"I think already know where, but how do we enter it?"

The dimension that Logan and Raijin in is called the aether or the timeless domain, or just the domain. Reapers use this place in order to 'judge' the souls, or fight. No one can see, feel, and even hear them unless their 6th sense has been fully developed, like they were born with it, even the 6th years and the Elites have trouble sensing them in it but when they get closer it is easier. But even when they have mastered the 6th sense, all they can do is feel and hear it, they cannot enter it. Merlin, Themis, and Aarav watches over the 2 as they fight.

"Should we stop them Your Grace?"

"No, we are not to interfere, this is Death's orders, and also mine now, we want to see something from this boy"

"What is it?"

"Mental Fortitude and Independence, or anything that tells us that he is not threat, like that?"

"He not aware of the power he has, but unlike his performance since he came here, he never fought alone or he never commanded individually. He always needed someone to help him, or he needs more people to execute his plans, he shall use his on power now, or who actually woke up"

"Woke up?"

"What does that mean your grace?"

"Mephistopheles is fond of humans, in his own volition he can throw away Logan's soul down to hell"

"Yes, but he had a lot of opportunity to take over the boy's body why do it now?"

"Because he is dead, and Mephistopheles is a demon, Fadil and Diara is not here either, so if they comeback then the Commandment of Selflessness will be ran amuck by greed and chaos... If Logan is still alive, Mephistopheles will not be able to take over the body easily, his own power is strong as it is"

"Mephistopheles cannot be fully trusted then?"

"Yes, and it has been that way"

"How about Azrael?"

"Azrael only speaks for Death, nothing more nor less, we can trust him for as long as his orders is to follow Death"

Themis and Merlin closed their mouths in regret, it was their first time seeing him get angry. They kept quiet and watched over Logan who is definitely losing to his senior. Despite using all elements in his arsenal, Raijin either breaks through it or dodges it, but one thing is for certain, he easily overpowers him. Raijin's speed is unmatched by Logan who can only dodge and run away from him.


Logan jumps off the cliff and into the water, he sees Raijin's shadow and turns around, he creates and ice platform to land on and he ejects himself towards his senior. He hit his head directly onto Raijin's forehead but it does not effect him at all as he turned into lightning and electrocutes him.


Logan falls down to the water as Raijin stuck himself to the side of the cliff. Logan is frozen stiff and he cannot move around.

"hmm w-"

Logan punches him from the top and he kicks him down to the water.


Raijin gets him back by pulling him up to the platform and smashing him down the ground. It hurts him a lot, Logan faintly sees the pocket watch and pathetically grabs for it. He is losing.

"Why.... I'm sorry... I... did not mean... to get them killed"

"Right, so it is the demon speaking"


Raijin steps away from him and turns around, he releases a strong wave and the other 4 feels it as they stand on the edge of the cliff. A weak sea breeze for them.

"They are definitely here"

"They are in the aether, we need to-"

"Reapers cannot enter, all we can do is wait now, for a corpse, and a bloody triumphant"

Logan gets up as Raijin generates lightning, he does the same as well. He starts to cry in pain as lightning also gets into his reopened wound hurting him, all he thinks now is to defeat Raijin who is stronger than him in every way. His desperation calls for everything to be thrown to his senior. The accumulating energy from Raijin is so strong that everyone can feel it, it appears to them as goosebumps. Raijin fires up into the air and his lightning is massive, a beautiful violet hue lights up their distance.

"He's here"

"hmm, who's here?"


Raijin accumulates a massive amount of imperium on his arms and Logan's was nowhere near it, but he pathetically tries to get to that level only it hurt him more. Logan screams as the unbearable pain reaches up to his head and he dashes towards Raijin, and so did he. Their imperium was so powerful that it destroyed the domain and a bright light shined from the 2. Kiosk, Fauna, Ava, and Harry was protected because of his wall and the Archangel and the guardians looks up in shock waiting for a result.

The powerful vibrations caused everything around them to crack, and the roar of the thunder shook everyone to their core, the loud clap of the thunder woke up everyone in fear, even those who are in the infirmary. It was a terrifying show of destructive capabilities, and power.

The 2 breathes heavily as their arms are pointed to different directions, Logan's arm is raised upwards while Raijin's is being stepped on the ground. The light dims down and everything was on a standstill. Everyone stayed down on the ground hearing that monstrous roar of thunder and the bright light. The villagers also did the same and started to pray, Death who is on another continent in the Underworld even feels the incredible power.

"hmm... I guess that is my answer"

"The boy lives?"

"Yes, as expected"

Logan spits blood down onto Raijin's face and all he can do is smile. Logan's fatigue caught up to his and he falls down to who waylaid them. Logan falls onto Harriet's arms as he teared up, unconscious. She looks down on Raijin.

"How many times, have I... disappointed you?" Raijin asked.

"Why did you comeback?"

"Because, he needs someone to watch over him"

"And you were the one chosen?"

"I was the one, asked to, and I am the only one capable of doing so"

Raijin kept his eyes open to see Harriet's face, but the sun's ray does not allow it. All he can see is a silhouette, and all he can hear is her voice. She steps off his hand and quickly brought Logan back to the infirmary, he sits up as he grab his bruised arm and heals it.

"Mammon... he's on the Overworld, he will attack"

"what are you talking about?" Kiosk asked. "Hey!" Raijin greeted him with a strong glee only to be punched hard one the face. He spits blood up but his fatigue never really came up.

"nothing, I'm talking to myself"

He looks down on his hand in shame, he gets up and walks to the edge of the cliff as the guards surround him waiting for his move. He takes a deep breathe of the sea, Harriet sees him smile as he jumps off.

"Let's see if this works"

He stood up as he falls and turns into lightning only to disappear, he arrives at a dark room but lights up because of the windows.

"Oh Death"


"Did you get the answer?"

"Yes, Raijin meet the 5 Kings of these continent"

"Hello your highnesses.. oh and Death"


"Is Lady Fadil done with her thing?"

"Almost, Hans the boy is there"

"Lady Seraph, right... I'll go and check on them, Now I shall take my leave"

"Thank you, Raijin for this one"

"You do not have too, I should thank you, it was boring, you and this puppets"


His cold face earlier went back to the warm one that he showed Logan for the first time, guards walked with him as he stepped out of the Castle.

"Now, Your Highnesses, the Kid has reawakened on our side, My daughters are almost done with their Rekindling, I now expect an army"

"Will Mammon really start a war upon his arrival?"

"Yes, every soul he kills every person he takes is a step closer to reviving Lucifer, he will start a war of some sort, I have no idea if it will be the whole world, or just a certain country"

"Lucifer, he wishes to revive the most powerful of them"

"But, Death. That does not make any difference, the humans in both worlds if were to fall, it will only increase... of course"

"Even the smallest hint of Imperium within them, we can revive"

"But you, can you do it?"

"My Son Azrael can do it, if Seraph were to be rekindled, she will be as strong as their mother, she can revive anyone, my revival is different it needs a soul"

"But what if the war goes the way not we wanted it to be?"

"Indeed, what if we lost, the demon's are still constantly powerful than you're children"

"That Kid, Logan, he possesses the omnituens and omniloqui, do any of you know what that means?"

"He is as strong as demon?"

"Much more if he were to train, and master the abilities of it. Those 2 abilities harbors a secret to destroying the demon's with not just pure power"

The 5 kings talk among themselves if these plan were to go. The war will happen on both worlds, but it will be the most disastrous to the Overworld, the only line of defense they have there are the Legion's of Death, but only a certain portion of them can fight or are allowed to fight.

"We have to risk exposure to our brothers and sisters in the Overworld?"

"It is time they knew of our existence, they have an idea of what we are, but it is time for us to show ourselves"

The 5 Kings looked at each other, they have come to a consensus and agreed to Death's plea.

"But, the students will not participate in the battles"

"Of course"

"The schools has to de dissolved as well, we need to put the students back to the Overworld"

"When all of this is over that is"

"Of course, thank you... I must go"

Death bowed to them and left the castle, he looks up and he can see a wings flying above them. The sky starts to grow dark and a storm is brewing, he hears a loud cackle inside the castle, a familiar one.