The Djinn of Nature

I never knew my parents, I only remember being born, I have no memories of a childhood, I only remember walking.

I think that I am an adult… but why can I not remember my name?

I awoke near a tree, I then started walking.

I am cold for I am naked… Where am I? Who am I?

" You are my child "

The voice was sweet and it sounded familiar.

I turned to look and there she was; nature herself.

" Mother…? " I uttered, the woman smiled.

" Who am I? "

" You are my child "

" What is my name? "

" You do not have one, yet "

" Who are my parents? "

" Me "

" How was I born? "

" By this tree; the Waq Waq "

I looked up at the tree, where I saw many yet to be born.

" What is my purpose? "

" You shall be a Tree-Amazonian, a warrior who shall fight on my behalf "

A voice within me said;

" Yes, mother "

Another warrior was added to Queen Oleander's ever growing army.

Not only are the Tree-Amazonians under the Queen's command, but so are the The Plant-Myrmidons and The Tree-Men of M'Bwa.

What has the Queen of the Underworld in store for this growing army… only time will tell.