This be the land; between the Tigris and Euphrates.
This be the land of the Anunnaki.
They came from far away Nibiru(which is hella futuristic)
They came with the gift of life and knowledge.
They created.
And it was mighty Marduk; who killed Tiamat; the first mother.
What was made was swept away by the deluge.
Till it was revealed that wise Utnapishtim had survived.
The well-known King of Uruk had no equel; till beloved and androgynous Enkidu was made.
The friend, the wife, and the husband fell, and the mighty King felt the fear of death.
He sought immortality, which was slithered from his hands.
He found peace, and gained unequal wisdom.
These are some of the stories from the land between the two rivers.
There are many more, but, I shall tell of another story - which is lesser known; because it is new.
Do not let its freshness put you off.
Be adventurous as Gilgamesh.
Be wise as Enki.
Be kind and loving as Enkidu.
You are all as fierce and beautiful as beloved Inanna.
Do not be as lustful as Ishtar - who has been humbled.
Do not be as prideful as Nergal.
And do NOT commit the sin which Shukaletuda was punished for.
For he too was brought back by sin.
I ask only that you all keep an open mind, and an open heart; very much like Ereshkigal.
Be as caring as the Queen of the Great Below.
For I am sure that you are all as handsome as Rabisu - the Mesopotamian Dracula, and the leader of the Ekimmu - the bloodsuckers.
Do not worry.
I shall introduce others; who all resemble other more well-known creatures.
This story's protagonist is the son of Gibil; the god of fire.
As you have guessed from the title,
Gibil's son's name is; Gerra, who wields Asaruludu. The weapon's name bears the name of the lord who gifted it to Gerra.
Asaruludu is the leader of the Elves, but the Elves of Mesopotamia are better known as; Utukku.
They live on the giant Huluppu Tree, which in many ways resembles Yggdrasil.
" Then a serpent who could not be charmed Made its nest in the roots of the Huluppu-tree. The Anzu-bird set his young in the branches of the tree. And the dark maid Lillitu built her home in the trunk "
It is the Lamassu who aid the Utukku with crossing the many and old, yet strong, branches of the Huluppu-tree.
As stated before; sin has brought back the Great Defiler. Who wields the Burning Ring; Maqlû - which grants him control over the sinful flame.
Shukaletuda has brought rot and death to the land.
And it is up to Gerra to show the people that fire is not all-consuming.
The son of Gibil is not alone, for he has friends, dear friends.
There are the sons of Inanna; Shara and Lulal.
There is Sir Winifred, and Denny; Denisovan 11.
These five have all grown up together. Gone on many adventures together, but for the time-being; they are all separated; not out of want, but out of necessity.
They can cover more ground alone than together.
They have promised to meet up. At the spot where the two rivers meet.
Like Isimud they travel.
With the speed of Lugalbanda.
They shall all see, feel, and meet many things. Some are friendly, and some seek to harm them.
Gerra walked past the Zagros Mountains, where Asag the Foul lay prisoned.
He asked the good demon, and keeper of Asag; Pazuzu, for directions.
Shukaletuda, wearing beautiful armor; while his wicked blade could be seen from the side of his hip, had arrived at a town.
Gerra saw that a little girl needed help.
Shukaletuda noticed the bandits.
Gerra fought them off.
The little boy thanked Shukaletuda.
Gerra ate off the beard; which the grateful mother gave him.
Shukaletuda knew that Dumuzid was close.
The god of agriculture was on the hunt for the Great Defiler.
Gerra moved on, as Shukaletuda knew that he was at a disadvantage.
Dumuzid has lost the trail.
He flew off, using his fantastic and futuristic Armor of the Anunnaki.
Shukaletuda looked on, as Dumuzid flew the wrong way.
Gerra ran into Haita the Shepherd; a faithful servant of Dumuzid. The two of them would now go on some adventures together.
The sorceress Kamrušepa was now on Shukaletuda's trail.
" Where did you lose him? " asked Gerra.
" Right around here " said Haita, as he had lost one of his sheeps.
Shukaletuda dodged the fireball.
" Help! " yelled Haita, as he was hanging from a cliff.
Shukaletuda quickly ran from rock to rock, as Kamrušepa was calling down lightning.
Gerra quickly helped Haita.
Kamrušepa gasped, as Shukaletuda went in for the kill.
Gerra ran towards the wolf.
Kamrušepa was now a wounded sheep.
Gerra looked down at the dead wolf, as Haita helped the wounded sheep.
" End it " said Kamrušepa.
" You live to see another day " said Haita, as he petted the sheep.
Kamrušepa now looked on, as Shukaletuda walked away.
" It looks like our sinner wants redemption "
Gerra made his way towards a valley, as Haita went back to his flock.
Shukaletuda noticed a lost puppy.
Gerra noticed Denny.
Shukaletuda picked up the puppy.
Gerra shook Denny's hand.
The puppy licked Shukaletuda's helmet.
Gerra and Denny had both arrived at the Huluppu-tree.
Shukaletuda and the puppy had both arrived at a village.
Gerra and Denny both mounted the back of the Lamassu.
Shukaletuda and the puppy both drank of the village's water.
The home of the Utukku looked very clean.
The village looked very dirty.
" Welcome " said Asaruludu.
" Are you here to help us? " said the village leader.
Gerra and Denny both ate of the feast.
The people were all starving.
Gerra and Denny both slept peacefully that night.
" Lamashtu refuses to grant us rest "
" Do we know where Shukaletuda is? " asked Gerra.
Shukaletuda's puppy quickly found the location of Lamashtu.
" Last I heard; Shukaletuda spared Kamrušepa " said Asaruludu.
Lamashtu spares neither woman nor child.
" Why did he let her live? "
Shukaletuda could not let Lamashtu live.
Asaruludu said that he did not know.
Lamashtu did not know how Shukaletuda found her, but she did not care.
" Regardless… we must put an end to Shukaletuda "
Regardless of the pain inflicted; Shukaletuda knew that he had to put an end to this demon.
" I will end this long fight! "
The fight was over.
Gerra and Denny both said their farewells.
The puppy licked the wounds of its master.
Gerra and Denny made their way to a village; which was once plagued by a demon.
Shukaletuda fell asleep in the cave.
That was when both Gerra and Denny made their way to another village.
" Hello " said a young girl.
Gerra and Denny greeted the young child.
" Are you two here to kill the monster? " asked the child, innocently.
Gerra and Denny looked at one another.
" What monster? " asked Denny.
" The monster; who killed my mommy "
" She is unaware of what she says, and what it means, " said the village elder, as the child was playing with the other children.
The old man now sighed.
" Or perhaps… - the old man paused - perhaps; the children have gotten used to pain and death… which truly saddens my heart… "
" Who is this monster she speaks of? " asked Gerra.
" Jashae, the creature of greed. It hides in the shadows, ever ready to strike at the first poor soul; which is unfortunate enough to cross its path - the old man sat down - too many have died… too many too young "
Gerra and Denny looked at one another.
They both nodded, and left the village.
Jashae was a creature of earth and sky.
It looks like a mix between a griffin and a rhinoceros.
Denny was the better hunter of the two.
She was able to track Jashae to a nearby mountain-cliff.
As they walked closer, the smell of blood and rot overwhelmed their noses.
Denny drew forth her bow, as Gerra drew forth Asaruludu.
From within the pitch black cave, the two glowing eyes of Jashae were visible.
The creature let out a horrible screech, as it came bursting out of the cave.
Denny was able to wound one of Jashae's wings.
The beast fell to the ground with a large BOOM(!)
Gerra charged at the creature.
He managed to dodge Jashae's claws, as he got in position for the killing blow.
Jashae let out one last screeching sound.
The creature of greed now fell to the ground; dead.
Shukaletuda now awoke.
He looked to his side, and there was his loyal puppy; sleeping by his side.
The puppy now also awoke.
While wagging its tail, it started to lick the face-mask of Shukaletuda's helmet.
Shukaletuda picked up the tiny creature.
The puppy was still wagging its tail, as it looked at its master's glowing red eyes.
Shukaletuda now placed his forehead against the forehead of his beloved puppy.
The two of them were now drinking some water; at a nearby oasis.
Shukaletuda now looked on, as his puppy was barking at someone.
Shukaletuda turned around, and he was now looking upon a Takwin-Igigi; T.I. - for short.
The Takwin-Igigi are robotic-homunculus-humanoid entities created by Enki himself.
They are highly efficient killing machines; with a wide variety of futuristic and elemental weapons at their disposal.
This Takwin-Igigi was known as; T.I.-Type 1;Chaos.
Shukaletuda drew forth his sword, which I shall officially dub; Kafir.
Shukaletuda also made sure that his puppy was at a safe location.
T.I.-Type 1;Chaos drew forth its lightsaber-like-weapon.
Shukaletuda cracked his neck, for he knew that this battle was going to be tough.
T.I.-Type 1;Chaos flew straight towards Shukaletuda - using its jetpack-like-rockets.
Shukaletuda managed to dodge Type 1;Chaos, but that was when; Type 1;Chaos grabbed hold of the ground, and quickly changed directions. And all that took place; within the blink of an eye.
Type 1;Chaos flew straight into the stomach of Shukaletuda.
And while still holding onto Shukaletuda; Type 1;Chaos flew high up into the atmosphere.
Shukaletuda felt his vision blur, and his breathing heavy and heavy.
From Shukaletuda's helmet; his red eyes could be seen glowing fiercely.
Shukaletuda grabbed hold of one of the rockets, and using the last of his strength, he ripped the rocket off.
Shukaletuda and Type 1;Chaos both fell to the earth; creating craters.
Shukaletuda slowly arose to his feet, that was when he felt a slash at his back.
Shukaletuda quickly turned around, and cut Type 1;Chaos in two. He then damaged Type 1;Chaos' last rocket.
Shukaletuda ran with all haste, and that was when the rocket could be heard exploding.
The puppy ran to his unconscious master.
The puppy now noticed someone approaching; it was a certain sorceress.
Shara and Lulal had both arrived at the kingdom of the Ekimmu.
Everywhere the brothers looked - they saw indescribable beauty.
" Their raven hair… " uttered Lulal.
" Their blood moon eyes… " uttered Shara.
" Their sandy skin… " uttered both brothers.
The Ekimmu may be the vampires of this story. But.
The Ekimmu actually rarely drink blood.
They all actually prefer/favor the taste of pomegranate wine.
(And; the light coming from the sun; does not bother any of the Ekimmu - many of them actually enjoy the warm light.)
" Welcome " said Rabisu, the Mesopotamian Dracula.
Both Shara and Lulal started to question things, as they looked upon the handsome Rabisu.
Rabisu knew the fame of his people's beauty. Which is why; he had two female Ekimmu; guide the two brothers around his kingdom.
It is safe to say; that neither Shara nor Lulal noticed any of the places they were shown.
However. Both brothers could describe - to the minutest detail - the handsome and exquisite features of their guides.
" So " said Rabisu with a smile; " what do you think of my kingdom? "
Both brothers paused.
" It is pretty " said they both, even though neither knew where anything was.
" So " said Rabisu, as he took a sip of his pomegranate wine; " what brings you two hither? "
Both brothers went from infatuated; to serious.
" We are looking for the Great Defiler, " said Shara.
A serious look befell Rabisu as well, for he knew that Shara and Lulal were both the sons of Inanna.
" Why? " he asked, already knowing the answer.
" Revenge " uttered both brothers through their gritted teeth.
" Your mother already took her revenge "
" True. But now that Shukaletuda has been given a second life; we can also take our revenge, for the injustice he did to our beloved mother! "
Rabisu sighed, as he put down his glass.
" I do not know where he is "
" But your army of bats could easily find him "
Rabisu narrowed his eyes at the two brothers.
" How about this; instead of bats, I have Alwarda accompany you both "
Rabisu snapped his fingers, and in walked Alwarda; a female Ekimmu, whose beauty was legendary even among this race of supernatural beauty.
" Greetings " said Alwarda with a slight bow.
The mouths of both brothers were wide open.
" You are both dripping on my carpet! " exclaimed Rabisu.
Shukaletuda slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was the concerned look of his puppy.
As the puppy licked its master, Shukaletuda noticed that he was inside a cave.
He also noticed that he no longer felt any pain on his back.
He slowly arose, as his puppy was wagging its tail in happiness.
Shukaletuda now sensed that someone was behind him.
" Your welcome " said Kamrušepa, as she had used her Šurpu(magic) to heal Shukaletuda.
Kamrušepa could not see Shukaletuda's face - because of his helmet.
" Do you ever take that thing off? "
Shukaletuda shook his head.
Kamrušepa shrug her shoulders.
She now snapped her fingers, and out from thin air, appeared food.
Kamrušepa snapped her fingers again, and in front of the puppy appeared a lot of dog food.
Shukaletuda bowed in gratitude.
Kamrušepa glared at the Great Defiler.
She then sighed, as she stood up.
" I still hate you - Kamrušepa paused - but… I can not condemn you for seeking forgiveness "
Kamrušepa's eyes glowed and a portal now appeared in front of her.
" Good luck " said Kamrušepa, as she vanished inside of the portal.
Shukaletuda and his puppy both ate off the plentiful food.
Sir Winifred dismounted off the kind Lamassu.
She was looking for Asaruludu, but she ran into someone else.
She had graceful movements.
She had some old symbols on her body.
And her Utukku-beauty was second to none.
She was; Lillitu - The Dark Maiden.
" My lady " said Sir Winifred with a knightly bow; " could you direct me towards Asaruludu? "
The Dark Maiden turned towards the knightly-lady.
Sir Winifred now noticed the moon-like-eyes.
With a silk and smooth voice, Lillitu spoke;
" He is currently in a meeting, but he will be here shortly "
Lillitu's smile made the knight's heartbeat with joy, as her knees were getting weaker and weaker.
" Dark Maiden of the Moon… " uttered Sir Winifred, as she was being overwhelmed.
Lillitu gently walked closer to the knight.
Lillitu has the blessing of the moon. Her blessing is called; Sîn-lēqi-unninni - which translates to;
Sin(the moon god) is one who accepts my prayer.
Lillitu was now inches away from Sir Winifred's lips.
" I see everything which the moon sees, and Asaruludu is right behind you " said Lillitu, as she walked away.
Asaruludu walked up to Sir Winifred, who was gasping for air.
" She can have that effect on humans, " said Asaruludu with a sigh.
After the knight was able to get her bearings together, she was able to tell Asaruludu; why she had come to his domain.
" Ah " said Asaruludu with a smile; " your friends were here a few days ago; asking the same question, and sadly; I can only give the same answer "
Sir Winifred realized that she had to move on.
" Before you go " said Asaruludu, as he clapped his hands; " let Salogel, my faithful servant, accompany you "
Out from the shadows appeared Salogel, who was a male-Utukku, whose skills with the bow were unrivaled. But Salogel much preferred the use of a sword, and enjoyed battle at close-range.
Shukaletuda heard a strange sound, as did his puppy.
The two of them stopped; in the middle of nowhere.
That was when the two of them were blown away; by the force of something equivalent to a meteor strike.
Shukaletuda looked up from the sand, and that was when he saw Dumuzid.
" Found you " said Dumuzid, as he smiled from underneath his helmet.
Shukaletuda drew forth his weapon, but he was easily disarmed; for he still had not fully recovered.
Shukaletuda fell to the ground; once more.
Dumuzid now heard the sound of faint barking.
It was the small puppy, who ran with the courage of a lion at Dumuzid.
Dumuzid kicked the small creature.
Shukaletuda looked on in horror, as his puppy hit the face of a rock… dying insteadly.
" Isimud, open a portal "
A portal appeared before Dumuzid.
Dumuzid dragged Shukaletuda by the back of his neck.
As Shukaletuda was about to go through the portal, he held his hand towards his puppy, and uttered these words, as tears ran down his face;
" My puppy… "
Shukaletuda was now imprisoned within Nibiru.
Denny and Gerra had both arrived within Akkad.
When the King of Akkad found out that Gerra and Denny were both within his kingdom, he immediately sought them out.
Gerra and Denny were both now standing within the throne room, and the King sitting on the throne looked like a tired-king.
" My son… " uttered the King, as he paused; " my son has been kidnapped by an Anakim "
(The Anakim are the giants of this story)
" Why would your son seek out a giant? " asked Gerra.
The King looked more weary, as he said;
" My boy is of noble heart… but he has a warrior's spirit, and a curious mind. When he first heard about the race of giants, he immediately decided to seek out an Anakim… in doing so… he was captured - the King now let out a long sigh - he is my only child… please, bring him back to me "
The King gestured to one of his men, and in walked several servants; all of them holding chests full of gold and jewels.
" Keep your riches " said Gerra, who noticed that Denny was looking at a lovely necklace; " on second thought " said Gerra, as he walked over to the necklace; " we will only take this as payment " Gerra threw the necklace to Denny.
The two of them were now outside of Akkad, looking for the footprints of the giant.
Some time passed, but there was no sign of any footprints.
" How come it is so hard finding a giant footprint? " said Denny, as she was playing with her necklace.
Gerra now noticed two men at the nearby port.
" A Sherden and a Kulullu "
The Sherden and the Kulullu are the people of the sea; they all faithfully serve Enki.
Gerra walked up to the two men, and asked them if they had seen anything strange.
The men told of how they recently saw an Anakim; who seemed to be holding something… or someone.
Gerra and Denny both looked at one another.
The men pointed towards the direction in which the giant was walking.
Gerra and Denny walked down that path, and that was when they found some giant-footprints.
The footprints ended at a large entrance to a cave.
Gerra and Denny would charge in at three.
That was when the echoing sound of laughter could be heard.
Gerra and Denny found the prince, and it turns out; that the Anakim was actually a gentle giant, who enjoyed a tea party with the son of the King.
The prince safely returned to his father, but from that day onward, the prince would frequently visit his giant friend.
Shukaletuda was naked and alone in his prison cell.
He heard someone approach.
Shukaletuda counted every step. His eyes widened as he saw who had brought him his food - it was Inanna.
Shukaletuda was speechless, as he looked on in awe at the radiant goddess.
Inanna placed the food, and with a neutral expression; she walked away.
Things continued like that - Inanna bringing the food, and Shukaletuda not knowing what to say.
Finally, after much time had passed, Shukaletuda had one question;
" Why? "
" Why what? " said Inanna with a smile.
" Why show me kindness… after what I did… "
Inanna was quiet. She then said;
" I am simply bringing you your food "
" Were you ordered to? "
Inanna smiled.
As Inanna was about to walk away, she said;
" I brought some dessert "
Shukaletuda noticed the smirk on Inanna's face.
The dessert which Inanna had left - was the key to the cell.
Shukaletuda did not understand, but he would not waste this kindness.
Shukaletuda successfully made his way to the hangar.
He mounted a futuristic-flying-motorcycle. That was when the alarm went off.
As Shukaletuda was flying towards one of the Anunnaki-Stargate-Portals, an army of T.I.s were hot on his tail.
A Takwin-Igigi successfully managed to damage Shukaletuda's motorcycle.
Shukaletuda jumped from his burning vehicle, and he managed to pass through the portal; arriving back on Earth.
" Interesting, " said Anu, who had seen everything from one of the flying monitors.
Shukaletuda felt the familiar wind. The familiar touch of the ground.
When Shukaletuda opened his eyes at last, he was looking upon Gerra.
" Great Defiler "
Shukaletuda was armorless and weaponless, while Gerra had his weapon in hand.
Shukaletuda prostrated himself before Gerra -like a defenseless animal before its predator.
" Get up, and defend yourself " said Gerra with wroth and wrath.
Shukaletuda did not move.
Gerra raised his sword; ready to strike. But at that moment; he felt curious.
" What do you intend to do now? "
Shukaletuda looked up, and said;
" Find my puppy "
Gerra and Shukaletuda were both walking through the seven gates of Kur; for they were both in the domain of the Queen of the Great Below.
Allow me a moment to explain; how the underworld is set up;
Ereshkigal, Queen of the Mesopotamian Underworld.
Partner/Wife; Abattu.
Palace; Ganzir.
Dear friend, and scribe; Ningeshtinanna.
Sections of the underworld;
Kur, the Dark Dragon, the pet of Ereshkigal.
Neti, the gatekeeper.
Namtar, advisor.
Gerra and Shukaletuda both entered Ganzir.
Entering the throne-room, the two men saw her; the Queen of the Great Below; Ereshkigal.
The Queen sat on her exquisite throne, and her exquisite beauty made both men weak; for it was too overwhelming.
Ereshkigal's red angelic wings were also of note. The other thing of note was the Dark Dragon; Kur, sleeping behind her throne.
" Ah " said Gerra, surprised; " I thought that he would be bigger… "
" He can change his size at will, " said Ereshkigal with her queenly smile; " what brings you two to my domain? "
" I wish to be reunited with my dear friend, " said Shukaletuda.
Ereshkigal's gaze turned towards the Great Defiler.
" I know you… " said Ereshkigal with narrow eyes.
Gerra noticed the serious look on Ereshkigal's face. Gerra could then hear Shukaletuda swallow.
Ereshkigal's veil was not enough to hide her displeasement with having Shukaletuda within her palace.
" I will allow your reunion " said Ereshkigal; " on one condition "
Shukaletuda waited in anticipation.
" Tell me, how did you escape my kingdom? "
Even Gerra had wondered; how did Shukaletuda get a second life?
Oddly enough, Shukaletuda seemed more calm than nervous.
He held forth his ring.
" Your ring? " said Ereshkigal, questionly.
" My ring grants me control over fire… but, it also has the blessing of a phoenix "
Ereshkigal nodded with a smile on her face, as she finally understood.
" For what you did to my sister… I should punish you for all eternity "
Shukaletuda did not disagree.
" But " said Ereshkigal, as her gaze once more turned to Gerra; " it seems like it is not me who will punish you "
Ereshkigal now let out a gentle sigh.
She snapped her fingers, and the sound of barking now filled the throne-room.
Shukaletuda embraced his fluffy friend.
" What is his name? " asked Gerra.
Shukaletuda looked, as his dear friend excitedly waited for his name.
" Shulgi "
Shulgi now started to lick Shukaletuda's face.
" You may both leave " said the Queen of the Great Below.
As Gerra, Shukaletuda, and Shulgi all left the underworld.
Abattu sat on the throne, as Ereshkigal was rubbing her own forehead.
" You have always been too compassionate, " said Abattu with a smirk.
" And you have always been a bit too chubby " said Ereshkigal, as she pinched Abattu's belly fat.
" I have been losing weight! " exclaimed Abattu, all shy and embraced.
It is true, she has been losing weight.
Kind, queenly, and beautiful Ereshkigal; could not help but giggle.
" Well, this is certainly a surprise " said Dumuzid, as Gerra and Shukaletuda had both exited the underworld; " why did Ereshkigal let the two of you go? "
Both Gerra and Shukaletuda had no answer.
" No matter " said Dumuzid, as he activated his lightsaber-sword; " you shall both die "
" Even me? " said Gerra with a surprised-smile.
" You shall die, for aiding the rapist "
" I only helped him get his puppy back, " said Gerra with a hard tone and narrow eyes.
" I don't care " said Dumuzid, as he glared through his helmet; " you both die " said Dumuzid, as he pointed his sword towards them both.
An arrow now bounced off Dumuzid's futuristic armor.
Dumuzid turned around, where he saw that it was Salogel who had fired the shot.
" Really? " said Dumuzid, surprised; " arrows? "
Salogel smiled, as he said;
" My apologize "
Salogel now pulled out his futuristic sniper rifle.
" Damn… " uttered Dumuzid, impressed.
Dumuzid now dodged the shots fired by Salogel, as Gerra and Shukaletuda both got to cover.
Jetpack-Rockets appeared on Dumuzid's back, and he could now be seen charging straight towards Salogel. That was when Sir Winifred kicked Dumuzid in mid-air, using her own futuristic knight armor.
" Why are you aiding the Great Defiler? " said Dumuzid, hotly.
" You threatened Gerra; it is him whom we aid, " said Sir Winifred.
A mini-rail-gun appeared on Dumuzid's left arm. He was about to fire, but that was when Alwarda tackled him to the ground, while wearing her very own futuristic vampiric armor.
Dumuzid looked on in disbelief, as both Shara and Lulal stood in his way.
" Why…? " uttered Dumuzid; " why do you all protect the rapist? "
Everyone was quiet.
Dumuzid turned towards Shukaletuda.
" I will not let you live(!) " uttered Dumuzid through his gritted teeth, as both his armor and weapon were gathering massive amounts of energy.
" Enough! "
Everyone looked up, and there was the fair and exquisite goddess; Inanna.
Inanna landed in front of Dumuzid.
" Enough " said Inanna with a gentle smile.
" But… " uttered Dumuzid; " he raped you… "
" I know " said Inanna; " and I killed him for it "
Inanna now turned towards Shukaletuda.
" He sinned in his first life. He must now use his second; in search of redemption "
" Have you forgiven him? " asked Dumuzid.
Inanna shook her head.
" I can not forgive him… but, I can understand his want for redemption "
Dumuzid did not understand, but he did put away his weapon.
Inanna hugged her two boys, and afterwards; she and Dumuzid both returned to Nibiru.
" What now? " asked Gerra.
" As she said " said Shukaletuda with a faint-smile; " I shall seek out redemption; through my actions "
Gerra did not say anymore words. He merely walked up to his friends, and new friends, and left with all of them.
Shukaletuda would later find a Myling, whom he named, and would raise as his own - in hopes of some small amount of redemption.