The Good Ghoul

This is a story about Ganymede, and his good friend, the former king - Ganges.

(Real quick; King Ganges is a figure who is mentioned in the Life of Apollonius of Tyana)

Ganymede is a ghoul, but he is a good ghoul.

Many agree that Ganymede looks like Azog the Defiler.

Ganymede also has a ring - no, not that ring - his ring is called Gyges, and it has the power to make one invisible… so kind of like that one ring.

This is going to be a short adventure, so listen carefully;

Ganymede and Ganges are both on their way to the Tree of Iusaaset.

This tree is holy both in life and knowledge.

But the Tree of Iusaaset is well-guarded by an ancient warrior; who wears the Mask of Provadia.

" Is that him? " asked Ganges, as he was looking over the hiding spot.

Ganymede nodded.

" How are you going to get past him? "

Ganymede smiled, as he put on the ring - becoming invisible.

" That will do, " said Ganges, impressed.

Ganymede was making his way past the warrior, but that was when he noticed something strange. The warrior showed signs of awareness… almost as if he knew that Ganymede was there.

Ganymede felt relief as he was now behind the warrior.

Out of curiosity. Ganymede looked over his shoulder, that was when he saw that the warrior was looking right at him.

" The mask… " uttered Ganymede, as the warrior now charged straight towards him.

Ganges punched the warrior before the warrior could make contact with Ganymede.

" We did it your way " said Ganges with a smile; " we now do it my way "

A brawl began between the three fighters.

To Ganymede's surprise, but to Ganges' delight, the warrior was actually able to hold his own; even though the odds were against him.

The warrior managed to throw Ganges to the ground.

The warrior now made his way towards Ganymede, but that was when Ganymede finally understood.

The warrior stopped, as Ganymede held forth the ring.

" The ring…? " said Ganges, confused.

" It was once yours… right, Gyges? "

Ganges' eyes widened.

" What happened to him…? " uttered Ganges, amazed, and horrified.

" It was this ring " said Ganymede the Ghoul; " it corrupted him. Changed him, into this shell of his former self "

Gyges held his hand over the ring. His breathing fastened. He was about to pick it up. But that was when he closed Ganymede's hand.

Gyges let out a sigh, as he returned to his post.

" What now? " asked Ganges.

Ganymede smiled, as he then said;

" Let Iusaaset have this cursed ring "

The two friends reached the tree, where they gave Iusaaset the ring; in the hopes that it would not corrupt any other.