Funny Dialogues/Intereactions

Caeneus grabs Luke's ass.

" I want your ass for breakfest and dinner "

Luke smirks.

" When we get back home, you can have my ass for breakfast, dinner, and a midnight snack. And if I am feeling generous, you can have my ass for second breakfast "

Luke now walks away with a smile on his face.

" Please let me have a taste sample now! " yells Caeneus, as he chases Luke.

" I fight with Rome! " - Justinian.

" I am Rome!! " - Lucius.

" Sit your ass down Justinian, 'cause you just got Romed! "

" This is you holding back? "

" This is me holding wayyy back " - God with a smile.

When Jacob vists the in-laws.

" This meal is delicious, Queen Persephone " - Jacob.

" Oh, I did not make this " - Queen Persephone with a smile.

Jacob now looks at King Hades, who was the one who made the meal.

With sweat on his forehead, Jacob says

" It is delicious... "

King Hades just glares at Jacob.

Melinoë did her best not to laugh.

Iblis and Lilith are in their bedroom together, right after their marriage.

" So, Lilith, are you ready for me to be the top " just as Iblis had said that, Lilith tackles him onto the bed.

" I did not grant Adam the privilege of being the top, do you really think I would give you that privilege? " - Lilith with a smile, while ontop of Iblis.

" I am both scared and aroused " - Iblis.

The two of them now proceed to conceive both Luke and Lucy.

During the war in heaven, two rouge Angels go to the throne of God; to try and get the jump on God, they arrive at the staircase to the throne and that is when Metatron slowly walks down the stairs, all that the rouge Angels have to say in horror is

" the risk we took was calculated... but man, are we bad at math... "

Metatron now kills the two rouge Angels with his powers.

Ares comforting Mesperyian;

" You are under the impression, that you are the only one who has suffered by the gods... my brother, Hephaestus, has suffered by our mother and even by his own wife, he is deformed, but, he refused to give in to hate and despair. Try and call on his powers and learn from his experiance " - Ares.

" Hephaestus " - Mesperyian.

Mesperyian is slowly taking off her mask as she is reviewing Hephaestus's memories.

" With every swing of his hammer, filled with sorrow and grief, he created... "

" Something beautiful " - Ares with a smile.

" Nice beard " - Athena.

" Thanks. Nice tits and ass " - Ares.

" Thanks " - Athena now hits Ares.

" I thought you took the compleiment? " - Ares.

" I did, but it was still rude " - Athena with a smile.

Anna in her panther form.

" Guys, what is the oppsite of pspspsps? " - enemy 1.

" pspspsn't " - enemy 2

Anna is unfazed and then starts to attack.

" It did not work!!!! " - enemy 1

Arthur's last joke during Camlann.

" I am death " - Mordred.

Arthur pauses for a moment.

" Hello death, I am dad " - Arthur with a dad smile.

" Yeah, you are dead " - Mordred.

Zahhak facing off against Hassan.

" I have commanded Demons, Fairies and Angels. I am a god, you mere mortal " - Zahhak.

" A god? " - Hassan.

Hassan paused for a moment, he then laughs.

" Hello god, I am death " - Hassan while pointing his sword at Zahhak.

" Really? " - Zahhak with a smile.

Gilgamesh and Enkidu are having sex.

Myrddin comes in need of orders to (something)

" I am busy! " - Gil.

" Gil, bust a nut " - Enkidu.

Gilgamesh busts a nut.

" Better? " - Enkidu.

" Better " - Gil with nut-clearity.

Gilgamesh gives the orders and contiues with having sex with Enkidu.

" Asterios' shit..."

" Escanor, we are just training... " - Jacob.

" Who decided that? " - Escanor.

(A huge explosion)

" Let me get this straight! " - Agamemnon, with his finger raised.

Achilles smiles, as he has one eyebrow raised.

" Right... " Agamemnon, who sees that he mispoke.

" Tell me truthfully " - Agamemnon.

" The warrior-god "

" The wise-man " - Thor.

Matthew sees Ruhtra's scars.

" You have many scars " - Matthew.

" Scars? You mean my free tattoos? " - Queen Ruhtra with a smile.

" Rome's shadow is vast, and I promise here and now; that none of you will ever see the light of the sun again " - Augustus, when he has summoned forth Rome.

" Son " - Beowulf.

" Yes, papa - " Gurth.

" How old are you, boy? "

" I am three, papa "

" Take this knife, go hunt bear "

Gurth looks at the knife in his hands. With a smile, he then says;

" Just one? "

Beowulf joyfully-giggles.

Persephone is angry.

" Sweety " - Hades with a smile.

" Don't you sweety me(!) " - Persephone while glaring.

Hades pauses for a moment. He smiles and then says;

" I am both scared... and aroused "

Persephone leans bacward, with one raised eyebrow. She smiles, and then says;

" Too bad. For tonight, you are going to play sex: on single player "

Persephone now walks away, while throwing her hair back.

In shock and fear, Hades says;

" Persephone! "

Lucifer is standing next to Jesus with a smile on his face.

Jesus eyes Lucifer up-and-down, he then says;

" 6 out of 10 "

Lucifer through his gritted teeth, says;

" 6(!) "

Lilith wraps her arm around her husband's waist, she then says;

" Don't worry, honey, you will always be my 10 "

" Thank you, sweety " says Lucifer, as he puts his arm around his wife's shoulders; " you will always be my 10 as well "

" Honey " says Lilith, as she pulls away from her husband, and pushes her hair back; " I am an 11 "

Lucifer looks at his wife, he then looks at Jesus, the King of Hell then says;

" Bunch of divas " as he now walks away.

Lilith and Jesus bump fists.

Lilith walks into Lucy's room, where she sees Lucifer with girl-clothes on, sitting at a table with a tea cup in his hands.

Lilith stares in amazement.

" What? " says Lucifer, nonchalantly; " if my Princess wants a tea party - she gets a tea party "

Lilith is speechless as she is smiling.

" Here are the cookies, sis " says Luke, as he walks in with some cookies, while also wearing girl-clothes.

" Look at how cute you are! " exclaims Lilith, as she picks her son up, while kissing him.

" Mother, the cookies! " exclaims Luke, as he almost dropped the cookies.

" May I join your tea party? " says Lilith, as she looks at Lucy.

Lucy sips her tea, she then says;

" Sorry, mother, but there can only be one princess at this table "

Lucifer and Luke both look at Lilith, who has a calm smirk on her face.

" Don't worry, honey, " says Lilith, as she picks up a cup; " you will be the only princess at this table, for you see, sweety, I am a Queen. "

Lilith now takes a sip of her tea, as both Lucifer and Luke look at Lucy.

Lucy smiles, as she realizes that she has just lost.

" You may stay, mother, "

" This bitch crazy... "

" No " says Aphrodite with a bloody smirk; " this bitch angry " - Aphrodite Areia.

" I am sorry, ma'am, but I have to give you a fine " - Ares.

" Why? " - Aphrodite.

" Because; you are too damn sexy " - Ares with a smile.

Aphrodite nods with a smirk.

" Well, officer, it looks like I am about to commit a crime "

" What crime? "

" Adultery "

" Someone call 911 " - Abattu.

" Why? " - Ereshkigal.

" Beacause; I am pretty sure that it is illegal to be that hot "

" I am pretty sure that your name starts with an H " - Lilith

" Why? " - Lucifer.

" Because; you are Handsome "

Lucifer smirks.

" I see that God started with B, when he made you " - Lucifer.

" Why? " - Lilith.

" Because; you are beautiful "

Lilith pauses.

" He later added A and C "

Lilith has a curious look on her face.

" Attractive and Cute "

Lilith is about to commit a crime.

" For the longest time, I struggled with finding a model for perfection " - Hephaestus, as Athena is sitting behind him.

" But " said Hephaestus, as he turns around; " that was when I saw you "

Athena looks at him with a smirk on her face.

" They say that grace is a must-have skill "- Hades.

Persephone looks at him.

" But with you, I would say that grace is a natural skill "

Persephone smiles, as she raises one eyebrow.

" They say that woman, beauty, and business can not mix " - Zeus.

Hera sits on her throne near him.

" But, I would say that you embody all three "

" You are still not getting some "

A sad expression appears on Zeus' face.

Cerberus and Orthrus are both brawling while in their small dog forms.

" Enough " - Hades with a cold tone.

The two dogs stop.

Persephone now hits her husband.

" What? " - Hades, confused.

" You didn't have to use a mean voice " - Persephone, outraged.

Persephone now comforts her two dogs.

" Oh " says Persephone in a loving tone; " don't worry, you two will sleep with me tonight "

" Wait " says Hades, confused; " where will I sleep? "

" The doghouse just became available! "

" Persephone! " says Hades, fearful.

Jacob and Melinoë are having dinner with Hades and Persephone.

" Daddy, can you pass me the salt " - Melinoë.

Hades and Jacob both reach for the salt.

" I am giving you a five seconds head start " - Hades with bloody murder in his eyes.

Jacob now runs like hell.

Ares is laying on the ground, after getting beat up.

" We got you now! " yelled an enemy.

Ares simply raised his finger. He then pulled out his phone, and called.

The enemies looked on in confusion.

Ares then said;

" Honey? "

" Yes? " answered Aphrodite, while reading Weapons and Dresses.

" I got beat up "

All was quiet. And that was when Aphrodite said;

" I am on my way "

" You guys are so screwed " said Ares with glee and delight.

The enemies looked at one another; confused. That was when one of them said;

" Oh no... "

Flying towards them all was Aphrodite Areia, wielding both her bident and trident; while also wearing U.A. And behind Aphrodite could her Chaos-Argus be seen.

Enbilulu takes hold of Hárbarðr's staff.

" Would you deprive an old man of his walking stick? " - Hárbarðr.

Enbilulu looks at Hárbarðr, he then lets go and walks further ahead. A boom can be heard, as Enbilulu turns around to see Hárbarðr in armor and the staff transformed into Gungnir.

" Walking stick my ass. " - Enbilulu.

Hárbarðr smiles.

" Ophelia Othello! "

" Othello Ophelia! "