Hades’ Heart

We find ourselves within the Greek underworld. Within the kingdom of Hades.

Circe, the advisor to Hades, was in her workshop; working on some spells.

Ah, Circe, whose beauty could set off another thousand of ships. Her short hair is like pure gold. Her skin is like polished marble, and her eyes glow like the sun. And I need not say how seductive her voice is. And what many do not know is; the fact that Circe has freckles - around her nose and cheeks.

Truly, Circe is Helen's equal. I would love to praise Circe some more, but I must continue the story.

Basileus Hades now entered Circe's tent.

" Circe " said the Lord of Tartarus.

" Lord " said Circe, smiling.

When Circe turned around, her smile quickly vanished, for Hades was kneeling before her.

Circe was speechless and confused.

" I have come to ask a favor- "

Hades had to stop short, for Circe quickly walked over, and helped him back up.

" Lord… please don't do that ever again… " said Circe, flustered; " I am your subject. If you wish anything from me, then simply ask it of me "

Hades gently lifted Circe's face; by her soft chin.

" You are not my lesser. You are my equal "

Circe's white cheeks both turned a crimson red, for Hades looked a lot like Henry Cavill.

(Henry - Hades. Coincidence? I think not!)

" Very well, Hades, what would you ask of me? "

Hades' face now turned serious once more.

"Please help my daughter "

Mesperyian, the eldest child of Hades and Persephone.

When Mesperyian was just a little girl. It was said that her beauty was second to none. And Aphrodite apparently took that personally.

… which is why she burnt half of Mesperyian's face.

From that day onward. Mesperyian has been wearing a mask, for her wounds never seemed to heal.

Her siblings all tried to cheer her up, but Mesperyian locked herself away; to the dismay of her mother.

Hades could not bear to see Persephone heartbroken, and he too felt deep sorrow for his beloved daughter.

Mesperyian was sitting in her dark room, alone. All the curtains were shut, and all the mirrors were shattered.

Hades knocked on her door.

Mesperyian quickly put her mask back on.

" May I come in? " asked Hades, gently.

" Leave me alone "

But that was not something Hades could do. He could not abandon his own child.

Hades walked up to Mesperyian.

" Mesperyian " said Hades, softly, as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

Mesperyian quickly pulled away.

" Leave me alone "

" I can't "

" Leave me! "

But Hades remained.

" My child " said Hades, as he once more tried to place his hand on her shoulder.

Mesperyian turned to face her father.

" I said; leave me alone! " cried Mesperyian, as she started to hit her father.

" I won't! " cried Hades, as he grabbed her arms.

" Why?... " uttered Mesperyian in a broken voice.

" I am your father, " said Hades with a warm smile; " I will never leave you "

Mesperyian sniffed from behind her mask.

Hades now grabbed hold of Mesperyian's mask.

Mesperyian quickly grabbed his hand, but she then let go.

Hades now took off her mask, and then said, with a smile;

" There she is "

Mesperyian showed a faint smile, but her smile vanished, as she said;

" I am a monster… "

Hades gently placed his hand on the burnt side of Mesperyian's face. And with all the love and care in the world, he said;

" You are my daughter… my baby girl "

Father and daughter embraced, in tears and joy.

Circe was able to heal Mesperyian's face.

Persephone could not believe her own eyes, as Mesperyian entered her room.

" Mother, " said Mesperyian, her face restored.

" My girl… my child... " stammered Persephone through her tears.

Persephone held onto Mesperyian for many hours. She could simply not bring herself to let go.

" Thank you " said Hades, as he stood before Circe.

" Anytime " said Circe, as she bowed.

" Ask anything of me, and it shall be yours "

Circe thought about it. She then said;

" Can I pet both Cerberus and Orthrus? "

Hades giggled.

" Of course "

Hades went to join his family. And that was when Medea entered Circe's tent.

Ah, Medea. Her long hair is like a river of gold. Her blue eyes are brighter than the sky. And her skin is whiter than marble. She is truly a goddess of beauty.

" Hey, aunty, " said Medea with a smile that could send off thousand of ships for a third time.

Circe let out a soft giggle, and went back to her work, while Medea looked on.

Circe's Cheek

It was just an ordinary day down within the underworld.

Jason was running around as a pig, for he had pissed off Circe. Heracles was flexing. Achilles and Patrocules were cuddling. Socrates and Marcus Aurelius were debating. Archimedes was inventing. Augustus acted like he was better than everyone else. Nero was drunk. Alexander was waiting outside Achilles' tent, hoping for an autograph. Sisyphus was allowed a break, while Tantalus offered Persephone some pomegranate wine. Diogenes, while holding a chicken, could be seen dancing to the music coming out of the severed head of Orpheus.

Our story picks up at the home of Circe.

Circe was the Chief Advisor of Hades and Persephone. But her home was ordinary looking - per her request. But the inside was purely unique. Herbs, books, scrolls, bottles, and other things a sorceress could need. Circe merely had to ask, and Hermes would provide - for he had a bit of a crush on her - like many others in Tartarus.

Circe is said to be the third most beautiful woman in all of Greek Mythology. Behind only Helen and Penelope. But in our hearts, Circe will always be number ONE!

Her blonde pixie hair was exquisite. It looked like she had the sun on her head. Her fair hue was what many sculptors hoped to mimic. Lips like the color of the heart. A marble nose. Princess-like-cheeks. Fine knitted eyebrows. And her eyes were the opposite of Medusa's gaze. For Circe's gaze filled one with the wonders of life.

In many ways, she resembled Felicity Jones with blonde hair.

" Circe? "

Circe smiled, as she recognized the voice.

" Enter, my lord. "

Basileus Haides himself entered her abode.

He was of a tall stature. Well-built. Slick jet-black hair. Chiseled cheeks. A greek nose. Naturally trimmed eyebrows. And Sea-blue-eyes to die for, so that one could admire them fully in the underworld. It was no wonder that he resembled Henry Cavill.(Blue would approve.)

" Circe " said Hades; " I was hoping that you could help me. "

" How may I be of service, your grace? "

Hades suddenly got all shy.

" It concerns… Persephone… "

" Oh? "

" I wish to surprise her… " Hades paused for a moment, as he rubbed the back of his head; " you see… It is almost that time where she visits her mother. And I want to do something special for her, before she leaves. "

" I see. "

" Could you help me? "

Circe noticed the excitement in his eyes.

" I am afraid that his Grace is wasting his time with me. "

Hades looked at her, waiting for her to elaborate.

Circe sighed.

" I am afraid that I have not had much luck when it comes to love… " said Circe, as she hid her face underneath her hood.

Hades just looked at her. With a warm smile, and gentle voice, he said:

" How unfortunate. "

Hades lovingly took her hood off. He gently lifted her face up by the chin. Circe looked up into his eyes, feeling an array of new things. Her breathing got faster, as Hades' hand went from her chin to her cheek.

" For I would say: that you, more than most, are worthy of genuine love. "

Circe, wide eyed, did not know what to do or say. But her body clearly knew what to do, as she leaned closer to Hades. It was at that moment that Hades finally realized his crime-to-be.

He drew his hand back.

" Fo-forgive me… " was what Hades stammered out, as he almost ran out of Circe's hut.

Circe just stood there. She was not insulted, nor angry. Hades had a lot of love to give, and she was happy to have received some… but she also knew that it could never be. Hades loves Persephone too much. He is her forever faithful.

" Still… " said Circe with damp eyes; " I was able to experience some of it... - she paused - genuine love… "

Circe confessed her crime… it was now time to ask forgiveness, as she approached the palace.

Basilissa Persephone was sitting on her throne, looking up at the ceiling. She then noticed Circe approaching.

" Ah! " said Persephone with her siren-like-voice; " Circe. Welcome. "

" Your grace. " said Circe, as she knelt.

Persephone tilted her head.

" Why so formal? "

" I have come to confess. "

Persephone paused.

" Then at least have the decency to look me in the eye. "

Circe looked up, and beheld the embodiment of beauty.

She was well-formed, in all the right places. Her crimson hair had a color only a rose could envy.

Her lips were the color of love itself. Empress-like-eyebrows. A goddess' nose. Plump cheeks. And one could see the Elysium Fields within her emerald eyes.

" I am not worthy… " said Circe, as she lowered her head, for few were worthy enough to gaze upon this Goddess, who in many ways resembled Amy Adams.

Persephone sighed, for Hades went through the same routine every morning.

" Please do not make me repeat myself. "

Circe knew what that meant. So she stood fully up before Persephone, meeting her gaze.

" Now, " said Persephone, her queenly aura oozing out of her; " what is this about a confession? "

Circe was quick with spells, but when it came to matters of the heart… she needed time to think.

" Your husband… "

Persephone seemed to become a little tense, for Circe had never referred to Hades as: your husband.

" Yes? "

Circe sighed, as she closed her eyes for a few moments, her heart throbbing within her throat.

" Fuck it. " thought Circe; " it seems like I have developed some feelings... for your husband. "

There was a long silence. Persephone then asked:

" What kind of feelings, specifically? "

Circe's cheeks grew crimson.

" The kind only Eros works with. "

" I see that one of his arrows has found its mark. "

Circe did not know what to respond to that. So she instead said:

" I resign. "

" Refused. "

" What? " said Circe, surprised and confused.

" I do not accept your resignation. "

" But… your grace- "

Persephone held up her hand. She sighed, and then said:

" Listen… for I too have something to confess… "

Circe held her breath in anticipation, what could this perfect Queen possibly have to confess?

" I confess… that I have not been wholly faithful to Hades… "

it was as if the walls gasped!

" You… your grace? "

Persephone was looking down at the floor, a solemn smile on her lips

" It was when I was first brought here against my will - Persephone calmed her shaking breath - I was angry- "

" Understandably so. "

Persephone held up her hand.

" Let me finish. "

" Forgive me. "

" I was swept away by a man I barely knew, and brought to a place I had never seen before. I cursed Hades' name, and refused to warm his bed. I spent those early days sleeping on the soft fur of Cerberus. "

" His fur is truly like silk itself. "

" Hades was persistent, but I was too angry. - Persephone took a long breath - that was when I found some comfort in Adonis. "

" Adonis… " said Circe, as she had heard similar rumors.

There was a pause.

" It was actually Adonis who encouraged me to give Hades a chance. - a smile appeared - so I decided: fuck it. "

" Your majesty! "

" Ops. " said Persephone with a hand over her mouth.

Persephone sighed with a smile.

" That was when, to my infinite surprise… that I actually started to like the guy. "

Circe's expression said: " what changed? "

" Don't get me wrong. I was still utterly pissed about being kidnapped. "

" Understandable. "

" But… considering the standard which Zeus and Poseidon had set… Hades was actually not that bad. "

" To be fair, your grace, the bar was pretty low. "

Persephone giggled.

" Indeed. - she leaned back on her throne - things really started to get better, after I… loosened him up a bit. " said Persephone while taking a sip of her pomegranate wine.

Circe's expression said: " Damn. "

Nostalgia seemed to fill Persephone's eyes.

" I asked for flowers, and he turned the whole of Tartarus into a garden. I asked for my mother, and he allowed Demeter within the underworld. - Persephone paused - she nearly killed him. "

" Can you blame her? "

" Not really. " said Persephone with a smile; " after some time - a warm smile appeared on her lips - we had a child together… who knew that we would end up with six. "

Circe looked at Persephone.

" Yes. All six are his. "

" I would never presume otherwise, your grace! " exclaimed Circe with her hands up.

Persephone just looked at her with a smile. She then said:

" I feel a lot better now. "

" But I do not… "

" Listen… You do not need to feel guilty… for you are not the first nymph to confess her love for Hades. "

" There are others? "

" There WERE others. "

Circe seemed to grow a bit scared.

" Who? "

Persephone picked up her mint ice cream.

" I don't remember. "

Circe knew that she was lying… but she wasn't about to press on. Instead she asked:

" So, what do I do? "

" You stay… you stay very close to me. "

" Your grace? "

" Circe please. Keep your friends close - Persephone finished her mint ice cream - but your enemies closer. "

Circe was now really worried.

" Oh… "

Hades was standing at an entrance to the throne room. He was looking at Circe, and she at him.

" I will now take my leave. " said Circe with a bow.

Hades was about to stop her, but he stopped himself.

" What did the two of you talk about? " he asked.

" Oh you know, " said Persephone, girlishly; " silly women thing. "

" I see. "

Hades walked over to Persephone. He knelt down by her throne. And gently took her hand within his.

" My love… I have a confession to make. "

Persephone just looked at him, almost holding her breath.

" I forgot to say that I love you this morning. "

There was a pause. Persephone then took one of the pillows at her back, and started to hit Hades with it.

" Persephone! Persephone!! " said Hades, playfully.

" Jerk. " said Persephone with a smile; " woah! " exclaimed Persephone as Hades lifted her up in his strong arms.

" How about we use that energy of yours for something… productive. "

" Be my guest. " said Persephone, as she was gently wagging her legs. Hades, with Persephone in his arms, could be seen walking towards the bedchamber. This may be irrelevant, but there was a reason why Persephone was looking up at the ceiling. Hades had spelled: I love you! With various flowers.

There would, occasionally, be some "innocent" flirtation between Circe and Hades. But it never went anywhere, not so much as a kiss. But Persephone did keep a close eye on the witch… just in case.

It was now the next day, as Hades sat up in bed.

" Heads up " said Persephone; " Orthrus incoming. "

" What?- " was all Hades got to say, before Orthrus, in his K9-form, tackled Hades onto the bed.

" Orthrus! " yelled Hades, as the good boy could not stop kissing him; " down boy! Down boy!! " but Orthrus did not stop; " Cerberus! "

Cerberus, in his K9-form, barked Orthrus off.

Hades was able to sit up again, with Cerberus guarding over him.

" Good boy. " said Hades, as he patted Cerberus' stomach. It was now Cerberus' turn to give Hades some kisses.

" No! Down boy! Down!!... Persephone! "

" Alright, that is enough. " said Persephone, as she waved Cerberus off.

Hades was able to sit up once more.

" I love you. "

Persephone tackled Hades onto the bed with a hug. Hades smiled, as he let out a sigh. That was when Persephone sat on his crotch.

" No, Persephone! We have to get up! "

" Oh yes we do honey! "

" No, wait! "

Medea's Mareridt

The scene was a familiar one. Aeëtes was about to cast his spell. Medea had to act quickly. She drew forth the knife. Turned to her younger brother. Absyrtus simply looked at her, with the dagger in his chest.

" Medea… "

Medea woke with a start. Hand on chest. Disheveled hair. And damp eyes. She has been having this nightmare for a while now. Medea got up from her bed. It was still night in Tartarus. Yes, even Tartarus has a day-and-night cycle. Medea snapped her fingers, and the candle next to her bed lit up. She was looking down at a cauldron: filled with water. She was just looking at her own reflection. She rubbed her face. And then splashed some water on her face. Medea conjured forth a towel from thin air, which she used to dry her face. She got back into bed, but knew that she wasn't gonna get anymore sleep. Medea opened her eyes once more, as there was finally light outside. She hadn't gotten anymore sleep: merely resting her eyes. She got up. Snapped her fingers. Clothes appeared on her body; for she likes to sleep naked - as do many other Greeks in the underworld. Medea now made her way towards her auntie. Circe was standing on a stool, reaching for a jar on a high shelf. Circe then looked on, as Medea walked into her hut; sitting on her bed.

" The nightmare again? "

Medea nodded.

Circe got down from her stool. Conjured forth a cup of hot coco. Handing it to Medea.

" Thank you. " said Medea, as the hot coco did help a bit.

" You should talk to Hypnos. "

Medea was quiet.

" I need… I want to figure this out on my own. "

" Then why come to me? "

" I like spending time with my auntie. " said Medea, sincerely.

Circe wasn't prepared for such honesty, which is why she was caught off-guard. Her niece(Medea), and her nephew(Asterius), both came often to spend some time with their auntie: Circe.

Circe sighed. She wasn't used to such devoted family.

" So what now? " she asked.

Medea looked down at her reflection in the hot coco.

" I don't know… "

" You should confront him. "

" He is here?! "

" Of course he is, this being the underworld and all. " Circe said, trying not to sound sarcastic.

Medea paused.

" Then why haven't I seen him… "

" This is Tartarus. Absyrtus is probably at the Asphodel Meadows. "

" Right. " thought Medea; " his life was cut too short to do anything worthy of the Elysium Fields. Or anything deserving of Tartarus. "

She rubbed her temples.

" I have to do something… this can't go on. "

" What will you do? "

Medea finished her cup of hot coco. She got up. And then gave Circe a hug.

" Thank you, auntie. "

" I didn't do anything. "

" Thank you for listening - Medea paused, as she drew Circe closer - and the hot coco. "

Circe giggled. She then returned Medea's hug.

" Anytime. "

The sun was still shining brightly as Medea left Circe's hut. She had a lot to think about, and wasn't sure if she should just take her many questions to one of the many philosophers within Tartarus.

If the reader would allow me a moment to pause. While Medea makes a decision on what to do. I will quickly explain how Tartarus is set up. Tartarus has three sections: Roman, Greek, and Gods. Think of the underworld as a: U. At the right side of the U: the Romans dwell. At the left side: the Greeks. And at the top: the Gods. And in the middle: the River Styx; where the gate to the underworld is located - the gate resembles the Gate of Hades located on Cape Matapan. You go through the gate on Cape Matapan: you end up at Tartarus

(I should also quickly note: that one can see Roman architecture on the Roman side. Greek architecture on the Greek side. And godly architecture on the Godly side.)

Medea caught a quick glance at Aristophanes performing one of his plays - for she was on the Greek side, like Circe and many others. Not that Hades or Persephone would mind them coming to the god-top. The other Greek "mortals" and demi-gods all just thought it appropriate if they stayed on the Greek side… mostly because they would stare down the Romans on the other side… usually they would just see Nero flipping them the bird. Nero would quickly put away his little bird, as Medea walked by. That was when the Romans, from emperor to peasant, would all pull out their binoculars. I don't think it necessary to state Medea's supernatural beauty… but I do it anyway, mostly because I enjoy it. Her flowing aurumian hair - characteristic of those being related to Helios. A swan's hue. Strawberry cheeks. A small cute nose. Naturally kept eyebrows. And lips like the color of love. Her physique was both fine and fit. She was filling out at all the right places. Her presence commanded both attention and respect. For this rose had very sharp thorns. In many ways, Medea actually reminds me of: Blake Lively - in both appearance and personality.

" Ah. "

Medea stopped.

" You seemeth to have some questions. No? " said Socrates. The two of them were sitting by the River Styx, enjoying food and drinks provided by Tantalus. Socrates, unsurprisingly, broke the silence with a question:

" Did you know that the mitochondria is the power-house of the cell? "

Medea just looked at him, her chin in her hand, and her albue on her thigh. Socrates continued:

" Did you know that magma becomes lava when it exits the volcano? "

Medea sighed smiling. She then rubbed her face.

" Why don't you reconcile with Absyrtus? "

" He would never forgive me. "

" Have you asked? "

" I know. "

" So you haven't asked? "

Medea sighed once more. She crossed her arms, while Lelantos loved making her hair dance in the gentle wind.

" Why would he forgive me? "

" I don't know. "

Medea looked at Socrates.

" You don't really have any answers, do you? "

" I don't recall having any answers. Only questions. "

" I am wasting my time… "

" Why don't you try the middle way? "

" The middle way? "

" Have Persephone speak on your behalf. "

Medea paused.

" That was an answer! "

" It was more advice than answer. " said Socrates, as he finished his drink.

And that is what Medea did. She was standing in the throne room, waiting for Persephone's return.

The Basilissa now walked through the Janus portal connecting the sections of the underworld.

" How did it go? " asked Medea, anxious.

With a patient and loving smile, Persephone replied:

" He is glad to hear from you. "

Medea did not expect that.

" Glad?... why would he be glad? "

" He was not able to cross to Tartarus. So he was quite worried about you. "

Medea had not expected these words.

" Why would he be worried about me? "

" As he said, and I quote: 'I was worried that she had died on the ship. I am happy to know that she lived longer than that. ' "

Gentle tears rolled down Medea's cheek.

" Absyrtus… " she choked. Medea fell to her knees, face in palms. Persephone knelt down with her queen-like-eloquence.

" There, there. " said Persephone, holding Medea like she would any of her children.

Medea cried her sorrows out, and Persephone was with her the whole way. Exiting the portal, Medea was now looking upon the Asphodel Meadows. The Meadows were neither grand nor splendid. Those who came here were merely content. She then saw him: sitting in a field of flowers. Absyrtus had died as a child, so he still very much looked like; how he would have looked like; when Medea had killed him. Medea wasn't sure whether to cry of joy or sorrow. But when Absyrtus turned to look at her… she cried tears of joy. The two of them embraced in the middle. Each sibling held tightly onto the other. Medea would never understand how Absyrtus was able to forgive her that easily.

Was he that good-hearted?

Was he that forgiving?

Or did he simply love Medea that much?

How about I leave the questions for Socrates?

It was now a new day, as Medea opened her eyes to see Jason in her bed.

" Morning. "

" Get out. "

" Why so cruel? " Jason leaned closer to Medea; " I was hoping that we could catch up… and… " Jason pulled down Medea's blanket; " stuff. "

Medea just beheld this Ryan-Reynolds-looking-Jason. She then smiled, as she said:

" Hey auntie. "

Jason did not understand. He then understood. He looked over his shoulder, as he uttered:

" Oh… no… "

There stood Circe, by the door, glaring at Jason.

" Hey there, little guy. " said Perseus-resembling-Jake-Gyllenhaal, as he was petting a pig;

" Where is Jason? "

" You're petting him. " said Medea.

Perseus looked down at the frightened pig.

" He pissed off Circe? "

" He pissed off auntie. "

Circe was standing against Medea's home, staring barbecue-sauce at Jason. Jason-pig quickly hid behind Perseus.