The other Brother of the Two Swords

Sir-Lady Eniavarga and Sir Matthew were both aiding the citizens of Tolemac with learning to read and write.

Matthew had found out that as a girl, Eniavarga could neither read nor write, but now having the ability, she wished to pass it on.

It was hard work being both a teacher and a knight.

But the hard labor sure was rewarding, for the children showed their gratitude through their smiles and dedication.

One day.

A child came up running to Sir-Lady Eniavarga, saying;

" My brother, someone has my brother! "

Without a word.

Both Sir Matthew and Sir-Lady Eniavarga rode to the child's rescue.

They arrived, and saw a knight with the brother.

" Unhand him, you fiend of a knight! " yelled Sir-Lady Eniavarga, while pointing her sword.

The knight did as she commanded.

" I wish not to harm the boy, only to get your attention " said the knight.

" You have my undivided attention " said the Sir-Lady with a glare.

The foreign knight introduced himself as; Sir Balan, and he simply wanted a fight.

Sir-Lady Eniavarga dismounted her steed, and told Sir Matthew to stay out of the conflict.

Matthew noticed the fire in her eyes, so he decided that it would be wise to stay on his horse.

Sir Balan put on his helmet, but Sir-Lady Eniavarga did not, she was not even wearing any armor.

" I shall wait, " said Balan.

" You wait in vain, for I need no armor to defeat the likes of you " said Eniavarga, as the battle began.

True to her words.

Sir Balan could not lay a single blow on Sir-Lady Eniavarga.

She just kept on dodging and dodging, while he kept on trying and trying.

Sir Balan fell to his knees, too exhausted to continue.

" Finish it then… " he exclaimed.

Sir-Lady Eniavarga simply threw a pen and paper at him.

" What is this? " he asked.

" Your task, you are going to write an apologize letter "

" But… I can neither read nor write… " said he, ashamed.

" Then I shall teach you " said Sir-Lady Eniavarga.

After some time.

Sir Balan now knew how to read and write.

He fulfilled his task, and promised that he would amend his ways.

Sir-Lady Eniavarga return to do what she loved best, teaching others on how to read and write.