Hengist and Horsa

Dane was being hunted while flying on Gullinbursti, but it is not the kind of hunt that you guys are thinking of.

Ubbi of Friesland and Vebiorg, a shieldmaiden, were both on horseback trying to catch Dane.

" You won't get away " said Vebiorg with a smile.

" Catch us if you can! " yelled Dane with a child-like joy.

" Oh, it is on " said Ubbi, as he and Vebiorg both shot arrows(which were non-lethal) and nets at Dane and his golden boar, but the two of them just kept on dodging, till they were caught, but not by Ubbi and Vebiorg, but by two strangers also on horseback.

" Release the child and the boar " said Vebiorg, as she drew forth her sword.

The two men introduced themselves as Hengist and Horsa.

" She did not ask for your names, she said; release the child and the boar " said Ubbi, as he drew forth his weapon.

Both Hengist and Horsa now drew forth their knives from their feet.

" If you want them, you have to come and get them " said Horsa with a smile.

" Let us end them, " said both Hengist, and Vebiorg.

A battle now began.

Both Hengist and Horsa were no push over, but they met their match with Ubbi and Vebiorg.

Horsa and Hengist were both killed, and Dane and Gullinbursti were set free.

The very next day, they continued their little game.