Knight and Berserker of the Bridge

Bödvar and Dane were walking towards the ice-sea, as they were walking Bödvar could see that Dane's belly was filled with something.

" What do you have there? " asked Bödvar.

" Nothing " said Dane, as he did have something under his clothes.

Bödvar simply shrugged his shoulders, and now carried Dane in his embrace.

" Bödvar? "

" Yes? "

" Why are you called the Warlike Little-Bear? "

" Because my mother is Artio, and I have a Berserker-state which transforms me into a half-bear "

" So… never poke the sleeping bear? "

" Never poke the sleeping bear, " said Bödvar with a smile.

The two of them had just reached a bridge that led to the sea.

That was when they saw two men standing guard at the bridge.

" Halt " said one.

" And die, " said the other.

Bödvar simply put Dane down, and then said;

" Who are you two clowns suppose to be? "

" I am Sir Pierre Terrail! "

" And I am the Berserker of Stamford Bridge;

Bjørn Heavy-Deadly-Bloody-Axe! "

Bödvar just looked at the two men, he then looked at Dane.

" Never poke the sleeping bear? " said Dane with a smile.

Bödvar Bjarki simply smiled as he transformed into his Warlike Little-Bear form.


Sir Pierre Terrail and Bjørn Heavy-Deadly-Bloody-Axe, can both easily defend a bridge- against humans, but against a bear demi-god; who is also a Berserker... not so much.

Bödvar had defeated both men, and that was when a carrot fell out of Dane's clothes.

Bödvar just looked at the carrot, as Dane was looking at him- with red-cheeks.

" You are going to the castle of the Frost-King and Snow-Queen, " said Bödvar.

" You know them?! " said Dane, surprised and delighted.

" Of course " said the Warlike Little-Bear, as he picked Dane up.

" You're going to take those carrots to Tom? " said Njörðr.

" Yeah " said Dane with a smile.

" But… Tom makes sculptures, not snow- "

Njörðr put his hand over Helios' mouth, before the sun-god could finish.