Book 5

Nibiru, the first home of the Mesopotamian gods.

The planet is futuristic and beautiful.

To put it in words; just imagine Star Wars, Star Trek, Transformers, with a dash of StarGate, and voilà! You have Nibiru.

All the Anunnaki were gathered in the central palace, where they would discuss the war.

" Alright everyone, we have only one agenda on the board " said Anu; " So let us- "

" Daddy! "

Anu sighed, as he fell back on his throne.

" What?... " said he, as Ishtar jumped from Gugalanna's head, and right into her father's lap.

Anu groaned in pain, as Ishtar had landed on his phallus.

" Daddy, " said Ishtar.

" Yes?... " said Anu, while gritting his teeth.

" Can I have another bull? "

" You already have two "

" Yes, but Galain-Am Lake can not transform like Gugalanna, so I want another bull "

" Just... " said Anu with a sigh; " Enki can upgrade Galain-Am Lake later "

" Really! " exclaimed Ishtar, joyfully; " You are the best daddy ever! " said Ishtar, as she gave her father a kiss, and then flew off on Gugalanna.

All the gods just looked at Anu.

" Not. A. Word. " uttered Anu.

" You spoil her too much, " said Inanna.

" Not now dear… but you are my favorite daughter " said Anu.

Inanna just blushed and smiled.

" Now! " exclaimed Anu; " Back to business. What do we do about the war? "

" I could just open a portal and then we could send a fleet of our spaceships to aid Nebuchadnezzar, " said Isimud.

Anu thought about it for a moment.

" A good plan, but if we do something like that, then God and his angels will answer in kind " said Anu, as he looked over at Mamitu.

" You are awfully quiet, tell us your mind, oh goddess of fate "

" You would not like my answer, " said Mamitu, as she looked coldly at Anu.

Anu felt a chill down his spine.

" I suppose that Ur-Shanabi, Oannes and Ereshkigal are rather busy these days…" said Anu with a sighing-smile.

" We are! " yelled Ereshkigal from Kur.

" You are doing great, sweetie! " yelled Anu back.

" I could go and aid, " said Marduk, as he was ready.

" Sure, but God would just send Michael against you " said Anu.

" What do you suggest we do? " asked Urash.

" For now… may Sin grant the people a pleasant night, may Shamash grant them a warm day, may Ninurta aid them in battle, and may Nabû write about a favorable and kind future " said Anu.

" You speak as if we are not going to help, " said Enlil.

" We are, but we can not make it too obvious, like God's angels, we will help while invisible to the naked eye, we will fight the angels in the shadows, and we will ensure that Babylon does not fall " said mighty Anu.

" Daddy!!! " yelled Ishtar.

" To war!!! " yelled Anu.