Book 6

The armies were gathered, the men were ready, and the hour of battle was upon all.

Among the men were the gods and angels disguised and invisible.

Kingu rode forth and so did King David, they met in the middle of the battlefield.

" Why does your King not join you in battle? Does he fear me? Does he fear death? " said King David with a grin.

" Try and settle for one question, " said Kingu with a smile.

" Answer me! " uttered David through his gritted teeth.

Kingu simply sighed.

" My King has entrusted me with his army, so there is no need for him to trouble himself, " said Kingu.

" Fancy words to describe a coward " said King David, as he spat on the ground and returned to his army.

Kingu simply shook his head, as he also returned to his army.

King David arrived in front of his army, he raised his sword, and then said;

" Men! Behold, the army of King Nebuchadnezzar, noticed the demons, giants and half humans, Monsters! Beasts! Disgusting creatures! Now, take a look at the man beside you, does he look like an unholy or unclean individual? No, for we are the people of God, we are his army and these infidels have stolen his covenant from us, so what do you all say that we take it back, in the name of our lord! " yelled the mighty and valiant King David.

The men cheered so loudly that even God could hear them.

While King David gave his speech, Solomon remained quiet, considering the men he had brought.

" They think rather highly of themselves, " said Nimrod.

Kingu just smiled.

" Would you like the first shot? " said Kingu.

The mighty hunter's eyes glowed with joy.

" Don't mind if I do, " said Nimrod, as he fired off an arrow.

The arrow flew across the battlefield and then it landed, killing one of King David's men.

" Attack!!! " yelled David, as his whole army now charged forward.

" Charge!!! " yelled Kingu, as he and his army rode to battle.

As the two armies ran, the ground under them shook in fear.

The armies now met, and the killing now began.

Humans, giants, demons, angels and gods were all on the battlefield, it was a war like none other.

Dhu Al-Qarnayn vs Sir Teodosio.

King David vs Kingu.

Nimrod vs Uriah.

Samson vs Xisuthros.

Michael vs Marduk.

Gabriel vs Ninurta.

Uriel vs Shamash.

And the list goes on, as I said; it was a war like none other.

King Solomon's blood froze as he noticed the 7th Sister, and she noticed him.

" Oh no… " uttered the Wise-King in fear and terror.

" My beloved Solomon " said the worst sister with a smile.

The battles went back and forth, until Nebuchadnezzar's army was able to push back David's army.

" What is the matter? Are your men getting tired? " said Kingu with a grin.

King David gritted his teeth, he then noticed a serpent on the battlefield, and he now had an idea.

David kicked Kingu in the abdomen, he then ran to his son, and then took the Ring of Archangel Michael.

" Father, what are you doing? " uttered Solomon.

" Putting an end to this conflict " uttered King David with fire in his eyes.

David now stood atop a hill, for all to see him.

" I am ending this war, come forth, oh forbidden beast; Falak! " uttered King David, as the ring glowed, bringing forth the serpent of the universe.

" Father… What have you done… " uttered Solomon.

Everyone looked up to see the upper half of the cosmic serpent.

Falak was actually both beautiful and scary, but the serpent was glaring at the men of Nebuchadnezzar.

" Kill them all! " yelled King David, as the ring glowed even more brightly.

Falak let out a deafening roar.

" By the gods " uttered King Nebuchadnezzar, who was standing atop the Ishtar gate, and the King did not believe his own eyes.

" Awaken Kur! " yelled Anu from Nibiru.

" Wait, look, " said Urash.

Everyone now saw how Lord Metatron was now in front of Falak.

The serpent did not move.

Metatron's eyes glowed, and Falak now returned to its original duty.

Metatron now looked down at King David.

" Lord Metatron… " uttered King David in fear, as he was sweating, for Metatron did not look pleased.

Falak is called a forbidden beast for a good reason.

The Ring of Archangel Michael flew from King David's finger and landed in the palm of Metatron's hand, he who is second only to God now crushed the ring, freeing the demons who were once bound by it.

King David fell to his knees, as Metatron flew back to heaven.

Both armies did not feel like continuing, so they returned back to their bases.

Oddly enough, Solomon's demons decided to stay and fight, for they had nothing better to do.

Anu sat back down on his throne, he looked out his window, and then said;

" Ishtar? "

" Yes? "

" Where did you get that bull? "

" I found him " said Ishtar, as she was petting the enormous head of her new bull.

" Oh… " uttered Anu, as he was too tired to deal with her shit.

Ishtar's new bull is the forbidden beast; Kuyūthā.