Book 9

When one looked upon the battlefield; one saw only death and corpses being eaten by ravens.

When one took in the air; the smell which entered the nose was regret and sorrow.

The hearts of all were heavy, this was a war which had cost so much, and still demanded more.

The armies did not get ready, for it was now time for single combat; between the two champions;

Dhu Al-Qarnayn and Sir Teodosio de Goñi.

Both unrivaled warriors now got ready.

They washed their bodies, put on their armor, said their prayers, grabbed their swords, and now both walked towards one another on the battlefield.

But, what few noticed was that Michael and Gabriel, while invisible, were both flying above their respective champion, both Archangels were wielding spears and shields.

The two champions had now arrived in the middle of all the bloodshed.

The two men looked at one another in the eyes, both noticed that they had the same eyes.

Gabriel and Michael were just glaring at one another.

Dhu Al-Qarnayn and Sir Teodosio de Goñi now shock hands.

They then got into position, and so did the two Archangels.

The weapons were ready, and the warriors had said all their prayers.

Sir Teodosio de Goñi and Dhu Al-Qarnayn both now started to run towards one another, while Michael and Gabriel flew towards each other.

Dhu Al-Qarnayn and Sir Teodosio now clashed swords, while Gabriel and Michael clashed shields, but also spears.

A battle, which you would only believe if you saw it with your own eyes, now took place.

Neither warrior or Archangel was willing to yield, it was now do or die.

Everyone, from heaven, Nibiru, from the camp of David and atop the Ishtar gate now looked on, every capable and wounded warrior looked on with anticipation, while the clash of weapons could be heard.

Cuts were made, wounds appeared, while blood and sweat was everywhere. But despite it all, both Dhu Al-Qarnayn and Sir Teodosio smiled through it all, for there is nothing like finding a worthy opponent to do battle with.

Even Michael and Gabriel smiled.

But it was now time for it all to end, which it did.

The two warriors favored by God had stabbed one another in the chest, right through their hearts.

They fell, while still smiling, as a deadly silent fell on the battlefield.

No one dared utter a word, for they felt it would be too disrespectful.

Gabriel and Michael were now visible for all to see.

Each Archangel picked up their champion, and as all saw, Dhu Al-Qarnayn and Sir Teodosio were both carried up to paradise.

God then told Ramiel to go for a walk, as Anu told the same to Ishkur and Teshub, and thus; lighting could be seen and thunder could be heard roaring above Babylon.