Chapter 2: Noah Eon


That was all the boy could see, when he first opened his eyes. His vision was blurry but he could, at least, make out the color. He could still hear muzzled sounds of something crumbling, as well as the distant voice of a man. But, aside from that, nothing else. In fact, he couldn't remember anything at all. His mind was a big blank.

He winked a couple of times, in order to focus his vision. The immense blue turned into a clear, cloudless sky. Where did he come from anyways? He couldn't fly, or at least, he didn't think he could and there was nothing in the sky that could've transported him there. He could remember a warm light and someone, or something, gently placing him on the ground. There was no sound, nothing at all.

He could hear various voices around him. They all sounded panicked. "Panic". That's when someone is scared and starts talking, in an high pitched, fast paced manner, sometimes even screaming, right? Yeah, that sounded right. Now, how did he know that? Another big blank.

He could sense a presence very close to him, but couldn't hear its voice. The person wasn't making any movements nor any sounds, and he definitely didn't want to look at that person. He was still confused about his situation and didn't want to face anyone yet. Suddenly, he could feel something coming through his nose. Scent. He tried to identify it, but it didn't seem natural to him. It was sweet and made him feel at ease and soon it filled his head.

"Per-fu-me"? Yeah, that's what it was called. People put it on, and make up a bunch of pleasant scents. How did he know that? He couldn't recall. Again. For a guy who couldn't remember a ton of stuff, he sure knew a lot of useless things.

-Hey, can you get up, kiddo?- sounded the presence's voice. For a moment, he was surprised at the fact that, not only was he spoken to, but also that he could understand the person's language. The voice was clear and smooth, but it also denoted impatience.

-Y-yeah, I can stand...- he eventually said. Again, he was surprised at the fact that he could talk the person's language, let alone talk straight at all.

He slowly sat, glad that his muscles aren't all sore from flying all the way from wherever he came from and looked at the person that was talking to him. A woman was standing right in front of him.

She seemed older than him, her long hair being of an unnatural white, like it was actual silver, shining in the midday sun. Locks of it fell down on her shoulders On each temple, she wore some kind of ornament, four black crow feathers. She had a slim physique and was wearing a sleeveless black top which was decorated with the same black feather ornaments, forming something like a belt around her waist, which sprouted to cover the left side of her torso up to her chest and around her collar; black fingerless gloves covering her arm up to a bit past the elbow; a short black skirt, the hem delineated with a white triangle pattern, said pattern also showing on her top, above her stomach; stockings covered her legs up to her thighs, said leggings also being black. She was showing a lot of skin and the boy wondered if she wore that all the time. Maybe she liked being cold. He looked down at his own clothes and saw that he was covered by a single white cloth. He didn't know where he got that (again) but he felt bad for criticizing the woman's clothes while he wore something worse.

"Iro-ny"? Yeah that's the name.

Her bright lavender eyes were staring at him,waiting for a reaction.

-Um...h-hello? Who are you?-he asked, stuttering.

-That's what I should be asking you,kiddo. You just crash in my town and expect me to give away explanations?

-Yeah,I have nothing to explain to you...- the boy answered. The woman then grabbed his collar and stared right into him. Suddenly, the boy felt a chill jolt down his spine. He didn't know who she was, but she sure was scary...

-Well, aren't ya know who I am? I'm the godsdamn Lucy Crow,kiddo. You feel like talking now?

-Lucy what? I'm afraid I don't know you, miss...- the boy tilted his head in confusion.

Lucy let her head fall in disappointment and let go of his collar. Suddenly, she gave him a desperate look.

-Who the hell doesn't know about me?! I don't think you could even count up to the number of magazine and wanted poster covers I've appeared in! Where did you come from anyways?!- it seems he struck her pride. It wasn't his intention, really. He didn't know about anything, or he couldn't remember anything...

-S-sorry...I didn't mean to be rude. But I don't know about anything...I can't remember where I came from, or who am I,really...I'm surprised I can even talk...

-So, it seems you suffer from amnesia...- sounded a deep voice behind Lucy. A shorter man, white a beard as white as Lucy's hair that almost reached his hips approached him. He was holding a cane with a green crystal sphere attached to the top. He seemed different from Lucy in the fact that he didn't show as much vitality and struggled to bend next to him. He then gazed at the boy from top to bottom with his deep green eyes.

-And who are you?- the boy asked.

-My name is Eldus. I'm the Sage of this here town of Soula. And you seem to suffer from amnesia, a condition where your memories are lost.

-Amnesia...? So, I can't remember anything anymore?

-You might if you give your mind some time. You shouldn't force it,though. I'm sorry for Lucy's hasty behavior.- Lucy grunted in response- We were just curious to know who you are, since you've crashed right into our town, but it seems you can't give us any info.

-S-sorry,I guess...

Eldus smiled.

-It's fine,young man. Let's get you up,now. Lucy,if you mind...

-Tch, you sure can run fast, but you leave all the heavy lifting to a girl? You're heartless...-sighed Lucy, as she grabbed the boy's hand and helped him get up. His legs shook a little when he stood on the ground, but quickly adjusted.

-And why wouldn't I leave it to anyone else but you,Lucy? It's good training.

-To hell with ya! Training does not equal babysitting! He's not even that good looking...-she pouted.

They left the town plaza and started walking through the streets,all the people looking at them. The boy could walk on his own, but Lucy grabbed his arm to force him to walk faster, obviously fuming. Eldus walked by their side.

-I'm sorry if I insulted you, Lucy...I didn't know you'd get so angry...

Lucy looked back at him and sighed.

-It's not your fault,kiddo. If I was in your shoes I guess I wouldn't know anything anyways...

-But who are you anyways, if I was forced to know you from the get-go?

Eldus laughed:

-Well,if you hadn't amnesia, you'd know Lucy Crow all your life. She's famous worldwide! She's the leader of the Angel's Crow Bounty Hunters and considered by many as the world's strongest BladeMaster!

The boy stopped suddenly,forcing Lucy to stop too.

-Y-you?...The strongest BladeMaster?...-his face was filled by a pale look of despair,as he tried to step back.

Lucy turned back to him,with a smug smile on her face.

-What you weren't expecting that a girl would hold the tittle of strongest BladeMaster? Or at least, someone so beautiful as me?

-I don't think beauty has to do with anything,Lucy.- Eldus said, rolling his eyes.

-Yeah, I know. I just luckily pack it all!- she grinned. Eldus sighed, massaging his forehead.

-The strongest BladeMaster...I don't what to think when the first person I've ever met has such a title...-suddenly, his eyes widened- Wait...BladeMasters...BladeMasters...Blade...Masters...

He started to repeat the world, like in a trance.

-What is it, young one?- Eldus looked at him with a curious expression- Did you remember something?

He looked up at him.

-I... don't know...when I started to think about BladeMasters, something clicked inside of me. Like...a familiar feeling.

Eldus scratched his beard.

-If you get such a familiar feeling from BladeMasters, maybe it relates to your past? Maybe you were, or better yet, are a BladeMaster?

-I...dunno...I guess. It just fits when I start thinking about it. And when you told me Lucy was considered the strongest, I felt a chill down my spine...

-Well,you should,kiddo. No one dares to defy Lucy Crow,because I'll pulverize them!

-Eh...shouldn't the strongest BladeMaster be a lot more humble?- he asked, scratching the back of his head

-...and not look so flashy?-finished Eldus.

-Oh,you two shut up!-yelled Lucy.- I worked hard to achieve this title and I'm not gonna let you two soil it... That's it! Kiddo,you're coming with me!


-Well, you just said that you probably are a BladeMaster and if you're capable enough to sense how powerful I am from the start,I must mean you have a lot of potential! I'd like to see that for myself...and show you in full force why I hold this tittle. So I'll take you under my care until you remember who you are and, as long as you're here, I'll help dig out said potential.

-That escalated quickly...five minutes ago,you hated him, but know you wanna take him in?-said Eldus- You women sure are mood-swingers.

-You say one more word about relating my gender to my personality and I'll rip off that beard.- answered Lucy with one more of her scary looks. Eldus looked to the side,like he was saying "The one who spoke isn't here anymore"- Besides, I like his respect towards me. I consider that attractive in a man.

-Where did that come from?- said the boy.- I don't feel like I'd like to be "attractive" to you...

-Oh, sure you would. Who wouldn't, anyways, against me?-said Lucy with a confident smile.

-All the guys that you're NOT dating...-answered Eldus.- Seriously, when was the last time you met someone?

-Tch, please, Eldus. I don't need any man that can't appreciate me.

-I'm not telling you they don't, but I think your title scares them away...The legendary "Grim Reaper"...yikes...I don't want to be on the receiving end of that.

-That's why I need to find stronger opponents, because someday, I'll find my dream guy among them...and then I'll kick his ass because I wanna be the strong one in the relationship!

-No one should be the stronger one...!- the Sage protested.

-Ok,enough with that...what we need to focus now, is to find a free space to give...Jimmy over here.

-My name is not Jimmy!-protested the boy.

-Fine,what IS your name,then?-asked Lucy.

-It's...! Um...Damn it...-the boy stared back to his feet.

-It seems we need to find him a name...-said Eldus.

-Jimmy?-asked Lucy.

-Not Jimmy! Something fitting! You're good with names, Lucy, you named all your moves anyways. You think of something-said Eldus.

-Fine,fine...something fitting,something fitting...he fell from the sky,so he could be an angel,or god...or something delivered from the gods...maybe something that sounded divine...but also simple...Oh I got it!

-You got it? That was quick.-the boy looked up at her, hopeful.

-Yup. How 'bout "Aeon"? No, "Eon"! And for the first name..."Noah" like that guy from those stories you can read in the Academy library.

-"Noah Eon"? Well, it's pretty easy on the tongue -approved Eldus- What do you think,boy?

-Noah Eon...sounds...nice...-he smiled,happy to get to know something as a concrete truth now,even if it was made up on the spot. He felt that,if he couldn't remember the truth...well,he could just make it up from scratch,with the help of people like those two.

"Ca-re". That's what it was.