Chapter 3: Soula

-So...Miss Lucy,where are we going now?-asked Noah, as he Lucy and Eldus walked along a long street, with countless people looking at them.

-Oh,I like your politeness so far! Most people just call me just "Lucy" or "Grim Reaper"...or "MRS. Crow" just to tease the hell out of me!- she answered while she sarcastically waved at everybody who stopped their every day activities to see Noah.

-I don't really understand why you're so obsessed with guys...You seem fine on your own...- Noah tilted his head in doubt. He knew that there was a difference between female and male in the world,but he didn't understand Lucy's fascination with finding a specific male.

-Well, lil' Noah, there's a time in every person's life where they must find a partner.-explained Eldus, with a gentle smile.

-And why's that?

-Ya never heard of the "birds and the bees",boy?- asked Lucy,turning to him with a perverse smile on her face.

-You want to make a bird and a bee your partner?!

-NO! Who the hell would want that?!-she then smacks him on the top of the head with her fist.

-Ouch! I'm sorry that I don't know about anything!

-Damn right you should be! You're making me look ridiculous... Bottom line is I need to find a suitable hubby for me or I'll be known as some kind of "Ice Queen" that turns out every man and will eventually end up alone...! Oh, the tragedy!- she then pretends to faint, taking her hand to her forehead, like she's about to collapse. Noah sighed. Why does the world's strongest BladeMaster had to be such a ridiculous woman? Always talking about men,men and more men! Such a ridiculous woman, indeed...

-If you can't find a man that you like, why don't you try girls, Lucy? Maybe it's there that lies the answer...- contemplated Eldus, running his fingers across his long, silver beard.

-Ooooooh, Eldus, you're so devilish~- blushed Lucy, taking her hands to her cheeks before screaming- Why would I ever do that?! Any other girl just doesn't compare to moi! Why would I date a person who's waaayyy uglier than me?!

-Your confidence can overshadow your power,Lucy. And THAT is a scary thought...Oh, it seems we've arrived! Time flies by when hearing you banter.

Noah stopped and looked in front of him. Towering above him lied a huge, white building, casting a giant shadow over the spot they stood him. People came in and out, some younger, some older, some looking the same age as Noah (How old am I anyways? ), chatting, running, reading books and just having a general good time. That....made Noah feel reassured inside. Maybe he just felt relieved that everyone else seemed normal (besides the crazy woman at his side) and happy in this town.

-What is this place anyways?- asked Noah.

-Young'n, this is the BladeMaster Academy. A school of soul training that's famous around the world. Most people just train on their own or in little dojos scattered throughout the land, but the Academy takes students that prefer a more complete education, not only in fighting but general education too. You can, basically, learn just about everything here and when you've graduated, your future is assured in just about any job.

-W-wow...that seems amazing...Mister Eldus, do you teach here?- asked Noah, awestruck.

Eldus chuckled lightly.

-I'm afraid I don't anymore. I used to teach about Gaia's history and the soul powers, but that was when I was still young. Now, I just focus on my research about the latter subject. But I still come here once in awhile to give the brats a lesson. taught Lucy too,right? After all the praise you gave this school, it definitely looks like you really can become the strongest BladeMaster here.

Lucy sighed and messed Noah's hair.

-I'm afraid that old geezer didn't teach a single thing to me. I've lived far away from Soula until I became your age and after that, I didn't feel like I needed a diploma to get stronger.

-Y-you...don't? But isn't knowledge supposed to give you the upper hand?

-Yeah, but all the brains in the world won't give you a chance when you're locked in battle. If you really want to become a strong BladeMaster, you shouldn't give a damn about all the theories and history. Your strength must come from training and life experiences. Fighting and scars will give you more knowledge about this war-torn world than any book.

-But Lucy, you should, at least, consider the chance to come teach the kids about your battles and said experiences. Tell them what to look out for, the values you should show as an honorable BladeMaster.- asked Eldus.

Suddenly, Lucy's expression became much darker. She clenched her fist.

-The kids should make up their own future, not listen about some old hag's victories and losses and think they can win automatically. You shouldn't put yourself in other people's shoes and call it your own strength. Besides... I'm...not a very good example of morals and values... I don't want a world filled with Grim Reapers, anyways...

-True...-admitted Eldus.- I guess that's more reason to take Noah into your care...but I never thought of you as a babysitter, Lucy. Isn't that kinda hypocritical? You said that you don't want to teach kids because your "twisted" values will rub off on them, but you're willing to be Noah's guardian and teach him how to be a BladeMaster.

-That's why I said that I'm not a good example as a person. I don't care if I'm a hypocrite. I can't just leave Noah alone, not after I sensed his potential. He's a blooming flower that I strangely want to take care of. Besides, he reminds me of someone I care about.

-Who's that?-asked Noah.

-None of your godsdamn business, kiddo! Don't pry into a girl's private thoughts!

-Especially Lucy's thoughts...-mumbled Eldus.

-Ok, enough of that. Noah, we're going to get you a place to stay.-she then grabbed his arm again and dragged him around the building. They continued through some more streets, with Eldus going right behind them. They didn't say another word,Lucy's words still engraved in Noah's mind. The thought of learning with the strongest BladeMaster sounded so appealing that he thought that that desire came from before he lost his memories. Maybe it was his life-long dream? Maybe. But now that he heard Lucy's warning, he didn't seem to sure. Lucy wanted him to be his own person but how could he do that if he didn't know the slightest thing about himself?

They soon reached another building. This one was way longer that the Academy. It was divided into several small blocks,each one decorated with a window,all slightly different than the others. Several people also were coming in and out of that building, many coming in than out. Sometimes, Noah would notice a lone guy wearing black like Lucy going inside the building. They were all walking alone,away from the other people, that wore varied, brighter clothes,like they were avoiding them on purpose.

-This is the Academy dorm,kiddo.- said Lucy - You'll be staying in here from now on.

-Miss Lucy...who are those guys wearing black? Are they ... fa-ns of yours?

-Oh, those?- she snickers- Those are my brothers in arms, the Angel's Crow bounty hunters! I might be called the strongest single BladeMaster, but as a group, there's nothing they can't do. They are my subordinates, after all.'re a lot of other people's guardian, huh? So...what's this Angel's Crow you've been babbling about, anyways?

-I see that your sense of respect was also lost with the amnesia...- she grunted- To put it short, the Angel's Crow Bounty Hunters are a group I formed, comprised of hand-picked BladeMasters under my guidance. Together, we take jobs around Karash, that vary from defeating an enemy force, hostage situations, escorting VIPs, helping old ladies across the street...if there's profit in it, we'll do the job.

-So, if they are a separate group, why are they going in the Academy dorms?

-Well...we're kinda short on money so we asked the Academy to give us some free space. We just use the dorm anyways, the bounty hunters choose not to go to the school, because of that speech I gave you earlier. And because of that the school folks hate our guts, thinking that we're too good for such a prestigious school...we just have to learn to live with it... We have our own training fields back there, but everything else, we share with the Academy...not very glamorous,right?

-I don't really care...- said Noah, scratching the back of his head- Does the place you live define you as a person? Somehow, that doesn't feel right...

Lucy smiled gently and placed a hand on his shoulder...with a little too much force...

-That's a nice thing to say, kiddo. You'll fit right in with you want to go to the Academy. Eldus does show some good points...

-Maybe he could do both, Lucy. He could go to school like the regular kids, but train with you in his free time. It seems doable.- remarked Eldus.

-Wow, that's actually a good idea, especially coming from you, old geezer- (Oh, go to Hell, mumbled Eldus) said Lucy- So, what do you think,kiddo? You'll be hated too, like the other bounty hunters, but at least you'll fit in more easily. Besides, learning all those useless facts might jog your memory a bit.

Noah nodded slowly.

-I see no the harm there...I just want to know who the hell I am...and if that will be achieved by knowledge or power, I'll just have to find out myself.

-Wise words, lil' runt.- Lucy then slapped them in the back, making him stumble forward. She was really brute...!

With this, the trio walked towards the dorms.


A couple of minutes later, Lucy and Noah were walking through the corridors of the dorm,filled with the same-looking doors with numbers one them to identify the room. They had visited the reception desk a little while before and the attendant informed them that there was a vacant room in the upper floors.

-So,this entire building is filled with Academy students and bounty hunters?-asked Noah,panting as he speed-walked after Lucy along the hallways- How can you afford so much space?!

-Hey, I never told you that everybody and their grandmas could join both groups. The Academy only directly takes in gifted students that are rich enough to sign in. The school also hired professional scouts all over the world to track talented children and ask them to join,which is pretty dumb to say no to.

"But Angel's Crow will take anyone in, regardless of initial talent,because we can change that with tons of training. The only pre-requirement is that the person who wants to join us has to be ready to face harsh training, time away from relatives and friends outside the group, and be faced with certain death every time we set foot out on a job - Lucy said, adding a very dramatic and ominous tone to those last words- if you're willing to train under the Grim Reaper, you have to be sure that the real Grim Reaper will always be behind you, waiting to collect your soul."

Those words made Noah gulp. He just "came" into existence an hour ago, and was happy that we was so quickly taken in by warm, yet strange people, but he never considered that all of that could end in an instant, especially if he wanted to be a BladeMaster.

-Oh my, did that strike fear into your heart, Noah? - asked Lucy, chuckling lightly - Do you even know what that is?

-Of course I know...! Until now, I only known it in theory, like I read it in a book- answered Noah- It hurts...

Lucy then grinned and slapped Noah's back again, making him stumble.

-Well, it's normal to feel that once in awhile. If you fear something, that means you're still alive and tickin'. But on the other hand, if you fear something, you just need to work hard to overcome that something. I'll even help! Tell all your fears to Dr. Crow! I'll also do love advices~- she smirked.

-Then tell me how to not fear just about everything...

-Everything? Even me? Oh, you're so cruel. If you hang around me long enough, you'll actually realize that I'm just an innocent girl inside...whose hormones are jumping around like monkeys!

-Oh gods,why couldn't I be placed in the middle of the ocean? Why do I have to put up with you?

-You're evil!...-she pouted.

They both walked up the flights of stairs and along many corridors, until they reached the top floor, the doors marked with small plates on them. The ones on that floor started at "600" and kept going along the long hallway.

-For the most famous BladeMaster school around, there isn't that many people in this dorm.-said Noah.

-Well, a lot of the students here have their own houses all over Soula and rent it out to others,because the fees here are qui~te expensive. -answered Lucy- The bounty hunters can pay just fine with our payment from the jobs, but the other kids or have rich parents or have to get a job to cover it. I only managed to get you a room so quickly because of my carefully crafted reputation in Soula allowing me to cash in some favors and because there are, indeed, many vacant rooms. If I was anyone else, you'd be out of luck. Aren't you grateful~?

-Will I be getting one too?- asked Noah.

-C'mon, who'd want an amnesiac boy working under them? I'll pay for your fees while I get someone to properly teach you something simple yet useful. Until then, I'm afraid you won't even have money to buy your own clothes...speaking of which, I like how you rock around with the "single white cloth" style, but I don't want to be seen walking around with an almost naked, let's say you're 16, boy. I don't want "pedophile" to be added to my list of insults people give me.

-So, you'll get me new clothes?

-Like hell I'll be spending any penny on ya! I haven't redone my nails in,like, a week! I'll get someone to make something for you,for free!

-That's what they call stin-gy, right?

-I'm glad you're learning, kiddo. Now shut up and follow me!

Lucy pushed Noah to the room labeled "601" on it and loudly knocked on the door with her fist. A couple of seconds later, the door creaked and opened a tiny bit. On the other side, a girl looked up at Lucy with an annoyed face. She was very slender and was dressed with the bounty hunters motif, hers being a straight black tube top over her petite chest and a matching knee-length skirt. She had long, straight golden blonde hair, with the same feather hairpiece as Lucy. She pouted further, her dark eyes glaring at her.

-Yes,what do you want, Lucy? I'm kinda studying over here. And please be more quiet, you wanna break down my door too? Be a more of a gentle knocker.

-I'm afraid I don't know how to be gentle, Cidy~-she grinned.

-And that's why you're still with no men in sights at 24 years old.- the girl sighed, before noticing Noah beside Lucy- Hm? Who's your friend, Lucy? He looks like a lost puppy.

-This puppy here is Noah Eon. The light that crashed down a few minutes ago brought him in and I've decided to bring him in to the company.

-W-well, that was fast! What if he's the enemy?!

-Good point...are you the enemy,Noah?-Lucy asked, turning to him.

-I don't even know for sure if you're not the evil one..!- he answered, gulping.

-It checks out. He's too afraid of you to be an assassin. Welcome to the group, Mr.Eon. My name is Mercedes.

-"Cidy" for short.- added Lucy.

-I will murder you if you ever call me that, Eon.- said Mercedes, glaring at him- Only Lucy and my brother Merceny call me that and I hate it anyways...dumb nickname...

-At least it's not scary like mine...- Lucy said as she shrugged- So, could you be a doll and make some getup for our little friend over here?

-And why would I do that? I'm not your personal tailor!- she grunted.

-Oh, c'mon, be cool for me, honey. You owe me after I allowed one of my top employees to go to the Academy. Besides, you're a natural at this!-

Wait, she was going to the Academy too?! Well, that was a surprise for Noah.

-Didn't I repay you that one day I lent you almost all of my money,Lucy? Which I'm still waiting for you to repay?-she answered.

-Oh, c'mon, I was super broke that day and there were sales in the clothing parlor! You know the guys there love me!

-Yeah, they love you seeing you spend your money. Besides, you're always wearing the same kind of outfit: the trashy one.

-Oh you shut your mouth,missy! You're wearing the same style too!

-Mine's not skin-tight, sister. And you forced us all to wear this as a "uniform".

Lucy didn't have a comeback for that and just clenched her teeth in disapproval. Mercedes let out a small smile.

-Oh, did I finally win an argument against Lucy? This must be a sign of good things to come.- she looked at Noah,with a more relaxed expression.- Fine, I'll make some stuff for you. Hope it'll suit your tastes.

-That'll be easy.-answered Noah- I don't have any tastes whatsoever.

Mercedes gave him a condescending smile.

-I'll make sure to make something practical for you, since you'll be staying with us. Would you mind picking up some black cloth for me at the store, Lucy?

-Nah, forget it. Noah will be attending the Academy too, so make it whatever color ya want.

-Oh, you're going to the Academy too? I'm glad someone else here has a good head on their shoulders.- she reached her hand to Noah- I got a feeling that we'll work well, as long as you don't get in my way.

Noah tilted his head. What was she doing with her hand reached out to him?

Lucy rolled her eyes, took Noah's hand and pressed it against Mercede's,shaking them both vigorously.

-It's called a "handshake", boy. You do it to greet people. Please do try to use it often. People like Cidy are so uptight they can't let go one act of impoliteness.

-Shut up, Lucy...Now if you'll excuse me, I was in the middle of my studies. You'll have your clothes ready by tomorrow morning,Noah. Thank me afterwards.- with this she closed her door in the duo's faces.

Noah sighed, relieved.

-She's...nice,I guess...

Lucy giggled:

-Poor Cidy has very little time to hang around others. She's always absorbed in her studies or work. She's aloof but a good person inside. Just don't get on her bad side.

-I won't try...You said she was one of your top employees, right Lucy? That must mean she's pretty strong.

-Yup, she has power to spare. If she trained more, who knows, she could even surpass her brother,Merceny, my best bounty hunter.

-Merceny,huh? Can't wait to meet him,then.- said Noah, letting out a nervous smile.

-Don't be. If you think Cidy is bad with people, Merceny is on a completely different level. You'll know when you see him.

Noah, gulped. What was this feeling of uncertainty? He was so nervous at the possibility of meeting even more crazy people it shook his stomach. He just wanted to be alone a little while, thing he hasn't done since he arrived at Soula.

Lucy guided him to his room, which was composed of a simple bed, a desk and an empty wardrobe. There was a door on the left side of the room, which led to a small bathroom, a tight shower cabinet tucked away in a corner beside the toilet, a sink in front of that. Lucy told Noah to get accustomed to his quarters and left him.

Noah didn't get out of his room throughout the rest of the day,scared stiff of the other people. He knew he had to meet them eventually but the anxiety that filled his heart was paralyzing him. Night came and he lied down on his bed, and soon felt drowsy. He didn't try remembering anything about his past anymore. It just made his head hurt. Little by little, the world turned foggy so he closed his eyes and fell asleep into a restless sleep.