Chapter 6: Black Feather Merceny

4 weeks later:

Noah fell again on the muddy floor. He rolled himself in order to face the vast grey sky, as the rain fell on his face, washing away his dizziness and blood. His mind was still foggy from that last hit but the cold water cleared it up, like a lighthouse in the middle of darkness. He gathered back his strength and jumped back up again.

Lucy also looked up at the sky, running her hand through her hair, with a disappointed look on her face.

-Damn it, I hate fighting in the rain. Its gets my clothes all soggy. Not to mention, almost see-through... Why do all cute outfits have to be like this...?

-Don't ask me...I've been using the same one this entire time...-answered a panting Noah.

-Really? I can't imagine the smell.

Noah huffed:

-Not like that!... Mercedes made me a couple of copies and Axel told me where the dorm dry cleaning is.

-Oh, that one that's always packed with runts? I don't like that one. I use a friend's washing machine. Last time I used the dorm's one, my unmentionables were stolen. Had to go commando until I bought new ones. Geez, why are guys so down to do that but not to ask me on a date?

-I didn't understand half of what you said...

-Oh, right...believe me, it should remain beyond you. Innocent boys this day and age are super rare. - the Blade Genesis on her hand disappeared while she turned back and made her way back to the bounty hunters "office"- Training's over. You're safe for one more day.

Noah sighed in relief and fell back on the ground, exhausted. 4 weeks had passed since he came into this world and every day was filled with the same stuff: going to school, getting eyed by his fellow students (except Axel, Zeke and Guy, of course), learning stuff about Soula's history, sit back during the Elements class (because he still had no idea of what his Element was), doing surprisingly good at Fencing (that class consisted of a school trainer teaching the kids basic forms of fighting and how to apply them in battle. It was all pretty simple to Noah, because it was all second nature to him, so he almost didn't need to learn any of those things), go home, get tackled by Lucy before he took a single step into the dorm, get dragged onto the fields and get his butted royally kicked by her. Every single day up until then. After the 1st day of training, Lucy became much more aggressive, choosing to take the initiative in battle, not giving him time to think about anything else but blocking, dodging, countering and ignoring the pain that Lucy's attacks gave his entire body every single night when she got tired of beating him.

But, deep down, that painful routine was starting to sink in. Fighting relieved all the stress school gave him, he was able to laugh with the guys about their antics and learn more about them.

Axel came from a large, academic city, in Northern Karash. His parents were soul researchers like Eldus and he came in contact with his Element very soon. That Element, being Mistral, that focused on the wind element. Noah always watched him at Elements class and was amazed at his sharp accuracy to shoot concentrated blasts of wind to blow out candles 10 meters away from him and still managing to create a gust strong enough to blast a whole group of them around him in one go. He told Noah that using the air was something his parents taught him even before he came into the Academy and that he was way more interested in learning how to manipulate a second element Mistral users could master: lighting. Generally speaking, Axel is a very calculating guy, always taking in the situation he's in one calm step at the time and always managing to find a way to not get out of it, but to ace it. Those situations being, classes, fighting and, of course, dealing with Guy and Zeke with patience and kindness, like a big brother.

Guy was the complete opposite. Born in a rural part of Karash, his parents were completely shocked when the Academy scouts told them that their child, that would ratter eat all day than work, had the most powerful Pyre, the fire Element (duh), their records have ever shown. Able to burn every object in a living room to crisps in a matter of seconds, Guy was quickly taken in and taught on how to control his flames. What started has a way to help him be precise enough to weld metal, ended up on him being able to heat up any piece of his food perfectly, making him an even more avid eater. Of course, those calories would be burnt right away, because the fire spread across his entire body (not to mean he bled fire, just that his soul's Element had influence over his body), controlling his weight. Guy's number 1 priority was always food, and he didn't care much about classes, just as long that he could eat, so Axel had to usually bribe him with more food if Guy could pay any sort of attention. This eternal hunger also made him quite oblivious to everything,except what was on his plate, so the insults his classmates threw at him would go completely over his head, making the rest of his personality pretty hard to read.

Zeke was...well, Zeke. He slept. A lot. All the time. Everywhere. Being in Dream Land all the time made it impossible to get a read on Zeke the person so Noah didn't try to bother him with useless questions. When Zeke did talk (once in a blue moon it seemed), he only would ask to be picked up by his personal carriage,Axel and be brought to his next sleeping spot. His Element was Aqua, but Noah never saw it in action, has Zeke never attended any class he didn't have room to sleep in, so his abilities and how he was even scouted by the Academy was a total mystery.

Sometimes, while walking down the corridors with the guys, he would see Mercedes and say hi to her. Well, at least try, because she couldn't give him any less attention, be at school or the office, where he would always see her reading an heavy school book while everyone was training. Past dinner time, she'd lock herself in her room and study. Her lights would still be on at late night, so it really seemed like heavy studying. Well, she was top of her class and was the only person that could compare to Axel in terms of knowledge. Despite all the rumors of their sworn rivalry, Axel never admitted that and just gladly accepted that there was another sane mind in the school. He would often try to speak to her about some of the school subjects, but she'd just pass by him, leaving him talking to himself. Surprisingly, Noah never caught wind of her Element, despite the excellent grades she had in Elements class. Maybe she was just so well trained by Lucy that she didn't need to show her full powers? Noah sometimes wondered about how could he ask her about that without sounding like a total creep, but knew that he would never get a straight answer if he himself didn't know about his own Element.

He didn't even know Lucy's Element. Every time that he'd ask her, she'd just giggle and say "A lady never tells...", making Noah increasingly more frustrated. The lack of information he had was just pilling up. He thought that, given a few days, his memories would come back, but they just got blurrier. And being ignored and mocked by everyone else on a daily basis was driving him insane. After telling Lucy this, she ruffled his hair and said:

-Tell ya what. I'll tell you everything you need to know can beat me.- of course, that was just to mess with him! He could never beat Lucy. Training after training, she'd reduce him to a bloody pulp and mock him to add salt to injury. He never managed to hit her even once, even when he started to get better at dodging, but it always seemed like she held back on him, like being serious would kill him. probably would. He, an amnesiac boy against the strongest BladeMaster? How could he even compare? Despite all the happiness his daily life brought him, he was still stumped by his uselessness.


"Merceny came back!"

"What?! OUR Merceny?!"

"So he's still alive?"

"Yeah, he took the toughest job Boss had to give and it took him these past few weeks to finish it!"

"Holy crap! What kind of job was that?!"

"Something about destroying an entire group of rogue Order BladeMasters. I heard that they were about one thousand!"

"That's crazy!"

"Yeah, but at least think about all the money the reward could be! Tonight we party!"

Shouts of contempt filled the Angel's Crow office shack as the news of this so called Merceni spread around Soula. It started to get to Noah's ears a few days back, as a whisper in the training fields, but soon enough, even the Academy students were talking about it.

"I heard that Merceny guy came back!"

"What? 'That' Merceny? Black Feather Merceny came back? I thought that he left Soula for good!"

"Nah, he left for a job Lucy Crow gave him. But he's just coming back now."

"Gods, I can't stand that guy! Thinks he's so much better than us just because he's Crow's personal pet."

"No, I heard that Eon kid is her new teddy bear now. I guess we'll be hearing from his amazing exploits soon enough!"

As soon has news spread that "Merceny" came back, Noah was pelted by angry looks even more. He had no idea of who that guy was, but people were starting to compare both of them, calling them "Lucy's pets" and that they thought of themselves as an higher authority because of that. Noah wasn't that strong, not to the point of being able to deal with an entire group of BladeMasters, so why were they comparing him and Merceny? Guess that having "good training" came packing a lot of hate too...

I heard that he thinks of himself as the only one that can beat Lucy!

Now that rumor surprised Noah. Someone could actually beat Lucy? When he would fight her, it seemed like she danced in the battlefield, but hit him with a force of an entire building. And she wouldn't even be serious at those times! He couldn't even start to imagine how someone could even hope to bring her serious side out.

He decided to ask Lucy about this. She was his boss, so she should know more about Merceni and the rumors. So, one day after school, he ran towards the office and, sure enough, saw Lucy, sitting behind the main table, rocking on the back feet of a chair, her own feet on top of the table, polishing Genesis with a piece of cloth (probably stolen from the dorm cafeteria). Noah stepped in, ready to talk to her, when he saw she herself was talking ,quite happily, to a boy standing across the table. The boy was blonde like Noah, but his hair was combed perfectly, locks of it falling over his left eye. He was also wearing a black suit like the rest of the bounty hunters, but it was more personalized. Above a lighter shirt, he was wearing a sleeveless black jacket, whose lifted up collar covered up his neck from all sides and it was big enough to go past his hips, making it look like a cape. He was wearing gloves just like Lucy. He wasn't speaking, instead hearing Lucy's barrage of complements.

-Well, of course you're getting your share of the reward, but the office will get about 75% to renovate itself. I'm sick and tired of this tree house environment we have. I want a big office with cute boys filling the papers so I don't strain my wrists and don't get headaches because of the accounting. So, you'll be getting the remaining 25% after I finish up counting the stash.

-Which means you'll only get 1% because Boss will take the other 24 to spend on herself!- shouted a short guy from the door leading to the fields.

Lucy blushed and almost fell of the chair, slamming the front feet back on the floor.

- Nuh-uh! I only take an itsy-bit of it! A girl has to treat herself!

-And your "treats" are pretty damn expensive!- answered the boy.

-That's it! 100 laps around Soula, so you mind your tongue! Or else, I'll be forced to use the classic soap method! And it won't be pretty!

She turned back at the blonde boy, with an annoyed expression.

-For gods', like I was saying, I expect you to keep it up and maybe I'll give you 5 minutes of my time to whoop your butt. Be happy, because last time I only gave you 1!

Noah sighed and turned back. He didn't want to interrupt Lucy's businesses (however shady they might be). He'd come back later and ask in her free time.

Lucy's voice sounded behind him.

-Kiddo! So glad you dropped by! C'mere, c'mere! I have someone to introduce you to!

Noah turned back and Lucy was already walking on the table to reach him, with a huge grin on her face. She grabbed his shoulders, and pushed him towards the boy.

-I bet you already heard of him. My girl's intuition tells me that you came to ask me about him. So, let's cut to the chase! Noah, this is Merceny! Merceny, this is the boy I told you about, Noah Eon!

Noah looked up at the boy, who turned around to face him.

Hatred. Darkness.

Both those things covered the boy's eyes. So, he was Merceny? Why was he looking at him like that? It looked like he wanted to behead him right there and then. What was up with him?

Lucy also noticed that and huffed.

-C'mon, Merceny, it's not that hard. "Nice to meet you" It's easy! Noah, do like when you met Cidy.

The past encounter popped in Noah's mind and he immediately offered his hand for an handshake.

Without a word, Merceny just turned back and went outside, to the fields. Strangely, Noah felt like he'd rather want his hand to be slapped, to be insulted, than to get this cold treatment. At least, there, he could read that guy's personality.

Lucy sighed and placed her hand on Noah's shoulder.

-Ignore him. He's just aloof as hell, so he doesn't bother talking to anyone. The only thing he cares about is fighting me. Since he joined the guild, his only goal has been beating me. And that ambition has lead him to incredible heights. You wouldn't believe how a rivalry makes you strong.

Lucy's voice suddenly became sadder.

-Such a strong desire for power made his heart...well, dark. He discarded everything and everyone for the sake of getting stronger than me...

-Why don't you concede a match then?- asked Noah.

-Nah, I tried but he sees right through it. Besides, it's not in my nature to lie to people. If he wants to beat me, he'll have to do it fair and square. And that's the only way he'll take it. Well, at least he's honest about it...

-Why does he want to beat you so bad?

-I...dunno...really, I don't have any idea. Suddenly, he just wants to beat me and that fueled his strength. Of course I want him to be strong, but what price is he willing to pay to beat me?

Lucy looked down and left the office. Noah just stood there, surprised about how sad Lucy got. Wouldn't be strong be a good thing? Well, now seeing Merceni live and knowing about that desire, Noah wasn't so sure. He himself wanted to strong, but what prices would he be willing to pay to reach Lucy's level?

He decided to go back to his room. Lucy didn't seem in the mood to train him for the day, so he might as well rest and study a little. He stepped on the dorm building and almost bumped into a zooming Mercedes, who ran past him without saying hi or even looking at him. She ran towards the office. Maybe she was going to meet her brother? How was he towards his own sister? Was he nicer, or was he still as dark? He shrugged and went back into his room, wondering if he'd bump into that mysterious character again.


Little did Noah know that his wish would come true much sooner than he ever expected.

The very next day, he was walking down the school hallways, his head filled to the brim with Axel's rambling about the school's subjects. Zeke was sleeping and Guy off eating somewhere hidden from anything related to souls and history so Noah had to take everything Axel had to give in a strenuous study session in the classroom. After a while, he excused himself to get some air. Yeah, the term's exams were closing in, but that was just too much to handle at once...

As he stumbled around the school, he found himself near Mercedes's classroom. An idea popped in his head. Maybe she could help out with their studying so, it'd end quicker. He nodded to himself and walked towards the classroom's door. He grabbed the handle, but voices from within made him stop. It sounded like a guy and a girl were...fighting. The boy's voice was tough while the girl's was drifting between calm and desperate.

-You're not needed here!- shouted the boy's voice.

-You're being ridiculous! I like being here! I belong here! This school has taught me so much! It does need me!

-A scholarship won't bring you anything on the battlefield! The time you spend reading could be spend training!

-I train quite enough! I am strong! I can survive any job Boss could give me!

-Don't give me that crap! You just want to stay here because you don't care about being strong!

-What does studying at the Academy have anything to do with not being strong! Knowledge is power!

-Then show me that power! Fight me!

The girl's voice cracked.

-F-fight...? I...I can't do that!

-Why not?

-Because you're my brother, Merceny! I can't bring myself to fight you!

"Merceny? Then, that must mean, she's..."

Mercedes voice was suddenly filled with fear.

-W-wait...does that wouldn't have a problem with...fighting me? Y-your own sister?

Merceny didn't answer.

-N-no! What happened to you, brother?! You were so happy that I got accepted into the Academy, even with my condition! But, lately you have been so revolted about it! Why?! Why can't I stay here?!

The sound of someone being pushed into a wall reached Noah's ears.

-I saw it, sister. The Order's actions. They're gaining more territory by the minute, and it won't take them long to reach Soula and kill all of us!

-B-but Lucy is here! Even the Order can't defeat Lucy!

Merceny grunted.

-I'm afraid she can't do anything about them...


-Even I don't know for sure...but, Cidy, listen to me! You need to drop out of here! Train with me! And together we can survive! We can win! We can become stronger!

-Brother... your eyes are so...dark...

Mercedes's voice got strong again.

-But I won't drop out of the Academy, brother! I'll stay here, no matter what you think about it!

-Tch... suit yourself.- with this, the door opened in front of Noah and he was facing Merceny, that looked down on him with those eyes.

-You...- he grunted.

Mercedes emerged from behind her brother.

-N-Noah? What are you doing here?...

Before Noah could answer, his collar was grabbed and he was slammed against a wall. Merceny glared at him. Noah felt like those eyes could swallow him whole...

-How much did you hear?- Merceny shouted- Answer me!!

Deep down, Noah was terrified. Merceny was obviously much stronger than him and he looked like he wanted to kill Noah right there. But, under that pressure, that weird confidence from the 1st day training with Lucy spoke in his place. He glared back at Merceny.

-Enough. I may not know much about it, but shouldn't someone treat his siblings in a less jerk-ish way? What's wrong with you, Black Feather Merceny? I understand the cold treatment you gave me yesterday, but against your own sister? You're fucked up...

A flash of fury passed by Merceny's eyes, but only for an instant. His voice was lower, but carried poison in every word.

-You must think you're so smug. Being Lucy's prodigy doesn't mean that you can talk to everyone like you own the place. I'll teach you to be respectful towards people who are stronger than you, ant!

He raised his right fist and launched it towards Noah. He punched him in a hook, so he slid across the hallway. He was still conscious, but he never felt an attack like that. Filled to the brim with such hatred... Trembling, his fear coming to the surface, Noah got up and faced his aggressor again.

-Tch, managed to get up? I guess even worms can have lucky breaks! I'll finish you now!- a dark light filled his hand and he summoned his Blade. Like Genesis, the blade was dark as night, but it seemed heavier, so Merceyi had to hold it with both his hands. It had seen countless battles, so it was chipped here and there. It had been bathed in so much blood that, even clean, it emitted an eerie crimson shine. Merceny pointed the Blade towards Noah and charged at him, kicking some of the floorboards upwards as he blasted towards him.

-Brother! No! He's just a newbie! STOP!- Mercedes's voice shrieked from afar.

Luckily, the sound of metal clashing against metal, filled the entire hall, as Noah reacted soon enough to block Merceny's attack with his own Blade. Both their glares stared back at each other, has they both tried to overpower the opponent.

The sound of the battle soon attracted the other students, who gathered to see what was going on. From the corner of his eye, Noah saw a dumbfounded Axel looking at him with a "What the hell are you doing?!" expression. Seeing the audience, Merceni jumped back and released his Blade.

-I'll let this one pass, Eon. But be warned: I don't want you near my sister ever again. I don't want her contaminated by your ideas. Or else, I'll reduce you to mush. Or maybe even beyond that...- with that, against Mercedes's vain tries to calm him down, he turned back and left.

Legs trembling, Noah fell on the floor and panted. Looking up, he saw a stern Mercedes, that glared at him before leaving too. The hallway was filled with a loud uproar as the students commented the situation.

"Ooooh, are they gonna fight?"

"Oh boy! Lucy's pets are already at it? I can't wait to see who wins! My money's on Black Feather!"

"Well, I'd like to see Eon winning. At least, that'd wipe out that jerk's smug attitude towards us! Go Academy!"

"You better kick his ass, Eon!"

"Yeah, you better!"

Axel cut through the crowd and picked up Noah, carrying him out of the building. He didn't say anything. He had a stern expression, but when he looked at Noah, outside the dorms, his face was filled with worry.

-Axel...I didn't want it to end like this...- tried Noah to say, still scared and confused.

Axel nodded.

-I know you didn't. Black Feather's just like that. Picking fights with the Academy's students is like an hobby to him, like he's trying to prove that we're useless compared to him.

-I don't intend to fight him. He's a jerk, but it'd be stupid to lash out at someone like him like that.

-Yeah...but Noah, you know you just signed your death sentence, right?


Axel placed his hands on Noah's shoulders.

-No one escapes from Black Feather's wrath, especially if it's because of his sister. You just made a very, very powerful enemy.