Chapter 7: Souls

The Order's headquarters are situated in the middle of the main regions of Karash, acting pretty much as its heart. While the East part of the country is still resisting, the remainder of the regions are under its control. Ruling the arms development, employing BladeMasters to do various jobs (like fighting in battles for more land control or patrolling the taken territories) and making astonishing advances in soul research, the Order has complete control over the people it rules. Extorting money from the town's taxes works as their main method of income and to make sure everyone bows to their will. If even one person rebels against these taxes and forced labors that take away their family, the Order's soldiers will act to quell any spark of revolt.

But, aside from the capital of Karash, there's still one piece of territory the Order hasn't been able to take over: the scholar city of Soula. With its vast knowledge of soul uses and the Academy's BladeMasters, seizing this town would prove very beneficial for the Order's scheme for country and continent domination, but something has been preventing them from getting close. Every time they'd send a squad of BladeMasters to take over the town, they'd be struck down in one fell swoop by the Angel's Crow Bounty Hunters, an elite group of BladeMasters, strong enough to defeat the Order's soldiers with ease. But even without the Bounty Hunters, they'd still have to contend with Lucy Crow, the prime rock in the Order's shoe. Without her out of the picture, their plans would be stumped forever.

This was the matter being argued at the Order HQ's meeting room. Around it, six figures sat around a giant table, discussing the matter.

-So, if we get Miss Crow out of the picture, we win, right?- asked a lilac haired woman.

-Yes, pretty much. Seizing Soula is one thing, but getting the "strongest BladeMaster" out of the picture will spread terror across the country. Their mightiest defense would be broken and morale would plummet. We should shift our objectives to defeat Crow. From there, the path is open for our victory is assured.- answered a silver haired man sitting next to her.

-B-But Lucy is so strong...we can't take her that l-lightly...- managed to say a blue haired woman, curled up in her seat.

-Hey, but we're strong too! If we think straight, we can easily overpower her!- argued the white hair man.

-Strategy won't always cut it, Gibson. Yours has a glaring flaw in it: the fact that Crow's forces keep growing in number and in power. From the rumors I've heard, she's becoming even stronger has we speak. Nothing beats practice and well trained behemoth like her has the power to stomp out any plans. No, we can't attack Crow. Not yet. She's too strong.- answered another woman. This one was wearing a white, long robe, with a layer of breastplate armor on top of it.

"Gibson" grunted.

-Always the diligent one, aren't you, Sera? Why don't you go fight her then, if you're so skilled?

-Well, it'd turn out better than whatever plan you'd come up with. The concept of "brute force" should not be avoided but kept always in mind for situations like this. But even so, there is a difference between "bravery" and "suicide", your plan falling square on the second category. Or is your mind so full of junk that you can't get enough space for a somewhat decent strategy?- she answered calmly.

-Why you...!-the man banged his fist on the table, standing up. "Sera" followed suit, both giving each other angry looks.

-G-guys....! Don't fight! Please!-pleaded the blue haired woman, leaning towards the bickering couple. Tears were rushing down her face, dripping on top of the table.

"Sera" and "Gibson" calmed down. They sat back on their seats, the malice completely evaporated.

-F-fine...sorry about that Salacia.- said Sera, towards the crying woman. - Without Gibson's strategies we wouldn't got this far anyways...

Her actions, like always, had the desired effect. The Order's members couldn't fight among themselves. That was their cornerstone, the origin of their power: their union. If they didn't like someone's attitude, they just had to suck it up, keep cool and talk it out. At least that was "Salacia" thought. She wiped her tears with her sleeve and sat down again, smiling, relieved.

-What do we do, then?- asked the lilac haired woman- Our troops can't face Lucy Crow and her bounty hunters. We can't make any sudden movements towards Soula. The bounty hunters would notice such a massive troop deployment...Should we go there ourselves?

She turned towards a fifth figure.

-Leader, what should we do? Should we risk going all out against Crow?

The tall figure had been listening to their banter for awhile, but in his head, his plan was already in motion. He crossed his arms and answered.

-Allie, do you know why we're missing members lately?

"Allie" stuttered and thought for awhile. It never crossed her mind why they were suddenly missing three members. Each unit of the Elite BladeMasters of the Order went out on missions pretty regularly. Their influence was needed across the country, so it wasn't uncommon for a member to be away for a few weeks. But this time they were missing three valuable members, and for a month too...They would usually finish their jobs so quickly too...

-No, I don't know why we're missing Teri and the others. I thought they just went out on a job. Did they kick the bucket?-she finally asked.

The figure chuckled.

-Well, Allie, we don't need to make any movements whatsoever. It just so happens that I already set out a plan in motion and I am awaiting results.

Gibson spoke up, suddenly realizing his intentions.

-That's why you moved Teri, Sobek and Hanzo to different locations around Soula, correct? North, South, East and West...Each one of them occupies three of these locations while we stand at the remaining one. If you slowly move them closer to Soula over time, it won't take long before, at least one them reaching the city and catching Crow and the bounty hunters by surprise! She's powerful but not even she can take three of us at once, correct?

The figure nodded. As always, Gibson's analytic mind was always sharp. A month prior to this meeting, he had sent three of the Elite to three different posts, each one located at a different region close to Soula. It wouldn't take long for them to cut off the Hunter's numbers, as they sent out troops towards Soula on a regular basis. He kept receiving reports about said troops on a regular basis and, to no surprise, they were always defeated by the Hunters. But you had to crack some eggs to make an omelette, right? Sooner or later, the exhausted bounty hunters would start falling, giving them their chance to close in on Soula and on an unprotected Lucy. And even if she were to try and take down these posts, she'd only find an Elite waiting for her. She'd fall on his trap one way or another and that cumbersome woman wouldn't be a problem anymore.

The figure played around with a lock of his light blonde hair, chuckling.

Salacia spoke up at the figure.

-E-excuse me...what if Lucy defeats them and decides to a-attack us?...-she asked, in a slightly louder tone than a mumble.

The figure gave her a comforting smile.

-Don't you worry, Salacia. There's no way we could ever be caught unprepared for an attack. Even if it is Lucy, we can stop her from hurting any of us...I promise you.

Salacia smiled back, seeming to calm down. The figure spoke to the 6th member. He hadn't spoken for the entire meeting. Well, he never did speak much at all...

-Besides, if she ever does, Mr. Aloof here will stop her, correct, Zanten?

"Zanten" rose up suddenly and walked away from the meeting table. Lucy's name always hit a nerve on his part. His cape dragged through the ground and he swung it on a wide arc through the air. He gazed at the figure.

-It's like you don't know me, Balthazar. If Lucy Crow ever shows her face here...I'll kill her with my two own hands. That, I promise you.

With those words lingering in the air, he left the room.


-A "soul check" with Eldus? What even is that?- asked Noah, confused. It was a weekend morning, so he had the whole day off. He usually spent that time doing extra training with Lucy or sitting in his room, moping, since he didn't have any hobbies at all to spend his time in. But that early morning, someone knocked loudly on his door. It appeared urgent so he quickly rushed over to open it. As he opened the door he bumped into something sturdy but somehow soft and fell butt first onto the floor. He looked up and saw Lucy waving "hello" at him, fresh as a cucumber at that time of the morning. He didn't even had time to greet her back when she grabbed his arm and dragged him across the halls and out of the dorm. When he asked her where they were going she answered that Eldus had called him for a "soul check".

-Well, being this town's Sage, Eldus has the duty to check on everyone's souls to make sure they're ticking well. Like some kind of routine medical exam, just with more magic mumbo-jumbo and grizzly old men instead of hot cruise ship doctors.

Noah nodded nervously. He didn't like that soul checking one bit. Maybe because Lucy was hyping it the wrong way, but he didn't feel like getting his soul checked out. He had a feeling that it must be all screwed up and confusing...stupid soul...

Lucy led him to a small house near the Academy. There were a lot of people coming in and out of the house. Some appeared to be sick while others stressed out about something, discussing how their souls "revealed the meaning of their dreams, fears" and other stuff. Eldus appeared more like an hypnotherapist than a world-know soul Sage,to be honest.

They entered the house, cutting through the line of people waiting. Eldus house was mostly as small inside as outside. It was honestly a big mess. There was dust everywhere and books filled tall shelves and some were pilled up near them. As they advanced to Eldus' office, they passed by a small kitchen, filled with clutter, more books and half-eaten breakfasts.

-Well, I can see that he's very messy...-said Noah, as he looked around.

-Really? I consider that a good trait on his part.- answered Lucy.- It's one of the few things about him that are not uptight or annoying....

-Oh, even this early in the morning, you can't just stop yourself from throwing insults behind people's backs, eh Lucy?- sounded a voice behind them. They turned back and saw Eldus coming out of a side door, probably leading to his office.

-Pfft, glad to see that you're in a good mood today, old geezer. C'mon, liven up! Getting teased by such a femme fatale like me should be every man's dream, even those in their one hundreds...-she winked at him and Eldus walked over to her and hit her on the top of the head with his wooden staff.- Ow! What's your problem?! You don't hit a girl!

-Lucy, I don't have time for any of your idiocies.- Eldus sighed and turned to Noah.- Good morning boy. Like Miss Blabbermouth probably told you, I have to examine your soul. Please step into the office. Alone.- he said, glaring at Lucy as she was starting to step in the office.

Lucy huffed but let them both alone. Noah followed Eldus inside, still a little skeptic about all that.

The interior of Eldus' office was as cluttered as the rest of the house. It had books laying around everywhere on the floor and notes scattered here and there. The walls were filled with scribbles of complicated formulas and theories, up to the ceiling. Did this man ever rest?! In front of Noah, in the center of the room, lied two wooden chairs, facing each other. Eldus told Noah to take a seat and he complied, sitting in the farthest one, facing the door. Eldus sat on the chair in front of him, staff in hand.

-Eldus.- asked Noah- Why do I need to do this soul check? What is a soul check anyways?

-Boy, Sages have the ever living duty to research souls down to its core--no, it's very essence in order to try to understand our places here in this world or to catch even the slightest glimpse of the gods' whims. By examining various souls, of the strong, weak, men, women, of any Element, we stride to understand what it means to a human and why we were instilled with these powers so we understand a little better how we should use them. Well, that's the scientific stand. On a more casual way, we can discover a person's Element even before they learn to use it or if someone is sick or afflicted with some sort of recurring nightmares, soul-checkings can tap into the person's memories, desires, fears and bonds to understand various afflictions.

-And you want to understand more of my soul so you can make out what I am exactly.- said Noah. - I don't want to be assured that I'm a freak, Eldus.

Eldus gave him a comforting smile.

-Not at all, young Eon. For the contrary, I do not see you as any sort of abnormal. Aside from the lack of memories, you behave exactly like any kind of teenager. I believe that you had a life before your arrival in our town and I think that, by examining your soul, we can find out a little more about your past, to put you at ease.

-What would that even do to benefit me?-asked Noah, not really in the mood to find out about his past anymore.

-Well, for one, it might help you unlock your Element.

Well, that definitely caught Noah's attention. His Element, huh? If he finally knew what it was, he would have a basis to work on, and from there, unlock it. And from there...! Suddenly, a world of possibilities opened to Noah, making him fairly more pumped up for that checking. He nodded at Eldus.

-Ok, I understand. Go ahead with your examination.

Eldus smirked.

-You're very easy to read, Eon. Well, I knew talking about fighting would make you more willing. Alrighty, just relax and leave it all to me.

With this he took his staff and banged its base onto the floor. Instantly light filled the room and, as Noah looked down to the floor, he saw a line made of light being draw in a circle around the two chair. Once the circle was drawn, the path of light sped up, swinging from one side of the circle to another, in random directions, like a pendulum. After a while, a star with countless sides was draw below them. Eldus took the staff, its emerald crystal shining with a green light and pressed it against Noah's chest. At first nothing happened but a flash filled Noah's chest as something was coming off of it. Was that...his soul?

Well, he never really thought of what it should look like, but it was still a big surprise. When he thought about a soul, he always imagined some kind of fire, burning in place eternally, going wilder or quieter depending of his mood, or something. Instead, it was a half of a sphere, filled with cracks all around it. It burned a bright orange. Some kind of aura shone around it, also colored orange. It was twitching slightly, like it was pulsating.

-Is soul?- asked Noah, breathing slowly, hypnotized by the sphere's shine.

-Sure is, kiddo. Well, more of a "projection", really. If I just took out your soul like this, you'd die on the spot.- answered Eldus. His face wasn't reassuring anymore. He had a grave expression on, biting his bottom lip,like he was trying to wrap it head around it.- A Sage can use the power of the Enchant Stone on their staff to create an image of someone's soul. Although I can't touch it, examining it is good enough...

-Is there...anything wrong with it?

-Well, for one, it's supposed to be a perfect sphere...but your soul is so damaged..! I've never seen anything like this. Half of it is not even here! It's about to break apart.

Well, that didn't make Noah feel good at all. He sighed and decided to look at the wall, while Eldus starting looking around it, turning it with a gentle swing of his staff. could be worst. Can you see them?- he asked and Noah looked over at it. In between the cracks there lied some kind of thin strings. They were just a handful but they came out of the various chunks of the sphere, linking them all together.

-What are those?

-These are "bonds", Noah. "Bonds" are what keep your soul in place, preventing it from falling apart when the going gets tough.- well, that was certainty "chee-sy"- You've got only a handful, but I'm glad to see that you've made some friends already.

Was he referring to Lucy, Axel and the others? Sure, they were friends but he never thought that they kept his soul in place. souls like mine appear often?

Eldus gave him an "Are you serious?" look. Noah shrunk in his seat.

-Of course's a wonder that such a fragile soul hasn't fallen apart should fell grateful.

-Well...will it ever repair itself?

-With time, yes. The cracks will become more unified as the bonds holding them get stronger but I can't do anything about the huge part that's missing. Not even with my entire knowledge.

-Oh...OK...-Noah said, defeated.

Eldus put his hand on Noah's shoulder.

-Don't worry, boy. You're still alive aren't you? Then you should be happy and keep on living the best you can. You're a healthy boy, with an uncanny talent for fighting, like Lucy told,no, blabbered about to me. So, you should just make the best of it.

Well, that did make Noah feel a bit better. Damaged soul or not he was still experience the full live of a BladeMaster, and that sure wasn't going to stop him from keeping up the training. In fact, knowing he was a survivor only made him more pumped up and stronger. He started feeling that the soul- checking was a pretty good idea. At least it put him back on track, his mind less fogged up with doubt.

Eldus gently pressed the crystal against the soul and pushed it back inside Noah's chest. He hit the floor again and the light and lines on the floor dissipated. After it, he stood up and shook Noah's hand.

-Well, that surely was very fascinating. You've given me alot more to research about, little one. Thank you.- Eldus said, a big smile on his face. His passion for his research was as strong as Lucy's masochistic drive to fight (and that was saying much).

Noah started walking towards the door, but an something popped up in his head. He had been so worried about the state of his soul that he completely forgot about what convinced him to agree to that soul-checking.

-Oh, Eldus, I have to ask you something.

-What is it, boy?

-I know my soul's damaged and all, but could you make out what my Element was?

Eldus chuckled:

-You couldn't notice, boy? I know you're not colorblind so you should have noticed. The color of your soul determines what Element you have. It was pretty much a give away.

-My soul' means my Element is...

Eldus nodded.

-Yes, the powerful Element of Tera. Tera users are mostly known by their sturdy defense and use of the terrain to their advantage. They usually fight in a slow paced manner, to keep up their weak spots covered, mostly focusing on heavy single blows.

-Tera, heh? W-well, I've been fighting a lot with Lucy, but slow paced combat? I don't really feel like it fits me much...

-Well, the world's full of surprises, right? Maybe you'll find a style that can suits your interests and your Element. You're learning with Lucy, so it shouldn't be too hard to find it out. Well, I wish you good luck, kiddo, because you already have plenty of talent and good head on your shoulders.

He opened the door for Noah and pushed him outside.

-Now, I have a lot of work to do about your soul so, get out of here, heir of Tera!- with that overly dramatic goodbye, he slammed the door behind him. As Lucy rushed over to hear every detail of the examination, Noah couldn't help but feel reassured, a new light dawning upon him. Tera, heh? Well, it looked like he had a lot of work to do in order to unlock it.

Little did he know that all kinds of trials lied before him in the next few days that would help him in such a task.