Chapter 34: The Order's Respite

Two weeks after the battle with Hanzo:

Sera calmly walked through the hallways of the Order Tower, a small tune humming out of her lips. Her wooden sandals clicked on the ground, making it very obvious that she was coming to everyone with a half-decent hearing sense. But she didn't mind. It wasn't in her nature to be sneaky, like Hanzo and his spy unit. A good dragon made its presence known and Sera, Order Elite of the 2nd echelon, codenamed "Dragon" thrived to make her presence one of respect, since she was in control of many of the soldiers in the Order, many more after Terri left and left the infantry units in disarray.

Suddenly, voices broke though the clicking of her sandals. Familiar voices.

-Please, Gibson. I'll be alright. Stop being such a worrywart~!- a female voice sounded.

-Allie, you know all too well that I can't help but worry about you. You have a tendency to...go out of pocket with your performances and jeopardize the mission.- a male voice answered.

-Ugggh...! You're going that route again..! You know the one: the ANNOYING one. What was our deal?

-Geez..."Respect each other's tastes as long as they don't hurt others". But still---

-"But still" no, Gibson. I'm going to achieve this mission my way and you better not lay a finger on it. If I find out you've sent another spy to keep an eye on me, oh I swear...

-OK, OK, geez! Do what you want, I won't interfere. Just get it done.

-Thanks! Isn't it nice for siblings to get along well? Toodles!

With that, a figure turned the corner Sera was facing: a tall woman, with short bobbed deep lilac hair, with purple eyes looked back at her. She was wearing a long black cloak that covered her body from the bottom to her neck.

-Already leaving us, Allie?- Sera asked.

-Ayup!- she grinned, her expression shining as always- Balthazar assigned me to investigate that insurgence in Eastern Karash, while I go about my usual business in the villages there. The rebels might be backed up by the Capital so if we defeat them we might cut off a precious resource line. I'd ask you to wish me luck for this but we both know someone of my caliber will ace this~

Sera chuckled.

-Well then, glad to see your confidence hasn't shaken a bit due to the importance of this mission, Miss Fiery Flower. I'm sure everyone will be awestruck by your performance.

With this she stepped forward until she was side-to-side with the short haired woman. The tone she spoke to her with was more of a whisper.

-Good luck Allie...You're going to need it with the guard squad that will be watching your every move.

Allie smirked.

-Do you even know me? Distracting is kinda my thing~

And with that, she walked off.

Sera turned to the other person. It was a tall and slim man, wearing a dark blue blue uniform, commonly wore by the Order's soldiers, but Gibson was the type to respect fashion order as much as he did the soldiers. To him, looking little different than them helped blur the line between Elite and common soldier, which strengthened their morale rather than someone wearing a ridiculous outfit to rub their difference in status in their faces. A thick brown belt could be seen around his waist and more on his arms, as accessories. The uniform was also meant to be mostly combat-ready, silver platting of light, but sturdy enough, material being seen over his shoulders.

Gibson had the same purple eyes as Allie but his hair was of a much lighter lilac, almost gray. The most striking aspect of it was it being smoothly raised up by gel, making it similar to crashing waves. It certainly gave him a bit of a wild look but his expression was much more strict than his younger sister's, which made confusing them as anything but siblings a common occurrence. In fact, Allie had been the one that recommended him to try that haircut a few years ago and he had liked it so much that he chose to keep it.

-Oh, hello there Sera. Going downstairs for training?- he asked.

-Yeah. I've been summoned by You-Know-Who. And you know he doesn't like to wait.- she said, smiling widely.

Gibson shook his head.

-That moody attitude of his is completely irrational. Hanzo, at least, is cool and collected. While he looks to be on the verge of exploding at each second. That mental instability is going to decrease his odds on the battlefield.

-Oh you know how he is...- Sera looked away with a sheepish smile, trying to avoid the next line of logic by smoothly beginning to walk away...

-While YOU could be helping him out!- he pointed accusingly, making Serah flinch and recoil where she stood- Aren't you the "disciplined" one? You'd think you'd have it in your best interest to teach him to calm his nerves and not blow his stress out on the training robots I spent half my life building!

Sera threw her hands up, trying to calm Gibson down. He took pride in his research, especially on the technology department, having built and perfected many of the Order's airships, generators, weapons outside of Blades, means of communications and many updates to the Tower itself. But one thing he hated was having to build the same thing over and over, while he could be focusing on building or researching something new.

-Hey, c'mon. Gibson, you're being the hothead here.- she gave him a wry smile- Aren't training dummies supposed to be broken, anyways?

-Oh, don't you try to spin this back to me, missy. You're not the one who has to spend hours and a lot of money to fix the robots just because he's so pent up.

-What, you expect me to give him another hobby? Maybe knitting?- she shrugged.

Gibson's face was getting red. He and Sera always ended up going back and forth because the samurai always tried to crawl her way out of arguments while he always wanted to present his viewpoints and insist on them until his opponent admitted his or her fault.

-Oh, that's it. I'm going downstairs and giving him a piece of my mind!- he growled.

-Gibson..! P-please calm down..! Don't fight!

A soft voice echoed behind them. With a shy pace to her steps, a smaller woman approached the duo. She had long deep blue hair, braided and with a white ribbon tied at the end, the edge of the whole thing grazing the floor. She had a long white tunic draped along her thin frame, open so that it showed the fair skin of her shoulders and the side of her legs. The edge of her sleeves, the area on her waist and the hem of the tunic's skirt had a golden and blue pattern along it, the blue lines making diamond shapes along the wide golden lines. The whole thing was strapped on her shoulders with delicate knots. She was clutching a large brow teddy bear, the thing having seen better days, the stuffing leaking out on certain spots and one of the eyes being a bit more droopy than the other. Deep blue eyes peeked from above it. They were tearing up.

Gibson's face quickly shifted to one of worry as he approached the woman.

-A-ah...Salacia! I didn't...we weren't...there's no fight going on.- he said, his smile shaky.

-But you were speaking loudly...I don't like us Elites fighting against one another...-she said, sniffing, tears beginning to run down her cheeks as she buried her face on the stuffed toy.

-Oh, you made Salacia cry, Gibson. You're a monster.- Serah shook her head, pouting.

-I-I...-Gibson looked at the samurai, his expression flabbergasted. He then turned towards Salacia and widened his smile- H-hey, don't worry, Salacia. Us Elites will always stay united until the end. That was Attila's will and that's what gives the Order, well, order. We can't just disrespect that. And while me and Sera might disagree on some things, I'd never truly be mad at her! Right, Sera?- he asked, looking at her with a nervous expression.

Sera smiled gently.

-Gibson may be grumpy, but he can be soft when he wants to. Especially if that will make his precious Siren happy.

-S-see? Everything's alright!- the man said.

Salacia looked up at him and slowly leaned away from the bear a bit, smiling at him and drying her tears. Standing in front of him, she was about chest-height to Gibson.

-Really? Oh thank the gods..! I wouldn't know what I'd do if you two began to hate each other! I want everyone to stay united as a family!- she said, her eyes more determined.

-Well, the Order's strongest suit was always its unity.- Gibson nodded.

-Even if nearly half of us has gone to the other side.- Sera then added.

Gibson and Salacia looked at her, baffled, for a moment. But then Salacia placed the bear down and pumped her little arms.

-N-no! I don't believe that they are against the Order, even if they changed sides! They could never hate us, because we're a family! We've been united all this time and bonds can't be broken like that!

Sera shook her head.

-You do know how unlikely that sounds, right? Are you really sure that wouldn't meet us with Blades in hand if they saw us again?

Salacia shook her head vehemently, her ponytail shaking to the sides a bit.

-No! We are one!- she then clapped her hands together- Even the gods had quarrels between them, differences that threatened to separate them. But you know what they did? They preserved and stayed together and fought off all the evil! We must be like them and trust our dear comrades, even if they are on the other side.

Gibson nodded alongside her.

But Sera couldn't help but notice that, as Salacia spoke, her eyes would often dart to the side, like she was checking something. Or checking if something was hearing her speak.

Sera eventually nodded.

-You're right. We must stay united. That's why I'm going to join Mr. Grumpy downstairs for his training and let him blow some steam.

Gibson chuckled.

-I thought that was your thing, Salacia!

And with that, the trio let out a hearty laugh, the mood having lifted quite a bit. Salacia wasn't hiding behind her bear anymore and her smile was absolutely shining.

Gibson turned to her and noticed the bear.

-What happened to it, Salacia?

The blue haired maiden noticed it and held it up to him.

-I...It was during training...I accidentally gave him a little shock and some of the stitching you did blew off. S-sorry..!- she said, her lower lip trembling, her eyes tearing up again, just as fast as they had dried up.

Gibson sighed.

-You shouldn't be training, Salacia. It's too dangerous. Just...stay put, OK? I don't even know why you even still have this old thing, let alone why you took him to the training with you.

Salacia buried her head on it, clutching it strongly.

-I can't get rid of it! Besides...-she then looked up at Gibson with a gentle smile and a deep's my precious present from you from way back when. I could never, ever throw it away.

Sera watched with amusement as Gibson blushed back at her but tried, unsuccessfully, to play it off by scratching the back of his head.

-Tch...this is so irrational, holding on to something that old. I could make you a thousand more!

Salacia shook her head, her body following.

-No...I like this one. Because it carries your feelings for me the most. And by keeping it, I can reciprocate my feelings for you in the best way possible..~.

Gibson blushed even harder and crossed his arms, looking away.

-F-fine...I'll stitch it up for you after I'm done running my daily tests. I was about to do that after I saw Allie off.

Salacia leaned up towards him, on the tip of her toes, and kissed him on the cheek.

-Thank you so much! Oh, I'll pray 2000% harder for you this night! So all your results come out stellar!

-Heh...those results kinda depend on me, not the gods, Salacia. Trusting them on this is completely irrational.

"Oh boy, here we go..." Sera rolled her eyes.

-But Gibson! The gods do exist and they have helped mortals so much! What's wrong with me pitching in a favor for you?- Salacia said, puffing her cheeks in an adorable pout.

-Salacia, even if you prayed all night, the tests still depend on what I do, right? Besides, how can we even be sure beings like the "gods" even exist? Stuff like blessings and sightings surely can be explained through science. That's humans' lifeline and that's what we should depend on.

-You're the one being irrational, Gibson! Gods are the lifeline that guides humans to happiness! They give us strength of heart, determination to wake up and go towards our dreams each morning, they protect us from dangers with their grace and they tie our fates together!

-I'd rather not live at all than having some high and mighty being guide my every step.

Salacia gasped, scandalized

Sera crossed her arms, watching the duo bicker. They were like water and oil. Gibson had always taken pride on his scientific merits while Salacia's parents had been priests before they passed away. Their daughter followed in their footsteps and her faith in the gods' existence as the legends made them out to be was very strong. Gibson believed that Man's merits were due to their power alone while Salacia proclaimed that the gods always watched over them and guided them to their fates.

"How these two got together is the true miracle, though..."

-Gibson, don't say that! You'll be reincarnated as a slug in your next life!

-As long as I can crawl my way back to you, I won't mind.- he simply answered.

Salacia punched him in the arm and hid herself behind her bear again, red as a pepper. Gibson let out an "ouch" and stumbled to the side lightly. After he regained his footing, he rubbed his arm with a shaky smile.

Sera simply giggled and shook her head.

-I'm going to leave the two loverbirds to their lonesome. I've got a little birdie to keep company to myself.- with that, she nodded to both of them with a gentle smile and walked away. Watching Gibson and Salacia be adorable together or Terri and Sobek bickering to the point of a duel breaking out always helped her remember that the people that made up the Order were still the same, despite the many struggles they had gone through. It made her feel like Attila was still there with them, that they were still young and filled with purpose and a bright future to look towards.

She reached the end of the hall and found herself facing an elevator door. She pressed a nearby button to call it and the steel box soon arrived. She stepped inside, pressed a button on a control pad on the elevator's wall and the door closed, the elevator beginning to descend, and descend, and descend...and descend some more.

"Thinking about it, though...while some of us tried to stay generally the same, others...are unrecognizable. Hanzo shut himself off even further from the rest of us...Allie's performances have lost a certain sparkle. Gibson's research becomes even more fervent, almost to the detriment of his own health. Because when you left made us all realize the world we were still in. A cruel world where people commit heinous acts for their own gains. For a moment, we became scared children again. And that shock changed us. Some managed to stay positive...not losing ourselves..."

The elevator stopped and the door opened. The woman stepped off and walked through a short hall, the sounds of banging metal reaching her ears.

"Some weren't...sometimes I find myself unable to forgive you for running away from all this. Sometimes it feels like you were running away from the truth, from your responsibilities, that you simply lacked courage...But yours are shoes I can never truly place myself on. I can't begin to imagine what you felt. You probably only began thinking again when you were already far, far away. That kind of your scars you. So I can never censor you. But I do wonder if you two...share the same nightmares. Lucy..."

She reached a metal door, the frame reinforced, like it was trying to keep something out. Or something in. There was another control pad beside it, this time with a keyboard containing nine numbers. Sera quickly put in the code and the door opened.


Suddenly, her field of vision was covered with an object flying towards her: it was a tall humanoid figure, complete with arms and legs, stripes of blue, pulsing lights running along its silver frame. A training robot designed by Gibson. It can hold and decently wield any type of weapon but because it is a robot, it does not have an Element nor can it summon an unique Blade, so it is outfitted with the weapons the Order has in storage and gives its soldier as supplementary weaponry. This specific robot was wielding quite a big, double sided axe. Gibson's latest upgrade designed the robots' artificial intelligence to be able to wield even heavier weapons with ease and the new alloy their body was made out of was supposed to be incredibly tough to even scratch. And yet, one was flying towards her.

-Leviathan !

A dark blue scabbard, gold markings coating its length, materialized on her hands, the woman holding it against the left side of her waist. She quickly drew the sword, sinking it into the metal frame with ease, slashing the training robot clean in half. As both halves flew to the side, it was seen that the long, silver bladed katana was clashing against another sword: this one was much bigger and of a cruder, triangular shape, its red surface and red markings making it seem like it was just a chunk of magma made into a greatsword.

On the other side, still wearing the full set of red armor and cape, the ash-haired man stood, glaring at her, pushing against her Blade.

-You're late.- he simply said.

-Sorry, didn't realize this was a date, Zanten. I was out socializing with my colleagues, maintaining a good work environ...ment!- she grunted as both Blades bounced off each other. Both BladeMasters then began a flurry of movements, their Blades clashing against each other with great speed, slashing away at the chunks of the robot that were still airborne. What was left harmlessly fell on the ground, a couple of stray circuits and cables still being seen before they exploded into small puffs of smoke -By the way, Gibson wants to have a couple of words with you. For you to stop breaking the training robots so often.

-It's their fault they're fragile.- Zanten simply said as he stepped back slightly, but still in a a combat stance, holding the sword with both hands.

-Zanten, it's not their fault you're angry. At least wait a bit until you break them. I mean, just look at this mess!- Sera said, spreading her arms and spinning slowly, letting Zanten see the environment: the closed off subterranean room, the steel walls filled with scratches and burn marks, the countless pieces of robot parts lying about, a lot of them still smoking- You do know these cost money we have to take from the Order's funds, right?

Zanten, grunted, relaxing his body and returning to a more neutral position, slowly spinning his Blade around on his hand.

-And what exactly do you want me to do about it?

-Apologize to Gibson.- she said, which garnered her a grunt from the red armored Elite- And look him in the eye while you say it. No grunts, no huffs, no glares, no scowls, no sighs, no pouts. Basically, don't be a little edgy baby, throwing a tantrum. We're all adults here. I know you need to relieve yourself, but don't destroy your personal relationships over it.

Zanten opened his mouth to protest but sighed, running the sharp fingers of his armored glove across his ash-gray hair.

-Fine. Sorry, I'm just a bit on edge lately. I'll apologize.- he said, his expression a tad softer.

Sera smiled, before assuming her own stance, retrieving her katana back on her scabbard and hovering her hand above the hilt. Zanten returned to his stance, holding the Blade while his feet assumed a square stance.

-So, what is on the sparring menu today?- Sera asked.

-The usual.- Zanten simply said, glaring at her.

-Oh, "absolutely serious" again. I swear, if you end up cutting off my arm, you'll never hear the end of it.

-Like losing an arm would make a difference to you. It would just mean your draw would only get stronger.

-Well, when you put that way then I guess being dismembered isn't so bad. Let's just go. We'll see who ends up being the one on the ground today!- she glared back and both BladeMasters rushed towards one another!


A few hours later:

Sera and Zanten had exited the room, entering a door on the opposite side from where Sera had come in from. The smaller room served as more of a locker room than anything. It had lockers, bags, waters, towels, a tiny bathroom and a small communication buzzer to contact the upper floors, outfitted with a tiny Enchant Stone inside the circuit, the mineral glowing with a light purple, as it was attuned to Mistral, to allow the signal to be strong enough to pass through the thick layers of concrete.

The duo sat on a bench, towels over their heads and canteens of water in their hands. Both were exhausted from the unending fighting they had been doing for hours. The training room was a total mess, filled with slash marks and cracks on the walls and floor from where their attacks had landed as well as a cloud of smoke that would take forever to clear out.

Sera rose her head to look over at Zanten, the blue locks of her hair slightly glued to her face. She held the loose ribbon that usually tied her hair into a bun in her fingers.

The man was grazing his fingers on the visor stuck to his left eye.

-How are you feeling?- Sera asked.

-Restless...- Zanten simply said.

-Take it off. It might need adjustments. When was the last time you asked Gibson to change the Crimson Enchant Stones?- she asked, leaning in with a worried look.

-About...a month ago.- he said, reaching to a minuscule button on the edge of the visor's frame and pressing it. The thing immediately slid off, Zanten catching it in his left hand. Sera curled up her lips.

-Geez, you can't keep pushing yourself, then! Your eye's all bloody...- she said. True, around Zanten's left eye, there were small trails of blood trickling down from four punctures and soon covering his view. Sera reached for her towel and cleaned the blood off.

Zanten clicked the button again while the visor was on his hand, still. Tiny, tiny red crystals popped out on four points along the visor's frame. Their edges were dulled out. You'd never tell that they were bloody since their original color was already that of blood...

-These things dull out fast...Having to apply yourself with this everyday, I would have lost my patience---Zanten?

While she talked, the armored man's fingers began to grip on the visor with more strength. His breathing began to hitch and become more and more ragged. His body began to tremble. Sera placed her hand on his shoulder, gently taking the visor from his hand and placing it over his left eye. She clicked the button twice and heard the soft sound of the crystals stabbing into his head. Immediately, Zanten's breathing went back to normal.

-You need Gibson to update this, quickly. I can see why you're getting pent up more easily. Let's go ask him.- she said, starting to stand up.

-Sera.- Zanten's voice interrupted her motion and she sat back down, listening -Allie already went for her mission, correct?

The blue haired woman nodded.

-Yes, just now. Balthazar couldn't risk those strong BladeMasters gathering and forming a resistance in that region, so he's making sure an Elite accompanies the tax gatherers this time in order to keep any sparks from flying.

-With the amount he charges them in tribute for "protection", you'd think they'd have rebelled already.

-You know that they're afraid. But since those ex-knights from the Capital have been seen in the region, the townspeople might get some funny ideas.

-Sera.- Zanten's voice interrupted her motion and she sat back down, listening -Allie already went for her mission, correct?

The blue haired woman nodded.

-Yes, just now. Balthazar couldn't risk those strong BladeMasters gathering and forming a resistance in that region, so he's making sure an Elite accompanies his tax gatherers this time in order to keep any sparks from flying.

-With the amount he charges them in tribute for "protection", you'd think they'd have rebelled already.

-You know that they have little choice. It's either us or risk being run over by barbarian factions and at least we do protect them. But since those ex-knights from the Capital have been seen in the region, he's afraid that they'll "brainwash" the populace to join the territory to Karash's.

-And is Allie okay with joining the tax collectors? Her own contributions are plenty already.

-Well, it was a direct order from Balthazar, so she has little say. But everything should go as usual and nobody will have to get hurt. Those collectors can get rough, but having an Elite there should keep those brutes restrained. All to maintain the Order's ideals. That we're the same as the lords that ruled these lands during the War.

"But, you know...if she finds resistance, she will have to fight and demonstrate power to the people. And they might see that as a threat, but what can she do about it? She can't disobey or show mercy to those Karashians, nor let the populace skimp out on their payments. The collectors that went with her are soldiers under Balthazar's direct payroll, not ours. If she acts out of line, he'll know. And any suspicions of an Elite disobeying the Order's efforts and methods to amass funds will not go unpunished. Me, Salacia and Gibson couldn't even talk in peace upstairs because of the security cameras. Thankfully, there are none here because we keep wrecking the place, so we can talk.

-Tch...cowering before a guy like that. What has the Order become...

-I know how you feel. But we can't fight him, Zanten. Only together we'd stand a chance but either he has us around his little finger or...some of us are working with Lucy now and forming an alliance between both parties without him knowing something's wrong would be impossible.

-Like I'd want to associate myself with that sow.

Sera looked at him, eyes widened.

-Zanten..! Don't say that! You know the limiter will just add acid to your words, so don't say anything..!

-And..? This is what I truly feel.- the ash-haired man said, clutching his hands together- Ever since then...she's been dead to me. Another enemy for me to crush. No, the enemy I must crush above all else. Above Balthazar, even. I don't agree with his methods, but at least he does it for the Order. He's not a snake, no matter how slimy he gets. How can someone that abandons her own family be allowed to live?

-Zanten...please. She's still your family. Our family.

-Let her show her face in front of me again and I'll show her how much weight that carries. If you betray the Order, you betray Attila's dreams. And that is an offense that should be punished with death.

-Then if I left the Order to join Lucy's side, would you kill me, Zanten?- Sera simply asked. And Zanten didn't reply.

She sighed and gave him a sad smile.

-I know you don't truly feel that way. Let's just...try to keep doing our best to try and keep the Order's image as clean as possible. And let's go upstairs before you start spouting more nonsense.- she said, standing up, Zanten following her.

The duo exited the locker room, returning to the elevator. No other words were exchanged as they rose up, Sera staring at the wall, taking in and reflecting on Zanten's words.

-You...were so different back then. When you were just a spark.- she said, sadness splashed on her eyes, but they wouldn't turn to face Zanten, someone that she had always been there for, ever since childhood. For training, for learning, for laughing, for crying. She had always been like a...sister for him. And that role was oh so sorely needed after Lucy left...Back then, he was so full of life. Now he was simply a bitter man.

-Sparks are easily snuffed out. Not ever again shall I suffer. I've become something unbreakable, so I can never be shattered again. The inferno Attila desired upon this world.

-But at what cost...- she muttered just as the doors opened. The duo exited and walked along the halls, looking for Gibson and Salacia.

Soon, they reached the Tower's cafeteria, wondering if maybe Gibson had stopped there to eat something. They peered inside the windows, looking at the huge division, large tables spreading from one end to the other of the silver colored division, the kitchen on the leftmost side, from where you'd pick up whatever food's available on a tray. A couple of soldiers were there, but they were very far apart from one another, almost forming an half circle, like they wanted to avoid...something.

And that something was sitting along on the central table. With multiple trays stacked to the brim with all manner of food around him, Tal shoved down their contents down his throat, like a wild beast. Meat, fish, bread, rice, all down the hatch for him. And when he seemed like he was choking, he'd gulp half a jug of water.

-Gods, he's disgusting...does he even chew?- Sera asked, wrinkling her nose.

-Mhore..! Ghimme mhore!- the masked boy shouted, mouth filled with food. The trays would keep coming, the cooks shaking in their boots as Tal laughed, grabbing a whole chicken with his bare hands and gnawing on it with incredible speed, soon leaving nothing but bones and a loud burp.- Hahaha, this dump has such good food! C'mon, guys, why are you sitting so far away? I don't bite! Well, maybe not the guys, but I'll give any brave lady a nibble, especially if you've got the meat to give!- he laughed loudly, smacking the table with force, knocking over a bunch of food in the process.

Sera crossed her arms, gritting her teeth.

-He might be an Elite like us, but I want to make sashimi out of him...I bet pigs like him taste amazing roasted.

-You know he acts like that because he knows nobody can touch him. You can go in and fight him, but you know how Balthazar will act upon learning that someone harmed his golden boy.

-Personally, I think it would be an interesting fight.- suddenly a hand was placed on Sera's shoulder as a pair of lips approached the Dragon's ear- Why not give it a try, Sera?

Sera's face got white as a sheet. Suddenly, she felt...weak. Incredibly weak, like the ground beneath her was crumbling away. Behind the duo, the tall blonde man stood, wearing a long set of white robes, his painted crimson lips in a sneer and his silver eyes taking that fox-like shine that would make even a rock uncomfortable. Balthazar's sweet perfume was penetrating, like it gripped you and wouldn't let go and his breath against the woman's ear felt cold while it should feel anything but that. She clenched her fist as she found her legs to be unable to move even an inch.

It had always been like that. Balthazar had this...aura...this unsettling pressure around him that made even looking at him be quite the task. His lips permanently spread in a smile far too wide to be sympathetic, the way his eyes looked into your soul, taking notes of all its weaknesses...

Because everyone that knew him knew...that defying him was impossible. That he had you in his hands.

Because he is Emperor of the Order and nobody dared to defy him. Even if Sera had spent the last hours destroying a room made of solid steel alongside Zanten, when Balthazar simply touched her, she felt again like the scared little girl that had ran away from the scary adults and the fires all those years ago...

-Hello...Balthazar.- she slowly said, turning to face him, trying her best to not flinch at his stare as he leaned his head back a bit so he'd make sure he was looking at her from above.

-You two have been gone for a while now. I was getting worried. Was it a couple thing? Is it official now?- he asked, his voice soft and silky but somehow found a way to reverberate inside your head like a gong. know Zanten and I have no interest in each other in that way.- Sera gulped, curling up her lips. She was shaking. Why was she shaking?!

-What a shame.- he said, shrugging and shaking his head, his long blonde locks, borderline platinum, swaying as he did- You know I love love...

-State your business, Balthazar.- Zanten interrupted him. He glared at Balthazar with no fear. He was about the only one who could respond back to Balthazar normally. -Have you just come here to annoy us?

-Far from it, dearest Zanten. I was just...checking up on you two. Building bonds with your team is important, no? That's what Attila always wanted...for us to be a family.- he said, placing his hand on his chest. He then stepped forward and peered inside the window, looking at Tal as well. The masked boy noticed and waved energetically at them, his laughter being heard loud and clear from the outside. -He's amazing, right? That blood manipulation... and amazing regeneration, able to take all sorts of punishment. A true work of art. You could say that he surpasses any he's the future of the BladeMasters!

-I'd rather hang up the sword than to see the art of BladeMaster be reduced to a joke like that.- Zanten said, crossing his arms.

- Don't say that, Zanten. You have to get along with your echelon partner, now.- Balthazar turned to him, giving his nose a cutesy little tap. Zanten didn't respond, standing there, serene. Sera know that, despite his calmness, Zanten was itching to just punch the blonde in the face. For the rift that he had opened, not only within the Order, but also across the continent of Karash. For turning Attila's dream for peace into a game of conquest. But she also knew that Zanten couldn't do anything or else he might just die, even if he was 1st echelon.

-I'll kill him sooner or later. And if I find the other brat, I'll do the exact same.- he spat.

-My, so aggressive!- Balthazar said, stepping back- I'd rather you not do that. I need both of them alive for our future to be solidified. They are both the necessary keys to obtain peace and order in this world.

-Tch...first that freak incident in the lowest basement that I barely survived and now you introduce a weirdo like him to us, make him 1st echelon out of the blue and now you tell us to recuperate another brat, one associated with Lucy, of all people? I swear, one of these days...

-Come now, Zanten. You know I abhor violence among peers. But, if you want to spar, that's another thing. One's skills can never be brushed up enough. But you know the rules, right?- he leaned in, his smile widening ever more, his eyes taking a horrifying shine as they widened- It would be nearly as serious as a real battle. If you just so...happen to lose an arm...well, that'd be too bad. And you wouldn't want that before you get your revenge, right? So, try to get along with Tal, please?

-After Lucy, you're next. Until then, I'll keep putting up with your antics.- he pointed at him and then looked towards Sera- Let's go. We still have to fix this limiter situation.- and with that, the duo began to walk away.

-Oh yes, take good care of that eye, Zanten!- Balthazar said as they walked away- Until we discover the cause for your illness, we can't guarantee a cure but at least the Enchant Stones infused with your blood built into that limiter will help you control that grumpy personality of yours. If you ever need help with replacing the Stones, just ask Tal!- he snickered.

-In your dreams.- Zanten said as they turned the corner.- Like I need him handling sharp objects and my eye. I've had enough stabbing for a lifetime.- he added to Sera.

-Forget it, Zanten. You know he's only trying to get under your skin so you'll lose control and attack him. Then he'll have an excuse flaunt his superiority on you. He knows that half of this Tower would rather follow you, not him and his war games. Because he might be the Emperor, but you're the true leader of the Order, Zanten. The one that guides all of us. A spark in the darkness...

-And an Inferno that wipes away chaos to give way to order. And I'll keep it that way.

-Now, if you could only work on that attitude of yours...

Zanten grunted and the duo continued on. They soon found Gibson and Zanten apologized, although a bit roughly and mumbly. Fortunately, Gibson happily accepted his apologies and Salacia was so glad everything worked out alright that she broke down into tears again, thanking the gods for the harmony between the two.

-Oh, if Tera could see you two, she'd cry as well! Family is most important and we must always nurture the love between us!- she said, wiping away her tears as Gibson nodded with a wide smile beside her, Zanten's expression softening up a bit and nodding as well. Sera, though, couldn't feel relaxed enough to smile. She couldn't stop thinking about all that was happening.

"First, Zanten finds an intruder trashing the lowest basement laboratory, the one Balthazar uses and locks away behind lock and key. He manages to stab him by barely being able to use his Potential but then the guy just vanishes! Then Balthazar brings in his freaky masked kid, who can control blood and calls him his 'treasure', the 'key that will bring about order to the world'. And now, we're supposed to find and retrieve this 'Alpha' boy and this artifact inside Soula, all while Lucy manages to defeat and recruit our comrades one by one, to mount an offensive against Balthazar. I really don't know what's going on...I'm not smart like Gibson or faithful like Salacia, but one thing's for sure, and I'm basing this off the instinct that has saved me many times in battle before throughout all of these years...

A big storm is coming. And the Order won't be the same afterwards.

May the gods protect us..."