Chapter 35: The Queen, the Anteater and the Enchanted Rose

Noah and crew managed to bring the bloody Hanzo out of the tundra and into the ship that had brought them there. The big winged silver vessel was large enough to hold at least 20 people in a single division that united both the cockpit and the space where everybody sat in. They lied Hanzo down on the ground with a blanket before Eldus, who had stayed behind, using his staff to cast a healing spell. The mysterious purple Enchant Stone resonated a soothing aura that healed injuries but it had its limits. For a full treatment, Hanzo would have to go to the hospital. Soon, the ship took flight with a loud roar from its motors and the Brigade members spent the whole trip in silence, sitting in two rows of long benches facing one another while Eldus healed Hanzo on the floor.

Noah decided to not tell anything about him trying to use his Element to Eldus just yet or else he'd be in a heap of trouble. He looked at his hand.

"But still...just how did I summon that petal? I think I can now summon Astral Soul again, but that's the basis of soul power, not my actual Element. But the petal wasn't the same as the Astral Wave, so...just what was that?"

He had so many questions swirling on his mind. But was tired. Suddenly his eyes felt...heavy...Why did he feel like this was becoming a routine...

-Cidy, can I ask you something?- Merceny said and whispered something towards Mercedes. The blonde girl was sitting to Noah's left while her brother was sitting to her left on the bench. Whatever the comment was, it made Mercedes blush lightly and giggle.

-You're going to the hospital too, mister. Those injuries are screwing with your brain. We used to do this as kids after training, right? Fine. You can lie...down..?- she had moved her hand to tap her lap, but instead of touching her legs, her fingers sunk into a clump of golden hairs, a goggle band cutting through them.

Noah's head had already placed into her lap and happily snored away.

A collective gasp filled the ship.

-The forbidden power move..!- Zeke covered his mouth.

-Go kiddo, go..!- Lucy egged on, her eyes shining and pumping her hands.

-Youth sure moves fast nowadays, huh?- Eldus stroked his beard.

-I'll kill him...

But while everyone seemed to take that in stride, poor Mercedes gritted her teeth, her face a blushing mess. She curled up her fist, ready to punch Noah, but eventually decided to pinch his cheek and pull on it to kingdom come.

That, of course made Noah jolt up, the top of his head almost hitting her on the chin.

-Ow! What did you do that for?!- he exclaimed at her.

-I'll kill him...

-What do you mean, "what did I do that for"? You were lying on my lap without my permission!- she exclaimed back, steam practically coming out of her ears.

-I-I just fell asleep and fell to the side! You're not the one who was in a life threatening battle!- he puffed up his cheeks.

-That's not an excuse! It's sexual assault!

-"Assault"?- Noah stopped to think, his blank expression returning, his eyes void of any intelligence and his mouth slightly open in almost an oval shape. You could practically hear the gears on his head getting stuck -I didn't steal anything from you, though...

-I'll kill him...

-You're stealing my purity!- she yelled- And Ciny, stop mumbling, you're sounding creepy!- she added, pushing the mercenary back, whose eyes were filled with murderous intent, beginning to lean over her shoulder.

-The way I see it, you'll only be a healthy woman once you indulge in sin~-Lucy chimed in.

-Shut up and stay out of this, you virgin delinquent!- Mercedes pointed at her.

-Fine, fine! I'm sorry I stole your purity!- Noah huffed- I'll go lie somewhere else.

He looked to his right side.



The Pyre-born gave him a thumbs up.

-I've got your back, buddy.

And with that, Noah spent the rest of the trip sleeping on his friend's lap. Mercedes practiced her pouting. Merceny cursed under his breath, too angry to sleep now. Lucy spent the rest of the voyage curled up in the corner of the ship, dejected. While the others spent it not trying to bust out laughing.

No matter how many trials they went through, the Brigade would always stay the same. Maybe it still was the same for the Order, even with all its darkness.

One could only hope.


Two weeks had passed since the tundra battle. Noah had spent almost three months in Soula but it felt like years to him. So much had happened in so little time...He felt tired. And sore all over.

Hanzo, Noah and Merceny were all moved to the hospital. Noah had already experienced a few nights there after his battle with Terri and it wasn't much different. He was exposed to bigger, cyan colored Enchant Stones. which were lodged into machines. They radiated him with the similar feeling of reinvigoration he felt when Eldus healed him and then was told to rest just that night. The healing spell that those and Eldus's Stone were capable only speeds up the human being's normal regeneration ability, so because he didn't have any serious wounds, surgical intervention wasn't needed. But as amazing as he felt afterwards, he also felt exhausted. That was the backside of the Enchant Stones. They pushed his healing process, so after all that work, he needed a rest to regain some of his stamina.

Merceny, though, needed some stitching up before being exposed to the healing radiation. He was told to rest for two days in the hospital and avoid any strenuous activities for two weeks in order to keep his wounds closed.

Hanzo, though...he would need a few more. He was in the surgical ward for quite a while and even after everything was closed back up, he was still suffering from severe exhaustion. Being stationed in the harsh tundra and having to push himself to continue manipulating Aqua in order to spy on Soula took quite the toll on his body. Coupled with the desperate fighting he did, it was a miracle that he could recover at all. For now, he was in need of absolute rest, his arms hooked up to IV drips while he lied on his hospital bed.

Noah had taken a look at him after he was discharged. This was before Terri told him the red head's backstory but even then the blonde couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy. He thin and weak. Like a shell of a former self Noah had never met but knew had existed.

As he was leaving the hospital, he bumped into Merceny. He was sitting on a bench on the hallway near his room, wearing a white hospital robe, the gaze wrapped around his upper body being seen through the gapes in the outfit. He had his eyes fixed on the floor, his expression distant. Noah decided to not bother him much, so he turned around and went to look for another exit...


Merceny's voice interrupted Noah's footsteps. The boy turned back and looked at Merceny. A weird sensation of deja vu hit him.

-What is it, Merceny?

The mercenary's lips curled up into a small snicker

-Hell of a fight, huh?

Noah stood there, a bit awkward, looking at Merceny. In the short period of time Noah had spent in Soula, he hadn't known Merceny for long, yes, but every time he'd spot him near the Angel's Crow's HQ, Black Feather was always standing proud, a cold expression on his face, shooting daggers out of his eyes at everyone. Then Noah dueled him and got a lucky shot. And now...the young man before him seemed broken. He seemed more...tired. Vulnerable. Noah wondered if all of this changing Merceny for the better but he couldn't help but wish he had helped him change in a less violent, rage (and mysterious voice)- filed way.

-I never did end up formally apologizing, right? To you, to Axel, Zeke or Guy.

-Oh. You don't need to, really. You were kinda justified---

-I wasn't. Fighting Hanzo made me realize that I'm all bark an no bite. If I was half as strong as I make myself out to be, I wouldn't have needed your or Lucy's help in beating him.- he replied, standing up and looking at Noah, his expression grave.

-I still think that wanting to be strong isn't wrong, if you want my opinion. If you fought me in a state of mind that allowed you to be relaxed and concentrated enough to use the Dark Dance, I would have lost right away.- Noah tried to comfort him.

Merceny shook his head.

-While I agree with you, I think that the end doesn't justify the mean. Me and Hanzo were obsessed with becoming stronger that Lucy. But the reason as to why we wanted that? That's a whole different issue.

-Then what is your reason?

Merceny's gaze went back to the floor.

-I used to think that it was to protect my sister. I wanted her to be safe, but at some point I began pushing my ideals onto her. And when she wouldn't accept them, I began pushing her away.

-But why? Why did you feel so desperate?

-I...don't know...- he said, sitting back on the bench- Maybe one day I'll find a root cause. And then a solution. And then I can truly be better...not just stronger.

Noah didn't know what to say. Back at the arena duel, he had thought Merceny to be an abusive brute. But now...

-Hey...don't forget you have people backing you up, OK?- he ended up saying.


-I'll leave you alone now. Goodbye, Merceny. Get well soon.

-Goodbye, Eon.

And with that, Noah walked away. As he exited the hospital, a terrifying question dawned on him.

" my reason?"


Now in the present day, Noah climbed the staircase up to his dorm room. He hadn't seen Lucy or Mercedes in a few days because the Guild had suddenly received a big mission and the Grim Reaper had to go travel to the far-out reaches of the continent in order to complete it. So, she hadn't visited him at the hospital and hadn't been pestering him lately. Because of the Backlash, Noah couldn't train his Element an awful lot. So he usually moped around in his room, studying whatever he could find or staring at the wall.

He was heading towards Axel's room, that afternoon, to give him back some notes. Usually, you'd have to beg Axel for him to just freely give you his notes but ever since the Sobek fight, he was much more relaxed. Upon the blonde asking him if he felt well, Axel simply replied that "Life is too short to be focused so much on studies that you drive your friends away.", so he was trying to relax more. Noah told him that he didn't feel like Axel ever was a bad friend, but the lilac-haired boy insisted otherwise, leaving Noah feeling lost.

Noah turned the corner, Axel's room being on the last floor of the dorm building and, instead of seeing the usual empty corridor, he saw three people in front of Axel's door: Axel himself, arms crossed and an annoyed expression on his face; a tall man wearing long white and blue robes, his short gray hair going hand in hand with a trimmed gray beard, his lips curled up in a smile but his dark eyes menacing; and a woman, tall as well, but still little over the man's shoulder in comparison, her hair of a deep purple, tied in a braid over her shoulder and also wearing similar robes. Her blue eyes were behind a pair of red-framed glasses and her lips were in a completely neutral position, her stare sharp and her expression dismissive.

-Are we done here? I have to go back to my studying.- Axel said, tapping his foot.

-Yes, we'll leave you to that. - said the man - Your grades have been dropping, so it's best that you focus more on raising them back up.

-Fighting the Order doesn't put you in the mindset to go hit the books right afterwards. - Axel shot back, even though, to Noah, that was a complete lie. Axel always was eager to learn more about the Elite they had just defeated after the battle was done.

-Maybe you're right. At first, I was shocked to hear that you were fighting our top client, but on the other hand, if you save Karash, the Rhodes's name will be hailed as a family of geniuses and heroes! That's a good attitude, to be so proactive. Just...make sure to not get in Miss Crow's way, OK?

-I awakened Mistral's electricity just like you so desperately wanted to, right?

-Yes, yes, the goddess clearly loves you. And you are also mastering the dubi-- curious art of Astral Soul. You're growing by leaps and bounds but you still wouldn't be able to take on an Elite by yourself yet, right? Just try to not pull any more crazy stunts. Keep yourself associated with the world's strongest and you'll do fine. Everyone will know our name eventually.

-Mhm...- Axel grumbled.

The man chuckled and turned his back at the boy.

-We'll be seeing you, champ. We expect good results.- with that, the couple began walking away. The woman kept her silence and severe expression, not even giving Axel one last look.

Eventually, they turned the corner and the man bumped into Noah, who was in front of the stairs. The man looked down at the boy, his expression irritated.

-Watch where you're going---

His words were cut off as his annoyed expression was replaced to one of shock. Even the woman seemed surprised, holding in a gasp.

-Spark ?- she asked, her voice deep and with a posh accent.

-Who?- Noah asked.

The man shook his head.

-A thousand apologies, young man. Merely confusion.- he looked at the woman- Let's go.

With that, they went down the stairs, whispering to each other. Noah gave them one last look and noticed that both wore, on their ring finger, a ring with a big stone on it. Of a light purple color, it had an intricate, jagged design. Noah, unfortunately, could not get a good enough look at it before the couple left.


The boy turned back to see Axel looking at him, a confused expression on his face. parents bother you?- he asked.

-Oh! They are? Ah...I can see the resemblances!- Noah admitted, feeling a bit flustered.

Axel let out a chuckle, but he wasn't smiling at all.

-In a way...I wish you couldn't.- he said before noticing the papers on Noah's hand- Whoa, are those my notes?

Noah looked down at them and nodded, handing them over to Axel, who clutched them close to his chest.

-Wow. Returned notes...this is new.- he said, a big smile on his face- Although it'd be fine if you had kept them, ya know?

Noah blinked, very surprised.

-But Axel, you're always telling Zeke and Guy off because they always forget to return your notes or outright lose them!

Axel shrugged as he entered his room and tossed the notes to his desk. Noah was...baffled, to say the least. He had been there a couple of times, and Axel's room was always pristine, the bed made so well and smooth you'd think Axel had used a ruler to check for any bumps on the mattress, the textbooks and encyclopedias were always lined up perfectly on his shelf and his notebooks and paper sheets were all stacked up nicely on his clean desk alongside perfectly lined up pens and pencils.

But now, it looked like Zeke had moved there: the bed's sheets were thrown all around the place, the books and sheets were all cluttered on the floor and some leftover food was on the desk. Ever since the battle with Sobek, Axel's strictness had...vanished.

-My dad almost passed out upon seeing my room. That'll teach them to show up unannounced.- he smirked at Noah's expression of disbelief- Mistral encouraged me to pursue a life of romance, free from the shackles of my family. And that's what I'll do from here on. I won't drop my studies, but I'll live a much freer life.

-Axel...I don't think you need to go this far...- Noah said.

Axel let out a laugh.

-Nonsense. By the way, I heard that Lucy just came back from her big gig and that it got the Guild alot of money. They are going to throw a small party at 5 p.m. to celebrate. Wanna go?- he asked.

Noah hesitated, especially because Axel had just abruptly changed the subject on him. But he sighed and moved on.

Huh...a party with Lucy involved didn't exactly sit well with him. But he also wanted to celebrate with the Guild, which had took him in so kindly.

-But it's still four, right?- Noah asked.

-Let's go pick up Zeke and Guy first.- Axel nodded to himself and the duo went down the stairs to Zeke's room.

They reached the door and Axel knocked hard on it.

-Zeke, you lazybones, wake up! We're going to a party!- he shouted.

No one answered, but when Axel was about to knock again, the door suddenly opened. A strange person walked out. Tall, slim, long locks of auburn hair covering their face. Long, slender fingers sunk into them and flipped the hair around. The rays of afternoon sunshine coming from inside seemed to shine on every thin string as they fell behind the person's back. Coupled with the uninterested look a pair of dark eyes gave them, that creature seemed...divine.

Axel's face lightened up. His jaw sunk and his eyes nearly burst out of their sockets.

-H-hi..! U-um...are w-we interrupting something? W-we can come back later, m-m-miss...- Axel stuttered, red as a bell pepper, completely entranced by the stranger.

-You dummy. It's me, Zeke.

The all too familiar male voice talked back, making Axel's expression just...crack up, his entire body freezing in place. Then his knees shook and he fell to the side, his expressionless face sinking into the hallway carpet.

Noah blinked as he alternated staring, dumbfounded, between Axel and Zeke

-Wow, Zeke. You certainly look...different. Sparkly, too!- he finally ended up saying.

-I just got out of the shower and misplaced my hairband...and all of its friends. I guess Axel had never seen me with my hair down, seeing as its too much of a bother to take out the band to go to sleep. Poor thing.- he smirked- I guess I'll...rock this look today, to confuse everyone.

He looked down at the ground, towards Axel.

-Oh get over it, Axel. Sorry to burst your bubble, but no amount of Mystic Souls or blizzard bonding will turn me into your dream girl. Besides, I'm not even close to your preferred age demographic, anyways.

Axel jumped up, clearing his throat with flushed cheeks. caught up in a moment of surprise.

-I'll take as a compliment. Now! Carry thy princess to Guy's room!- he proclaimed, latching onto the lilac-haired boy's back.

-Don't make me backdrop you off the stairs.- Axel grumbled, while Noah scratched the back of his head with a wry smile.

The trio made their way over to Guy's room, knocking on the door, a "Come in!" sounding from inside before they opened it and walked in.

Guy's room wasn't very messy, if you'd believe it. It wasn't immaculate, his desk was a bit cluttered with notes and dirty plates,but his shelf was well-organized, his bed was made and there was nothing scattered on the floor. Two things caught Noah's eye, though: a small fridge, hooked up on the corner of the room, a light purple and deep blue Enchant Stones being seen in the side of it; and a smaller object beside his bed, seemingly made of a fluffy material, like a pillow. Guy was crouched near it.

-You guys wait up. Noelle is still hungry.

-Ugh. Noelle. You treat her better than all of us! Combined! You never give me free food and belly rubs!- Zeke protested.

-Oh, but you can fend for yourself, Zeke. Noelle is a fragile angel!- Guy replied, turning around, holding something in his hands.

Oh! Noah knew what that was! A "cat"! It was a bit big and quite pudgy! It had puffy deep orange plain fur, down to its tail. Noah smiled widely at the creature, but once his eyes meet theirs, the smile dropped.


Noah didn't know how its little cat face muscles allowed it to do it, but "Noelle" glared at everyone like they were just trash, its emerald eyes sharp and unforgiving. Another curious characteristic was a small, particularly puffier, patch of fur coming down from the top of its head, on the right side, and swerving off to the right above its little eye, almost like bangs.

Around its neck was a little collar, a small red stone on it. had a familiar design...

Guy smiled at Noah.

-Oh, you never met Noelle, right Noah? Oh, she's a sweetheart!

Noah was about to reply when Axel stepped closer and began whispering to his ear:

-Noah, I'd be careful if I were you. Guy adopted Noelle last year and, despite the dorm not allowing pets, he's been treating her like a Queen. I don't know how that cat manages to do it, but she bosses him around like she's human.

-Dude, you know Guy is a bleeding heart for animals. He can't see a stray ant on the street without wanting to adopt it.- now Zeke joined in on the whispering session- The dorm has managed to find every dog, goldfish and parrot he brings in but Queen Noelle just manages to leave through the window everytime a hall monitor walks by. She's that smart and uses that to her advantage. She's evil!

-She's not evil, Zeke!- now Guy was whispering too, onto Noah's other ear- She's just shy towards strangers!

-She hisses at me!- Zeke leaned back and protested- Like, everytime I find her outside!

-Meow...- Noelle replied, shaking her head slowly.

-And she shows off her claws everytime I try to pet her, like she's summoning her Blade...- Axel chimed in.

-Meow!- Noelle let out, looking towards Guy with pleading eyes.

Noah simply laughed it off.

-Aw, please. It can't be that bad. Worse that Merceny or Terri it can't be. Give her to me, Guy.- he extended his arms to the boy, who handed the creature over to the blonde.

-Noah, no!!!- Zeke and Axel reached out, trying to stop him.

Holding Noelle in his arms, Noah smiled down at her. And she looked up at him, curious. Now that he had a better look at it, the little stone on her collar had quite the intricate design. It was shaped like a flower...a rose! Seemed pretty expensive jewelry for a cat collar, though...

-Hey there, little girl~- he cooed- You're not so ba---

Noelle reeled in her little head back and sneezed. From her little mouth shot out a small fireball, which landed right on his hair and kept burning there. Noah dropped the cat in a panic as he patted down his bangs. Fortunately, he managed to put out the fire but it didn't save his locks from getting a bit charred.

Noelle landed on her feet and nonchalantly strutted back towards Guy's legs, rubbing herself on them.

-O-oh, Noah! I'm so sorry!- the brunette said, stepping towards Noah, worried.

-See? Evil.- Zeke said, placing his arms on top of Axel's head, nodding to himself.

-She just sneezed!- Guy protested, picking up Noelle again.

-Yeah right. Are you sure she's not the next Elite? She only uses her Element to mess with people.- Zeke replied.

-She just can't control it! She's nice!

-Guy, she's nice to you because you feed her to the point of bursting. She just uses you for food.- Axel remarked.

-Anyways...- Noah interrupted, not wanting Guy, who clearly cared alot about his pet to get more hurt- Even if animals can also manifest, although weaker, Elements, from just a sneeze she's very impressive!

-Isn't she?!- Guy leaned in, eyes shining- Out of all the animals in the neighborhood, she's the top dog--er, cat!

-Didn't you just say she was a "fragile angel"?- Zeke noted.

-Well, it's mostly because of that Pyre Enchant Stone on her collar.- Axel explained- It's augmenting her powers. And it's even an Enchanted Rose. Fancy.

-How fitting.- Zeke pouted- A proper crown for a Queen.

Noah blinked.

-Wait, "Enchanted Rose"? What's that?- he asked.

Axel scratched the back of his head.

-Well, I'm going to skip alot of mineral mumbo-jumbo. Basically, it's an Enchant Stone that comes out shaped like a rose. No man-made alterations, no nothing. They say that it's because Tera herself has a hand on it, even on Stones that are not attuned to her Element. That's why she's often symbolized by roses. Enchanted Roses are very rare and many are used as proof of affection. Giving one to your lover is a marriage proposal tradition that's quite popular all over Gaia.

-Oh!- Noah remembered something.

Axel nodded.

-You saw my parents' rings, right? They payed alot of money to get two similar Mistral Enchant Stones for their wedding rings.

-Crappy as your parents are, that's sooooo romantic~- Zeke snickered.

-Hush now. Ok Guy, we should be going.- Axel said.

A few moments later, the group left the room.

-OK, seriously Guy, why did you have to bring her ?!- Zeke protested from Axel's back. Guy was wearing a red hoodie and Noelle was nestled inside the hood- I don't want to be Queen Noelle's entourage!

-Look who's talking! You use Axel as your personal carriage! The only Queen here is you. Especially with that shiny hair...- he pointed out.

-"King Zeke" has a certain ring to it, huh?- Axel smiled.

-Pfftt, no way. Even if Queen Freya knelt down before me and swore eternal love and King Maximilian handed me the crown himself, no way I'd be King. Too much work!

-I wouldn't mind Queen Freya kneeling down before me...P-proposing, of course!- Guy mused, blushing.

-Shush Guy, or the Karash Royal Guard will get you.- Axel said, shaking his head.

-Shush you, Axel!- Zeke laughed- Like you wouldn't love the Queen of Karash herself, in all her mature glory, all to yourself! She's your type to a tee! Well, any woman old enough to be your mother is your type, anyways...

-Is not!- he protested, red a tomato.

-But if Zeke was King of Karash, he'd be able to sleep all he wanted! Issue a "Mandatory Sleep" law!- Noah chimed in, light-years away from the gutter.

-Yeesh, but then people would want me to be the best sleeper because it'd be the law. I wouldn't be able to relax!- he cringed- I just hate authoritarian figures in general.

-Zeke...- Axel sighed.

-Three perverts and a dunce, talking towards nothing. It's shocking how every conversation is the same with you four!- a familiar voice joined in. Mercedes was leaving her own room, joining them in the hall, her usual pouting expression on full blast.

-Oh if it isn't Miss Prickly herself...- Zeke sighed- Definitely the second most aggravating female I know. are..?- Mercedes tilted her head in confusion.

Zeke grinned and wrapped his arms around Axel's neck, making him jolt.

-I'm Xena, Axel's girlfriend~- he said in a softer tone. Axel's whole body shook.

Mercedes blinked.

-Oh...nice to I swore I heard Truesdale around...

-ZEKE!- Axel roared as he jumped back-first to the floor, landing harshly on top of the long-haired boy. Zeke let out a harsh "OOF!" but still laughed with gusto.

Mercedes sighed, smacking her forehead.

-Consider me tricked and impressed. Truesdale, you look...stunning!

Zeke stood up, holding onto his back, still laughing while Axel huffed, refusing to carry him anymore.

-Us Aqua-borns have this quirk. It doesn't take much to get our hair shiny and smooth. So? Charmed by me yet~?- he asked, flipped his hair.

-Gross. You're not my type.- she scrunched up her nose.

-And what is your type, Cidy?- Zeke shot back- Boys who sew your clothes and don't answer back? What do you think...Noah?

Noah replied with his usual blank face.

-Mercedes told me she'd like a prince to "snatch her away".

-NOAH!- she screamed- I told you that in secrecy!

-So you confirm it.- Axel jumped in- How...surprisingly innocent for a tough mercenary.

-I don't need to hear that from the mommy complex guy.- she spat.

-What's with you guys today?!- Axel exclaimed.

-But wouldn't Axel need to actually like his mother in order to have a complex?- Guy asked, finally breaking his vow of silence.

-Thank you, Guy...- Axel sighed- And I don't hate my mother. I respect her for her merits as a researcher, as I do my father. But as actual parents, the issue is completely different.

-And that's why you seek a replacement mommy in any woman older than you by 1.5 times or more.- Zeke grinned.

-You make me look like a pervert.- Axel groaned- I just like older women, that's all! Finely aged wine and some such! We all have preferences! What's yours, Guy?

Guy curled his lips, blushing as he was put on the spot, pressing his index fingers together.

-W-well, this might sound a bit corny, but...I would like a girl that could cook.- he smiled shyly.

-Why am I not surprised that you would like your own chef...- Mercedes sighed.

-It's not like that, Mercedes!- the brunette protested- I would actually like her to teach me how to cook, seeing as I am a disaster at it, always burning up the food. Then I could bake her sweets and serve breakfast in bed! Then we'd eat together all day! A girl with a big appetite is very attractive to me!

-That's...surprisingly wholesome, after all. Sorry for doubting you.- Mercedes said.

-And corny too, you were right.- Zeke yawned- I think I'll get diabetes from that much sweetness.

-Zeke, don't be like that to Guy.- Noah said- I think it's good to want to share your passions with someone else.

-He's right, Truesdale.- Mercedes glared at him- And what's your type?

Zeke yawned.

-Don't have one. Don't care. I want a girl that won't bother me. And by that logic, it's better for me to stay alone and get my sleeping done in peace.

-You're so sad that it makes me want to hurl.- Mercedes said, crossing her arms.

-Aw Cidy, why so grumpy today?- Zeke snickered- Is it one of those days?

-"Those days"?- Noah asked, looking between the two, confused.

-Truesdale, don't you dare...- Mercedes growled at him.

-Aw, you know, Noah. That time of the month girls go through...- Zeke chuckled.

-I...don't know..? Girls and boys have differences, yes, but I'm afraid I'm still very lacking in knowing all of them. Sorry...- Noah looked down in shame.

-And you don't need to know!- Mercedes said, moving behind the boy and covering his ears.

-You'd rather him stay dumb?- Zeke tilted his head- Oh, so you're that type of girl. Poor Noah. Deserves better, in my opinion.

-I have to agree with Zeke on this part only, Mercedes. Omitting one knowledge is pretty bad.- Axel chimed in.

-U-um...- Guy flinched at Mercedes' glare- Sorry, but Noah's situation kinda sets him back compared to other people, don't you agree? He's barely keeping up with classes and that's because he can retain the subject, but without total context from common knowledge.

-And he still has better grades that you two...- Axel muttered.

-But seriously, what's this "time of the month" thingy?- Noah asked.

Mercedes clenched her fists, her eyes shooting daggers at the trio.

-It's a period where girls are extra feminine and beautiful due to the moon's position and face during this time of the month!- she shouted at him.

-Oh.- Noah simply said, his blank face returning, trying to process that answer.

After a few seconds, his face lit up.

-Oh, I can tell! I knew something seemed different about you today! I just couldn't quite put my finger on it!- he said proudly, smacking his fist on his palm.

The trio did their best to try and contain their laughter as Mercedes' face almost morphed into a tomato, the grumpy mercenary looking to the side and tripping on her worlds until she let out a meek "Stupid...but t-thank you...", steam almost coming out of her ears.

Axel summoned Raiden and smacked Zeke's head with its grip.

-OK Zeke, enough with your crappy chauvinistic jokes.- he then looked towards Noah- How about you, Noah? What kind of girl do you prefer? You don't have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable.

Noah placed his index finger on his chin. have to be a girl?- he simply replied, which made Axel blush this time.

-Oh! No, I mean...of course it doesn't have to be! Oh wow, now I sounded like a big jerk, huh?

Zeke's hand crept up from the side. Axel gave him Raiden, allowing the shiny haired boy to bonk him on the head with the grip.

-Well, but regardless of gender, I still don't understand relationships very well.- Noah continued- All I have in my head, since I came to Soula, is general knowledge, like a book in my brain. I can speak, read, write (although with horrible handwriting) and very common knowledge about the world and body is also there. I understand reproduction, but I don't understand how one finds a mate.

-You make us sound like animals, Noah.- Guy gave him a worried smile- In my opinion, your "mate" is someone you build a special, closer bond after a period of regular friendship. Then they become your boyfriend or girlfriend.

-"Boy...friend"..."Girl...friend...".- Noah repeated.

-But it's not just being a better friend, Guy.- Mercedes said.

-How are you two on first-name basis already?- Axel shot at Guy, raising his eyebrow.

-We shared gummy bears!- Guy grinned.

-Is that code for something dirty..?- Zeke mused.

Mercedes cleared her throat, glaring at Zeke.

-Like I was saying, Noah, simply being a closer friend isn't enough. There must exist attraction between both parties.

-"At-trac-tion"? - Noah repeated.

-Yes. You see someone as...something bigger. Whether it's their beauty, their intelligence, their personality, their deeds...a number of factors may cause you to hold that person in high regard, to the point where you just want to be around them all the time. Those factors will, of course, depend on your personal preferences, like older women for Axel and girls that can cook for Guy.

-Cidy, you sure know a lot about love...- Zeke yawned.

-First, I still didn't give any of you permission to start calling me "Cidy". Secondly, you have to possess a certain degree of sensibility to understand relationships. I'll be happy to teach you when you finally pull your head out of your own ass.- she smirked.

-Charming.- Zeke simply replied- We can cross you out of the people Noah might be attracted to.

-Shut up!- she exclaimed- Like I'd want him to be!

Meanwhile, Noah simply looked to everyone, a confused expression on his face. Maybe just like the issue with strength, finding a partner could also help him feel more...normal?

-Someone I hold in high regard...more than a someone I feel has affected my life more than you guys...

Suddenly, his expression crunched up.

-I can only think of one person...and I don't like it one bit.

Everyone leaned towards him, curious expression on their faces.

-Who?!- they asked in sync.


-Powerful! Beautiful! Shining! Utterly adorable! The best skin in the Kingdom and let's not forget the best hair as well! How can such a peeeerfect person even exist? Well, she stands right before you losers! And what's her name?! Everybody with me..!

Nobody replied, the packed Angel's Crow HQ in utter silence.

-Lucy Crooooow!..- she half-shouted-half-whispered before breaking in laughter- You guys are a riot! I looooove you all!!!

Then her head smacked on the table, making the glass bottles littering the space near her shake and clink on each other, their insides void of any liquid.

-What is...going on...- Noah said. The scene around him was quite...surreal: the Guild's already tiny shack of a base was packed to the point of bursting, all 35 Mercenaries, not counting Lucy and the twins were there, letting out awkward chuckles, each with a small glass cup on their hands. Eldus, Terri and Sobek were also there, the Titan having switched from her battle leotard to a black tank-top and swap green cargo pants along with black military boots and Sobek was sporting a pair of blue sweatpants and a blue hoodie (even though Noah didn't know exactly how he got those new clothes, seeing that he barely was allowed to leave the HQ, as he was still a "prisoner" of the Guild). The main table was filled various types of snacks and an assortment of liquor bottles, mostly huddled around Lucy, her face still pressed against the wood table. Was she...sleeping?!

-We only got here 10 minutes late in order to pick up Merceny at the mall's apothecary!- Mercedes shouted- How did you already drink all of this, Lucy?!

-Actually, the party started at 3. But Lucy was told to come at 4. That way us Mercenaries and Co. got to enjoy ourselves for a brief amount of time before Lucy arrived and hogged all the booze to herself. And we told you kids to come even later to spare you of her violent fits when she starts feeling the buzz. Now she's docile...mostly.- Eldus explained, his cheeks a bit red through the thick white beard.

-Color me surprised.- Terri said, sipping on her drink- Lucy sure can clear out a table of booze for a girl that, in her Order days, always refused to take even a drop of alcohol on the rare occasions Attila would let us drink a glass in the later years. She looks less... Angel-like and more like any 24 year old now. At least she's having fun.- she shrugged.

-Speaking of looking normal, glad you switched out of that dumb swimsuit.- Merceny emerged from behind the youths' group, entering the base and nonchalantly snatching a plate of macaroons from the table before giving it to Mercedes, who ate them with delight. Merceny even took one for himself.

Terri smirked.

-Sorry to have burst your bubble, boy. I only had the original Mercedes stitched back up and a copy on the desert base. Good thing you got back to the base in the desert to pick my stuff up, but telling the tied up soldiers, before letting them go, that I'm now a prisoner of war by the Guild? What a flaky excuse, they'd more promptly believe that I'm dead rather than a P.O.W.!

-But that's exactly what you are while in our custody, T. And sorry to burst your bubble, but I have no interest in looking at your dirty ass all day, Titan. But I'm sure everybody would like to. Seriously, aren't you ashamed of going out like that?

-Let them stare, Mr. Puritan. You sure got grumpy at the hospital, didn't ya?

-Tch...two whole weeks I could have spent training were spent just walking around, doing nothing.

-Hey, hey, I can respect that! I like you all over again~- she winked.

-I'm not interested..!- he repeated, glaring at her before Mercedes stuffed another macaroon in his mouth. The mercenary chewed away quietly.

-Personally, I'm glad she switched out. I can't believe how bad it must have stunk down there...- Sobek said before Terri picked the shorter bluenette up with ease and performed a back breaker hold while he squirmed and screamed in protest.

Noah sighed and looked around as Guy and Axel went to the table to eat (well, more like Axel was there to hold Guy back from eating everything). Guy handed over Noelle to Mercedes, who coddled her in her arms.

Now that he noticed, Noah really had never seen all of the mercenaries together in one place before. Hailing from every corner of the globe, from people younger than him to grizzled veterans, from tiny and frail-looking to tall bulldozers, from prim and proper to littered with tattoos, piercings and died hair. It was much different than the Academy, where everybody was encouraged to wear uniform and the nobles from all over Karash all had this snotty look to them. Everybody at that Base, though, brimmed with individuality.

And it made him a bit sad as well. What did he have going for him? What made him unique?

His train of thought of self-doubt was interrupted by Terri running past him to gawk at Mercedes. Well, more specifically, at Noelle.

-She's sooooo cute! I a-do-re cats!- she smiled widely. Guy, upon hearing that, shot towards Mercedes' side.

-Isn't she?! Her name is Noelle and she's the gooddest cat in all of Gaia!- he said, puffing his chest in pride.

-Can I hold her?- she asked both Guy and Mercedes. Surprisingly, Noelle wasn't attacking her right away, nor had it attacked Mercedes yet. Did it just hate males?

Guy nodded and Mercedes handed her over, Terri holding her up.

-Oh my gods, I love her! She even has emo hair like Black Feather did!

Merceny grunted, his now exposed left eye twitching.

Noelle let out a happy "Meow!" before nimbly jumping on top of Terri's head, staying there for a few seconds before sliding down her long ponytail, her claws holding holding onto the hair as she dragged down, until she reached the floor.

Terri's lips shook, a small tear forming on the corner of her eye as Noelle kept jumping on and using her ponytail as an improvised claw-scratcher.

-Feisty...huh..? You can...have her back, Mercedes...- she said, her expression heartbroken. She picked up the cat and handed her to Mercedes.

-I see her walking on the dorm roof a bunch. She's a good girl, you just have to get to know her and let her trust you---NOELLE, STOP!- she screamed as now Noelle moved her claw sharpening to Mercedes' black tube top, tearing of the fabric little by little. Mercedes tossed Noelle back towards Guy before covering her chest, her top now in tatters while the whole base laughed.

Mercedes gritted her teeth, red as bell pepper before turning to Merceny.

-Merceny, aren't you going to do anything?!

Merceny slowly turned towards her, his face pale.

-I can fight everybody that's laughing at you, Sister. But that cat..? I know better than to mess with her...

-What do you mean?!

-She's smart...she knows where to...-he shivered- ...bite.

Guy puffed his cheeks.

-Would you guys stop insulting her?! Noelle doesn't mean any of that! It's not her fault that your chest is flat enough to serve as a scratching board!

All color vanished from Mercedes' face before she swiped Merceny's coat in one, mechanical movement, and put it on, zipping it up completely.

-Flat...- she muttered through the popped up collar.

Eldus, meanwhile, was still laughing at the whole situation.

-Well, young Mercedes, we might not be allowed to give you alcohol, but if ya want, we can get you some milk! Gyahaha!

-Flat...-she repeated, seeming truly disheartened.

-I don't like Drunk Eldus...-Axel said- He directs his sass at everyone, not just Lucy.

-Oh, I love drunk Eldus!- Terri grinned, downing her drink- He sure can handle his booze for a fossil!

-Reminds me of Attila when he got tipsy. it was always Roast Night when he had a few glasses...- Sobek added, still lying on the floor, clutching his spine, his voice meek.

-Please, ya desert stripper, I'm still a spry sixty year old!- Eldus said, laughing as he downed his own glass.

Now that everyone on the base heard (except Sleeping Boozy Lucy), a collecting "WHAT?!" nearly imploding the shack.

Eldus hiccuped, placing his staff with the mysterious Enchant Stone on the table.

-Long story short: continuous exposure to this Enchant Stone makes your hair turn white over time. A mysterious type of radiation, it seems. Luckily, that seems to be the only side-effect. Believe it or not, I used to have beautiful shiny black hair, like that chick over there!- he pointed at Zeke- But by regularly using this staff after it was given to me around 24 years ago, coupled with my already long hair and beard, made me look like an...hic...ELDER, ahead of time!- he smacked the table as he broke down in laughter again.

-Your parents had a twisted sense of humor, Mr. Eldus...- Zeke said as Eldus was served another glass from one of the few bottles Lucy didn't steal, but he immediately spat it out upon hearing Zeke.

-YOU KIDS NOWADAYS ARE SO CONFUSING! I was about to ask if you were Mr. Romance's new girlfriend!- he shouted.

-I wish I was~- Zeke snickered before Raiden bonked him on the head again.

-Anyways, did the staff's previous owner have white hair as well?- Axel asked.

Eldus stroke his beard.'re not the first one to ask about the staff's previous owner. But..I don't remember who gave it to me!- he hiccuped.

-Oh please!- Terri huffed- Drunk Eldus is no longer cool. Sober him up, boys!

Eldus shook his head.

-Easy there, Rapunzel. This has nothing to do with the booze. It must have been some sort of spell. I know I knew the owner of the staff, but I don't recall who it was exactly. Not even their age nor gender, nor if they were another Sage!

-That's weird...and seems awfully contrived and convenient. What would they have to gain by wiping your memory?- Noah asked.

-You tell me, Noah! You're the master of the subject, hahaha!- Eldus downed another drink- But no matter. I have the super rare staff all to myself now! Heh, do you think that, in a few years I'll have hair as shiny and white as Lucy's? Ladies..?

-No waaaaayyyy, you fossil!- Lucy suddenly rose up, face flushed, a dopey smile on her lips and her body swaying from side to side- Nobody can compare to me. I don't care what kind of space jewelry you might have!

She then let out a bunch of hiccups before slamming her fists on the table, making everyone in the room jump.

-Haaaaazzzzyyyy! Bring me more booze!- she exclaimed, her voice dragging and nasally.

-"Hazy"?- Noah tilted his head.

-Lucy, Hazewinds left five years ago.- a female Mercenary beside her said.

-Oh. Yeah, you're right. MIDDY! Go warp to the liquor store and bring something that will make me FEEL something!- she smacked the table again.

-Aaand you sent Midnight on that training journey to their homeland last year.- the same Mercenary sighed before her collar was grabbed and her body was shaken by the Grim Reaper.

-Then you go bring me something! I'm more sober than a priestess over here!

Leaving Lucy to her antics, Noah turned to Mercedes.

-Who are "Hazewinds" and "Midnight"?- he asked.

-Hazewinds was the first person to join the Guild, eight years ago. Midnight is Lucy's right hand Mercenary, coming from a far-off land, beyond the continent, joining the Guild soon after Hazewinds did. Hazewinds left the Guild 5 years ago to fulfill his dream of exploring the world, his spot always open for when he returns. Last year, Lucy sent Midnight to train on their abilities in their homeland. We still haven't gotten news from both of them since their respective departures.

-You keep referring to Midnight as "They".- Noah noticed.

-Midnight's face is always covered by their helmet. Only Lucy has seen them without it and not even drunk she'll tell you how they look like. Nobody in the Guild know their past of their gender. But they are trustworthy. And strong. If both Hazewinds and Midnight came back right now, most likely mine and my brother's ranks in the Guild would drop to fourth and fifth.

-Wow...incredible.- Noah said. So, there were still such powerful people around, even beyond the Kingdom's borders...

Merceny grunted.

-Hazewinds and Midnight. Let them return. I'll defend my new rank.- he simply said, keeping away from Guy and Noelle, the cat now sleeping inside the glutton's hood.

-Eldus!- Lucy called, climbing on the table and crawling towards the Sage- What time is it? is our show on?

-Get off from the table, you drunkard. One feral cat inside this base is enough.- he said, flipping his beard behind his shoulder, like the simple mention of Noelle would cause her to jump and scratch his beard. Most likely already happened before.

-Aw, c'mon, Eldus~ You said i was docile!-she purred, lying on her back, Guy leaning in and saving all the plates of food she was around of from being squished beneath her, but wasn't fast enough to prevent the bottles of liquor from harmlessly toppling over on the table.

-Lucy, everybody behind you can see your unmentionables. I know "self-shame" is a foreign concept to you but at least have some respect for us. Nobody deserves to see that mess.- he said.

-Like Terri said, "Let them stare!". Besides, everybody has seen them at least once~ You try to perform the Dance in a skirt!

-Hey, I haven't--- - Axel's words were cut off as both Guy and Zeke bonked him on the top of the head.

-Yeah sure, then you should be proud of people seeing them. But fine. It's 5:20. Should be on right now.- the Sage said. Lucy let out a drawl "Yay!" before getting off the table and sitting back down on her chair.

-Hm? What's going to be happening now?- Noah asked. He really had done nothing but ask questions that day, had he?

-This party also serves as viewing session of the Guild's mission on TV, since a Capital film crew was there to cover the whole thing.- Mercedes explained- So Lucy is going to be boasting extra hard now that she'll have video evidence.

-Ci-ny~!- Lucy called, making Merceny cringe at being called by his pet name in front of everyone- You know I can't watch TV without you~!

Merceny clutched the sleeve of his shirt, blushing.

-N-no way! I'm not eight anymore! Go ask another person!- he exclaimed.

-Booo! You're no fun. Fine, be like that!- she puffed her cheeks and looked around, every Mercenary trying to avoid her gaze. Zeke and Guy even took Axel under the table.


The goggled boy looked around before pointing at himself.

-Me?- he asked.

-C'mere for a second.- Lucy motioned him with her hand.

-Eon, no!- Merceny reached out- Don't---

But it was too late. The moment Noah stepped towards Lucy, Apocalypse's chain coiled around him and he was pulled up and snatched right back down towards Lucy. And before he knew it, he was sitting on her lap while she clutched her arms around him to prevent escaping. But Noah was mostly confused, if he was being honest.

-I can't watch TV without mwah teddy bwear..~- she said, sinking her nose on his hair- You smell nice...

-I lost lost right now...And I'm pretty sure that I've heard "Lucy's teddy bear" being used as an insult before.- he replied.

-You have no choice.- she snarled, tightening the hold.

-Does she do that every time she gets drunk?- Terri asked to no one in particular.

-Be glad she doesn't drag you to her room to dress you up in horrible frilly dresses and then, partway into an impromptu and drunken sparring session, she falls asleep and you have to put up with waiting for her to wake up while locked in a submission hold. - Merceny said, shuddering- Not ever again...

-Yeah, she always gets clingy when drunk.- Mercedes added.

-Jealous...-Sobek and Axel mused, the Typhoon having finally been able to stand back up and the Academy trio having emerged from beneath the table.

-Hey, homies! Sorry for being late!- a familiar voice sounded at the entrance as Gee and Rye emerged. The blue haired younger master pulled a bottle from his gi- Cleaning up the dojo took longer than expected. But we brought ya'll some

His worlds fell out when he saw the situation on the other side of the table. He handed the bottle to Rye.

-'Scuse me for a second.- he said before leaving the room. Seconds later, banging sounds could be heard on the wall outside before his head broke through the wood and he looked back at everyone with a stumped expression.

-You're paying for that.- both Rye and Lucy said.

-Why can't Tera ever smile down upon me?!- he exclaimed.

-Because you'd probably hit on her.- Rye replied.

-Not to worry, Master Gee! You're not alone on that!- Zeke snickered as he nudged Axel.

Both Gee and Axel sighed, their upper bodies slumping forward in disappointment.

-For gods' sake...

-For gods' sake...


"Alright, are we rolling?"

"Yes, everything is a-OK. You're clear to go."

A business suited woman turned towards the camera. While Mistral-attuned Enchant Stones allowed to power up the camera and the TV, they had their shortcomings and, so, no show could be filmed live and the screen had color, yes, but had a light blue tint on the image.

The reporter fixed her disheveled shoulder- length blonde hair and dusted off her red suit before pointing the microphone back towards her mouth.

"To those just tuning in, this is 'News Karash'. I am Gabby Valtes. We currently stand near the village of Myra, on the southeast border of the Kingdom. A military organization of unknown origin has just arrived, a massive weapon in their possession."

She stepped aside to show the scenery of rocky plains between the ocean and the desert of the continent. To her right was a range of mountains and conglomerate of houses at the base of one of them. Beside the village ran a long river, towards the sea; and to her left side, rolling parallel to the river was a fortress of metal.

Rolling on the ground on tracks, the vehicle, even it was still a few kilometers away from the village, already seemed to tower over any of its houses. From the Noah's perspective, the only thing taller than it would be Soula's Walls. It was of a black metal, a symbol of a horned monster enveloped in flamed painted on its plating, but a big red "X" was splashed over it. From along its walls stuck out various cannons and turrets, but none could compare to the main thing: on the front, a stupidly long cannon, of about 100 meters long it seemed, was pointed at the general direction of the village. A spiral pattern of indentations could be seen along the cannon, smoke rising from them and the main hole before the indentations closed up, shortening the cannon slightly.

Suddenly, a voice emerged from the iron behemoth.

"People of Myra, we are the 'Flame Eaters'! We have grown tired of the Kingdom of Ifritz and its leniency towards the Kingdom of Karash and their apathy towards the Order's actions! We are not going to let our shores be invaded by Balthazar and the Inferno ! So we 'Flame Eaters' have taken upon ourselves to defeat Balthazar ourselves! And we'll do it with Ifritz's greatest weapon: the Anteater !" that Kingdom on the continent right over, right?- Noah asked Eldus- The really hot one?

-Ayup. From the other continent of Gaia, Mox Well. It's part of the five Kingdom Alliance along with Gnottus, Undinia, Woltz and Sharem. It's hot because there's a ton of active volcanoes around. But they've harnessed the geothermal energy in such a masterful way that their industry and military prowess is second to none in the planet. It's a good thing that the Alliance and Karash have a relationship of friendship between them or Ifritz alone would be enough to destroy us.- the Sage explained.

-Well, if I wasn't here, at least~- Lucy chimed in.

"Your village is in the way to the Order Tower and circling around the mountain range would be a waste of fuel! So you will allow us to smash through your homes and enter the tunnel behind you, that will allow us to go through the mountain, as a sad but necessary sacrifice to our noble cause! We have no quarrel with Karash, so we will give you time to evacuate! But if you resist, we will not show mercy! You have one hour!"

"Our cameraman, Ty Fortes, will show the viewers the sheer power of the Anteater, whose warning shot fired a few minutes ago---without warning!" Gabby said.

The camera panned to the side of a part of the mountain range, beside the village. While the whole range exhibited a straight flat top, that section showed, instead, a smoking half-circle hole, of several hundreds of meters long, the rocks that weren't already vaporized rolling down the front of side of the mountain, in a dust-filled landslide to the bottom.

The HQ was filled with gasps, mostly from the Mercenaries that didn't go on that particular mission and the Academics.

-Well, you can't censor them for trying.- Merceny said before turning towards his sister- You went to that mission, right?

-Yup.- she replied- The sheer shockwaves knocked our whole squad right on our butts.

-If I knew you were going somewhere that dangerous, I would have flown out of the hospital and stopped you.

-Welp, good luck doing that now, after the fact. Besides, I would have sent you straight back to the hospital if you tried to stop me from doing my job.- she glared, making her brother step back.

-Shush, you two!- Lucy said- I think this is our part!

"The blast from the Anteater was enough to knock both me and Ty down, even if we're standing so far away from the mountain range. We still have no word from the mayor of Myra on his decision in this situation but---Wait a second! Ty, point the camera over there! A group of people are running from Myra towards the Anteater ! Zoom in!"

The camera zoomed in on the little dots approaching the tank until their black clothes and a familiar head of platinum hair could be seen, standing between the village and the machine.

"Incredible! That is Lucy Crow, the strongest BladeMaster in the world! And together with her is the Angel's Crow Mercenary Guild! Do I spy White Feather Mercedes with her as well? Yes, it is also her, viewers! Two incredible BladeMasters and their incredible team face the 'Flame Eaters'!"

-Wait, people know me?- Mercedes asked.

-I bet you have a fanbase as well~- Lucy giggled.

-I guess there's a type for everyone. Even for claw scratchers!- Eldus laughed.

Merceny growled at the idea.

In the footage, Lucy could be seen directing her group of about 20 Mercenaries, dividing them in groups. Then she pointed at herself and then at the Anteater. Mercedes could then be seen protesting and the two bickered for a while, but Ty's camera was too far away to pick up on any audio.

"It seems that they are holding a strategy meeting of sorts to determine how they will face the machine---ah, it seems Miss Crow has noticed our presence running towards us. Could it be to tell us to evacuate? 'News Karash' always prides itself on better coverage, though. We will have to protest in order to give everybody at home the news in their truest form---"

In the blink of an eye, Lucy was already beside them.

"Hello my adoring fans all over Karash! You need not fear that big, scary, weirdly-named machine! Why? Because I am here! Also currently accepting dates from any noble with a 10 or above figure salary." she said.

Gabby pointed the microphone towards her.

"Miss Crow, surely you and the Guild have noticed just how powerful the Anteater is. Could you tell the viewers at home how you'll deal with it?"

"Well, Gabby dear, first I want to congratulate you on your amazing coverage on Floppy Blade Syndrome currently affecting our valiant soldiers. Very elucidate and you looked marvelous on your blue suit. Secondly, that thing is certainly powerful but it's no Balthazar. And it's certainly no me~ Machines are easy to deal with, especially big targets like that one. Give me...five minutes, tops, with it and it'll be scrap metal!"

"W-wait, surely you don't mean you'll face that monster alone!"

Lucy snickered.

"Make sure you keep the camera focused on any part of me you want, Ty dear. I'll show you two and the viewers at home something amazing."


A "BEEEEEPPP!" covered the next part and Lucy waved goodbye before returning to a nearby Mercedes. Meanwhile, at the HQ, the young Mercenary almost looked like she had seen a ghost.

-Oh gods, they picked that up...

-Every news coverage with Lucy involved is comedy gold.- Eldus said, trying to contain his laughter.

Back to the footage, the rest of the Mercenaries headed towards the village, leaving Lucy alone, the woman facing the tank, performing some stretches. From the Anteater, the speaker voice could be heard again.

"Lucy Crow! You may be the strongest BladeMaster, but not even you can face us alone! We can shape Gaia herself with the Anteater ! Give up! We have no quarrel with you!"

Lucy could then be seen screaming and gesticulating at the tank. But, again, no sound was being picked up.

"Lucy Crow! Surely you must know that we proud 'Flame Eaters' cannot hear you!"

She took a deep breath before screaming again.

"We...we can't...please stop..!"

Terri and Sobek burst out in laughter.

-Oh, you know everybody at home will love this!- Terri said, brushing off a tear off the corner of her eye.

Lucy turned on her chair towards the Elites.

-What do you mean?

Sobek rolled his eyes, grinning.

-I'm not saying that we at the Tower tape your news to laugh at your antics...but Allie maaaaayyyy have a special shelf for...certain records.- he said.

Lucy squeezed Noah hard, the boy tapping her arm for her to stop.

-That bitch...of course she would...- she snarled, tightening her grip further.

-Lucy..! S-stop..!- Noah said before Lucy noticed and eased up before turning towards the TV again. Noah sighed in relief.

"Fine! Our first victim will be you! Ifritz's weapons fear no BladeMaster!"

Upon saying this, the cannon lowered itself to point at Lucy. The woman then blasted off running towards the Anteater with great speed, picking up a huge dust cloud behind her, before jumping high into the hair, soaring above the fortress of metal.

The camera quickly panned to the tank as, suddenly, the cannon also rose up, quickly pointing itself at her. There were still a few hundred meters between both. How did Lucy get around that?

The cannon extended itself, the indentations lighting up and red sparks could be seen getting sucked into the main hole of the rod. Meanwhile, Lucy still flew directly towards it, making no efforts to drop down as she approached the cannon more and more. Ty had to zoom out to catch both opponents, so now you could only see her dot flying across the air and the cannon pointed at it.

The light spiraling up along the cannon gained more and more speed, a loud noise in a ominous crescendo echoing through the plains until it suddenly stopped.

The silence seemed to last forever.

Then, a flash of light covered the screen before a red, bullet-shaped, seemingly etherial, projectile flew from the cannon towards Lucy's dot. And then...

The editing room of "News Karash" must have muted the unbearable explosion in post as all Noah and company could see was a large explosion covering the sky, enveloped in silence.

Afterwards, there was only a giant mass of smoke.

"Viewers...Lucy Crow just got hit with that devastating attack head-on...Gods, what a gruesome fate..."

"She's there!"

"Ty? What do you...oh my! Zoom in, you're right!"

The camera zoomed into the cloud of smoke as a figure emerged from it: Lucy, a strange glitter that Noah had never seen, even in the Hanzo fight, coming off of her.

With a smirk on her face, her figure leaned in and became a blur as she flew towards the cannon. Ty hardly had time to zoom back out as her shiny dot entered the cannon itself. Then, a strange white crescent-shaped light left the side of the top section of the cannon before that section fell out. And then a purple light, similarly crescent-shaped also could be seen leaving the next portion before another white one. In succession, portions of the cannon began falling apart in perfect round slices, everything hitting the floor with a loud "Boom".

The camera then panned on the Anteater before the whole tank was filled with explosions from the inside. Lucy seemed to be causing hell inside. Then, on the back of the tank, a bigger blast blew the metal plating away and a bunch of little dots could seen trying to run away from inside before Apocalypse's chain coiled up around them all, like a big lasso, bringing the group of about 20 people all together. Lucy could then be seen approaching them and tightening the hold before waving at the camera.

A cut was made and now Gabby was on the front plane, a big smile on her face.

"This is Gabby Valtes, from 'News Karash'. Lucy Crow has single-handedly defeated the Anteater and rounded up the 'Flame Eaters' terrorist group. The Myra townspeople, having been preemptively evacuated from the town by the Angel's Crow, are now thanking the team for that marvelous, casualty-free feat."

The camera then panned to the Guild, talking with the citizens, Lucy getting pelted with compliments and "thank-you"s from every direction, the woman trying to put out her usual haughty laugh, but being too busy trying to not blush any harder to do it properly. Her hair was a bit disheveled, an oil mark here and there on her arms and cheeks and her clothes a bit charred in places.

The HQ then saw the Myra mayor approach Lucy. He was a big round man, his smile as big as his auburn mustache. He was accompanied by a young boy. He couldn't be older than eight, nine years old, his short auburn hair barely reaching the woman's waist and his already rosy cheeks were burning up. He had a small box in his tiny hands.

"Ah, the Myra mayor and his grandson seem to have a reward for Miss Crow, aside from the money they offered for the Guild's services." Gabby informed.

Lucy squatted down before the flustered boy as he gave her the box.

"T-thank you for your help, saving the village, M-Miss Crow. Please accept this. My grandma is with the stars now, but she gave my grandpa this long ago. He then told me he'd one day give this to me so I could present it to someone truly special! A-and you are v-very s-s-special, Miss Crow!" he said in an adorable soft voice before Lucy took the box and gave the child a big hug.

"A truly touching moment. We will now switch over to the main team in Karash. With footage from Ty Fortes, this is Gabby Voltes from 'News Karash', signing out."

The screen then cut to the news anchormen.

"That has been the Myra attack. The 'Flame Eaters', at the time of this recording, are in the Capital's prison and await their transportation to Ifritz, so they can face trial for treason and terrorism there. Ifritz has issued a statement regarding this incident, saying that the terrorist group's action in stealing such a powerful weapon were a result of the poor security of the main Ifritzian military base. King Klaus of Ifritz swears to be strict in the judgment of his own people---"

The TV was turned off.

-I wish Mistral Stones were more powerful. Aside from not being able to transmit live footage, we get this awful tint.- Axel sighed- Hey, Mercedes, maybe you could help Albus the Blacksmith produce a Lightus Enchant Stone!

The Mercenary reflected on it.

-Huh...not a bad idea. I bet people would be much more appreciative of Lightus and Darkus still existing if it enhanced their TV experience.- she chuckled.

Meanwhile, Terri pointed towards Lucy.

-I'm more interested in knowing what was inside that box!

Lucy let Noah go and stood up, a sly smirk on her face as she walked towards a nearby drawer and opened it, taking out the small box from inside. Back turned away from everyone, she fiddled with the contents before turning towards the crowd, hand extended.

A collective scream filled the HQ. On Lucy's right ring finger was a ring with an orange stone with the intricate design of a rose!

-A...Tera Enchanted Rose ring?! No wonder you didn't want to show it to anyone when you received it or on the trip back!- Mercedes exclaimed.

-W-wait! Then that means that the Myra mayor's grandson...just...-Terri began.

Lucy placed her left hand on her cheek, a big smile on her face as she cutesy fluttered her eyelids.

-Quite. He probably still doesn't understand what "special" truly meant, but he proposed to me~!

Both Axel and Gee's unconscious bodies had to be carried off the base by Guy, Zeke and Rye.

-Are you going to accept?- Sobek asked.

Lucy placed both her hands on her cheeks, eyes closed as she mused.

-Awww, I don't knooowwww~I can't deny that this is the most important (and expensive) gift I have ever received from a man. An Enchanted Rose ring, attuned to Tera, the goddess of love! Mmm, give him a few more years until he's a grown man and I just might be inclined to be his bride~- and, with that, she broke out laughing, like the Queen she thought she was now.

A loud hissing could then be heard. Noelle had her nap interrupted as she was removed from Guy's hood as he left the base. Now she was on the table and not happy at all to have to hear Lucy acting like a bigger queen than she was.

Lucy stopped laughing right away. She glared at the cat.

-You. Who invited YOU?!- she growled.

-Meowww..!- Noelle growled back.

-Oh no. I was expecting for at least one of them to sleep through the party...-Eldus sighed.

Noah gulped.

-I have a...terrible feeling about these two meeting.

-You should.- Merceny said, backing away slowly- Lucy and Noelle cannot stand each other. That's why we at the Guild always keep an eye out for Noelle to keep her away from the base while Lucy's inside.

-W-why?- Terri asked, a rare expression of dread on her face.

Lucy smashed her fist through the table.

-Because this godsdamned pussycat is always trying to pick a fight with me!


-Oh, I'm the one that always picks a fight?! Go take a hike, you furry wannabe Queen! I'm not so insecure to pick fights with a freaking cat!

-Meow ow!

-I don't care how many possible mates you may have! They'll just knock you up and then leave! Because you cats are all stupid entitled pricks! Meanwhile I just got a precious ring from an actual intelligent living being!


-Yeah, he's young, but he's smarter than you! Sweeter too! Also smells nicer!

-Mew meow!

-Stick the ring up my--- I'll fucking kill you!!!- she roared out and tried to climb the table, but was stopped by Noah, who grabbed her by the waist.

-Lucy, stop, you're drunk! You can't speak cat!

-Damn right I can! Because stank is universal, that fur ball is overflowing with it and obviously wants to catch these hands! I can discern her shallow jealousy!

Noelle simply licked her paw, giving Lucy the side-eye.


-I don't "need a boy to protect me"! Go die in a ditch!

-Mew...mew.- she replied, the corner of her mouth twitching up.

Lucy pointed at her, struggling to free herself from Noah's grip.

-You never believe in my potential! I'm a competent leader of a Guild and you're a just an animal! You only like poor Guy because he gives you food! You fat bitch!

Noelle stood there with a blank face as Lucy kept screaming at her. The Mercenaries just rolled their eyes, seemingly used to that banter between the woman and the cat. Noelle then turned away from Lucy, raising her tail.

-"Talk to the--"! You (Author's note: whether the reader likes cats or not, the following was cut in order to protect the integrity of all of our critter friends around the world, not just cats. Please, don't forget to always be polite to your pets! ) and with a side dish of fries!- she finished, panting, her face red in anger. Noelle simply huffed and nonchalantly hopped off the table, leaving the HQ - Yeah, you better run!

-Congratulations, Lucy. Balthazar would be shaking in his boots if he knew that you just won a "verbal" fight with a cat.- Terri sighed.

-He better.- Lucy huffed.


An hour later, Noah left the base. It had been a long day, but he felt like he had accomplished next to nothing throughout it. What a wild ride...

And he still felt this awful feeling of uselessness. Everybody was fighting for something. Everybody had a reason to get stronger. The Angel's Crow's varied members, Hazewinds, Midnight, the twins, Axel, Guy, Zeke, Lucy...But him? What was his reason? To find Tal? To learn about his past? To free himself from the Backlash?

But...say he did all that. What would he have left then? Protecting Soula and Karash? Save the Order? Care for a lover? Nothing sat right with him and it frustrated the boy to no end.

But suddenly, a hand placed itself on his shoulder.


Noah turned around. It was Terri.

-How can I help you?- he asked.

She smiled.

-Meet me here tomorrow at 6 a.m.- she simply said.

Noah tilted his head.

-So early? Why? Oh, I know! It's a "da-te"!

Terri's laugh roared across the fields and she slapped his back so hard Noah felt like his soul was trying to leave his body.

-Ah...not quite. Me and Eldus have been talking. Tough battles await us and we don't want you being a liability to the team. But we also know that, even with the Backlash, that you want to fight. So we came up with a plan.


She smacked her fist on her palm.

-Angel's Crow's training norms simply allow everyone to train at their own pace. It makes sense because almost every mercenary here already has alot of fighting experience from their previous walks of life before joining the Guild. But newbies? They just get stuck with Lucy's sparring. And that's no good. So, study up on the best ways to use your Element and keep learning Astral Soul. Aside from that, from every day forth...

...I'll give your body the training regimen from Hell!


A phone call:

-Your Majesty Maximilian, the Ifritz army has just arrived to pick up the "Flame Eaters". They were surprised at how Lucy Crow managed to put the Anteater out of commission while sparing all 20 terrorist's lives.

-Ha ha ha! That Lucy Crow! Always pulling off miracle after miracle. Four years ago, she was the same when she won her title of strongest in the world at such a young age. The new generation is shaping up nicely! They'll surpass us geezers in no time!

-Yes, I agree. But I'm afraid I have some..troubling news.

-Go on..?

-The Ifritzians have requested to be allowed to recover the remains of the Anteater.

-Ah, yes. Lucy wrecked it pretty good but also so cleanly that I'm sure Klaus' engineers will be able to fix it. Tell them that they have my permission to recover the machine.

-A-ah...the thing is, Your Majesty. When our troops arrived at Myra to secure the pieces...they...

-What's troubling you, Colonel? You sound spooked.

-It's that...we didn't hear from them since. And then, after we sent a second group to check up on them...


-There was nothing there. No soldiers. And no Anteater. The whole fortress vanished. As well as...the whole village of Myra. Buildings and everything. The base of the mountain was empty like nothing had ever been built there in the first place. We only found these...strange white flames on the ground. The reports describe them as to having an almost TV static-like glow to them. We found no traces of machinery where the Anteater had been but where the village once was we found pieces of well as traces of blood. mean...

-Yes: the Anteater has vanished. And the first squad, as well as the whole village of Myra...

"...have been pulverized. "