Chapter 36: Blooming

Beyond Soula's Walls, the sun began rising although, thanks to their height, most of the light was blocked. So, in front of the Angel's Crow base, it was still plenty dark.

A disheveled-haired and wobbly Noah stood at the door, waiting. For someone who usually only had to wake up an hour or so before his classes at 9 a.m., getting up about 3 hours earlier was having its toll already.

-Good morning! Ah, doesn't the fresh morning air get you pumped up and ready to take on the day?- Terri's voice sounded. She approached from the side, dressed back in her leotard -Glad to see that you've got here in time, Noah. Now you just have to keep that punctuality up.

Noah grumbled in response.

-Let's see...- Terri pulled a paper from gods know where and checked it- Your classes start at nine, so we got three whole hours of training time. Hmm...honestly, I'd like a bit more, but beggars can't be choosers. Our training will mostly focus on strengthening your body, so it can take more of the power of your Element. Legs, upper body, general stamina...we have to un-flab you completely!

Another grumble as a reply.

-You're right, no time to waste!- she said and raised her hand. From the ground behind Noah emerged two rock spheres, and to them were attached a rock chain. Terri quickly clasped them onto Noah's legs, before the boy could react- Right where we are is near the Southern Wall. The Northern Wall is 2 kilometers away. I want you to run to both, back and forth, until you hit the 10 kilometer mark. So you'll run to the Northern Wall 3 times.

That woke Noah up.

-Wait, wha...

-In 90 minutes. Or else, you're skipping class to do punishment laps.

-But that's..!

- "Impossible"? Nothing is impossible if you have right mindset! Watch this.- she snarled, her toned legs tensing up before the Titan blasted off, leaving the ground where she was standing all cracked up and a cloud of dust in her wake, covering Noah.

A minute passed and a faraway "BOOM" could be heard near the Northern Wall. Then, it didn't take long until a blurry figure zoomed right past Noah. Another "BOOM" sounded before the blur passed by him again. This continued until Terri came to a halt beside him. Not a drop of sweat on her face.

-5 minutes, huh...pretty mediocre. Lazing around here is making me lose my edge. Sobek would laugh if he found I did 10 measly kilometers in 5 minutes. So, I'll train alongside you. Use the laps I did by the time I'm done as your benchmark. So, if I keep this up, I'll run 180 kilometers in the 90 minutes, equaling 90 laps. Let's see...I'm bound to get my groove back soon, if you let me do 120 laps before you do your 5 laps, you're getting those punishment laps. And if you let me keep winning this little game for a whole week, you'll be forbidden from entering any further missions...even against Order Elites.

Noah blinked, but steeled himself.

-Well, then I guess I can't let you reach 120 laps!- he said before moving one legs and almost falling to the floor. The chain balls! He had been so stunned by Terri's ridiculous time to lap limit, that he forgot that handicap!

-10 kilo balls on each leg. You have to start small, after all. I'll be increasing the weight as you get better, obviously.

Noah gritted his teeth.

-Then I'll use...

-And no using your Element, Soul crash or Astral Soul.

-Aw, come on! This is ridiculous!

She grinned before her stare darkened.

-The world of BladeMasters is ridiculous. And the Elites are even more so. You defeated me, yes, but I never went full tilt the entire battle and you got plenty of help through unexpected blessings. If you hope to find Tal, this training is simply a stepping stone.- she said, before her grin returned- I made a pun~ But, hey, cheer up! This is the same kind of training Attila gave me when I started out. So you'll do fine!

Noah curled up his lips before moving one leg, the ball dragging behind him. This was...going to be utterly ridiculous.

Beside him, Terri ran off, leaving him to eat her dust, quite literally. And as he slowly made his way to the Northern Wall, the more she seemed to zip back and forth past him.

But he had to continue! Or else, the chance of finding out his past would slip away!

20 minutes later, a shaky hand touched the Northern Wall. Noah was panting heavily already, but turned around and kept going.

Back and forth, he kept dragging himself through his laps, while Terri just kept zooming past him, while not slowing down in the least. When he finally reached the Northern Wall for the third time, he fell over, feeling like he was going to barf his heart out.

Terri stood above him and quickly picked him up by the back of the collar, a dissatisfied expression on her face.

-2 whole hours, it took you to run 10 measly kilometers! Oh, we've got a lot of work ahead of us. Well, just like I told you, not doing your laps in 90 minutes, and before I did my 120, gets you punishment laps. And guess what friend you're meeting now..?- she asked, a wide and terrifying grin on her face.

-Let me guess...the Southern Wall...for 10 more kilometers..?

-Well, I was going to say 5 more, but I won't complain!- she laughed.

-Don't lie...

-Heh. You read me like a book, Eon. At least you're smart. Come on, then. Stand up and go!- she said, tossing on onto the ground so that he landed on his feet.

And so, he started running again. But it didn't take his body long to give out. After 20 minutes, he was already lying on the ground in front front of the dorm building.

-Noah? What are you doing?! Are you OK?!

Noah looked up to see Axel leaning over him with a worried look on his face. Guy and Zeke were beside him, all carrying their school books with them.

-Why are you all chained up, Noah?- Guy asked- You look like you've just escaped from a prison!

-Or from some kinky situation...- Zeke yawned, barely standing on his feet as he wobbled from side to side.

-I' Terri. Running laps...- he said and explained the whole requirements, between panting, as he slowly stood up.

-But you're about to miss class..! Isn't that a bit...extreme?- Axel asked, scratching the back of his head.

-Well, if you tell that to Terri, she'll tell you I missed class because I wasn't trying hard enough, I'll bet.- Noah sighed- Now, if you'll excuse me...

And, with that, he resumed his running. Axel gave off a little smile and Zeke gave him a sly smirk.

-Oh, I know that expression Axel~ It's the "I want to skip class in order to do this cool thing" look!

-No, it's the "I want to support my good friend" look. You need to brush up on my expressions. C'mon, let's help Noah out!- he said, dropping his bag and starting to run after Noah. But suddenly he dropped face-first on the floor. Attached to his ankles were stone chains similar to Noah's.

Like a meteor, an object landed right beside Axel, kicking up another cloud of dust. Once that settled, Terri could be seen squatting next to Axel, grinning.

-Aw, how cute, Rhodes! Friendship is a good value to have! But it's only fair that you and Noah are on same situation, no?

Axel let out a chuckle.

-Charming as ever, Miss. T. Glad to see you back in your leotard. It's really your trademark look~

-Flattery will get you everywhere, Rhodes.- she said, picking him up as well and placing him on the ground- If you want to stare, you're welcome. You'll just have to be fast enough to keep up right behind me.

-Well, I'm sure he'll relish the challenge!- Zeke shouted behind them. He turned to Guy- Guy. We. Are. Leaving. Right. Now.

Before they could turn around, the stone chains sprouted from the ground and zipped towards their ankles. They clasped around Guy's, but Zeke repelled them with a cluster of icicles from around his feet.

-Physical exercise is far from my forte. You guys knock yourselves out. I'm going- and I don't believe I'm saying this- to class.- he said, turning to walk away towards the Academy.

Terri placed her hands on her hips.

-Well, I won't force you Zeke. Go right ahead.- she said as Zeke waved his hand is response- Besides, it's not like you need it. You're the most talented out of all of us. People like you barely should need to work, because success will find its way to your laps, right? I'm jealous, really. It's like...

Zeke stopped in his tracks.

-...a blessing.- she finished.

The auburn haired boy turned around, stomping towards the Titan.

-You have no idea, Missy.- he pointed at her- But fine. Chain me up, Mistress. Knowing my friends are working while I sleep around would have me feeling guilty. Besides, I'd lose my carriage. And that's too tiring.

Terri smirked, snapping her fingers to chain Zeke up. The Aqua-born waddled towards Axel's side and the lilac-haired boy smiled at him.

-What's this about?- he asked Zeke.

-Maybe I just want to annoy a certain someone. Besides, with my luck, my body wouldn't be able to keep up with my next "gift" and I'd join Noah in the Backlash Club.

Axel chuckled.

-Well, let's go annoy some people, then!- but as he said that, Zeke latched onto his back.

-Aye-oh, Silver!- Zeke shouted, pointing forward.

-Hey! That's against the rules!- Axel protested.

-I'm not using my Element, Soul Crash or Astral Soul, right?- Zeke smirked.


The woman shrugged.

-Better training for you, Rhodes. Go on! I'll buy you a Gnottus fruit shake at the mall, once you're done!

-MOTIVATION!!!- Axel shouted, a huge smile on his face as he began running towards Noah.

Terri laughed at the two before turning towards Guy, who just stared at his friends running farther and farther away.

-Feeling up for it, Vermilion? Pyre's explosive nature requires their users to have strong bodies too. I know a certain Pyre-born that I'm sure is training their arse off right now to strengthen his body. But maybe a little too much, to be honest. He's a bit...hard-headed.

Guy shook his head as he snapped out of his trance.

-Y-you really think I can do it..? You're all so much stronger than me...

-But you've got the Dragonic Blade, right? And you've held your own against Sobek the other day, right?

-I kinda...cheated in the latter since it was three-on-one. And in the tundra, I had Mercedes's help...

-Hey, where's this sudden wave of negativity coming from? You're usually so bright!

Guy chuckled nervously.

-Aw, please,I'm fine! Let's start running!- he said before going on his way, as well, leaving Terri pondering about him.


-So, this is basically torture, right?- Noah asked.

-Nonsense. I don't really have the patience to learn the subtler arts of war.- Terri replied.

-I can feel the blood rushing to my head..!- Axel protested.

-And I can feel my breakfast rushing to my mouth...urp..!- Guy groaned.

Meanwhile, Zeke just gave out a drunken giggle.

-Really? Because between this and the running, I think you may have a natural for torturing people...- Noah sighed, feeling his arms threatening to rip off of his body.

With ankles tightly locked down by other clasps to the top of the Northern Wall, everything from the top of Noah's knee dangled down over the edge, upside-down, while the same ball and chains that were on his legs were now strapped to his wrists. Below him was a fifty meter drop down onto Soula's streets. After the running was eventually done, the boys climbed to the top of the Wall and now were required to do sit-us in that dangerous situation!

-Come now, boys. Train your upper bodies! Upsy-daisy!- she shouted, clapping her hands.

-Sure thing, Mr. Governor~!- Zeke drawled, giggling.

Noah put some strength on his torso, trying to curve his body up, to be able to rise and touch below his knees. But the tiredness coupled with the heavy balls made that an almost impossible task! Shakily, he straightened himself out, one single crunch having required almost all of his strength. Once he was done, a sigh of relief escaped his lips and he was about to flop back down when Terri grabbed his arm.

-Flop back down in a rush just to get upside-down won't do wonders to your body, Noah. I advise you to also be slow on your descent.

Noah nodded and tried to follow her advice.

"So, I can't let up, even while going down. I guess that will teach me a bit about control, but still! I can't exactly pull off these crazy jumps and speeds, like Terri does! I've been relying on Tera to be the cornerstone of my fighting, but now with the will I go from here?"

He looked to the side, hoping that the others were struggling just as much as he was, in a guilty desire to make himself feel a bit better. Zeke was with hands on his legs, already straightened out, panting; Guy was still struggling to rise up; Axel, on the other hand, was with an amazing rhythm! Teeth gritted, eyes wide open, face red...he was doing the sit-ups like his life depended on it! Well, seeing where they were latched onto, it wasn't so surprising.

-Trying to impress anyone, Rhodes?- Terri asked.

-Ha! We can't get this type of exercise in the Academy! So unusual, so dramatic! I love it!- he grinned.

-Well, I'm glad you're so gung-ho about this, but try to not gas yourself out...- she rolled her eyes.

-Nonsense!- he exclaimed- I could do this all day!

Five minutes later, he was dangling down, panting harshly, clutching his stomach.


-Another important lesson is trying to pace yourself. Both here and in battle, it's important to be mindful of your limits and be sparing of your energy. But, at the same time, you can't use that as an excuse to attack half-cocked. Each movement should be filled with strong determination. The more you train, the better you all will understand how to balance a healthy consumption of soul energy and attacking with everything you have. Even if this sounds confusing right now, training your body and skills will allow you to understand. The strong see the world differently. And I'm sure you can too. So, we'll do 100 more!- she said.

Noah closed his eyes.

"Control. Pacing. Determination. It sounds simple, but how can I employ my power if my body can't take it? All I did against Hanzo were those small platforms and Astral Soul is still fishy...And against Terri, mind didn't control my power. From here on, I'll have to fight with whatever solution I come up with. But with Tera, how can I go if not with raw power? Agh..! This is confusing, after all!"

"You're just an Alpha."

Noah jolted in place, the sudden memory jumping inside his mind. He clenched his fists.

"If I don't do this, then I won't be able to join in the upcoming fight...I'm sure the others could do a good job and face the Elites, but I want...I want to find the answers about my past by myself! I want to face Tal and ask him about me and the 'Alpha'! Any less...and I won't feel satisfied..!"

With the image of the cocky smile of the masked kid on his mind, Noah painstakingly continued, along with his colleagues, which would extended until past noon.

But, unbeknownst to him, Guy would shoot him worried looks throughout the entire trial...


-Very well, students, the practical exam is coming up. This will be unlike the normal classes, where you just train your Element. This time, you'll be asked for results! Today, each group of Elements will be given a challenge for the exam. In a month's time, me and a selection of judges will examine how well you do at that task and grade you accordingly.

A panting quartet half listened to the professor in that afternoon's Element class. They got off with only a warning after missing the morning lectures due to Terri's training and now they sat at the grass of the training grounds, trying to keep their lunches down in their stomachs.

-I will now announce the tasks for the first years: Mistral students, you will be tested in strength and precision by carving a bust of the goddess Mistral on a stone while keeping it afloat in the air. You well be scored in both time and quality of the portrait.

"Aqua class, you will be tested on your ice's resilience by creating an icicle so strong, that it will be able to withstand five Pyre judge's combined flame blasts for a whole minute!

Pyre users will be tested in raw power and focus by creating a flame while their hand will be submerged in a vat of water. There will be no time limit and even a spark will be enough for a passing grade.

Finally, Tera users will be asked a simple, yet tricky task! You will create a hand using Tera. Not just any hand, but one with articulations that will allow it to move. You will be scored on your hand's quality and ease of movement, the material you chose to create it being up to you discretion. That is all!"

The boys, who had been more worried about their sore joints up until then, suddenly rose up.

-W-what are these...ridiculous requirements?!- Guy shouted.

-I mean, I know it's end of the semester, but it seems a bit too much for us juniors!- Axel added.

While the BladeMaster Academy focused primarily on preparing the new generation of BladeMasters, the actual BladeMaster-ing was only a 5 year teaching course. For people like Axel, Zeke and Guy, who had been in the school for 6 years already, the Academy offered basic education until the students turned 16, old enough to take the serious course. It was called the "Full Course" and the Academy took people as young as 10 years old for the Full Course, via the scouting system, which spanned the entire continent.

Axel, Zeke and Guy were discussing the exam requirements when the Elements teacher approached Noah.

-Eon, about the exam...since you're suffering from Backlash, would you rather do something else or postpone this to whenever you're ready, as long as it falls within the BladeMaster course's duration?

Noah's eyes widened as he looked up at the professor. Feeling...baffled.

He felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked back and saw Guy, looking at him with a worried expression.

-Maybe it'd be the better alternative, Noah. It'll be a tough exam and nobody wants you collapsing under it.

Noah looked at him, speechless. Why was he feeling so angry, so revolted..?

Tal's cackle echoed inside his mind.

"Poor, poor Alpha. Has to take the easy way out! What a joke he has become!" he imagined he'd say. Whoever he was certainly wasn't someone that gave up so easily! It couldn't be!

He clenched his fist and looked back at the professor.

-I'm taking the exam!

-Noah..! Are you sure?!- Guy moved to face him.

The professor also seemed shocked. But he eventually wrote something down on his notebook, nodded at Noah.

-Well, if you're up for it, I wish you good luck in the exam.- and with that, he walked away to tend to the other students.

Axel grinned and ruffled Noah's hair.

-Good decision, Noah! Very gutsy and romantic! Such boiling-hot blood!- he pumped his fist in the air.

-Sounds more like "hard-boiled" to me.- Zeke groaned- How in gods' name are you going to strengthen you Element in time for the exam? We don't want you collapsing during it!

-Well...- Noah crossed his arms as he pondered, his eyes scanning the training grounds- Terri's training will help my body toughen up (I think...ugh), but let's just say...

"...I have a plan in mind."


-Well, when I woke up today, I certainly wasn't expecting I'd help out one of the heroes that is fighting against the Order, Mr. Noah!

-C-come on, Mr. Jackson, I don't consider myself any kind of hero. If anything, I should be admiring you!

Noah exited the Academy building alongside Jackson Gaiaheart, a senior in the BladeMaster Course. At 21 years old, Jackson was a mountain of a man, at almost two meters of height and a fit frame to boot. His short and curly deep brown hair matched his skin and brought out a pair of soft amber eyes. He wore the same blue jacket/white shirt/red tie combo of the Academy uniform, but his most defining feature was a scar that ran along his right cheek, which he told Noah he got from an unfortunate accident at a Fencing class, years prior.

Noah knew he couldn't pass the exam without some help, so he turned to Jackson. The man was at the top of his year in Tera mastery and Noah always saw him practicing at the grounds, even after classes ended. One time, a loose pebble flew off from one of his structures and made its way from the training grounds all the way to the hedge gardens, where Noah and his friends usually hung out at, landing right on top of Zeke's head. Jackson came over to apologize to the group and Noah noticed that said "pebble" was, in fact, a stone finger, being from a hand Jackson was creating. The realism of said finger, looking like it came from a professionally carved statue, stayed in Noah's mind since then.

So, spotting the man discussing his year's exam requirement, Noah approached him and asked for help, although a bit hesitant...

Gaiaheart was a noble family, straight from the Karash capital, serving directly under King Maximilian. Needless to say, Jackson was always surrounded by his noble peers, all from distinguished houses of the Kingdom and even from the Alliance overseas. Said nobles wrinkled their noises at such a request from the "suspicious plebeian" Noah Eon, but Jackson promptly offered to help him after classes were done and both finished some errands each one had to run first.

-Sorry about my friends. They can be a bit prickly sometimes...well, OK, alot of times. Have lesser grades and they berate you for being a dumb peasant; surpass them and they start accusing you of cheating. Seriously, brings shame to the status of nobility.

-I heard a bunch of them bullied my friends Guy and Axel a few years ago. It got pretty nasty, but Lucy saved them.

-Ah, allow me to apologize from Bronx. We all remember when he got suspended for threatening a student. Although, even now he's the...prickliest of our year.

-Well, water under the bridge, I guess. But I can't speak for Axel or Guy, so...ah, here we are.

He had been so caught up in the chat that he didn't realize that they already reached the Angel's Crow base. Axel and Guy were already leaving it.

-Ah, speak of the devil.- Jackson smiled warmly- Greetings, Mr. Rhodes, Mr. Vermilion.

-O-oh...hello, Mr. Gaiaheart...-Guy flinched slightly.

-Please, "Mr. Rhodes" is my dear ol' dad.- Axel chuckled- Please, call me Axel, Mr. Top Tera user.

And with that, he extended his hand. Jackson gave it a firm shake.

-Well, sure thing, Mr. Hero. - that made Axel puff his chest in pride. He then looked at Noah.

-We already told Terri about the exams. Basically, afternoons are for Element training, so worries past noon...phew..!

Noah tilted his head.

-Actually, I was going to ask for her help as well. I need all the training I can get!

-That's a good attitude to have, Noah!- Jackson grinned.

-Well, as long as you don't puke from running more extra laps...You know Terri's a sadist if you don't ask her. Now imagine if you did ask her for more training...- Axel sighed.

-I HEARD THAT!- her thunderous voice could be heard from inside, making Axel jump.

Guy kept silent, not looking at Noah.

But following Terri's shout, a long groan followed. It was like someone was dying inside the base!

-Oh. Don't speak loudly inside. Lucy is not feeling so good...

Upon hearing that, Noah passed by him and opened the door to the shack, half-running.

-Lucy, are you hurt?!- he exclaimed.


A bunch of Mercenaries glared at the boy, index fingers in front of their pursed lips, sitting around the meeting table. Noah peered deeper inside...

Behind the farthest edge of the table, where Lucy was supposed to always sit at, Noah saw instead a carcass. Sunken eyes, dry colorless lips, skin as pale as her hair...Lucy was a scare! The woman's frame swayed from side to side, dressed in a loose pink pajama shirt, a bit of it drooping from her left shoulder, showing the naked, braless, skin. Her mouth hung open, dry lips smacking against each other constantly, while her hair was tied into two wavy twintails, being patiently brushed by Terri, who sat beside her.

-Why is everyone speaking so loudly...- she whispered, her gaze empty as she looked at Noah. It looked like she aged 50 years overnight!

-Say hello to "Hangover Lucy", Noah.- Terri said- First time seeing someone like this?

-Y-yeah....It's quite the change..!

-Well, that's what she gets for drinking the whole wine basement and a half.

-Shut up, you oversized ponytail, swimsuit-wearing amazoness...- Lucy groaned, clutching her head.

-You could have just stayed in bed if you're feeling sick, Lucy...- Noah pointed.

-I can't...what kinda boss skips works over a hangover? I have papers to to count...and a bucket to puke on by my fe...feet...oh gosh.- with that, Lucy leaned down and a belching sound followed, whole Terri grabbed her twintails, while rolling her eyes. Lucy soon rose up, looking like she was about to faint.- I regret nothing...

-Yeah, yeah, big powerful woman hour.- Terri sighed and resumed her brushing.

-Is everything alright in there?- Jackson asked and peeked in, having to lean down to get past the door frame.

Upon seeing him, some light returned to Lucy's eyes. It is, now that you've come in..~ Noah, since when were you friends with two whole meters of muscly Academy goodness?- she asked, staring Jackson with a dopey smile on her lips. Her hand, which was fixing her droopy shirt, put it right back as it was and then some more, revealing more shoulder.

-Nice to meet you, Miss Crow. I'm Jackson Gaiaheart.- he chuckled- And thank you for your kind words, even while sick.

-No, thank you for showing up! How about we share a glass? You're over 18, right?

-Lucy, you put one more drop of alcohol in you and I'll shove the puke bucket upside your head.- Terri glared at her.

-Don't bring up the bucket..! I'll...I'll...-and another pleasant series of sounds from underneath the table followed.

-I'm flattered, Miss Crow, but I'll have to decline for today.- he said, before placing his hand on Noah's shoulder- For now, I have the upcoming exams to worry about. Noah here too, so that's why I'm helping him out.

-Yeah! If I want to pass the Elements semester exam, I need all the Tera help I can get. I won't ask the busy mercenaries, but you're always around, Terri. Aside from the physical training, can you also help me with Tera?- Noah asked the Titan.

Terri, though, shook her head.

-Sorry kiddo. I think that, on that regard, an Academic's perspective is better. I can't explain really well how I do it. I With brute force, since my physical training allows me. Technique isn't really my style, anyways. Besides, I'm not pure Tera. So I couldn't teach you stuff like the shockwaves, since they are from my unique Mistral-shaded Tera soul.

-Oh...yeah, Eldus did tell me I'm pure Tera...- Noah said, his enthusiasm going down.

-It's fine, Noah. I'm pure Tera too! Us Gaiahearts are filled with Tera-borns, so I'll help you all the way!- Jackson laughed, patting Noah's back. He then spotted the watch on a wall of the base. His eyes widened.

-Oh damn, it's getting late! Noah, if we're done here, we have to go to the mall real quick, before we start the lesson.

-O-oh, sure! Let's go!- Noah nodded, Jackson waving goodbye at Lucy, the mercenaries and Terri before running off.

-Ugh...another hottie that escapes my grasp..! Am I that ugly now?- Lucy sighed. She then looked over at Axel, who had stayed to watch the chat- Axel~! I'm still hot, right?

Axel chuckled nervously.

-Yeah...but to be honest...a hot mess.

Lucy nearly fell over her chair.

-Axel, not you too..! You're always paying me compliments, left and right!

-Well, Mistral told me to stay true to myself. Honestly, I kinda showered you with compliments so you'd accept me, Guy and Zeke into the Brigade. But now, I can't really lie to myself!- he shook his fist in the air- While you look fine every other day, right now you look drier than sand and deader than a ghost!

Lucy leaned and down and raised a metal bucket, holding it over her head.

-Whatever happened to "in sickness and in health"?! I won't stand for this, you're getting the puke bucket!

Axel turned around and ran off the base. Guy didn't want to stick around, lest he'd get the bucket, so he followed followed after him.

Lucy broke down in crying, the mercenaries plugging their ears as they kept working in filing out, posting bounties and other jobs in the corkboard or passing by to get to the training fields behind the base.

Lucy turned to Noah, who had one leg out the door, her lower lip trembling.

-Noooooaaaahhhh! Not you too..! You think I'm ugly now too, don't you?!

Noah scratched his cheek, giving her a nervous smile.

-Well, you still look like Lucy to me..!

She clapped her hands together, her eyes shining with hope.

-R-really?! Oh, Noah!

-Besides, who cares how you look? It's the inside that matters!

Her smile dropped.

-My insides feel like crap.

-Well, relax! I'm sure none of us expects you to be any better, anyways!

The bucket crashed on the wall beside him, Noah escaping soon after.


-Sobek, what are you doing here?!

-Working, of course!

Noah and Jackson stood in Albus the Blacksmith's workshop, the aged worker placing a large broadsword with golden edges around the blade on top of an anvil. He then took a fist-sized orange Enchant Stone, placed it on top of the sword and smacked it with a large iron hammer. He kept pounding at it, bu the sword wasn't suffering any damage, the Stone itself being the one that cracked, taking all that damage until it shattered into smaller and smaller chunks, until a fine orange dust spread across the top of the sword.

Albus then picked up the sword and handed it to Sobek, the short bluenette wearing a big brown apron and gloves. He grabbed the handle of the sword with an iron pincer and stuck it inside a burning forge, holding it there.

-Lucy and Terri were sick of watching me goof around the base, so they went looking for a job for me! Albus was in need of an assistant for his smithin', so here I am!

Albus nodded, raising his small round goggles from his eyes, a smile peeking through his short gray beard.

-Ah, Mistral-borns are useful to keep the forge's fire going, so your help is much appreciated, Sobek.

Sobek began laughing loudly.

-Aw shucks, yer making me blush, Old Man Albus!- he grinned and took out the sword, which was incredibly shiny now, like it was covered in gold dust. He placed it on a water basin, steam rising up from it. Upon lifting it up again, Noah could see his own reflection on the blade's steel.

Albus took it and ran his finger along the edge of the weapon.

-Ah! You're learning how to use the forge quicker than I expected. Very well done!

Sobek laughed again, his boisterous voice filling the workshop.

-AWESOME! Can I use the big hammer next time?!

-No.- Albus said, handing the sword to Jackson, who scanned it as well before it vanished in his hands. He handed a half dozen of gold coins from his pocket to Albus, who put them in the pocket of his own apron.

-Amazing as always, Mr. Albus. My Blade was getting too dull and bent. Glad you can fix them so fast!

-Ah, think nothing of it, Jackson. Blades usually can't be completely destroyed...- Noah gulped at that statement- ...but it doesn't mean they don't need maintenance. As long as I have my Enchant Stones, my hammer and fire, I can put them as good as new!

He then turned to Noah.

-Ah! How about yours, Mr. Eon? How is Warrior's Heart doing? It would be a shame if such an amazing Blade got damaged.

-Oh...-Noah summoned his Blade. It was a bit chipped here and there...

Jackson promptly gave Albus a few more coins.

-Fix it up for him, Albus, if you would.

Noah turned to his colleague.

-You don't need to do that..! I have my own allowance!

Jackson shook his head.

-I want to help you out, Noah. Think nothing of it.- and before the blonde could protest any further, Albus swiped his Blade away from his hands and hammered it away.

-Sobek, could you go downstairs to my brother's store and pick up the bag of Tera Stones he's keeping for me? After I'm done with Noah's Blade, I'll be fresh out! Do you know where the store is?

Sobek saluted him.

-The jewelry store downstairs! Roger that! SOBEK, AWAY!!!- and then he ran out of the store. Instead of going to the ground floor via the escalator, though, he vaulted over the railing of the first floor and floated downstairs using Mistral's winds, landing softly on the ground.

Immediately, one could hear the intense booing from the people on the ground floor, as well as Sobek's yells of protest.

-Excuse me, coming through! I just want to go to the jewelry store! And no, not to steal from it! You guys sure hold a grudge! Hey, stop throwing stuff at me--OW! Did you actually keep that brick on your purse just to chuck it at me, miss?!

Upstairs, Albus shook his head.

-Another reason I took him in was to help him get on Soula's good graces. Yes, he repaired the Wall, but of course people are not going to forget all that panic he caused that easily. Thankfully, he didn't kill anybody, but the chaos and property damage he caused were plenty reason for people's wrath to come down on him. I know he wants to redeem himself, so I'm giving him the chance to pay back the community.

-And how do you think, he's doing?- Noah asked.

-Ah! He's a bundle of energy, loud and plenty clumsy, but he has a good heart! And the store needs that kind of energy! I'm sure people will eventually start to get infected by his attitude.

As he spoke, he hammered Noah's Blade and put it on the forge. Afterwards, in the water basin. After he was all done, he presented it back to Noah, his sword sparkly new.

-It's...incredible.- Noah gasped.

-Blades are usually attuned to their BladeMaster's Element. So, sharpening and fixing them via contact with the correct Enchant stone always does the trick. For the shaded Elements, you need two or more different colored Stones, bu the process is still the same. Humans and Blade are two sides of the same coin, so we should take care of both regularly.

-Besides, having a shiny, newly-repaired Blade just makes you feel stronger!- Jackson grinned, pumping his fist.

-Although you shouldn't rely on your Blade in an Elements exam, Noah. If you failed because of that, it'd be a brand new level of stupid.- a familiar voice sounded from outside.

Mercedes, Merceny and Eldus stood outside the shop. The young woman approached Jackson.

-I'm surprised to see you hanging out with Noah, Jackson. Last we spoke about him, you thought of him as "kinda scary".

-You two...know each other?- Merceny glared.

-Yeah, Miss Mercedes and I study together at the Academy's library sometimes.- Jackson replied.

-Why should a second year like her study with a senior three years above her?- Merceny crossed his arms.

-I like to know what to expect from the later years. Besides, Jackson isn't like the other stuffy nobles, so he's a good person to study with after-hours.

-I'm detecting an itty bitty crush here~- Eldus whispered to Merceny, soft bags under his eyes. Was he sick too, like Lucy?

Merceny jolted at that comment and walked towards Jackson.

-You better stay away-- -his hand was covered by his sister's hand.

-Anyways. I came for my appointment, Mr. Albus. You wanted a neutral Stone, right?- she asked, taking out a cyan-colored Stone from a white bag around her shoulder.

Orange for Tera. Light purple for Mistral, deep blue for Aqua and red for Pyre. Like the soul's colors, the color of the Stone showed to what elemental energy that Stone was attuned to and radiated. Eldus' was the exception, though. Emerald green in color, it did not match any Element, furthering the theory that was going around that it may be alien or a mutation of various Stones .

Cyan-colored Stones, though, were neutral. They emitted no specific elemental radiation, just this raw, positive energy. Most were used to power up machines and line up electronic circuits to let the central Mistral Stone's energy course through said circuit more smoothly. Because of those qualities, they were the most sought-out Stones in the mining industry, because they could help power everything from furnaces, to escalators, to fountains or giant anteater-themed steel fortresses. They were also used in medicine, as seen in the healing machines at the hospital.

But another use for those Stones was...

-You wanted to perform Channeling onto that Stone, right? Neutral Stones aren't so easy to get, so people prefer to buy Element-attuned Stones rather than create their own, by infusing their elemental energies onto a neutral Stone.- Albus noted.

-Well, it's not like there's many Lightus Stones on the market, right?- Mercedes answered. She then turned to Noah- I've decided to listen to Rhodes' advice. I want to help society as well, so creating the world's first Lightus Enchant Stone is the first step.

-Are you here to help with the Channeling, Eldus?- Albus asked.

-We don't know how neutral Stones react to Lightus or Darkus, so I'm going to ensure that nothing bad happens to young Cidy.- he said as the blonde girl glared at him, for calling her that. Some secret nickname that was...

Albus removed his apron, dressed in green overalls and a blue shirt underneath.

-Well, my office is in the back, so let's try it out. If you would accompany me, Miss Mercedes, Eldus...-he said and Mercedes and the Sage began following him to the back of the shop. But suddenly, Merceny placed his hand on each of the men's shoulders, halting their movement.

-You two...better not do anything fishy while you're alone with her.- he warned.

-Please, Mister Black Feather. I have a loving wife at home!- Albus said.

-And I have good taste in actual women!- Eldus added.

He had to run out of the store as Mercedes chased him down, trying to smack him on the head with his own staff. Sobek floated up to the first floor, a bag of orange Stones in hand, not having time to process the situation before he got clobbered in the face by the emerald Stone, caught in the crossfire.

Noah and Jackson took their cue to slip away.


-Well, since you suffer from the Backlash, we should review some basics, to make sure you don't do anything silly and get sick again.

-Yes, I understand.- Noah replied. Him and Jackson had returned to the Academy training grounds , the square outdoors division of the school building open until nighttime. They were both sitting on the grass, some other Academics training close by, a runaway fireball or icicle shard landing a couple of meters to their side once in awhile.

-So tell me: what is the difference between "soul energy" and "elemental energy"?

-Well, elemental energy is the essence that every aspect of nature radiates. From rocks, to water and even the air surrounding us, elemental energy is what's manipulated by the BladeMasters to cause our various feats, like ground manipulation, fireballs and ice shards. Some books call elemental energy by other terms, like "ether" or "mana".

"While elemental energy exists outside in nature, soul energy is what powers, well, our soul. It's by using soul energy, attuned to the Element we were born under, that we manipulate the corresponding elemental energy. By using our minds as a medium and body as a vessel and gauge to our limits, soul and elemental energies link up and permit our various techniques. But Astral Soul is the use of raw soul energy, without linking it up with the outside elemental energy and giving it shape. That's why everybody, regardless of their Element, can use the 'pure' soul energy of Astral Soul.

-Yeah, pretty much. I've had the chance to witness Astral Soul myself not too long ago, when the dojo began gaining popularity after the heroes of Soula began going there. Truly fascinating. But OK, next question: what is exactly causing your Backlash? soul energy output is too strong. It can link up with and manipulate a lot of elemental energy. But my body can't take that much strain and my mind can't find a way to cope and regulate my soul's energy. So I have to train to bulk up so that my body can take the elemental energy my soul soul can manipulate; and I must learn how to control my soul and resulting elemental energy output, so that I don't go 100% all the time and crash down. A strong body and a good mental method is key.

-Yup, and that last step is what I'm helping you with. BladeMasters always run the risk of Backlash, you know?

-W-what? Really?

-Well, but in our case, it's not called Backlash. It's called "overload". Any soul can overload, that is, increase its soul energy levels beyond the grasp of its mind and body, which breaks both down. Elemental Backlash is a type of overload that is more permanent, to the point where it's considered a medical condition, more present in children who don't have strong bodies and trained minds yet to control their soul energy. Another type of overload is the Soul Crash, but it's temporary, controlled and useful for BladeMasters, as it increases the soul energy output for a limited time. But it becomes sour when the Burst Soul Crash is abused, because no mental method is being employed, no trigger to release and subside the big output and, so, it gets harder to turn off and our body suffers the consequences.

-Just like Hanzo. So his case is similar to mine..!- Noah muttered.

-So, I'm going to teach you my mental method for controlling Tera and we'll go step by step so you don't overload, just like I had to be careful to not do the same myself when I was younger. And it all starts with this...

And so, Jackson reached for his bag and took out a sheet of paper. On it, a sketch of a hand could be seen drawn on it. It was pretty well done, for a rough draft. He gave him a few more drawings, each getting more complex, adding greater detail dimensionality, shading, textures, color and more and more details until some actual photos, carrying the similar blue tint the TVs had, were added to the mix.

-What is this..?

-Image.- Jackson smiled- References. Visualization. Tera is the most solid out of all the Elements, so the elemental energy we manipulate is the bulkiest of them all. Therefore, to not overload, we need a reference of what we want to make, in our heads. And it has to be clear. We can't just make fists, walls or pillars all willy-nilly or else we bypass a bunch of mental steps and put more strain on our bodies.

-But...but I could-- -Noah then realized.

"I also skipped a bunch of steps."

Merceny's words rung inside his head. So...even with all of his practice, Noah was still doing it all wrong all along?

-But it isn't just the image by itself. We must visualize the construction of said image, as well. Let me show you.- he raised his hand and a crude hand, realistically sized, sprouted from the grass. It wasn't too different from the ones Noah could do.

-For this, I just had a quick visualization of a "hand" and it popped without much fuss. It's quick, but if you'll notice...- he gave the hand a firm smack with his fist and the hand easily crumbled- Not very sturdy. It's solid but hollow. Fragile. A waste of soul energy. But, if you focus on that image...if you internalize the process of the hand's creating in your head...

He rose his hand again and the shattered pieces of rock began shaking and then sticking together. Pressing against each other, shattering upon contact as they melded together, until they formed a thinner hand, almost like a skeleton's. Then more of the ground, around that skeleton, rose and began coating it until it formed a much sturdier hand. Jackson smacked it and now only a chunk cracked.

-Much sturdier now, right? When building things, you can't just think of the outer appearance, or else you'll just build a husk. The inner layers are just as important. For hands...- he built another one, but it was much quicker, the inner skeleton and outer layers rising up at once until another hand was pillars, seemingly crude as those might seem.

And, with that, Noah was baffled to see a pillar, similar to his springs, rise up, but being formed by thinner parallelepiped cobblestones, rising up and fusing together until a smooth and wide rectangular shape.

-If you want, the process can still happen underground and rise it up all formed and sturdy.

-Just like the Gaia Blade !- Noah pointed out.

-Yes! This is all a process you must follow. It might be slow at first, but you get quicker and the distance of your soul energy's grasp gets bigger. Your building can get more creative, sprouting from places your opponent might not expect. And it's not just with rocks. Sand, mud, plants, metal...all Tera follows this building process. You just need patience and concentration. And...a good image. That's why I sketch. It helps with that.

-Do you think...I can do this without overloading?- Noah asked, feeling a bit overwhelmed by all that.

-Yeah! The Academy won't teach you these basics anymore, since you're already in the BladeMaster course, so it's going to be sketchy at first. But that's why you need to start small. That's why hands are a good first step. Start with my first sketch!

Noah took the first rough draft and concentrated on a spot on the floor. The earth began rumbling a bit but just a small platform rose up, just like in the fight with Hanzo.

-Hm...don't push it. Your soul energy most likely clogged up. A mental barrier might have formed inside you, to prevent overloading, at all costs. That's why only these hollow, tiny and thin squares rise up.

-H-how do I do it, then?

-Image, Noah, image! You must tear those barriers down. Find the material you can manipulate the best. I know you can do it!

Jackson gave him a warm smile. It was...different from other smiles people like Axel or Zeke gave him. Lucy's gentle smile was the closest Noah could remember. A warm and comforting look that just...peered into one's soul. And it wouldn't budge away, enveloping the recipient in a soothing sensation. 

-Jackson, why do you want to help me?- Noah asked.

Jackson chuckled.

-Honestly...I admire you. When you first showed up, I was apprehensive. You seemed alien and I was afraid that you might be an unhinged, revolted and lost soul. But then, I saw you standing up to Black Feather and defending Mercedes. I then heard you were fighting against the Order...all despite the amnesia that, honestly, scared me a little at first when I heard of you.

"Nobles like the Rhodes, Bronx's family, my family...wouldn't give people like you a chance. I, for one, support the Academy's decision to scout outside of the noble families as well. I admire the ideals Attila of the Order preached years ago. Of a peaceful world of BladeMasters, without race, gender, age or the status of nobility to separate them. People like you fight on, despite the odds. I want to help those people. When I graduate, I'll take over my father's station as Minister of Domestic Affairs in the Karashian Council. And I'll strive to tear down those walls. Alongside King Maximilian."

-King Maximilian? But he's the biggest noble of them all!

-Yes, but he is also another person who is trying to break down these barriers. Both between common folk and nobility and between Karashians and foreigners as well. He was the one that solidified the peace treaty between the Kingdom and the Alliance. And he was also the first King of Karash to marry outside of Karashian nobility, because Queen Faye was originality part of Sharem's nobility.

-And you're telling me I embody these same barrier-crashing ideals? You flatter me far too much, Jackson..!- Noah huffed.

-Not at all, Noah. I believe in your potential. And I'm sure whoever you were before is someone I'd admire as well.

Noah blushed deeply, smiling up at him, matching his warm smile.

-Let's hope so!


-Phew! Today was a long day!- Axel said, munching absentmindedly on a piece of chicken breast.

-I know it might seem regular talk from me, but I want to sleep aaalll day tomorrow!- Zeke groaned- At least it's done...

-You know that you'll have to do it tomorrow and every other day after that, right?- Guy pointed, mouth full of bread.

A collective long groan left Axel and Zeke's mouths.

-Good grief..!- they both said.

Guy turned around.

-How about you, Noah? Training with Jackson on top of all of this must make you want to ask Terri to lighten our load, right? U-um...Noah?

Noah didn't reply as he was downing a plate of rice and curry so fast you'd think his and Guy's roles had been reversed!

-Training so much does open an appetite!- Axel snickered.

-Yeah, but it's kinda gross...-Lucy's voice sounded as she sat on the same table of the Academy's ever bustling cafeteria. She was carrying a plate with twice as much food on it as Noah's plate. The twins accompanied her, but their dinner's portions were much more normal. Lucy was back on her regular black sleeveless top and skirt and her face had regained much of its color. She began tearing through her food as well, grains of rice flying everywhere.

-Look who's talking...- Merceny sighed- Let's just hurry up. We came earlier tonight because you were hungry after the hangover blew over, but that doesn't make me stop hating eating at the same time as my loyal fans.

Noah, meanwhile, finished his plate and chugged his entire glass of water in one go, letting out a gasp when he was done. Mercedes, who sat in front of him, wrinkled her face.

-Noah don't be such a pig. What are you in such a hurry for?

-Maybe he can't wait go sew with you~- Zeke snickered, his food seemingly untouched, but that was because he just ate slowly. Warm meals barely stayed warm with Zeke.

Mercedes blushed deeply and her brother shot both him and Noah a look of death.

-Well, that too, but I've thought of a good way of adding to my training schedule would be something extra at night!- he said and looked over at Lucy- Lucy, what do you usually do? Can I join you?

Lucy waved her hand dismissively at him.

-I don't need any stinking training! Like I'd ruin my skin getting all sweaty! I'm the boss of the Angel's Crow, the strongest BladeMaster in the world! I count the money, I don't "train"! Ugh! If you're in such a rush, go run laps on top of the Walls!

Noah stood up, grinning, an unusual fire in his eyes.

-You're right! Good idea! Off I go!- and with that, he blasted away from the building.

-Between him and Rhodes, your gung-ho attitudes are annoying me, in all honesty.- Merceny said, as he finished his plate- But maybe he works best in a tight schedule. Fortunately for him, running laps on top of the Walls is the warm-up to my daily training. Guess I'll keep an eye on him.

-Aww, you're so sweet, Merceny!- Zeke clapped his hands- You're finally learning how to human!

-Shove it. Avoiding idiots like you lot is exactly why we train at night.- with that, he followed Noah.

-"We"?- Guy wondered.


Of course Noah couldn't accompany Merceny's pace. He decided to jog a whole lap, starting from the top of the Southern Wall until he returned to the starting point. Since each wall was 2 kilometer in length, it all equaled a nice and pleasant 8 kilometer job. He and Black Feather started at the same time, but Noah hadn't finished half of a Wall and he was already getting lapped by the other. He gave up trying to compete and stuck to finishing his goal.

Afterwards, he got to Mercedes's room to sew, panting harshly and was promptly booted out and slammed the door at.

-You are late! And reek of sweat! Go take a shower!

-If you let me use your shower, we won't waste any more time!-he replied, but had to run away when a beat red Mercedes nearly crashed through the door and chased him down the hall. No sewing that night...

About an hour later, Noah dragged himself out of bed, sore all over, but still not very sleepy. He climbed out the window of his room and sat on the roof, gazing at the stars. From his window, he was much closer to the Southern Wall, compared to Mercedes's room. He then heard a rumbling from on top of there.

He looked to the top and saw a cloud of dust, making its way along the top of the structure. He couldn't see who was causing it but he could make out two giant rock balls, similar to the ones he wore that morning, but ten times bigger! He wouldn't be able to lift a foot with those, but that person was going faster than a weightless Merceny!

Half an hour later, the figure descended and approached the nearby Angel's Crow base. Noah couldn't help but smile at the black track suit and platinum hair tied in a ponytail the figure sported as it removed the chains from the balls and went inside the base.

-Liar...- he chuckled. He sat there for a while longer, listening to the distant grunts of someone practicing their fencing on the training grounds.

He climbed back to his room, lest he was discovered and got to bed.

"I have to do my best...I'm sure my past self was never so passive!"

And with that, a relaxing night of sleep followed.


Two weeks later:

Noah maintained his regimen, alongside the Academy trio. Laps, push ups, punishments, classes, training with Jackson, eating lots at his meals, showering, sewing with Mercedes (who had joined their morning training, dressed in a similar fashion as Lucy with a black track suit and her blonde hair tied in a ponytail, which had garnered alot of snickers from Zeke and Axel, like she had "dolled" herself up for Noah's sake), and then straight to bed. He still trained on Saturdays, but Sunday was his day off from everything. Although, he still jogged at night during those days.

Sometimes he'd trade Jackson's tutoring for training Astral Soul at the Lion and Eagle. It was coming back to him quickly, as it was much easier to apply the raw soul power to his body than an outside object. But he was still not allowed to use it during morning training.

With Jackson, things were going slowly, but surely. After a few days, an imprint of a hand could be seen breaking from the square platform and from there, he focused on that. Right now, he could lift it up a few centimeters from the platform before it all crumbled down. Jackson would always encourage and congratulate his successes, even if some session's were cut short due to headaches from Noah's part.

The laps were getting easier too. Axel and Noah had barely escaped punishment at the end of the first week by finishing the five laps as Terri hit 114 laps. So, Noah was still eligible for the missions, even though he was the only one with that looming threat as Zeke and Guy were still in the green even if they couldn't do their laps in time yet. When Axel and Noah managed to do that feat, they were rewarded with their weights getting a 5 kilo upgrade from there on, but still pressed on to good results.

That day, Zeke and Guy had managed to enter the 15 kilo club as well and the quartet even got to class at the same time as the teacher...of the second class. Thankfully, the fact that they were training for the Brigade got them out of suspension after Eldus pulled a few strings with the Academy principal. But that netted them down twice as much homework every day and the meanest judges for the exam! Noah used his sewing time for homework after the first was done, getting help from Mercedes, who was even teaching him crochet in the off-hours!

That night, Noah had wolfed down his dinner again and was about to head out to jog when Guy stood in front of him, blocking his way. Noah stopped, confused.

-Guy? What's up? don't have to force yourself to do this if you don't want to. You don't have to train, to fight even!

-W-where did this come from?

-I just...see you always pushing the extra mile and I can't help but feel bad, because you're doing this for something you're not even that passionate about and that just causes you pain. But I understand if you don't want to! Fighting is scary! I hate it! The Order's advances forced my family to leave our village a few years ago. Their troops ran it down and forced the villagers to work the fields for them in exchange for protection. When I was scouted for the Academy, my parents thought that I would become a strong BladeMaster, so that I would avenge our family for being kicked out from what what had been our ancestors' birthplace for centuries. And now...when I told them that I had joined the Brigade, they were ecstatic. All my fighting is to make them happy, even if I'd much rather not fight at all. But at least I have a reason! You have no one to reason to fight, you can run away!

Noah was left speechless. He never knew that about the gentle glutton. Most he was told was that the rich often bullied him for being a "hillbilly" throughout his early years of the full course, but Guy always just took it, never trying to fight back. But when he suddenly showed up with the Dragonic Blade, as a testament of his courage, Noah had thought that the Pyre-born had gotten over his cowardice.

But now, he saw that it wasn't so simple. Maybe the Blade didn't mean anything.

-I...thank you for your concern, Guy. But please, don't think I'm not scared because of my lack of memories or apparent family. I am...scared. All the time. About who I once was and how it might shape who I am now and in the future. When I attacked Merceny back at the arena, my mind just want blank. But afterwards, I felt terrified. I thought that maybe I was a violent person before I came to Soula. I thought I was dangerous and not worthy of being you guys' friend.

"And for now, that is what fuels me. To defeat that anxiety. Even if I once was a bad guy, I can work to redeem myself. At least I'll have that focal point. Don't think that I've ever fought for no reason. I fight to find that reason. And that, in of itself, is enough reason for now. Just for now.

Guy, you are a good friend. You care for your friends, for animals...and besides, you have so much power inside! Your Blade and ability are so strong! Pyre told you that...what was it... 'Courage is humanity's very own lifeblood', right? But if you want my opinion -and I tell you this as a friend- having courage for the convenience of others isn't courage at all. You're just feeding off of their ideals and conforming to the easiest solution. You can fight to protect someone else, but that should be of your own choice, not because you are expected that from that someone. If you lived for yourself, fighting or not, for others or for yourself...that would be true courage. Your courage must come from yourself to yourself.

Noah jolted as Guy's face was...desolated.

-I-I'm sorry for ranting...I have to go.- and with that, he ran off.

Axel and Zeke approached the black-haired boy.

-He really layed it into you, huh?- Zeke asked.

Guy clenched his fist.

-Gods...damn it...-he muttered.

-Guy?- Axel called out- Are you--

-Gods damn it! I haven't changed a bit, after all!- he shouted and with that, he took off running, leaving his friends confused as both him and Noah ran in different directions.

For that one would see Guy Vermilion again. In the mornings, his laps would be done in silence, far away from the rest of the group and he refused to speak to anybody. After classes, he was gone, even for dinner.

Noah felt terrible, despite Axel and Zeke doing their best to comfort him and assuring that Guy wasn't the type to hold grudges.

But even so...

"Back then, I meant what I said, right? What is courage to Pyre and Guy? Am I wrong for being like this these past few days? What if...despite all my training...I'm still missing something?"


-I got a new idea, Jackson.

-What is it, Noah?

-I've been thinking of what you said, about starting small, in order to not overload. Maybe I'm not as compatible with rocks as you are right now, but I can still use Tera in a way suitable to my body.

-Well, we're using the ground because it's the easier to manipulate from something so big, but if you got an idea, try it out! What other resource of Tera are you going to use? Sand? Metal?

-Yeah, I'm curious to what you can come up with, using anything other than rocks, Noah.- Axel said, he and Zeke taking a break from their own training to sit beside Noah at the Academy training grounds (well, Zeke was lying on the floor).

-I've been reflecting...and I did use Tera in another way after I got the Backlash, other than the small platforms.

-Yeah?- Jackson asked.

-Yeah. First, I was using Astral Soul...- Noah said, letting the translucent aura coat his arm-...and then I tried using Tera.

-Astral Soul and an Element at the same time? Soul and elemental energy-wise, that's a tough balance.- Axel pointed.

-I know I can do it. In the heat of that battle...I just wanted to use Tera, so I'll just focus on the general feeling I have when using my Element, while Astral Soul is active. And it should work. If I can produce something small, I can I use it as my next image.

Noah clenched his fists and closed his eyes. Soon, the orange sparks began sprouting from his arm and mixing with the Astral Soul energy. But Noah couldn't feel anything yet. He had to focus...

"What did I produce back then..? It was small...and pink."

The image of that pink petal suddenly shot into his mind. And then the memory of the rose petal from the bouquet he offered Mercedes on the day Hanzo showed up entered his head as well.

He opened his hand it fluttered down onto the ground. Simple, innocent and graceful. A simple pink petal.

And no headaches.

-I knew it. Astral Soul comes more easily to me because, by reinforcing my body, I can easily gauge how much I can take. It's like lifting weights from the ground and not just having them dropped on you and having to trust that you can hold them. Weird analogy, I know, but raw soul power by itself is easier to control right now than having to be careful with how much elemental energy I can link it up with and how it'll strain my body. So, I just used however much Element I can link up with right now (enough to produce the small hand from the platforms) with Astral Soul and there!

-This petal..?- Jackson picked it up and examined it.- I've never seen one of this color...

-It's a cherry blossom.- Axel pointed out- From a tree usually found in the land of the Samurais, east of Karash. I've only seen it in books, though.

He also examined the petal before Zeke rose up like a mummy off the ground and snatched it away from Axel's hand. He fiddled with it for a few seconds before closing this fist around it, pink dust escaping through his fingers soon after.

-It's not a completely real blossom since it's half made from Astral Soul energy, right? So you can't even bury the bad guys in a flood of them. I say it's useless.- he shrugged.

-Geez, cut him some slack...-Axel sighed.

-But it's a good first step. First a blossom, then a whole tree!- Jackson smiled. Noah nodded, smiling back.

-Hey, you guys..!- a familiar voice sounded behind them. Guy was at the entrance to the grounds- Lucy wants to see us all!

The group stood up and ran over to Guy. Noah especially, because he wanted to apologize.

-Guy-- -he started.




The blonde stopped mid-track as he and Guy looked back, baffled, at Axel, Zeke and Jackson, all clutching their hands.

-What's wrong?- Guy asked.

-I cut my finger..!- Jackson said, blood dripping from his middle finger.

-Y-yeah me too...- Axel added, sucking on his index finger.

-Aw, you're lucky! Look at this!- Zeke opened his hand to show blood coming from a long cut along the length of his palm.

The three boys had to go to the infirmary. While they were waiting at the door, Noah turned to Guy.

-Guy, I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean to call you a coward.

Guy shook his head. Only now Noah noticed that his hands were also all bandaged up, mostly around his fingers.

-It's fine. You were right, Noah. I can't seem to do anything if I'm not around someone that will help me. I'm just a big leacher. But now I have something to work towards! But, that aside, I hope those three are alright! What a freak accident!

He was right. All got cut on the hand, at the same time. What could have caused it?

Noah's eyes widened.

"Half Astral Soul...meaning half Astral Wave, in a sense. And all three of them touched it..."

He focused, summoning the aura of the Astral Soul and the sparks of his Element. He then opened his hand.

Another blossom. He clutched it in his hand and felt a sharp pain. He opened it to find a cut on his palm and the blossom having dissipated into pink dust again.

-N-Noah, what the heck?!- Guy stepped back in shock, seeing the blood trickling down his arm, before running inside the infirmary.

But Noah couldn't help but smile. A broad, open-mouthed smile.

"After all this own own style..."

I may have found it!