Chapter 46: Mother and Purge

After Allie conceded the battle, the Knights/Academics and Desert Rose fronts were both stunned, in all honesty. Animosity still flared between both groups but, not wanting to shed any more unnecessary blood, both parties put down their weapons. The battle was won.

But at what cost? Around them, the once busy streets of the desert city were empty and the picturesque buildings had turned into smoking rubble. Half of the city was destroyed and, outside of its borders, the people raged.

Allie was given a mantle to cover her body, as her outfit was shredded to bits, almost literally hanging by a thread, and a replacement was being sought for as she was being healed by one of the riffle dancers and Jack near one of the carriages that weren't in shambles. She was given a communication device by the one of her squad members, which she used to call the soldier leader outside of Aireen, telling him to let the people back inside. The boys could hear the protests of the leader over the intercom, but Allie quickly shut him up, her tone exhausted and not having any of what he was saying. It seemed like she had aged 20 years in just a few minutes.

Shortly after, the dozens of soldiers that Noah and friends had faced in the square showed up again, an angry mob following behind. While a cordon was still kept, the citizens began throwing rocks and insults towards Allie. The Elite simply and quietly took it all, pebbles landing on her body and face, opening up a few of the wounds that Jack was busy healing (who also took a few pebbles to the face, despite his protests).

Suddenly, one of the rioters picked up a big chunk of rubble from one of the nearby houses and ran past the soldiers in the cordon, making his way towards the carriages.

-You wench, I'll kill you!- he shouted, raising the stone about his head, but his path was barred by Axel, who grabbed his wrist.

The man looked at him with an enraged expression.

-Boy, let me go! The Order has destroyed my business! My father is in serious state after getting stabbed by one of those soldiers!- he said.

-Killing Allie won't bring your business back and close up your father's wound.- Axel said- We of the Angel's Crow will make sure she pays for her crimes.

Then, from within the crowd, mumbles ensued.

"Angel's Crow?"

"That's Lucy Crow's guild, right?"

"If they're with the strongest BladeMaster..."

The man grunted and slowly let go of the rock. Two soldiers approached, trying to grab and take him away, but Waterwheel was placed between them. Zeke walked up to the group.

-Easy there. We don't live in the ancient times. No need for senseless violence. Allie has given up, so let's all play nice.- he said, as the soldiers slowly stepped back and the man returned to the villagers.

The soldier leader walked up the boys and got close to Allie.

-Lady Lotus, what is the meaning of this?! We still have troops left over and our enemies are weak! We can finish them off!- he said.

Allie's stare was vacant as she looked up at him from where she sat on the ground.

-After this, you're free to go back to the Tower. Tell Balthazar that I was captured and that we lost the gold.- she said, her voice weak.

-The gold? Wha-- -he started, before the words left his mouth in full, he spotted Jimmy and Roderick exiting the ruined carriage, carrying the five bags of gold- I can't believe this, Lady Lotus ! You're just going to hand over the gold to them?! Why, I'll never let those bastards take off with the money we worked so hard to get!

With that, he stomped towards the Knights, summoning his Blade, before a hand was placed on his shoulder. He began turning around, but his cheek was met with Allie's fist. The man was thrown to the side and crashed against the carriage, getting knocked out. The other soldiers gasped, as well as the crowd.

Allie walked up the Knights, took the gold bags, tied together by some rope, and placed them on the ground near the cordon.

-This is the gold we've collected during our travels in the southwestern region of Karash.- she said- We've done you many wrongs, especially since the Order is supposed to protect these once fractured regions. While I can't go around and fix all the other towns I pillaged from, right now, I ask you that you use this money to fix your village and help any family or friends that might be living in poverty. And I day I'll personally make this right. But if, even so, you can't trust me...

With that, she walked past the soldier's cordon and stood among the citizens. Stunned, they backed away slowly as the figure paced past them, until she was surrounded by all sides by the hundreds of villagers.

Her mantle fell on the ground. Her ragged state completely exposed for them to see, Allie knelt down and pressed her forehead on the ground, placing herself at the complete mercy of the populace.

-If you cannot forgive me, then you're free to do whatever you want to me! Maim me, torture me, kill me, make me suffer for as long as my life allows me!- she shouted, her voice firm as it roared throughout the city- If that's what it takes to pay for my sins, then I'll gladly take any punishment! You have my promise, not as an Order Elite, but as a child of Attila!

The crowd looked towards her in complete disbelief. The ruined dancer's outfit showed her figure covered in various cuts, Allie shaking like a leaf, as tears fell on the ground below her face. The Knights and Roses didn't know what to do, frozen in place at Allie's actions.

The Academics stood beside them, Zeke covering Axel's eyes.

-Wow, she's really letting the townspeople judge her, huh?- he said, swiftly moving his hand around so that it was always in front of Axel's eyes, no matter how much he tried to move away from him- Guess she's got more honor than we thought, despite being a complete psycho, huh?

-She's an Order Elite, after all. They were all raised to try and make Karash a bit of a better place. They really got a sort of charisma to them, huh?- Noah chuckled- It's like you said, Axel. Even if we're in different sides, that doesn't mean the enemy is inherently evil.

-Heck yeah, I said that!- Axel said, ducking past Zeke's arm and running towards the populace, eyes closed. He bumped past the hesitant villagers, picked up the mantle and threw it on top of the prostrated Allie- T-that's enough now! We Angel's Crow will make sure she works for her crimes, so no beating her up! We already had that covered enough!

As the red-faced Mistral-born walked around the circle that had formed, talking to the villagers, who all just wordlessly blinked in place, Guy couldn't help but laugh.

-I guess he's still not back to his old, logical self, huh?- he asked.

-Just as long as he's not back to the love-struck Axel he was a few hours ago. I kinda like it when he tries to play off his flustered side, though.- Zeke snickered.

-I still really don't see what's so scandalizing about the female form. Miss Allie's dance was pretty, but still...- Noah said, his face a blank expression.

-We really have to educate you on the matters of shame, Noah.-Guy said.

-Maybe we have to throw him in a priest or monk school.-Zeke sighed.

Meanwhile, the villagers mumbled between themselves, backing away from Allie and Axel. From within the crowd, a very short man stepped forward. Barely reaching Axel's waist, he looked at Allie, stroking his hair comb mustache.

-I'm the mayor of Aireen, Allie the Lotus. You've indeed caused a lot of suffering for our village and all the others in the region. In normal circumstances, I would have thrown you in jail for what you did. But...- he smiled at her- We are not ones to forget past debts.

He turned around to whisper something to one of the villagers, who ran inside a nearby house and returned with a black box, placing it near the pair.

-What's this?- Axel asked.

Allie rose, her eyes wide.

-That is...the cookie machine.

The mayor tapped the box (which was nearly as tall as he was).

-Indeed. The Order delivered this to us years ago. And in the notice that came with the package, it said that the machine was designed by none other than you, Allie. We were facing a massive lack of food in those years thanks to the bombings at the time polluting the nearby water supplies. We had very little food, but with this machine, we were able to survive long enough for the region's villages to all group together and help each other out.

-I can't believe you still kept it...-she said.

-Yes, we kept it as a token of appreciation for the beautiful flower that helped us out, even if we didn't know what she looked like. And even with the taxes...we all cannot lie to you and say that your dancing didn't move us. We expect you to pay for your crimes, Allie, for this is something that will not be forgotten. But we hope that someday, you will grace us with another dance, free of oppression. A dance that will capture our hearts and forgiveness.

Allie's lower lip trembled and she pressed her forehead against the ground again.

-Thank you!!! I will, I swear! I'll pay you back! Thank you so much!- she cried.

Axel sighed and looked at her with a satisfied smile, the villager's expressions relaxing.

The lotus...was sure to bloom again someday.


The bags of gold were moved to a safe at Aireen's town hall, which was, coincidentally, where Guy had fought Allie. The room filled with books was a record room and the office was down below. The Order soldiers were mobilized to help out with clearing out the rubble and Allie and the Roses were taken to the local inn to rest, as well as the Academics.

But before that, the boys stood in front of the inn's door, facing the four Owl Knights. The sun was setting, the light making their armors shine. All four of them and all four of the academics were covered in bandages, but they were all healed up.

-I was hoping you four could stay here a while longer.- Noah said.

Jack shook his head.

-I too wish that, but it seems like our job here is done. The town repairs are now underway and Allie is safely detained, along with the rest of the Roses. We have nothing left to do here.

-I just hope all credit to defeating Allie doesn't go to Angel's Crow, though...- Guy pouted- You all were vital to our victory!

-I wouldn't say "vital"...-Zeke mumbled- "Convenient" is a better term...half of what they did was fumble around.

Jimmy laughed.

-Ah, we won't say that we can compare to you young talents on the battlefield, but we still have our pride. Next time we bump into each other, we'll be much stronger! I'll catch that clown balloon thief in no time..!

-I'm still pretty sure you just read that in a book and got it all confused...-Felix sighed.

-Where will you go from here?- Axel asked.

-Wherever justice and goodness calls for us.- Roderick said- A lot of regions in Karash are still under the rule of Balthazar, after all.

-Although you showed us something important, Axel.- Jack said- The Elites...while their actions are heinous, they are still humans. And they once fought for the good of the continent. If we bump into another Elite, maybe we can talk thinks through, right? Make them see that Balthazar is the real villain and have them work to make up for their crimes!

-I'll leave you this, then.- Axel said, reaching for his tracksuit pants' pocket and taking out the Angel's Crow armband. He turned it inside out, revealing a set of numbers inscribed on it, before giving it to Jack- Our guild's number. Contact Lucy Crow if you get into trouble and she'll come running. She's always saying that more informants never hurt.

-Ha! I'll be looking forward to working with that rambunctious woman when the time comes!-Jack grinned.

The four Owl Knights nodded and began walking away. Waving their goodbyes, the men grinned against the setting sun.

-Crows and owls are all from the same family, young birds!- Jack yelled- We'll see each other again in some other nest! Until then, see you later!

And with that, the four were gone.

-Ugh, I really wish he'd stop with that...- Zeke sighed.

Axel stretched his arms.

-Well, we've had a packed day, huh? We should call it a night!- he said.

-Seriously! I'm dying to get some rest!- Zeke sighed.

-And some food!- Guy added- How much money do we have left, Axel?

-You tell me. You were in charge of keeping the wallet safe.- Axel said. Guy nodded and reached for his pocket, taking out a brown leather wallet. He opened it...

And a bunch of ashes came out.'s all burned up...- the Pyre born laughed nervously.

-Lucy is going to kill us...- Noah gulped.

-That is if we can return to Soula...- Zeke ran his hand through his hair.

-We'll just have to rely on the townspeople's charity, right? We did save their town!- Axel gave them a shaky grin- But we'll worry about that tomorrow! Let's sleep, guys!

With that, the four walked inside the inn. At the reception counter, Noah noticed a phone.

-Oh, I should go call Lucy, to report! You guys go on ahead!- he told the rest.

-Are you sure Lover Boy wouldn't want that honor, instead?- Zeke snickered.

-Ah, let Noah do it.- Axel rolled his eyes.

-And already he moved his sights to another woman! Wow, did you end up catching a glimpse of Allie, after all? I have to say, she's got a pretty big---

Zeke's mouth was covered by Axel's palm, the lilac-haired boy's face completely red.

-Be quiet!- he mumbled.

The rest of the group laughed before Axel, Guy and Zeke moved upstairs. Noah turned to the phone, taking a few seconds to recall the Guild's number before dialing it in.


Meanwhile, in a dark forest region on the northeastern side of Karash, various shadows ran through the greenery. The sound of bullets would pierce the night, as the figures ran towards the source of the sound. Soon, screams of pain were heard, as the shooters were taken care of.

-Over there!- one of the shadows said, pointing to a nearby cave.

-We can take refuge there. Let's go, everyone!- a tall shadow said before they all moved to the cave.

A few minutes later, a campfire was lit up. It illuminated the faces of various Angel's Crow members, along with Mercedes' and Lucy's faces. Their uniforms were covered in mud and leaves, and their faces were painted over with more mud and moss as well. They all sported serious expressions around the fire.

-The enemy base should be nearby. This will be the last rest before we assault it.- Lucy said.

-The soldiers didn't say anything about the weapon they're keeping at the base. We're still in the dark about it.- Mercedes warned- If they end up using it against us...

-We have to persist anyways. The base Sobek was in is still swarming with Order soldiers and they plan to attack the capital with that weapon pretty soon.- Lucy said, her stare firm and determined, the shadows in the cavern dancing around, making her face look stern, serious and cold- If we don't stop them...

One of the mercenaries reached towards her, a small black box on his hand, a Mistral Enchant stone at the tip of an antenna that stretched from the top of the box. The gadget was a communication device that could call any phone on the continent. It was Ifritizian technology and cost the Guild quite the sum. As such, it was their only sort of portable phone.

-Lucy, a call for you.

Immediately, the device was snatched away from his hand.

-Yeeeessss~? Lucy Crown here speaking!- she said, her face shining so much you'd swear it was shooting off glitter- If it's about a job, press 1! If it's for asking me out for a date, press 2! If it's about late fees, please hang up! And if it's a booty call, please let me get comfor---Oh, it's you, Noah.

Her expression died down immediately.

-What do you want? The Aireen job? Oh yeah, I nearly forgot. Mhm...mhm...- she nodded absentmindedly before her eyes shot wide open- YOU DID WHAT?! And how..?! And then...?! And yes..?! And OK..?! See you later..?! Goodbye..?!

She hung up.

Mercedes blinked, her expression signalling her complete confusion.

-What...happened?- she asked.

-Those four bumped into an Elite! It was Allie!- she said.

The whole cave was filled by a collective "WHAT?!". Lucy had to cover her ears.

-Are they OK?!- Mercedes asked, leaning towards her, an anxious expression on her face.

-Yeah, yeah, don't be so worried about your boyfriend. They beat her and will bring her home soon.- Lucy said. Mercedes sighed in relief, before bonking Lucy's head, making it rattle for a bit.

Soon after, the Grim Reaper stood back up.

-Well, we want to be there to receive them, huh? So, our break ends here! Let's finish this job and go back home!- she grinned.


With that yell, the Angel Crow Bounty Hunters moved out, back into the forest!


Noah blinked and looked around him. He stood in a field of various flowers, stretching as far as they eye could see, much like the clear blue skies that domed above his head. Down upon him was cast the shadow of a giant oak tree that stood behind him at the center of the field.

"Where am I? Last thing I remember was going right to bed after I called Lucy..."


A voice reached his ears from behind him. He turned around to see a figure standing near the oak tree's trunk.

The woman was a bit taller than him and was dressed in a pink dress, with white frills around the long skirt and sleeves. Her long, deep brown hair feel in frizzy waves on top of both of her shoulders, various flowers stuck along the hair, from top to bottom. Similar flowers were also spread around the frills on her dress's skirt. She was fair skinned, but her cheeks were rosy, seeming very warm to the touch. She sported a gentle, comforting smile, the corners of her lips revealing a slight dimple and a pair of hazelnut eyes stared at him.

She seemed to be quite older than Lucy, but aside from that, Noah didn't know anything about the woman he was looking at.

But even so, she looked so familiar...

The woman began walking towards him and, as she got close, Noah carefully stepped back.

A giggle left her lips. She extended her hand, which held a rose. She stepped closer, leaning down a bit, her face close to the boy's as she slowly placed the flower on his hand.

-You needn't be careful around me, Noah.- she said. Her voice was unbelievably soothing. It had depth to it, but it was so smooth that it nearly melted on your ear and echoed inside the mind. Noah strangely felt that that woman would be able to put any baby to sleep with a lullaby- I'm the last person who'd ever wish you harm.'re...who are you?- Noah asked, looking at the rose she gave him, sporting no thorns on the stalk.

The woman tilted her head to the side, her hands pressed against her knees as she kept leaning down to face him.

-I think you already know the answer to that question.- she smiled.

Noah took a few seconds, but nodded slowly.

-You're Tera, right?- he asked. The woman nodded, closing her eyes as she smiled widely, a faint crow's feet beside her eyes as she did.

-Exactly. The same Tera that gave you the Warrior's Heart and Gaia's Blade . That's me!

Noah then jumped back, taking a big bow.

-I-I'm sorry if I disrespected you, Your Holiness!- he stuttered. A god was the last person he wanted to be rude to, right?!

Tera kept smiling, although she looked a bit confused.

-I-It's alright, child...

-Thank you so much for helping me back then, Ma...Magnanimous Tera!- he said, keeping his body straightened out, like a soldier in line- I really am not worthy of such blessings, n-nor this rose you've given me!

-A-ah, y-you're welcome..! It's just a form of greeting I do to everyone I talk to.- the corner of her lip was now twitching slightly- I wish I could have given it to you in the waking world, so you could keep it, but a dream will suffice, I guess. Now, Noah, you needn't be so form--

-To what do I owe your righteous presence to, Your Saint-ness?!- he asked, before the woman firmly stomped on the ground, a crack forming beneath her foot and making its way to Noah, causing the boy to wobble and fall on his butt. Her smile persisted, but her lips were shaking so much and her brow was so furrowed that it was honestly pretty scary.

-Like I said...No need to be so formal.- she slowly said, her voice still very sweet, but bellying a deep horror underneath.

-A-alright...-Noah gulped.

Tera sighed, before her expression brightened right up again. She placed her hands on her hips and gave him a casual grin.

-If we're being honest here, these formal greetings are a bit too much for me. Why do we have to be so stiff towards each other? We're gods, we've been watching you since forever, and caught more than a handful of private moments. Nothing really phases us anymore, but we must still keep appearances. I swear, it wears me out...-she said, rolling her head and massaging her shoulders slightly.

She then walked up to the fallen blonde and helped him up, dusting his clothes off. Now that she was so close, Noah could feel her sweet scent. She smelled like honey. And her body's warmth was easily reaching him.

-You don't mind if I just call you "Noah", right? I think familiarity is best when talking to the people.- she said, as she kept dusting off his shoulders, before running her hand through his hair, fixing it and even licking her thumb to fix a strand of hair that kept stubbornly standing back up from the top of the boy's head.

-Um...I don't mind. What should I call you, then?- he asked back.

-How about... "Mother"?- she asked, smiling sweetly.

-No.- he simply shot back.

A look of desolation painted her face as she stumbled back, scandalized.

-W-why not?- she asked.

-Well, you don't look anything like me, so why call yourself my mother, if you're not my family? What's in it for you, asking such a thing so suddenly?- he asked, his blank expression staring at her- Is this one of those "self-indulgence" things? Mercedes always tells me to not trust any person that tries to shove their "kin-ks" or "fe-ti-shes" on me. That I'm "too dumb" and will fall prey to any sleazy con-artist that sets their eyes on me, if I'm not careful.

Tera quickly shook her head, raising her hands. A blush coated her whole face, as the motion made her auburn hair sway from side to side, the flowers that adorned it letting out a faint rustling sound.

-N-no, absolutely not! It's nothing like that! You're a Tera-born, so it's logical that I could see myself as a "mother", of sorts, to all born under my Element!-she explained.

-That's weird. Why would anyone need two mothers? You're a strange woman, like Lucy.- he said, pointing accusingly at her.

Tera massaged her forehead.

-I'd rather you not compare me to such a wild child, dearest Noah. I like to think of myself as much more composed than her. And way cooler, without needing the liquor! I know a bunch of fun things to do, without getting tipsy!- she proudly said, huffing and placing her hands on her hips again, a confident smile on her lips.

-Really? What do gods do for fun?- Noah asked, eyes shining a bit.

-Well, for one, we watch over our children---

-Yeah, that's weird.- he cut her off, his neutral expression returning- Are all gods those vo...vo..."voyeur" things, or is it just you, Miss Tera?

Tera puffed her cheeks, placing her hand on her buxom bust as she talked.

-"Voyeur"?! I'll have you know that I respect the privacy of all my children! I just watch them while they're fighting or praying! And when they're training their Element. And when they're sad. And when they're taking a particularly harsh exam. And when they have a tummy ache. And...when they're doing flower arrangements!

-How many people do you see doing flower arrangements?

Tera gave him a wise smile.

-More than you think! Our job as gods is to watch over the mortals and help them in their time of need. Although, we mostly do it in the form of visions or subjecting them to trance-like states. And, honestly, my time in your dreams is short, so maybe I shouldn't waste it on banter, huh?- she asked, a guilty smile on her lips.

-Oh, it's fine. Banter is fun and you don't seem like a bad person at all, Miss Tera, even if you're a bit strange. Besides, I never really saw a god before. When I read about you, I thought you'd take some shape I wouldn't be able to understand, but you're so pretty!- Noah said, looking up at her with big, innocent eyes.

Tera took her hands to her red cheeks, a big dopey smile on her face.

-"Pretty"? An old thing like me? Aw, please you flatter me!- she giggled.

-No, really! You're warm, you smell good, you don't have a weird outfit, like the other girls, and you're very polite and nice! Lucy taught me to always compliment women, even if I have to stretch the truth a bit, but I'm glad I can be completely honest with you!- he grinned.

-No, no, noooo, I'm an old fossil~! I'm a few thousand years past my prime! Who'd ever, in their right mind, compliment me~? I won't fall for your tricks, mister! No candy before dinner for you, no matter how much you butter me up~!- she giggled more, her dress swaying from side to side as she fidgeted around. She began patting his head repeatedly as she kept giggling, although she got a bit too into it, and it eventually turned into smacking the top of his head with her palm over and over again.

"Lucy also told me that all women do want to keep being buttered up, no matter how much they say no..." he thought, his stony face barely reacting to her smacks, his body beginning to sink into the ground, his feet crashing deeper through it with each smack.

"Good thing this is a dream. She's darn strong, though..."

Tera eventually stopped and sighed. Her expression suddenly got serious.

"What a mood shift!" Noah thought, reeling back.

-But seriously, now: that's why I came to you, Noah. What you experienced back in that battle was your power reaching a new stage. And to reach that stage, you had to face certain death. But also, you had to contend with him.

-"Him"?- Noah asked- You mean the voice, right?

Tera nodded.

-Noah, within you there's a great deal of power. More than your body can currently take, but soon you'll have full access to it. And when you do, certain individuals will expect you to use that power for something great. That's why the Order is vying to get you. Because you hold within you, not only a great deal of soul power, but also the Potential of the Golden Flame.

-"Golden" that sword!-he pointed out.

-Yes. The Potential is an extremely rare trait that a soul can have. It does not depend on Element and, although it can be passed down genetically, it runs thin on the many families of Gaia. I'd say that only one in ten million possess it.

"And that power allows the BladeMaster that possesses that spark to take nearby Elements and combine them, in order to create the Elemental Sword. The strongest Blade in Gaia. But important key."

-A key, you say...but to what?- Noah asked.

-To the birthplace of all souls. And the source of great power, enough to fulfill the wish of anyone that attains it. Noah, as the Alpha, you possess the Potential and can be used to forge that key. What you did in that battle was summon a "Specter" of the Sword, but if you add Lightus and Darkus as well, and keep them in perfect sync, the Blade will be created. And its wielder will reach the plateau of the gods.

"Noah, the voice inside you is malicious. It has helped you on your battles, but it's not for your own good. It's for his. It wants the power you currently wield, so that it frees itself and becomes something that can destroy even us. So, you cannot let yourself be controlled by it. You cannot allow your consciousness to be swallowed by his. Or else, the boy I'm looking at right now will disappear...and all that will a monster.

That's why...I saved you back then. I was the one that took your soul towards Soula. I hoped to spare you from the fate of becoming a monster, to be used by someone else. was too late. I only noticed you after the 'cut' was already made. And when I rescued your soul, it was already damaged considerably. The form you take was also because of me."

Noah blinked, frozen in place.

-"Form"? "Cut"? I don't understand, Tera! Who wants to use this...this Potential I have? And for what? If the power is a key, where's the keyhole?- he asked, but shook his head- But more importantly...who was I before I came to Soula?!

He stepped towards her, a desperate look on his face.

-You're telling me that I could be used as a great and monstrous source of I must have been a great warrior, right?! Who was I, then?! What is an "Alpha"?! And if this voice...if Tal wants to use me to pursue his goals, then how can he do it?! How can he connect to and manipulate my soul?!

Tera's eyes widened a bit, before she gave him a look of resignation, shaking her head.

-Oh, my sweet child. You seemed to have gotten confused. The voice that plagues and manipulates your soul...

" not Tal's."


-Noah, wake up!- someone would exclaim.

Noah's eyes shot open, soon facing Axel.

-Axel..? W-what...- Noah groaned. His head was thumping, but most of all, a sense of frustration was swelling inside him. Tera couldn't get another word in after that reveal, before he heard Axel's voice and woke up.

Of course he felt annoyed that he couldn't continue the dream, but most of all, he was confused. He was so sure that that voice was Tal's and Tera just up and tells him it's someone else's? But who?! Balthazar? Another Order Elite? A god?!

-You seemed like you were having a bad dream. You were tossing and turning on the bed a lot.- Axel said, dressed in a big purple and green poncho and brown pants- Come now, we have to go. Our flight is nearly here.

With that, Noah sat on the bed, noticing a matching poncho folded at the end of his bed, his being orange and red.

-A gift from the townspeople. They didn't want us to go home in ripped clothes.- he smiled- Go get changed and meet us downstairs.

With that, he left the bedroom that the boys were staying over, the three beds beside Noah's already neatly made. Sighing, Noah begrudgingly stood up and changed into the poncho. He folded his dusty clothes, made his bed and went downstairs to the reception hall.

He found the rest of the group waiting for him, Zeke and Guy dressed in ponchos too and Zeke's hair was caught up in a little spherical bun, a single stray lock falling beside his head.

-Morning, sleepyhead!- the Aqua-born grinned.

-That's rich, coming from you!- Noah puffed his cheeks, but smiled, looking at their clothes- Now we're all matching!

-The carpet seller was the one who bought it for us!- Guy said- He came by earlier to give them to us and apologize for selling us out. He even gave us a free carpet!

With that, Guy reached for a backpack he was carrying and took out a big fancy carpet. It was identical to the one the seller had sold to them the day before.

-Honestly, I still want to give him a piece of my mind...- Zeke told Axel, as Noah shoved his clothes inside Guy's backpack, an altercation ensuing between them in the background, as now Guy didn't have space inside the backpack to put the carpet back.

-He did what he did in order to survive the taxes. Sometimes, we have to put ourselves in other people's shoes.- Axel pointed out, walking to Guy and Noah, pulling on their ears and making Noah carry the new carpet- We should hurry, though. Allie is waiting for us near the ship stop.

-Oh boy, a romantic air flight with Miss Stab-a-lot. Such fun...- Zeke sighed as the group exited the inn. Around them, the populace waved and called them out, already busy clearing the rubble, with the help of the Order soldiers and even the Desert Roses, who were coordinating the militants.

Soon, the academics reached a small sign in the middle of the town that read "SHIP STOP: 6 A.M - 7 A.M.". Allie was already there waiting for them, alongside the soldier leader, who sported a mean face and a band-aid on his right cheek. The Order Elite was wearing cuffs on both her wrists and ankles, the steel chains rustling as she moved. She was dressed in a revealing red flower-motif armor, still very similar to her dancer outfit. Across her torso and shoulder were still the scars from her fighting with Axel. Those would take longer to fully heal, especially because Allie had done such a gruesome job with patching them up herself with her fire, and even so they might never fully go away once she was healthy again.

Once Noah approached, she winced a bit, stepping back, before shaking her head and leaning towards him, a bit hesitant, though.

-Good morning. As an exemplary prisoner, I made sure I got here on time for our departure.- she said, a smile on her face, directed at Axel, who jolted in place.

-U-um...glad to see that...- he said, blushing slightly and looking to the side. Guy was still looking miffed at her and Zeke wouldn't even face her general vicinity. Noah raised his hand.

-Good morning, Miss Allie! Good morning, Mister Soldier that Got Punched! Will you be accompanying us back to Soula?- he asked.

The soldier gritted his teeth.

-No, I won't, Noah Eon. I was tasked with making sure Lady Lotus was safely delivered onto you. I'll be joining the efforts to repair the village alongside the soldiers and Desert Roses, but after this, we're back to being enemies! I'll make sure I personally capture you, Alpha!- he said as he stomped away from the ship stop, towards the other soldiers and villagers that were clearing the rubble on the town square.

-Um, OK!- Noah replied, loudly, so that he could hear him as he walked away- If we do meet on the battlefield, let's try and be civil, Mister Guy that Got Clobbered!

-STOP CALLING ME THAT!- he yelled as he turned the corner.

Noah blinked, confused. And then he pouted.

-I don't think he likes me. He had this mean look on his face and he kept giving me the stink eye. Literally, it glinted.- he said in a desolate tone.

-Imagine yourself in his shoes, having your enemy just casually stroll out of your grasp, with an ally in tow.- Allie said.

-I guess...- the blonde nodded. With that, quartet and Allie stood near the sign, just waiting. Given that less than a day ago, they were mortal enemies, just casually waiting for transportation was...quite awkward. Nothing of them had anything to say, so they just stared at the soldiers helping the villagers out. The latter were still a bit hesitant around the military, but accepted the help anyways.

-Military life just seems so utterly boring.- Zeke sighed- Look at those guys: being forced to wear the same uniform, the same hair...kills your individuality.

-My brother Gibson would tell you that it fosters a feeling of unity among the soldiers. They know who's friend or foe from a glance.- Allie said- But I admit that room for personal flair would be nice...

Zeke grumbled.

-Your brother's soldiers are a riot.

-Balthazar sent this batch. I usually just roll with the Desert Roses.- she answered- Those guys adore Balthazar, though. They all received a prayer and "blessing" from him before they went on their way here. Creepy, if you ask me.

Guy nodded, peering into the soldiers' faces.

-"Adoring" is the right word. They seem pretty content with helping the villagers after threatening them. Guess an Elite's order goes a long way, huh? They all have this shimmer in their eyes, so happy that they are!

Axel leaned in too, squinting to look at them as well.

-I think those are contact lenses. I didn't know they were part of the Order uniform, Allie...

The Elite pushed herself away from the sign she was leaning against, peering at the soldiers too.

-We don't...issue "shimmering" contact lenses, nor is it part of the dress code. The heck..? You're right, though...Why do they all have such shining eyes..?

Noah placed his hand parallel to his forehead, so that he could look at the soldiers as well. All five were leaning in to look at the passing hooded figures.

-Is it just me...or are their eyes getting brighter?- he asked. A few meters from them, the soldiers' eyes were shining white...brighter and brighter. One of them handed a shovel to a villager and he was already backing away, creeped out.

-Those are some fancy lenses...-Zeke shuddered- Who's manning the brightness options and why do it to all the soldiers? They look like robots...

Allie's eyes kept following the soldier that handed the villager that shovel. He acted normal enough, but when he opened his mouth to call for another colleague...

She noticed that it was shining brightly too.

And her own eyes widened, as she ran past the academics.


The whole world turned white and became void of all sound. That is, aside from a persisting loud ringing that filled Noah and the other academics' ears. They felt an amazing force pushing them away, making them tumble across the floor.

Noah's eyes were shut tightly, blinded by the light that covered the city that was just beginning to bathe itself in the morning rays of sunlight. He felt the ground near his face.

His nose twitched, picking up an abnormal smell.

The smell of something burning.

His eyes slowly opened. He found himself in a very warm space. He looked forward, managing to make out Allie's hunched figure as she panted harshly. Around her...and around himself and the others too...were the red flames of the Nuria Colossus.

And outside of it...white.

White flames covered what remained of the buildings, as far as the eye could see. Noah could peer into the horizon beyond Aireen's borders, the view having been covered by countless buildings before, but now...just rubble.

And the people that littered the town square...were reduced to piles of white flames, a TV static-like effect to them as they burned everywhere alongside the buildings, forming a giant wall of a blazing, unnatural inferno.

-What...happened..?- Axel slowly said as he sat up, eyes wide.

-It's all...burned out...- Guy covered his mouth, tears welling up in his eyes.

-Allie, did you..?!- Zeke gritted his teeth. As a reply, Allie fell to her knees, the Colossus dissipating.

-I cannot believe...-she mumbled- You would go as far as this...YOU SICK BASTARD!

Her scream echoed throughout the city. Nobody answered.

Aside from Noah and friends...

There was no one to answer her.

-A-a bomb..?!- Axel stuttered, clutching his head, his face void of color- Someone set up a bomb...and wiped out the whole city. If it weren't for Allie's shielding...we would have been dead. But how...and who?! Who did this?!

-He did...-Allie snarled. She stared at the wall of flames.

And from within them, a figure walked out. Cape fluttering behind his red armor, his firm footsteps echoed throughout the heads of all present there. The man sported short ash-grey hair and the red eye that glared at them was cold as ice, despite the scenario he walked through. The remaining eye was covered by some sort of high-tech visor. In his claw-like glove, similar to Allie's own armor, he carried, by their ropes, the bags filled with gold.

-Zanten...why are you doing this?! Why are you helping him like this?!- Allie slowly stood up.

The man stopped in his tracks. He looked at her direction, but his stare passed right through her.

-It's the Order's duty to complete every mission they're assigned to. Do not tell me you've forgotten, Allie.- he said, his voice deep and penetrating, carrying poise and a feeling of dread within it.

-To hell with the mission! Hundreds are dead! Including the Order soldiers and MY SQUAD! And for what?! Five bags of gold?!- she yelled.

-Five bags of gold you failed to retrieve. I simply came to finish the job. The sooner the Order's funds are bolstered, the better.- he said.

Axel stood up, alongside Zeke and Guy, glaring at the armored man.

Noah did not follow their lead. He simply stared at him.

"Where...have I seen him before?"

Suddenly, an old memory reached him.

The first he had, in fact. A dark room. A yell. And a bright light...

His thoughts were cut off, as Zanten kept walking. And with each step, Noah's head began thumping harder and harder. He clutched it, flinching.

Zanten looked at the three academics, who stood ready to fight him.

-Axel Rhodes, Guy Vermilion, Zeke Truesdale. And...-he looked at Noah, a sharp jolt of pain passing through his skull, making his right eye ache- Alpha. I must thank you. You fought my comrade with all you had, yet you spared her life. For that, I am most grateful. I will carry on my mission, but I will report it as having found no resistance.

-Murderer! What's in it for you?!- Axel yelled, summoning Raiden.

And immediately it shattered in his hands. And so did Waterwheel and the Dragonic in Zeke and Guy's grasps. Their bodies soon fell to the ground, like they were all being crushed by some sort of gravitational force. It was hard to breath under such pressure.

Zanten calmly looked at them.

-If it's a murderer you want to call me, then so be it. I'm just following the path that I chose towards my goal: to defeat you and Lucy Crow. But my pride will not allow me to fight you after you spared my ally's life and while you're still exhausted from the battle. If you wish to fight me, then do it the next time we meet. Until will not be allowed to lay a finger on me.

He looked towards Allie.

-Allie, this applies to you too. The next time we meet, it will be as enemies.

-Zanten..!- she pleaded, slowly standing up, even while still being affected by that pressure- You don't have to do this! Balthazar is using you!

-I know he is. But if staying by his side will let me achieve that goal, then so be it. I'll become the devil, if that's what it takes. Now, goodbye, dear friend.

With that, he passed by a wide-eyed Allie, who fell back to her knees. As he passed by Noah, he spoke again, but didn't look at the blonde, instead staring straight ahead.

-Alpha. Your very existence should not be allowed. Next time...I'll make sure I finish the job.

And with that, he leaned forward...and vanished.

Leaving the five of them amidst that inferno.

None of them said anything. Noah was left too stunned to move a muscle. Axel gritted his teeth in absolute rage. Guy began crying. Zeke placed his shaky hands on his shoulders.

And Allie screamed.

Screamed her heart out, high into the skies, her anguish coursing through the blazing remains of the city she wouldn't be able to repay ever again.


An hour later:

-Well, lucky us! We received a call from a nearby village, reporting a massive explosion in Aireen, and when we come to check it out, and who do we find carrying five familiar bags of gold? Mister Inferno himself!

Jack smirked as he and the rest of the Owl Knights pointed their Blades at Zanten, having crossed paths with the armored man on the wastelands stretching between the villages of that region. The ground there was dry, cracking all over. A small withered tree here and there was all that was there to reveal a hint of live, but that region was not a stranger to droughts, being so close to the desert.

The four knights stood before Zanten, who stopped his slow walking to look at them.

-Who are you, again?- he calmly asked.

Jack gritted his teeth.

-We're the Owl Knights! We helped defeat Lotus back at Aireen! Now tell us what happened at the town! Were you the one responsible for the explosion we've heard about?!

-Ah yes. The former Capital knights.- he said, before looking back- And what if I did cause it?

-What happened to the boys and Allie..?- the Owl leader slowly said, clutching his Blade so hard it was shaking.

-I don't know.- Zanten replied- Maybe they got away, maybe they died in the explosion. All I know is that I found no resistance, while in Aireen.

The ground beneath his feet began shaking, as the Owl Knights flared up their Elements. Zanten's face remained cold.

-You don't want this fight. My report to Balthazar will state that there were no complications, whether you fight me or not. In the interest of saving time for us all, why not just continue on our way?- he asked, resuming his walk.

-You murder a whole village and now you don't want to fight?! You twisted bastard!- Jimmy exclaimed.

-If there's one thing I hate, is having my time wasted with meaningless battles. I've had enough cleaning up jobbers in a desolate battlefield to last me a lifetime.- the ash-haired man replied.

-We'll make sure we don't waste your time, then. Felix, with me!- Roderick yelled.

-For sure!- Felix nodded and both launched a wave of stone spikes towards the Elite, who kept casually walking towards them. As the spikes approached him, though, they all began crumbling away, shattering before they reached him, until his boots walked over a harmless pile of dust.

Jimmy roared and smacked his hammer on the ground, it shaking and cracking over as it made its way towards the Elite, but once it got two meters before him, the crack stopped and began circling around Zanten, exploding behind him.

Jimmy, Roderick and Felix stepped back, stunned.

-How..?!- Jimmy asked.

-He's not the first echelon for nothing.- Jack said, sweat dripping down the side of his face- His soul power is so great that it overwhelms ours, even if we're from a different Element. So our attacks completely shatter or are rejected once they got close to him, such is the sheer amount and pressure of his soul power.

-Exactly.- Zanten said- That's why I said it would be a waste of time to fight. Still...

He stopped.

-You three's skills are considerable. You'd reach quite the high post in the Order military. And Balthazar could use a Sage like you, Jack.

Jack's eyes widened.

"He can detect that I am a Sage from a glance?! Is my combat power that low?!"

But then he laughed.

-You surely jest. You expect us to join the Order? Get over yourself!

-Like I said. I do not care for useless fighting. All I do is for the Order and for my ultimate goal. Bolstering my forces is only natural. I'm not so much of a fool that I think I can win a war by myself. I just need to fight one enemy and it wouldn't do me well to have that fight be interrupted by a bothersome army. So allies that support and allow me to quietly reach that goal are invaluable.

-Those aren't allies! You just use them for your convenience!- Jack said.

-In a world where alliances are shifted at the drop of a hat, concepts like "friendship" lose value to me pretty quickly. I just need more manpower for my goal. I don't need your heart to be on my side. So what say you four? It beats wandering around the country, hoping to find Elites and die.- he asked.

Suddenly, a small blue Enchant Stone would hit his visor, knocking it off his face and dropping it to the ground with a "clink". Zanten's profile faced the Knights as he stood still, stunned at the response.

-How's that for an answer?- Jack would yell, reaching for his pouch, having summoned both it and his staff. The other Knights readied for the fight.

Zanten stood still, before he turned towards the Knights. Suddenly, their faces lost all color and his eyes widened, an expression of terror on them as they stared back at Zanten. Their knees shook, an incredible pressure shaking both the ground and the air around them.

The Elite's voice echoed through their minds, seeming like it was coming from within a deep cavern.

-You shouldn't have done that. You should have listened to me.- he said, slowly raising his closed fist.

-Y-you...what are you?!- Jack would ask, looking at the man, whatever he saw terrifying him, as well as the other Knights, to no end.

-I am...the blaze that will purge this world of all chaos. I am the flames that fuel the bonfire of order and peace. I am...

"The Order's Inferno."

With that, he opened his palm, a massive wall of fire igniting in front of him, lighting up the whole wasteland before the Elite. It consumed the four knights, the blaze towering well above the armored man, the sheer force making his cape flap back wildly.

And, as quickly as it came, it died down. The whole area in front of him burned with red flames, the only remains of the Owl Knights being their half-melted armors and a few Enchant Stones amidst the pile of ashes that once was Jack's bag.

Zanten lowered his arm and leaned down to pick up his visor. With a deep breath, he put it back on, clutched the rope holding the bags tighter and continued on his way like nothing happened.

-Like I said...

" resistance."