Chapter 47: Homecoming's Rain

After the destruction of Aireen, Noah's group had to remain in the southwestern region of Karash for the remainder of the day. All communication equipment in the village had been destroyed and their airship took much longer than expected to arrive, landing past noon in fact. The boys would soon find out that the explosion had launched an sort of wave that had affected the Enchant Stones that powered the ship's avionics, forcing it to stop for repairs.

Once it did arrive, it was quite the laborious situation the group had to go through. The ship was already bringing numerous passengers to Aireen, who soon found that it was, indeed, not there anymore. They tried to call back home, but the wave was interfering with any devices. Whatever that fire was, it disrupted surrounding elemental particles, rendering them useless.

Stranded in the burning ruins of the town, Noah's group and the people from the ship were forced to wait for more aircrafts to arrive, to take everyone back to their homes. Thankfully the commercial airships were quite comfy and big, so nobody was lacking in food or somewhere to rest. Axel even found an empty glass jar inside the ship and used it to scoop up some of the strange white flames, that even Zeke was having trouble putting out.

-Might as well have Eldus examine this freaky thing, right?- he explained to the group, while holding up the jar, watching the white embers flicker inside, undisturbed, after he poked some holes on the lid using Raiden.

Allie was a mess, choosing to return to the ship and rest. Thankfully, the passengers that did recognize her (she was the more conspicuous person there, after all) left her alone, out of fear. She spent the whole time sitting on the floor of a quiet corner, in her cuffs.

The sun was setting when three more ships arrived. By then, the flames had died down almost completely, so the ships could move more easily. Noah and the rest left the ruins behind, flying back to Soula.

While on the ship, Guy called home and spent an entire hour on the phone assuring his parents, who had heard of the explosion by now, that he was alright. Noah and the rest could hear his mother's worried voice through the phone, pleading for Guy to return to his village, to be on the safe side. But once he said that he had to get Allie to Angel's Crow, the conversation took a massive shift, with Guy's equally loud father joining in to the gabbing, congratulating the Pyre-born on his victory. The chubby boy didn't get to say much back to them.

-Geez, it's like night and day, compared to my parents...- Axel sighed on his seat, surrounded by Noah, Zeke and about ten other people who covered their ears at the yelling coming from the phone.

-Believe me: it gets old after a bit.- Zeke groaned, his body sprawled across three seats, making the other passengers glare at him.

Noah couldn't help but smile a bit at the situation. He could use every smile he could get, after all.

-I guess parents come in every flavor, huh?- he said, the dream he had with Tera still fresh in his mind, not vanishing one bit, despite the passage of time.

Axel stood up from his seat.

-I'm going to check up on Allie.- he announced, moving towards the corner of the ship where the Elite was.

-You go, Casanova...- Zeke yawned, stretching and taking his seat as well.

-I'm going to ask her to sit with us. So sit properly, Zeke.- Axel warned.

-Don't you dare..!- Zeke pointed at him, rolling where he was lying- I claim these seats as mine!

A loud "shhh" was heard from the other passengers, making Zeke cringe and curl up in guilt. Axel moved to sit in the corner alongside Allie. The Elite had her eyes stuck on the floor. After a few minutes not saying anything, she finally parted her lips.

-I wish it didn't have to end like this...- she mumbled, her voice weak.

-Nobody wishes it did.- Axel replied- But we'll get that Zanten. He won't go unpunished, especially once Angel's Crow knows about this.

Allie looked up at the ceiling, a sad smile on her face. The energy she had shown during her dancing and, heck, even during her fighting, was completely gone. She looked like she had aged about thirty years. a very troubled guy. He wasn't always that cold, though. He used to be kind of a hot-headed brat, but always had a smile on his face. Always trying to help out people, which often got him in sticky situations. Since he wasn't the most skillful BladeMaster, we often had to come to his rescue. But he never gave up, and his determination ended up being a light to us, in our youth. But after Lucy left, he became bitter...and a completely different person. His soul has become shrouded in darkness. And that's where Balthazar came in.

-But that doesn't excuse his actions, though. No matter what kind of bribery Balthazar placed upon him, he still killed all those people. - Axel firmly stated.

Allie shook her head.

-You have it wrong, Axel. Zanten...has lost everything. Balthazar has nothing to take away from him. He's the only Elite that has something to gain from following Balthazar. Their goals align and so Zanten, no matter how much he detests Balthazar's actions, will follow him to the end.

"We Elites have been intentionally sabotaging various missions under our leader's nose, in order to try and put a dent on his plans from the inside. Stuff like delaying shipments of Enchant Stones or military weapons, diverting taxes, bribing the officials that run the various villages on the continent, in order to ease their rough treatment of the locals...And Zanten does help out with those tasks. But when it really matters...he'll follow Balthazar. No questions asked."

-What happened to make him like that, I wonder...-Axel mused.

Allie sighed, before looking to the opposite side of the boy.

-Yes, I do wonder...- she said.

-You're not hiding anything from me, are you?- he asked, pouting at her.

-You'll know when the time is right. Until then, I have promises to keep, Axel. And not even your sweet-talking will help you now.- she gave him a coy smile.

Axel grumbled and said nothing else. After a bit more, Allie looked back at him.

-Thank you, though. Your stubbornness towards me helped me wake up a bit.

-It's fine. I just wish I could have gotten the message across a lot better, instead of raging at you for half the battle. I wanted to tell you what I felt upon seeing your dance, this feeling that ignited inside my soul upon watching it. I don't know how to explain, but said feeling was telling me that you couldn't possibly be that malicious.

-What kind of tactical analysis would make you so sure?- she asked.

-Um...I don't know. It was just a gut feeling, I guess.

-Then I know full well what it was. And it was anything but logical.- she gave out a small giggle. Axel tilted his head in confusion for a few seconds, before the realization made him blush deeply and curl up where he was sitting. The duo remained in that corner for the rest of the voyage.

And so, the trip continued through the night, the last flames in Aireen dissipating under the gentle glow of the moon.


Noah peeked his head inside the Angel's Crow base.

-We're home!- he shouted. The morning rays of sunlight peeked over the Walls of the city.

Suddenly, he'd find something bumping against his chest and wrapping around his waist. He looked over to find Mercedes giving him a tight hug.

She looked at him, her face awash with worry.

-Thank the gods..! Do you have any idea how much you worried us with that call?!- she exclaimed.

Noah looked at her with his neutral expression before smiling at her.

-Well, if I wasn't alright, I wouldn't have been able to make that call, right?- he laughed- But thanks for worrying. It's a bit uncharacteristic from you, but hugs are nice!

Mercedes immediately backed off.

-Well excuse me for worrying...- she puffed her cheeks. She would then freeze as Noah patted her head, trying to mimic what Tera had done. A huge blush crept up on her cheeks as she stood completely still, but then gritted her teeth as the goggled boy started to smack her on the top of the head- WOULD YOU STOP?! Go report to Lucy!

With that, she pushed him inside the dark and dingy base. A few mercenaries greeted him around the main table, but Noah didn't see Lucy, until he felt something soft and warm press up against the back of his head. He then felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around his neck in a choke hold.

-Now it's time for my special hug!- Lucy giggled as Noah struggled in her grasp- Where are my head pats, mister?

-I wouldn't give you any!- Noah yelled at her, kicking at the air.

-Aw, don't say that! I was worried sick too! I couldn't get any sleep last night!- she pouted.

-That's because you were out drinking.- Mercedes sighed as she took her seat behind the table, grabbing one of the many papers that piled on top of it- I know we just got payed big for that job in the eastern Base, but you do know you actually have to pay us, now, right? And for the mission in Myra too!

-Grr...fine..!- she groaned, before an evil glint crept up on her face. She looked down to Noah, who still in her grasp.

-Heeeey, Noah~! Do you like maaaath~?

-Pay your own bills, Lucy.- he promptly said said, before he felt her arms squeeze against his neck tighter.

-Cheeky bastard. You know nothing about the struggles of adulting...- she grumbled, putting him down and returning to her seat. Noah would notice that her usually straight hair was now wavy, the platinum locks curling up beside her face. She put on some black glasses and resumed going through an especially tall stack of papers in front of her, curses seeping through her lips in a low voice.

-Did you get a new haircut?- Noah pointed out. Lucy's eyes shone right back up again.

-Someone noticed~! Oh Noah, I love you all over again!- she swooned.

-Aren't those expensive? Mercedes is always telling me that she can never get a "change of style" because you keep not paying her for her jobs, instead spending it all on yourself. Honestly, I can't understand the appeal. Mine hasn't changed since I got here, after all.- the goggled boy added, running his fingers through his golden blonde locks.

Both Lucy and Mercedes gritted her teeth, the rest of the mercenaries holding in their laughter. Both women glared at him. If looks could kill...

-Why does... But what matters is how good it looks and not how much money I spend on it...- Lucy slowly said.

-Noah, I told you that in confidence...- Mercedes said, a forced and twitching smile on her lips.

-Ah, right!- Noah smiled back- Sorry, I forgot you're trying to pass off a feeling did you put it... "steadfast professionalism", by not frivolously changing hairstyles once a week like Lucy does. Good job!

Noah's smile would die down at their renewed glares and looked at the mercenaries with his blank expression, confused as to why both women seemed about to explode.

Lucy took a deep breath, before she resumed her writing.

-That aside, why are you here all alone? Where are the others?- she asked.

-Oh, Axel went to deliver something to Eldus first. He and the others should be bringing Allie soon. We have one heck of a report to give you...- he replied, the energy on his expression dying down.

-Joy...- Lucy dismissively said, curling up her locks on her index finger.

-Why the sour face, Lucy? You're already losing in all other aspects, so might as well keep a smile on~- a familiar voice sounded from the door.

Noah looked behind him and then let Allie come in. The Elite was accompanied by Axel, Zeke and Guy, and was still cuffed.

The pencil on Lucy's hand immediately snapped in half. The platinum-haired woman slowly rose her face from the papers, her smile anything but welcoming.

-Oh, where are my manners? Why, hello there, Allie! Good to see you!- she said, her voice carrying so much poison within it that she might as well have turned into a snake- And I see that the time that you were arrested for public indecency finally came! The cuffs do so much for your complexion, dear~

Allie giggled, her tone acidic.

-Why thank you~! You know I can make anything look good.

-Of course you can. Your "homeless floozy" style can make any nick-knack look good, as long as it covers your body.

-Oh my, and aren't you a bit too old for the gothic style? I thought this was a mercenary guild, not the local angst-filled academy. People will start thinking of you as that creepy auntie type, who tries to pass off as a "cool" teen.

-Compared to your stripper outfit, I'm looking as graceful as a priestess.

-A priestess that gets some extra "indulgences" on the side. What, you get that trashy haircut from a poor-paying client?

-I'LL KILL YOU!!!- Lucy roared, jumping over the table and grabbing Allie, both women tumbling outside, grabbing each other by the hair as they wrestled. From Allie's shoulders spawned a pair of fire arms, who grabbed at Lucy.

Noah and the rest followed out the base.

-What was even the point of cuffs...-Zeke groaned.

-I don't think a straight jacket would suffice...- Guy said, looking on, with a mildly terrified expression, at the two women rolling around, spouting all kinds of insults at each other.

-You fight like a little girl! I see all those years away got you rusty!- Allie shouted as she pulled on Lucy's hair.

-You wish that my "rusty" was your best, you viper!- Lucy replied, elbowing her stomach.

-I can look thrice better than you in my sleep!

-If you consider being shameless something good, then that's great!

-People expect this from a dancer! It comes with the territory!

-The only thing people expect from you is your price list!

-Says the floozy with the miniskirt! Go attract creepy old men elsewhere!

-At least I have a skirt! Don't you have a private yacht to "dance" at, you pervert?

-Why don't you go mooch some more off of the entitled noble fathers of them Academics, you leech?

Eventually Terri and Sobek would walk up to the group watching the fight in front of the base. Terri sighed, a towel around her neck, her body sweating from her morning exercises. Sobek was holding a bag with Enchant Stones over his shoulder, on his way to work with Albus.

-I see that they didn't waste any time. Glad that nothing's changed.- Terri said, shaking her head.

-You mean to tell me that this is normal?- Mercedes asked.

-Lucy and Allie fighting each other was so common at the Order Tower that it almost was a daily event.- Sobek sighed- 5 to 6 o'clock in the afternoon? Oh man, it was time for the "Lucy vs Allie catfight"! I had it on my daily schedule and would even bring popcorn with me!

-It was some good popcorn...- Terri smiled- You got some with you?

-Once I heard that Allie was coming back? Heck yeah, I got some! I'm going to my room and get some!- he smirked, placing the bag on the ground and running off.

-We should be more focused on making them stop!- Guy said, beginning to step over to stop the fight.

Suddenly, Zeke placed his arm in front of his chest. stand still, Guy.- he slowly said, his eyes sporting an unusual amount of energy as he watched the fight.

-Zeke.- Axel suddenly glared at the auburn-haired boy. His stare was cold as he slowly raised his hand at Zeke.

The Aqua-born met his challenge, glaring back at him and slowly raising his hand at him too.

Sparks flew between both boys' eyes.

Before they clapped their hands together in a firm grasp, both exchanging smiles of camaraderie.

-I see that you've got some culture in you, friend.- Zeke smirked- I thought your goody two-shoes act would deny you of this sight.

-Not in a million years, buddy.- Axel smirked back before both resumed watching the women pull on their hairs, throwing punches, kicks and elbows, as well as trying to lock each other in various grapples.

-You're all disgusting...-Mercedes groaned, before noticing someone appear out of the corner of her eye, from behind the Angel's Crow HQ. Merceny and Eldus were making their way to the scene, but once Black Feather saw that mess, he mouthed a "Ah, hell no", turned right back and began walking away.

-Merceny, for goodness sake, come help me break this off!- the girl said, running past Eldus, after her brother.

-Nope! You're not catching me anywhere near that mess!- he said as he began running away back inside the dorms, sister in tow.

Noah looked towards Eldus, who snickered as he watched the fight.

-Eldus, what's a "cat-fight"? Noelle is in Guy's room...-he asked the wise man.

The Sage smirked at him before answering him with a deadpan stare.

-A catfight is a form of sparring exclusive to women. They train their close quarters combat and grapples, while looking like a couple of drunk tramps in the meanwhile.

-Ah...-Noah nodded slowly- And what's a "tramp?"

-A valiant female warrior.- Eldus immediately replied back.

-Wow!- Noah gasped, eyes shining before turning towards the pair- Go Lucy, you can win! Be the best tramp you can be!

-Oh no you don't, old man!- Lucy stood up and stomped towards Eldus, her once flawless wavy hair a jumbled mess. She reached out to pull on the Sage's beard, before Allie's arms wrapped around her waist, lifting her up and suplexing the Grim Reaper. Lucy yelled in protest, getting out of Allie's grasp and trying to wrap the Lotus in a full nelson.

Mercenaries, Academics and Eldus watched the fight intently. Axel, Noah and Zeke's eyes were shining in awe. Guy still looked worried, fidgeting in place. Eldus was trying to not burst out laughing. And Terri and Sobek were digging into a bag of popcorns that the blue-haired man had gone and picked up.

-This is some gooooood stuff!- Terri said, grabbing snacks by the fistful- Come on, Allie! Go for the liver blow!

-I wish I had some money to bet...-Sobek said, mouth full of popcorn.

-I've had enough risqué angles to last me a lifetime..!- Axel swooned- Thanks the gods I'm alive!

-Thank the gods I'm awake..!- Zeke said, a big smile on his face.

-This is silly...aren't we all allies..?- Guy would look around in confusion.

-Lucy, go for it! Use Soul Crash!- Noah encouraged her.

-Step right up for the battle of the century!- Eldus was using his staff as a make-shift microphone stand, as he yelled at the Academics that were beginning to peek out from their windows, attracted by the confusion that was sounding outside of the dorms- Not for the faint of heart! Two gold coins per seat!

Meanwhile, Lucy and Allie would stand up and each throw a punch at each other. Both fists sunk in their target's cheek at the same time, both women's expression scrunching up, a shockwave following from the impact, shaking the shabby wooden guild base!

After a few seconds, with bruised faces, both women would reel their fists back for another attack, before they were both grabbed from behind.

-Alright now, nothing to see here! I'm all up for fiery competitions, but this is embarrassing!- Rye would say, his arms locked up with Lucy's, leaving the platinum haired woman struggling in place.

-Rye, I swear if you don't let me go..! I have to teach that floozy a few lessons!-Lucy growled, still glaring at Allie.

-I mean, can't we give them a few more seconds, Rye? We were getting to the best part of a catfight, where the clothes come off! And then they kiss and make up!- Gee pouted, his hands grabbing Allie by her flower shaped armor.

-On second thought, Rye, let me kick that scrawny ass first.- Lucy hissed.

-What, not confident on your own goods, Lucy~?- Allie would smirk, not seeming to care where Gee was grabbing her from.

-Oh, don't you dare! Unlike you, I don't strip for an audience!

-Why you..!- Allie would shout, freeing herself from Gee's hold and stomping towards Lucy, who also freed herself from the Master's iron grasp and was making her way towards the Elite. Both their hands began glowing with their respective Elements as the women stepped closer to each other.

Before they could strike again, though, a pair of strong hands clutched the top of their heads. Terri brought them close to herself.

-Now, now. I think that's enough fighting for today, don't you think? You're really making yourselves look bad in front of everyone, you two.- she said, a scary smile on her face.

Lucy and Allie pouted up at her and stopped fidgeting, instead puffing their faces at each other.

-Fine...- they both said.

-I guess you've gotten a bit better at grappling...-Lucy said, not looking at Allie's direction.

-And I guess black does suit you...-Allie would say, side-mouthing those words.

With that, they shook hands. Eldus brought his staff close to his mouth, like a microphone.

-And it's a draw! Both go home more losers than before!- he announced out loud, tears welling up in his eyes from the laughter, but when he suddenly had both women pulling on his beard from both sides, the Angel's Crow HQ was the one bursting into laughing.

Meanwhile, above the city, dark clouds began forming

Carrying with them a foreboding rain...


-And...there.- Eldus said, a clinking sound following as he closed Allie's new cuffs, an Aqua Enchant embedded in the metal of a ring around the each of Elite's wrists and ankles. It was meant to nullify, or at least suppress her Element usage, by making it so that an opposite Element Stone radiated the elemental particles near her, lowering her ability to ignite them with her Pyre or even allow her to summon her Blade at all. A BladeMaster with no Element of Blade was rendered completely useless, he said.

The Sage backed away, leaving Allie to sit, with a coy smile, behind one of the ends of the Angel's Crow table. Rye and Gee guarded her from each side. She looked at them and then at Lucy, who sat behind the opposite end of the table, the Academics near her, as well as Mercedes and her brother, who clutched his right ear, which was a bit red.

Terri and Sobek watched from the sidelines ("Don't you have a job to go to?" asked the Titan ). The Mercenaries had been excused, so only the Anti-Order Brigade was inside the HQ.

-Special cuffs and handsome guards, all for lil' ol' me? To what do I owe such deluxe treatment, Lucy?- she asked.

-Well, any person who brings harm to my employees deserves, at least, that. I can't have you going berserk in Soula, can I?- Lucy asked, resting her chin on the top of her hands.

-Come now, I lost fair and square. I'm not that much of sore loser.- she giggled- So let me go and I can start working for ya, like a good prisoner. I saw Sobek carrying a bunch of Stones and Terri was jogging, right? Lemme be part of the Soula community~!

-Easy there. For your information, we had Sobek locked up as well, before we let him go. Don't think you're getting any special treatment. For us and for Soula, any Order Elite is a criminal and Angel's Crow's job is to detain those kinds of people.- Lucy said.

-Aww, booo. So, where will my prison be? Here in this tiny, rotting place? The Academy dorms? Or will these fine gentlemen guard me all day at their place?- she asked, smiling towards Rye and Gee.

-Seeing as we're getting more and more people under the Brigade's jurisdiction, space to keep all these "prisoners" is getting thin. We might have to keep her in our dojo.- Rye nodded, crossing his arms.

-Finally you have a good idea, Rye.- Gee smirked.

-We're not letting her stay with you, Gee.- Lucy pouted- Knowing you, you'd probably fall for her cheap flirting and release her.

-Lucy don't be such a spoilsport. I'm a good girl! I know how strong Astral Soul is, so why would I defy the Masters of it~?- she asked, leaning to place her head and hands across Gee's chest, making the thinner Master jolt in place.

Meanwhile, Axel's eyes widened, face getting red.

-Oh, you'd be a special guest of sorts, but still a prisoner. Don't think I would ever let you pull a fast one over us.- Gee smirked right back at her.

-Oh my, such steadfast loyalty to your cause!- Allie swooned, looking up at him with sparkly eyes and blushed cheeks- Would I be staying, perhaps, in your room, so you could keep an extra-close eye on me?

-You wouldn't leave my sight, Lotus.- Rye replied, his voice low, deep and seductive, keeping her close to himself.

-Even in my most...private moments?- she whispered to him.

-I take my job seriously, Allie dear. Twenty he'd coo back.

Steam could almost be seen coming out of Axel's ears.

-She'd be sharing my room. I can already see that it wouldn't go well if you two lovebirds were together.- Rye shook his head, placing his big hand on Allie's shoulder and pulling her back onto her chair.

-Rye, what the heck?!- Gee gritted his teeth- She was offe--

-Master Rye, you're such a worrywart!- Allie would now lean against the gruffer man, who'd look down at her with a blank expression- And overkill too! If I ever tried to pull a fast one on you, you'd snap me in half with those big, strong muscles of yours~!

With that, she began running her finger across the older man's arms, making Gee and Axel's shoot daggers at him from their eyes.

Rye would then smirk and place his hand on top of Allie's head, making her smile widen for a moment, before it completely vanished upon the Master leaning down to face her, a terrifying glare on his eyes.

-You attacked my students without restraint. Oh, the ways I could restrain you in my chambers. Not even the fiercest monks would endure my most creative knots...- he growled.

Allie's smirked nervously at him.

-D-don't threaten me with a good t-time..~- she said, shaking in place.

-Oh it will be...for me.- he replied. Allie jolted in place and leaned back towards Gee.

-Oh Gee, dear! Please let me stay with you!- she cried out. She would look at him with big, sad eyes, only to find a stoic, cold expression on his face, looking away, his heart far off in the distance.

-Maybe you're better off staying somewhere else, Allie dearest. I know full well the many training regimens Rye goes through. Being tied by ropes and chains, sitting through ultra-hot saunas, being submerged in water for more than the regular human lung could possibly last, being subjected to enough electricity to run an airship, meditating on hot coal or nail mats and sleeping on nail beds...he likes to place both himself and me in all sorts of ridiculous situations, in order to strengthen our bodies. It's nothing a sweet flower like you should go through...- he said with a sigh.

-What steadfast determination to your cause, Gee.- Rye smirked.

-Shut up..! I'm nearly 25, I'm in the flower of my youth and you don't let me have any fun!- Gee groaned.

-You implying that just because I'm 50 I can't have any fun?- the older man replied, hands on his hips.

-With your S&M shenanigans, I'd say you're already having too much fun...-the blue-haired master muttered, before Allie pushed him away, sitting back on her chair, arms behind her head.

-Whatever.- she said- I'm into classier and better-off guys anyways. If I stayed with you two, I'd probably never get the stench of sweat and testosterone off of me anyways...

-Yup, no fun at all...- Gee sighed, kicking the air, dejected, while Sobek snickered.

-Geez Gee, you really can't get anything right, huh?- the Typhoon smirked- I guess us Elites are just too much for your scrawny butt to handle, be it in battle or love.

Gee rolled his eyes, waving the twig he was chewing at the Elite.

-No comments from the micro peanut gallery.- he said.

-"Peanut" that whooped your butt.- Sobek replied.

-He did hand it to you, Gee.- Rye nodded.

-How in gods' names do you lose to Sobek?- Allie giggled, making the Master cross his arms, gritting his teeth. Sobek snickered, before he let out an "Hey!" and pouted at Allie.

-I get thrown into a wall once and you guys won't get off my case!

-You should have had Astral Soul activated throughout that whole battle, Gee.- Rye said.

-How would I know that there would be old plumbing pipes sticking out?! I got really hurt and you guys don't seem to care!

-Well, when you went to the hospital, you spent more time flirting with the nurses rather than healing, so it's hard to feel sorry for you. I've heard the stories.- Merceny replied.

-Pfftt...I didn't know you hung out with such losers, Lucy~- Allie snickered.

Now it was Gee's turn to get red.

-Y'all are going to regret making fun of me. I'm going to have my time to shine and you're going to feel so silly!- he said.

-Yeah, yeah, I can't wait.-Lucy rolled her eyes- Going back to main subject, though. Who should we let Allie stay with...

She looked around the Base. Zeke and Guy had already taken Axel under the table.

-Eldus, you're already letting Sobek stay at your place. Can you behave with Allie in there too, old man?-she asked.

Eldus jolted in place.

-Well, I---

-It'll be fun, Allie!- Sobek said, pumping his fists, excited- Me and Eldus are good roommates!

-The very notion utterly terrifies me.- Allie said.

-Aw, don't be like that!- the young Elite said- He's cool! And he lets me practice my recorder every night, all night!

-And with which sleepless night, I get closer and closer to committing an atrocity.- Eldus slowly said, clutching his staff tightly.

-See?! Tons of fun!- Sobek grinned.

-Well, Eldus is out of the picture, then. If he croaked on us out of stress from babysitting you two, it would put a damper on our plans against the Order.- Lucy said, still absentmindedly signing some other documents will the others bantered, left fist pressed against her cheek and elbow narrowly avoiding the hole she had punched on the table during the party and "fight" with Noelle.

-You're so sweet, Lucy.- Eldus said- Well, I don't think it would be too bad if we let her stay with an Academic. How about you, Mercedes?

-W-what?- the blonde girl looked around before pointing at herself- I don't know Allie at all, why are you pushing her to stay with me?! Just let her stay with Lucy and Terri!

-Our room is already crammed as it is, Cidy.- Terri said- Between mine and Lucy's stuff cluttering the room, the only free space Allie would have to sleep in would be under the bed.

-You're the one who suddenly got way into woodcarving and keep all of your crummy works piled up in the corner.-Lucy glared at the tall woman- Do you know how nightmarish it is to step on a splinter with your bare foot in the middle of the night?!

-Oh, like you don't take enough space with a vanity so big, one would think you stole it from Queen Freya's bedroom.- the Titan retorted before looking back at Mercedes- What's the problem of letting Allie stay at your place?

-W-well...- White Feather started, face getting a bit flushed.

-It's because that way, she wouldn't be able to spend alone time with her precious guest!- Zeke's hand pointed from under the table.

-Guest?- Merceny asked, his expression already getting aggressive.

-I-it's not like that..! Lucy put me up to it!- she pointed at a whistling Lucy, White Feather's face already beat red, waving her hands in front of herself.

-Really, Mercedes? I go to your room every night and I never saw a guest there! Are they a master of stealth? You must introduce me!- Noah raised his hand, his smile void of any intelligence before he had to run away from the base thanks to a chasing Merceny.

Allie let out a hearty laugh.

-Ah, to be so young again...

-You're talking like an old hag, Allie. I know your skin is as brittle as one, but still...-Lucy said, gaining a growl from the Lotus.

-Bite me.- Allie said- If White Feather won't let about Black Feather-? He's much cuter than I thought he'd be, with the overprotective brother shtick. Oh, how nostalgic~

A muffled scream could be heard from under the table. Outside, Merceny looked back inside the HQ as he was chokeholding Noah.

-Not happening! I already have one loony floozy to deal with every time I come to work, I don't want to deal with another when I go to my room!- he yelled.

Allie's smiling face peeked out the door.

-Aw, don't be like that, boy! You're saying you don't want Big Sis Al to stay with you? We could become the best of friends!

-Really not interested!- he replied, before he felt himself being thrown over Noah's shoulder- Now, YOU I want to have a long chat with!

With that, he charged at Noah, now the grappling match being between the two boys.

The people inside the HQ ignored that one. Allie slumped back in her seat.

-Aw shucks. And I was eager to teach him so much about letting one's sister spread her wings and how to really use that grunge look to his advantage. He'd be the little heart-throbber of the Academy~

Lucy sighed, exasperated.

-Ugh, stop talking like you're some kind of experienced love guru! The cringe is too much!- she said, her tone exasperated, and rolling her lavender eyes.

Allie's confident smirk only grew.

-Oh? But I do have experience~

-Shut up..! Since when?!- Lucy asked, smacking the table as she stood up, leaning towards Allie. tours take me to all parts of Karash...a cute fan here and there might offer me a date and who am I to refuse? And after a certain point...well, let's just say that it wasn't simple hand-holding and pecks on the cheek~

Now it was Lucy's turn to blush.


Her scream would be accompanied by Axel's, the Mistral-born's head bursting through the wooden table, making a new hole on the opposite side where the first hole was. Pieces of wood would cover his hair as he looked at Allie with a scandalized expression.

Allie blinked, confused, before bursting out laughing.

-What's the matter? I'm 24 and a responsible--and let's admit, good-looking--adult! I'm free to get around, don't you agree, Lucy?- she asked, resting her elbows on the table and her chin on her hands, followed by a playful wink.

Beside her, Rye would cover his mouth with both hands, eyes watering, and Gee would look at the wall with a lifeless expression.

-I-I mean..! O-of course you c-can, but...ya see..! Um..! That just seems a bit too...- the Grim Reaper would fumble her words, face covered in sweat, her cheeks flushed in a rare expression of true fluster.

The lilac-haired woman's expression would light up, her brain adding two and two together.

-Ooooh..! Oh my, my, my! I never expected someone who always acts like she owns to world to be so...pure! Wow, that's actually really adorable, Lucy. And impressive, too! How do you live with yourself, acting so contradictory every day of your life? You already look like a hippo, I didn't expect you to be so... HYPOcritical, too!- she wheezed at her lousy pun.

Lucy gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, her body stiff as as wooden board, before she began moving around the table, towards Allie. Suddenly, the back of her collar would be grabbed by Eldus' hand.

-Easy there, my precious little morning snow. Just admit you lost this one and move on.- he said- Stuff like this isn't something you should rush, unless you plan to come out hurt afterward.

-Wow, an actual piece of good knowledge from Eldus? Am I still sleeping?- Zeke asked, having stood up from under the table alongside Guy, and now trying to shove Axel's head back through the hole he made.

-I mean, the last thing we need is another, smaller Lucy walking around the base. The original is already bratty enough.- the Sage said, stroking his beard.

-Shut up, my children would be totally adorable.- Lucy pouted.

-I'm more worried about who'd have such low standards to want to father them...-Allie mused, shaking her head, before Rye and Gee had to step in and stop a charging Lucy's hands from reaching her neck.

Suddenly the confusion was stopped by the sudden ringing of the nearby phone. Because he was the closest to it, Sobek stepped over and picked it up, taking the instrument to his ear. He took a second to look at the ceiling, with an hesitant expression on his face, before he began speaking.

-This is Angel's Crow, home of the most fabulous and strongest BladeMaster in Gaia! If this is about a job, please press 1! If this is about taking me on a date, please press 2! If this is about late bills, please hang--

-Give me that!- Terri said, taking the phone from the short man's hands and giving his head, which barely reached her chest, a firm smack.

-What, I was just trying to recite the guild's motto! At least, that's how Lucy always answers the phone...- he complained, rubbing the top of his head.

Terri didn't reply, instead nodding at the voice over the phone, before her eyes widened. She then pointed the phone towards Lucy.

-It's King Maximilian, Lucy! Man, I thought I'd only answer him the phone when he'd be about to invade the Order Tower..! Yesterday's enemy, I guess!

Lucy jumped over the table, snatching the phone from Terri's hand, taking it to her ear. The platinum-haired woman sat on the table, legs crossed, her expression filled with bliss as she curled up the phone's wire around her index finger.

-Maxy~! Finally you called! To what do I owe this IMMENSE pleasure? Are you finally going to ditch that old fossil Freya and get with the cream of the crop, a real woman?- she asked, looking over at Allie with a triumphant grin- Mhm..? "Serious business"? Well, yeah, everybody from the Brigade I've reported to you is accounted for. Terri and Sobek included. Speakerphone? Sure..?

She stood up and picked up the phone from the shelf it was on while Terri dragged a bruised Noah and Merceny back inside by their ears.

-He must be wanting his marriage proposal to be heard by everyone.-she mumbled, before she hit the button.

From the other side, a deep voice began speaking. It had a soothing, refined feel to it, a certain gruffness that made it equally serious, but calming as well.

-If everyone from the Anti-Order Brigade is hearing this, then good day to you all. This is King Maximilian IV. I wish I could have spoken to you under better circumstances, but the delivery of this message is very imperative and I felt that you, Lucy, should hear it along your piers before this goes out to the general public.

-Since when does the Karashian Kingdom share such confidential information with a neutral territory like Soula, before even its subjects?- Eldus asked, leaning towards the phone, his expression serious, lips curling up in a rare instance of nervousness.

-I apologize, Eldus Egas. At first, the Council decided against releasing this information, out of fear of spreading public among the masses. I agreed with them and have been withholding this for about four weeks, as our researchers investigated the matter further. While no progress on that front has been made, in light of very recent events, I had to overturn their decision and inform you all.

-Don't keep us in suspense, Maxy, what's up..?- Lucy asked, a drop of sweat running down the side of her face.

The phone was silent for a while, before the King spoke up:

-Four weeks ago...the village of Myra disappeared from the map.

Like a wave crashing down the coast, those words nearly crushed and swept away the people inside the room. Eyes wide, faces pale and mouths agape, yet not releasing any sound, the Brigade stared at the phone.

Maximilian kept speaking:

-A few days after the "Flame Eaters" showed up to attack the village and were foiled by you, Lucy, that's when it happened. I just had finished watching the news of it, when I received a call from the people I had sent to retrieve the pieces of the Anteater. Not only had that machine completely vanished, down to every single bolt, there was nothing else in the area. Myra was gone, all that was left being strange white embers atop bits of scattered rubble in the area.

Meanwhile, Allie's body, which a few seconds was radiating such energy, began shaking. Her eyes began watering as she slowly took her hands to her mouth.

-White flames?!- Axel shouted, having emerged from under the table.

-Who's speaking?- Maximilian asked.

-Axel Rhodes, your Majesty! I think I know very well of what you speak!- the boy said, before looking at Eldus.

The Sage nodded, a shocked look on his face, before he reached for his robes, taking out the glass bottle with the white flame still burning inside and placing it on the table for everyone to see. A general gasp filled the room.

-Indeed, Maximilian. We have in our possession a flame just like the one you're describing.- Eldus said, his fingers shaking as let go of the bottle and placed his hands on top of the table.

-A white flame, heh? And might I ask...-the King sounded.

"Did you retrieve it from Aireen?"

His words made everyone curl up in place. like a giant weight was placed on their bodies, weighing them down upon hearing the King speak so surely.

Maximilian continued:

-We just received a report that the village of Aireen was also vaporized, leaving only similar white flames behind. Because Aireen is a much more densely populated village and less isolated, like Myra, that information got to us much quicker. And...because it was part of the network of villages of southwestern Karash, we can't afford to hide what happened now. Many people already know and I must address the public to this soon. I felt was best to let you know first, Lucy.

Lucy didn't reply, her stare, while wide-eyed, was vacant. She stood in place, frozen like a statue. An heavy silence filled the room for minutes, although they felt like hours.

But was broken.

By whimpering.

She had tried her best to hold it in, to disguise her sadness, but it had all come back to haunt her. The coy and sassy Allie began crying, clutching her face, a mess of tears and snot, her whole body shaking.

-I'm sorry...I should have told you sooner...-Maximilian lamented- I wished to spare you from the pain, but now it only came back stronger.

Axel smacked the table, glaring at the phone.

-King Maximilian, I know who did it! We saw who did it, while me, Guy Vermilion, Zeke Truesdale and Noah Eon were on a mission for the Angel's Crow in Aireen! And Allie the "Lotus" can back us up as well!- he said, his nails dragging across the wooden table, teeth gritted hard.

"It was Zanten, the 'Inferno'! He showed up in Aireen, from amidst the flames and admitted to doing it! He ran away soon after! Judging by his title, I can only assume that he also did the same to My--"

His words were cut off by a loud crash.

Lucy's body had toppled. On her way down, she had hit her head on the corner of the table and lied motionless on the floor.

Her eyes had no light in them.

Her face was still in shock.

And blood trickled from between her platinum locks.

Axel's accusation stopped there, as everyone hurried to help her.

Outside of the Angel's Crow HQ, rain began pouring down, matching the tears that kept falling from Allie's blood-shot eyes. The gray clouds covered the sun, darkening the inside of the base, like it had suddenly turned nighttime.

But stubbornly, like an omen, or better yet, a persisting memory...

The white flame kept shining, its foreboding light casting shadows on everyone present.

Even as cold and rain kept falling, it kept shining. It almost seemed...holy. Sacred.

Like within carried the souls of the hundreds of people it had reaped.
