Chapter 48: Doll

The next morning:

Noah opened the door to the hospital room where Lucy had been taken to. Although her head injury was somewhat light, she was still asked to stay the night at the hospital. Accompanied by Allie (who was still cuffed and kept herself a pair of steps behind him), the boy entered the room.

The hospital room wasn't too different from the one Noah had spent the last two occasions. Floors, walls and ceilings were all of a pure white, six beds aligned by groups of three on both sides of the room, facing each other. Above each bed was an iron bar that held a curtain that could be drawn to cover the bed. Aside from one in the corner, all beds had their curtains folded up.

-Lucy..?- Noah called. On the farthest bed to the right, beside a window, the mercenary leader sat under the sheets that matched her hair. She looked, absentmindedly, outside of the window, her expression distant, hands on top of each other atop of her lap, as the first rays of sunshine shone on her through the glass.

Upon hearing him call, Lucy looked to the side to face her two visitors. She smiled at both. A weak, tired smile.

-I'm sorry you had to see that, Noah. I'm supposed to make people fall for me, not fall in front of people!- she giggled.

Noah opened his mouth to answer, but no words came out. He couldn't find any that would soothe his benefactor's mood. He didn't know the people of Myra, but he could somewhat share the sentiment, since he had been in Aireen. Even so, all that was coming to his head were nice, empty words. He figured that, if he didn't have anything substantial to say, he might as well not speak at all.

That's when he noticed, rolling between Lucy's slender fingers, a familiar object: the tiny golden ring, with a bright orange stone on the top. The Enchanted Rose ring that Lucy received at Myra.

-You should be receiving a visit from everyone else as the day goes. Noah and I were chosen to be the first.- Allie said, still a ways off to the side from the goggled boy.

-I really don't think you all should bother. I just bonked my head! Nothing I don't do when I'm drunk.- she gave a guilty smile.

-But after what King Maximilian could we not? You cared a lot about Myra village! Hearing that it was completely obliterated like that, along with the village you sent me and the guys could we not check up on you?- Noah asked.

Lucy shook her head.

-I'm fine, really. I had the whole night to reflect and cry on it. I'm feeling a bit better now. I'm more worried about how you and the boys are feeling.- she said.

Noah look down at his feet.

-What do you expect? We're all...devastated. Guy and Zeke haven't gotten out of their rooms and Axel is with the rest of the Brigade at the base, discussing the situation. He's...really mad at what happened.

-For the smart guy, he sure loves to follow his emotions. I judged him wrongly when I brought him into the Brigade, it seems.- Lucy mused.

-But he's also the type to get reckless when angry.- Allie interjected- If you don't say anything to him when he comes to visit, I wouldn't be surprised if he goes off on his own to the Tower, to get revenge.

-Axel wouldn't do that!- Noah protested.

Allie crossed her arms and shook her head.

-You'll find me hard pressed to believe that. He spent the whole trip from Aireen to here pretty revolted...

-He'll be alright.- Lucy smiled gently- He's got Noah and the others to keep him grounded, so he won't run off recklessly.

-That aside...-Allie looked towards Lucy- Are you sure you're alright? Will this put a damper on whatever plan you had against the Order? To be honest, the sooner I get my brother out of Balthazar's grubby mitts, the better.

The platinum hair, looked down to her hands and the ring.

-Not at all. As soon as I get out of here, I'll start rounding up my people. Assign them positions in Soula to protect in our absence, after we leave for the Tower. With you being with us, the worries I had of the Brigade not being strong enough are alleviated quite a bit. It should still take me a few days, though. Some of my employees are still on long missions and I want everyone to be here. After Sobek and Tal's invasion, I don't want to leave my home unprotected.

Allie slowly nodded.

-Your home, huh...

Lucy looked towards Noah.

-Also, don't you and the rest of the kids have exams soon? I don't want all of you to miss them and fail.

Noah placed his index finger on his chin as he thought.

-O-oh, yeah! But Axel told me that after exams we have the Aqua Cycle school break. It should be around a month's worth, so that even the Alliance students can go home for New Year's.- he explained.

-Oh good! We'll celebrate our victory over New Year's wine!- she grinned.

Noah smiled back.

-So don't you worry about us. We'll finish the exams and be right behind you. You just focus on getting better. Not just...on the wound thing, OK?- he asked, a worried look on his face, the pout that had crept up on his lips making Lucy laugh, delighted, and she reached out to ruffle his blonde locks.

-Don't worry kid. I'll get better soon enough. It was...just a big shock, see?

-If it were you a few years ago, you wouldn't have batted an eye.- a foreign voice joined the chat. Noah and Allie looked around, confused, before the curtain around the bed right in front of Lucy's bed opened up.

Behind it was Hanzo, dressed in turquoise hospital scrubs. Without the mask, Noah barely recognized the red-head. In its place, the Diamond now sported a thin, red beard. In his hands, he held a thin book, open right down the halfway point in its story.

Lucy looked towards her former ally, insulted.

-Hanzo, don't be heartless like that. People died!

-I'm not going to say that it wasn't a tragedy, Lucy. I'm not so cold that I'll devalue human lives, especially with me being a War survivor. But I'm just saying...when you were in the Order, tragedies like this happened all the time. And you never fainted upon hearing that yet another village or settlement had been destroyed by either the Alliance, rebels or Pure Whites. Isn't that right...Allie?

With that, he looked towards the Lotus, who jolted in place before slowly nodding.

-U-um...yeah...-she meekly said.

Lucy glared at Hanzo.

-Hanzo, that was then, this is now. You can't tell me how I should fe--

-Again, I'm just saying...the Angel I admired wouldn't have wallowed in self-pity and tears like you are now. She would have taken that sorrow and weaponized it. You were the departed's resolute avenger. But look at you now...hospitalized over something you should be used to. What kind of leader even are you? Is this the example you want to give your guild?

-But it's not like--

-"It's not like that"? You should have known it would be like this. With Balthazar behind the helm of the Order, it was a matter of time. That guy doesn't care if he has to genocide an entire continent, in order to reach his goals and you know that. What, are you surprised that "he" would actually go ahead and do it? What an utter fool you are, Lucy Crow! You've really gotten dumber with the years!

Lucy curled up her lips as she was pelted by the Diamond's harsh words. Noah glared at him and was about to step over to his bed when Allie's hand was placed on his shoulder. Noah looked back at her, to see the woman shaking her head.

-You reap what you sow, Lucy.- Hanzo said, his expression stern- If you want to make things better, then stand up and go make them. Don't be shocked at every little bad thing that comes your way and actually work to prevent them from happening.

-I can't be as inhuman as you, Hanzo.- she finally spat.

-I'm not inhuman, Lucy. I'm just a soldier. You won't win this war against Balthazar if you keep acting like a saint. You have to be realistic.- he answered.

-Then you'd rather me go back to be that war angel? Your precious clay doll?- she gritted her teeth.

-Said doll would already have won this whole thing long ago. Now, if you'll excuse me...- he said, before drawing the curtains around the bed, covering it again.

Lucy clenched her fists, shooting daggers from her eyes at the closed curtain before she sighed, opening her palm and looking at the ring. She then turned her gaze towards the other two.

-Thank you for coming to see me. I'm...I think I need a bit more rest. And you two should have some too.- she said, before drawing her curtains as well.

Noah and Allie were left staring at both covered beds before they left the room.

As they walked, along the halls, the sound of the chains of Allie's cuffs clinking and echoing across the vast white corridors, Noah looked back towards the dancer.

-Miss Allie...what was Lucy like when she was in Order?- he asked.

Allie looked towards him, the boy walking a few steps in front of her. She shook her head, quickening her pace, so that she walked beside Noah now.

-She was a nice girl, don't worry. Yeah, we fought a lot over silly things, but I always considered her a rival of sorts. And I think she did too. She could play the piano really well and she excelled at every physical exercise and drill we had at the Tower. A wealth of talent, really, and she would never let us go without knowing that, every day.

"But she could, most certainly, back her cockiness up. In battle, she was unstoppable, her graceful fighting style defeating waves upon waves of enemies like they were made of paper. And, in the end, she would always give us a kind smile. When we were...scared, sad or even shocked by the gruesome war, she would always throw in a quip, a joke or a haughty laugh. Whether it would be to shut her up or laugh alongside her, our spirits would always be lifted. And so...we persisted, crawling through the blood and mud of the battlefield."

-Then I don't understand why Hanzo is so mad. Lucy is always throwing haughty laughs and dumb jokes!- Noah pointed out.

Allie looked down at her feet.

-I think what he not the presence of her smile...but the persistence of it. Even through the harshest battles, Lucy would always, like a machine, continue to tear up the opposition. Her steps never shook, her determination never faltered. And at the end, even while covered in her enemies' blood...she would always smile at us. What Hanzo meant...the "angel" he seeks, is that non-stopping sword, that work of art that graced the battlefield.

-But...Lucy is plenty strong..!

-Yes, I know. And, in terms of power, she is even stronger than what she was then. But, again, it's the persistence of her strength, not the presence of it. In the Order days, Lucy was perfect yesterday, today, tomorrow, next week, next month, all year long and the coming year as well. She didn't just...break down in tears. The rest of us did. And she helped to dry those tears.

As he heard that, a thought surfaced inside Noah's head.

"But with what happened with her brother..."

-How about now? Does she seem that much more different to you now?- he asked the Pyre-born, who took a second to answer him.

-She's...a lot more boisterous now. Louder, flashier, lazier, greedier...and I never seen her drink a drop of alcohol at the Tower. But I also think...that she's more human. Thankfully.- she answered, a sad smile on her face.

-"More human"? I'm sorry, Allie, I know I'm not the smartest...but I don't understand.

-Don't worry. If I had to put it in simple terms...she seems more grounded, like she understands the world she's in, now. The Angel Hanzo craves was a masterful BladeMaster, yes...but that was only because Lucy herself didn't truly realize her environment. She was a child at the time, after all.

-I still--

-In her mind, it was all a game.- she said, the words making Noah stop in his tracks. But you said she was a good girl!

-And she was. A sweet...innocent girl. To a fault. She was untouched by the horrors of war and that is why she could never truly understand what she was doing. As the blood rained down on all of us, it avoided her. She kept herself so...pristine white.

"But as that blood scarred us children, it also served to mold our humanity into being. We gained empathy. Realism. It opened up our eyes and, through the red, we could see the world as it really was. For better or for worse, we had become adults and because we knew the horrors of war, we could understand our fellow hurting comrades and, alongside them, endure the future tragedies and fight for a better tomorrow. Because we understood what was bad in the world, we could better work to solve it.

But the Angel...never understood it. It was all so easy for her. Follow Attila's orders and go back home. Simple as that. Her weapon swung without the weight of those who she cut holding it back. And that's why the Angel was always so fast and amazing. Because she was an innocent child.

And children can be so utterly terrifying.

And soon, as the rest of us matured, swimming through the blood and gore...we could see her smile for what it truly was.

An innocent, naive...and horrifying smile.

Her eyes...with no light within them."


Soon, Noah and Allie reached the Academy dorms. They didn't climb the stairs, instead going straight to the first floor rooms. Finding the number "7" room, Noah knocked on the door and it soon opened, a familiar face greeting him.

-Howdy, Noah.- Jackson said, before looking at Allie- And this must be Allie, the Lotus. Wow, you're even flashier in person, I must admit.

Allie giggled, looking up at the tall young man.

-Why, thank you for the compliment, Mister Gaiaheart. And also for letting me stay with you on such short notice.

Noah scratched the back of his head, looking at his colleague.

-Yeah, sorry for that, Jackson. We were struggling to find a place for Allie and so, I thought of calling you...

-It's fine, Noah.- Jackson chuckled- I said yes, didn't I? If you're worried about me letting the enemy stay in my room, don't worry. If Terri and Sobek are any indication, Miss Allie here will be in her best behavior.

-Oh, with you, I will certainly be a good girl~- she giggled, eyeing the giant from top to bottom.

-Well, if you're sure.- Noah said, spotting a clock on the wall inside Jackson's room, jumping in place as he realized the time.

-Oh no, it's this late already?! I'm going to be late for Terri's training! I'll see you later, Jackson! And again, thanks a million!- he said, nodding at him and Allie before taking off running.

Allie giggled to herself before stepping inside the bedroom.

-Well, I should get busy too. I heard the Academics' rooms each get a shower. I'll try to not waste your water, but boy am I filthy.- she said, stretching her arms.

Jackson smiled at her as he closed the door.

-Take your time, Miss Lotus. To be honest, it's the first time I have a female roommate. I've heard nothing but bad things about the notion, though, but I'm sure we'll get along fine, no?

-Call me Allie, Jackson. And I have a feeling that it'll be nothing short of a relaxing stay, even if we're of opposite genders. After all, you seem to be just a bundle of kindness. From what Noah told me, you've been helping him master Tera, right? For a noblemen to be taking time from his duties to help the layman...I'm not really used to that, it's a nice change~- she asked with a coy smile, stopping underneath the bathroom door.

Jackson chuckled:

-Nothing of the sort, Miss Allie. It's not about nobility. I just want to help him grow into the best BladeMaster he can be. I think it's part of my duty, as more of an upperclassman than that of my noble blood. But I would be lying if I said that I'm trying to change the stereotype that many nobles here in the Academy have towards those of lower stations. Don't you feel the same? You've been fighting and liberating the barbarian territory for ten long years, after all, trying to free it from a system of oppression over where you're born...

Allie chuckled.

-You read me like a bo--wait.- her laughter suddenly stopped, before she stepped towards Jackson, a confused expression on her face- Ten long years, you say?

Jackson titled his head, confused.

-Um, yes? Noah told me the general gist of it. Lucy and the other Elites started fighting in the War, alongside Attila, when they were 14, ten years ago. Quite young to be put in such danger, if I'm being honest. I was barely holding my Blade right when I was that age.

-Noah told you that?- she asked, again.

-Yeah..? That's what Lucy told him, at least.

Allie looked at him, eyes wide.

-Did she...get it confused..?- she muttered to herself- Or did can't be. But why..?

-Miss Allie?- Jackson called.

-Noah got it wrong, Jackson. I don't know what Lucy told him, but it's a blatant lie. Yes, we were around 14 when the War began its climax phase, the Alliance and rebel factions beginning to deploy their strongest weapons, but that phase began as a response.

-To what?

-The Order's power. As Karash began regaining its territory and beating the enemy armies, those factions began getting more desperate. That's when the War reached a fever pitch. Innocent villages were attacked indiscriminately. Biochemical weapons, like viruses, were deployed. And the Pure Lights base was destroyed in a massive explosion that nearly wiped a whole archipelago off the map.

Jackson stepped towards her.

-But that doesn't make sense, chronologically. Why would the enemy factions start to get desperate when you and the other Elites had just been deployed? I've heard of Atilla's prowess, but he's still one man. Not enough to tilt a century-old conflict like that.

Allie stared at him, her expression turning cold.

-We hadn't "just" been deployed. We had already been fighting for a long time. Discounting my brother, Gibson, who was twelve at the time...

" the age of ten, Atilla had deployed all remaining Elites to the battlefield, to fight alongside him."